Prose Poetry Project


NAME:_________________________________________________________________ DATE:_______________________________________


Throughout the course of the Inside Out and Back Again unit, you will be creating your own prose poetry book. At the end of the unit, we will have a prose poetry slam where we share one or more of our poems with the class.

When you write your poems, be sure to imitate Thanhha Lai’s style of poetry. Remember to use as much figurative language as possible to make your poems into images, and to keep your phrases and lines SHORT and SIMPLE. Eliminate words you do not need!

At the end of the unit, we will edit and copy our prose poems into a book for a project grade!


 12-15 poems that are 15 lines or more

 Poems are titled

 Poems connect to each other to create a bigger story

 Poem EACH has figurative language to create imagery

 Prose poems follow concise, short style of Thanhha Lai

 Project is clean, neat, and free from error

45 pts

10 pts

10 pts

15 pts

10 pts

10 pts

NAME:_________________________________________________________________ DATE:_______________________________________


Throughout the course of the Inside Out and Back Again unit, you will be creating your own prose poetry book. At the end of the unit, we will have a prose poetry slam where we share one or more of our poems with the class.

When you write your poems, be sure to imitate Thanhha Lai’s style of poetry. Remember to use as much figurative language as possible to make your poems into images, and to keep your phrases and lines SHORT and SIMPLE. Eliminate words you do not need!

At the end of the unit, we will edit and copy our prose poems into a book for a project grade!


 12-15 poems that are 15 lines or more

Poems are titled

Poems connect to each other to create a bigger story

Poem EACH has figurative language to create imagery

Prose poems follow concise, short style of Thanhha Lai

Project is clean, neat, and free from error

45 pts

10 pts

10 pts

15 pts

10 pts

10 pts

Poem Check List

Below is a list of poems that you must complete to create your Prose Poem Project.

Check each off the list as you finish!

 Name Prose Poem

 Home Prose Poem

 Problem Prose Poem

 Emotion Prose Poem

 Family Prose Poem

 School Prose Poem

 Friend Prose Poem

 Loss Prose Prom

 Gift Prose Poem

 Surprise Prose Poem

 2 or more Choice Prose Poems


 Do all of my poems accurately reflect me?

 Do all of my poems connect to make a bigger story?

 Did I complete 12 or more 15 lined poems?

 Did I include figurative language in each poem to create an image?

 Did I title all of my poems?

 Are my poems free from error?

Poem Check List

Below is a list of poems) that you must complete to create your Prose Poem Project.

Check each off the list as you finish!

 Name Prose Poem

 Home Prose Poem

 Problem Prose Poem

 Emotion Prose Poem

 Family Prose Poem

 School Prose Poem

 Friend Prose Poem

 Loss Prose Prom

 Gift Prose Poem

 Surprise Prose Poem

 2 or more Choice Prose Poems


 Do all of my poems accurately reflect me?

 Do all of my poems connect to make a bigger story?

 Did I complete 12 or more 15 lined poems?

 Did I include figurative language in each poem to create an image?

 Did I title all of my poems?

 Are my poems free from error?
