Serving as an External Site Visitor Frequently Asked Questions As part of the accountability process, the Department visits charter schools at different points throughout the charter term to gather evidence regarding the schools faithfulness to its charter, academic program success, and organizational viability. The visits range in duration and depth depending upon a school’s age and student achievement outcomes. _________________________________________________________________ Frequently Asked Questions Q. Why does the Department ask external visitors to participate in site visits? A. We invite external site visitors on our visits in order to draw upon important perspectives outside of our internal team. We believe that these external visitors help us to hold high standards of objectivity and consistency in our accountability processes. Q. What type of skills or expertise do you look for in volunteers? A. We look for individuals who have experience in the following areas: instruction, curriculum, school leadership, and/or school governance. We ask about your background and skills in our interest survey, and do our best to match you to a visit where your experiences would be a good fit. Q. How will the Department schedule me for a visit? Do I get to pick what school I go to? A. The first step is to express your interest by filling out the online survey. While you do not get to pick what school you go to, you can indicate geographical preference within Massachusetts and also indicate the grades with which you are the most comfortable. If your preferences and abilities are a good match, someone from the Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign will reach out to you with a proposed visit day or days and see what works for your schedule. Q. Why should I volunteer to go on a site visit? A. Past volunteers report that participating in a site visit is a valuable professional development and networking experience. But don’t take our word for it, see what some of them had to say: "Participating as a volunteer site visitor for the OCSSR is a real learning experience on multiple levels. Not only do I value the opportunity to step outside of my own school and observe other schools in action, but it helps to refresh and deepen my own understanding of the site visit process in a way that benefits me as a school leader." “Working as part of a site visit team was a valuable experience for me as a school leader. I gained a deeper understanding of the accountability process and felt more confident and prepared for our school's site visit.” “I think it's great to see other schools and develop and appreciation for the charter schools across the state. It's also great to collaborate with others on the site visit team.” Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign Serving as an External Site Visitor: Frequently Asked Questions 1 Q. What kind of a time commitment is it? A. Before the visit: You will be sent a virtual binder of materials about the school you will be visiting. This information includes past site visit reports, annual reports, and assessment data. External site visitors should set aside about 2 hours to read these materials and familiarize themselves with the school setting. You will also participate in a 30 minute call/training with the site visit leader the week before the visit to discuss logistics and the classroom observation protocol. During the visit: The visit typically lasts from 7:30 am - 4:30 pm, not counting travel time. After the visit: 4-5 weeks after the visit, the Department will email you a draft of the site visit report, and ask you to spend approximately 30 minutes reviewing the draft and offering feedback. Q. What kinds of things will I do on a site visit? What does a typical day look like for a volunteer? A. You will arrive onsite at 7:30 am and meet with the team from the Department. You will discuss the day’s schedule and overview. The team will then have a morning meeting with administrators who will orient you to the school and outline the expectations for instruction. You will then spend a portion of the day observing classrooms and a portion of the day taking notes in focus groups. In the afternoon, you will collaborate with the site visit team to discuss the evidence collected during the visit and come to conclusions about ratings and/or findings. Q. Am I reimbursed for expenses? A. Unfortunately, the Department does not reimburse volunteers for gas or mileage, nor is food provided for site visitors. However, often volunteers seek and receive reimbursement from their place of employment because the visit is considered a professional development expense. Q. Can I bring a colleague with me to the visit? A. No, guests are not allowed on site visits. But if you have a colleague who is interested in serving as a site visitor, feel free to provide them with the survey link and encourage them to apply. Q. What should I do if I am scheduled for a site visit and realize I can no longer attend? A. Please notify the Charter School Office as soon as possible so we can find a replacement. It is difficult to conduct the site visit without a fully-staffed team, so last-minute cancellations can compromise the quality of the visit. If you must cancel, please try to notify us 3-4 weeks in advance. Please avoid cancelling within 48 hours of the visit unless it is a true emergency. Q. What if I can’t stay the whole day? A. Unfortunately, it is critical for all site visitors to spend the entire day at the visit. If you need to leave early or arrive late, you should not participate in that particular site visit and try to find an alternate day in which you can fully participate. Q. Will I have the opportunity to share my thoughts with the school leaders at the school I visit? A. The purpose of accountability visits is not to offer specific suggestions, but you can feel free to offer your opinions and thoughts to school leaders after the visit outside your capacity as a site visitor if school leadership is receptive to your comments. We encourage you to exchange contact information with school leaders at the visit to build your network and continue the conversation if you wish. ____________________________________________ Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign Serving as an External Site Visitor: Frequently Asked Questions 2