UAT Testing Approaches

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
UAT is the last validation step carried out by Functional Partners in the UAT environment that the
functionality/process meets the established, mutually agreed upon requirements. The purpose of UAT is to
validate the DARCY software functionality against the Functional Partner’s business process requirements.
UAT will be used to:
Test the system’s end-to-end business capability,
Test training materials provided,
Capture issues related to the usability of the application,
Gather formal acceptance of the system and
Allow end-users (aka testers) hands-on training before the go-live date
Roles During UAT
DARCY Change Management
Notifies Functional Partner of UAT testing dates and provides training guide and testing info
Frequently communicates with Functional Partner (FP Tester)
Coordinates with QA regarding any issues/concerns/defects and when necessary, escalates Impact
Analysis to Program Committee for decision on when to address item
Provides UAT status to Project Manger
Communicates production date
Functional Partner (FP Tester)
Represents their area/school and may also represent other area/schools
o Serves as point person to communicate with DARCY Change Management
o Manages/coordinates with their own subtesters
 Determine who should be testing
 Alert DARCY Change Management if access is needed
 Likely determines what their colleagues should help review (be clear to
those not involved with design of functionality/process)
 May choose to gain input during a staff meeting or another avenue for
grabbing input from several individuals at one sitting
 May also represent (or enlist help from) other area/schools
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UAT Approach
Involve others via in-person show/tell or calling and emailing to ask for
input on a given item/section that’s relevant to their area/school
o Compiles feedback from any testers he/she chose to involve
 Where possible, he/she looks into questions/comments from others as “triage”
before supplying to DARCY team (to confirm issue and/or possibly to add context)
Immediately informs DARCY Change Management of any issues/concerns/defects, provides screen
shots when possible; provides IDs of constituents, where applicable
Provides estimated time needed to test in UAT
Approves item for release to production
DARCY Quality Assurance (QA)/Technical Team
Interacts internally with technical team, business analysts and DARCY Change Management
Research and resolve defects
Initial and thorough testing round(s) prior to releasing new/fixed items in UAT
Coordinates with DARCY Change Management
Program Committee
Review UAT item to decide when (during or after UAT) and how to address
UAT Item Status Definitions
*Items may need to be reviewed by the Program Committee and/or addressed after UAT
Defect – mutually agreed upon requirement not present or not working as expected or a missed
o Example: Anything related to data accuracy
Enhancement – enhancement/change/request that doesn’t affect go-live (may be resolved after
items in DARCY live)
o Example: Additional feature/function that helps usability; aesthetics
Clarification - issue/concern that’s not a defect/enhancement, just needs clarification/further
o Example: Clarifying BRD requirement
Guide change- changes to training guide or additional recommendations/feedback for general
DARCY users
o Example: Clarify instructions; add clearer instructions
 Provide this feedback via hard-copy or using track-changes on the Word file
UAT Testing Readiness
The functionality/process will be ready in UAT once:
UAT test environment is established and testers have the necessary access
All code has been migrated to the specified UAT test environments
All development is complete and tested by QA
Training materials drafted
UAT test schedule created
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UAT Approach
UAT Testing Approaches
During UAT, communication of UAT details:
Names of FP testers
UAT start date and expected end date; initial anticipated release to production date
Training materials
Explanation of what and how to test
What testing approach(es) will be used, dates and location of sessions
UAT location (URL) with date last refreshed
Method (who/what/how to relay feedback) and date of check-in(s)
Copy of BRD/BSD, if applicable
One, several, or all of the approaches may be used:
 One or more informational UAT Solution Review presentation(s) scheduled for various FP
Testers to attend in person
 Several hands-on UAT sessions scheduled for various FP Testers to attend in person as a group
 Immediately communicates any issues/concerns/defects, providing examples when applicable
 Provides feedback and % complete during check-ins
 FP Tester tests in UAT environment individually at own pace, within UAT timeframe
 Immediately communicates any issues/concerns/defects, providing examples when applicable
 Provides feedback and % complete during check-ins
Releasing into Production
The functionality/process will move into production once:
All issues/concerns/defects are documented and addressed:
o Critical defects corrected and retested
o Future enhancement/requests entered in ServiceNow by DARCY Change Management
Approval to move into production environment by Functional Partner(s)
Project Manager confirms go-live date to move to production (the “live” environment accessed by
users everyday)
Last Modified: 2/9/2016
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