Soil and Water Guided Notes

Environmental Science
Essential Standard 5.00: Understand the environmental science industry (water, soils,
wildlife and forestry).
Major career areas of Environmental Science
o Water resources
o Soil resources
Career Examples
o Soil
o Soil
appropriate use.
o Soil technician –
– assists landowners in implementing
– classify soil according to the most
(4 yr)
Water Resources
o Potable Water
 Drinkable-free from harmful chemicals and organisms
 Most of the Earth’s water is
 it dissolves or otherwise changes most other materials
o Water Cycle
 cycling of water between
– moisture from rain or snow
– changing from a liquid to a gas
o Watershed
 large area in which water is absorbed from rain or melting snow and
from which water drains
 absorbs excess water and releasing it slowly throughout the year
o Water Table
Types of Groundwater
 water that
can absorb
o Free (
 Water that drains out of a soil after it has been wetted
 water that is held too tightly for plant roots to absorb
Conserving Water and Improving Water Quality
o Ask the right questions
 How can we reduce water pollution?
 How can soil erosion be reduced?
What is the most productive use of water and soil without polluting or losing these
essential resources?
o Good practices:
 Save clean water
 Dispose of household products carefully and appropriately.
Care for lawns, gardens and farmland carefully
Soil Profile
o A Horizon Surface layer of soil approximately
 Typically darker color
 Greatest influence on crops
o B Horizon –
 Subsurface layer
 Increase in clay content
 Greatest influence on
systems, etc.)
o C Horizon –
 Releases water to the upper soil layers
 Contains larger soil particles
(building sites, septic
Soil Texture
o Refers to the size of soil particles
 Sand
 Problems holding enough water for good plant growth
 Individual particles can be seen with the
 Drain well
 Intermediate size soil particle
 Can’t be seen with naked eye
 Clay
 smallest soil particle
may be airtight, infertile for root growth, and associated with
wet soils
Soil Structure
o Refers to the tendency of soil particles to cluster together
 sandy soils
 particles cling together to form rounded aggregates
 very desirable for all soil uses
 particles cling together in angular aggregates
 typical of soils with high
Soil Classification
o Land capability maps are based on the
o Land Capability classes are designated by Roman Numerals I – VIII.
 best land for the
fewest limitations and can be planted year after year
very steeply sloping
best used for
land is best suited for
Soil Conservation
o Two types of erosion
– removal of layers of soil from the land.
– removal of soil that leaves
 Crops are planted directly into the residue of a previous crop
 disturbs the soil surface by plowing
 intermediate tillage system conventional and no-till
Examples of tools used in Environmental Science
o Soil
 Boring into soil to get samples
 measures turbidity of water