AB16/02/21.4 AB - 021215 BOARD OF STUDIES FOR MEDIA Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17 November 2015 at 1600 in the Boardroom 16.01 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES NAME TITLE Rosemary Stott Jeremy Barr Jeremy Gardiner James Ward Associate Dean, Content (Chair) Associate Dean, Production Postgraduate Course Director Associate Dean, FE and Community Engagement Director of Technology Course Leader BTC Course Leader DTV Senior Lecturer, DTV Head of Quality Assoc Senior Lecturer, EPP Assoc Senior Lecturer, Animation Assoc Course Leader, Preparation for Industry Course Leader, DP Course Leader, Music for Media Course Leader Contextual Studies UAL Link Liaison Tutor, Production UAL Link Liaison Tutor, Postgraduate UAL Link Liaison Tutor, Content RSU Vice President, Production Will Pearson Martyn Gates Stephen Sadler Annie Davis Jill Leigh James Gregory Mike Smith Kirsty Powell John Gulliver Jenna Donnelly Liz McQuiston David Hoyle Paul Bevan Chris Petter Stefan Ferrol-Henry Jack Williams Rowha Mohid Alex Bagao Paul Jeffery RSU Vice President, Content RSU Vice President, FE RSU Vice President, Postgraduate Quality Officer (Secretary) Meeting 17.11.15 A A Meeting 23.02.16 Meeting 17.05.16 A A A1 A A = apologies for absence In attendance: Amile Ali Greg Loftin 1 Abigail Summerfield RSU Vice President, Fashion Assoc Course Leader, EPP Assoc Senior Lecturer, E&E 16.02 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Approved: Quality Team The minutes of the meetings held on 11 and 27 May 2015 (MBS16/01/02a-b) were approved by the Board, subject to an amendment to the Content Board minutes (15.25) to confirm that Association of Photography (AOP) accreditation of BA (Hons) Digital Photography is current. 1 Unconfirmed AB16/02/21.4 AB - 021215 16.03 MATTERS ARISING 16.03.01 Student Liaison Committees (item 15.25 11 May 2015) Noted: Updates on plans for: i) Blacking-out the Re-touching Suite (DP) The Digital Photography Course Leader reminded members that this measure was a condition of AOP accreditation. It would provide an area of controlled lighting for students to use calibrated monitors. A meeting in September with the Director of Learning Resources and Operations considered a number of possible solutions and the process was continuing. ii) Relaunch of the Open Media Area (SD) The Director of Technology reported that the issues with 304 have been resolved with significant gains in leading edge facilities. There was a new Pro Tools S6 control surface with a bespoke-built desk as a new monitoring solution. The Open Media refit is due for completion by 1 December, when further 4K monitors for the craft stations, together with some furniture, have been received. The increased number of workstations in the central area will then be complete. The main infrastructure work is already done, with breakout panels and new computing in place. Staff have also received training on using the Avid Interplay system. 16.04 MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF REFERENCE Noted: Membership and Terms of Reference of the Media Board of Studies (MBS16/01/03). The Head of Quality described the thinking which informed the recent review of Academic Board sub-committees, and which resulted in the reconstitution of the Boards of Studies. Essentially, the Boards were intended to act as the guardians of academic standards and the quality of the student experience, and would cover all provision in Content and Production including FE and postgraduate. The membership was comprised so as to provide breadth of representation across the schools and courses, and the role of members was to ensure that representation was effective. 16.05 COURSE UPDATES Received: Annual Course Monitoring Reports 2014-15 External Examiner Action Plans Minutes from Term 1 SLC meetings The Head of Quality explained that as a consequence of the different academic year for postgraduate courses, reports would be considered at the next meeting. Reflecting on the Content reports (MBS16/01/04a-e) as a whole, the Chair and other board members reflected on key indications of quality and enhancement. The levels Quality Team 2 Unconfirmed AB16/02/21.4 AB - 021215 of engagement of both staff and students in aiming for high standards of work were much in evidence. The accessibility of staff to students, active industry links incorporating guest speaker events and a range of other activities enriched the student experience significantly. The recent major changes to validated programmes were also proving highly successful in responsiveness and relevance to industry. Students confirmed the success and popularity of the changes, particularly in relation to the increased relative weighting of the creative components of courses. While there were some recurring issues affecting student experience negatively, members felt that things were generally moving in a positive direction. The project in progress on adapting and developing the teaching day could be expected to lead to better use of existing resources without a major extension to teaching hours. It was also pointed out that improvements in specialist equipment provision often had consequent effects that required further adaptations, therefore tensions between the provision of specialist and general facilities must be managed effectively. The view was expressed that the speed of the process of change in areas such as timetabling should be increased. Many students were employed, and the late issue of timetables often entailed significant difficulty and disadvantage. It was noted that the SLC meeting for DP had heard some concerns about evening lectures for third year students. The Course Leader explained that this instance was a contingency measure which it was hoped to avoid in future. It was also reported that postgraduate students had only received vague responses to questions about the schedule for changes in progress in the postgraduate area, and were particularly concerned about being deprived of the use of lockers. In general, however, it was felt that the documents showed enhanced success and experience across media programmes, prompting the suggestion that better coordination of marketing and publicity on student achievement was needed. Agreed: Facilities staff should provide students with a schedule for progress and completion of the works in the postgraduate area. Welcoming the innovation of the joint Board of Studies for Media, the AD Production summarised the series of positive developments highlighted in the production course documents (MBS16/01/05a-d). A gradual increase in the number of applicants, together with their sustained quality was confirmed by achievement levels. The enhancement derived from the move to a standard 30 credit unit was also much in evidence. The small decline in the number of firsts achieved was seen to be balanced by the increase in upper seconds, which was said to compare favourably with the sector in general. Outreach and external engagement through student filming was reaping benefits, and it was encouraging to see that innovative thinking had led to the development of the Open Media Area, signalling the value of new approaches to responding to facilities issues which looked beyond a simple demand for more space and equipment. Quality Team 3 Unconfirmed AB16/02/21.4 AB - 021215 The Broadcast Technology Course Leader described how a specific complaint about a lack of provision of specific product training raised in an SLC meeting was shown, on further investigation, to relate to a direct commitment in the prospectus. He said that arrangements had since been made which had successfully addressed the students’ expectations but added that the matter showed the importance of coordination, checking and accuracy in publications as part of managing delivery and student expectations. Members reflected on the increasing importance of care and attention to such matters, particularly in the context of plans for the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). The latter would have a detailed focus on the information that institutions provide for students, based on standards informed by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The developments also entailed more rigorous legal accountability by HEIs. In relation to an issue about registers in EPP, the Head of Quality reported that a working group had been established to develop a long-term solution using ID swipe cards. The AD Production drew attention to the gradual increase in BTC applications and student numbers, and reminded members that BTC was a cluster of four courses which represented the aim of the school that production courses should coalesce in ways that reflected work in the industry. BTC and EPP are where the overlap occurs and coherence is achieved in collaborative projects. The importance of such work was reflected in the discussions of the Broadcast Advisory Board. Members discussed issues related to collaboration within the levels of undergraduate programmes as well as externally, which was associated with various challenges but also with significant rewards for student experience. Students present agreed there was scope for better FE-undergraduate collaboration. Contextual Studies (MBS16/01/06) Student members spoke in support of Contextual Studies and the positive comments on the efforts of the team by the Music for Media Course Leader. Criticism from students early in their courses often proved premature, as the returns from Contextual Studies learning became evident in the experience of dissertation. Some issues in delivery were evident, especially in relating the work to subject specialisms, and these issues were reflected in some poor attendance. The Contextual Studies Leader stressed, however, the extent of the work devoted to relating the learning to core subjects, adding that there was value in a degree of separation, since the essence of Contextual Studies was to learn to think differently and more broadly about your subject. She also acknowledged that this was a leap of faith for first year students whose prior learning was largely practice-based. She described the measures used to relate effectively to subject teams and evaluate delivery annually, based on consultation with students. Quality Team 4 Unconfirmed AB16/02/21.4 AB - 021215 Further Education Term 1 SLC Minutes (DBS16/01/07) Members noted the proceedings with interest, noting that FE students had expressed satisfaction with the Foundation courses. The RSU VP for FE spoke of the difficulty of achieving good attendance at the SLC. Agreed: The Head of Quality would discuss a proposal for incentivising SLC attendance with the VP for FE. 16.06 EXTERNAL EXAMINER NOMINATIONS/APPOINTMENTS Received: 2016-17 summary of tenures and appointments MBS16/01/08- 08a The Board approved the nominations for new appointments, noting that BA Sound Design and BA Music for Media would now each have an external examiner, a change that coincided with a replacement necessitated by a conflict of interest arising from the appointment of the new Course Leader for Sound Design.. 16.07 TERMINATION OF PROGRAMMES Noted: The proposed formal termination of FdA Editing and Post Production and BA (Hons) Screenwriting as validated programmes. The Head of Quality explained the procedure for termination, noting that there were no Screenwriting students, and that the FdA in EPP had finished in 2014-15 with a single resit being allowed as a special dispensation. As the screenwriting programme had not undergone the major changes in the rest of the undergraduate curriculum, it was being formally terminated in advance of the 2015-16 revalidation. This did not, however, preclude future development of a 30 credit-based screenwriting degree which (it was agreed) would be a very logical development for Ravensbourne that would respond to a known demand from students. 16.08 MINOR MODIFICATION Approved: Modification to Creative Collaboration unit for Broadcast Technology The Course leader explained the background to the modification, which merged two previous 15 credit units and responded to a very positive experience for second year students on a project with external partners. The basic purpose was to provide for the delivery of learning for the specified outcomes through assessed and credited work on construction for the degree show. 16.09 ANY OTHER BUSINESS None received. 16.10 DATE OF NEXT MEETING To be confirmed (week beginning Monday 22 February 2016). Quality Team 5 Unconfirmed