School news ISSUE 7: 2014/2015 Full Governing Body Meeting Tuesday 21st October Parent project day Thursday 23rd October Break up for half term Friday 24th October INSET day Monday 3rd November Parents evening Tuesday 4th November Bonfire/Divali celebration Thursday 6th November Most classes are doing really well but there are still a few where children are letting the class down. The classes highlighted in red are currently below target: GREAT NEWS! We are nearly full for our Nursery in January! Please make sure if you want your child to attend you see someone in the office to put your child’s name down. Time is running out!! RHB-97% RCB-96% RDD-95% 1TG-83.21% 1AB-94% 2DS-91% 2JB-96% 2SI-95% 3AM-96% 3LH-94% 4PC-100% 4MK-97% 5AH-96% 5MS-98% 6ND-97% 6KH-98% Our new policy states that pupils should be here by 8.50am- after that they will be recorded as late and may have to stay behind after school. Just to inform parents that after half term Mr Shires will be teaching in year 6 and Miss Harrison will be teaching in Year 5. The decision has been made to change the teachers for these year groups to ensure a balance of skillsand knowledge across both year groups. It will also ensure that pupils have access to both male and female teachers during Upper Key Stage 2. Also, Miss Beavers will be leaving us after October half term, we wish her all the best for the future. Miss Patel will be taking over her class. I want to reassure parents that there will be no disruption to your child’s learning. PARENT PROJECT DAY Parents are invited to come along at 1.30pmon Thursday 23rd October to work alongside their children in class on our Divali Day. We think this is a great opportunity for parents to see what learning is like and also to give children the chance to work with their parents on a project. BONFIRE/DIVALI CELEBRATION We are having a firework display at 4pm on Thursday 6th November to celebrate our Divali Dayand Bonfire Night. Classes will be displaying their guys for the Best Guy competition and items from the parent project day. We will also have hotdogs and parkin for everyone to eat so no need to worry about what to give the kids for tea!. Boothroyd Primary Academy Temple Road Dewsbury WF13 3QE 01924 450289 www.boothroydprimaryacade