Week of August 8, 2012 Selected Funding Opportunities: Purdue

Week of August 8, 2012
Selected Funding Opportunities:
Purdue Research Equipment Grant Programs These funds are intended to augment external
funding sources to fill existing gaps in research needs.
Laboratory Research Equipment Program LOI Deadline: September 5; Application
Deadline: September 18
Non-Laboratory Research Infrastructure and Equipment Program
 Tier 1 Proposals due to college Associate Dean for Research: September 12
 Ranked Tier 1 Proposals due to OVPR: September 26
 Tier 2 Proposals due to OVPR: September 26
Purdue Incentive Grant Programs This program is intended to start new efforts that will be
supported longer term by other sources. The primary focus of this program is support for
collaborative teams to address new/emerging interdisciplinary challenges (Category I
proposals). Single disciplinary or single investigator efforts (Category II proposals) will also be
supported but require AY time commitment from the sponsoring academic unit(s). LOI
Deadline: September 6; Application Deadline: October 2
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology
are awarded to recent recipients of the doctoral degree for research and training in selected
areas supported by BIO and with special goals for human resource development in biology. For
FY 2013, these BIO programs are (1) Broadening Participation in Biology; (2) Intersections of
Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering; (3) National Plant Genome
Initiative Postdoctoral Research Fellowships; and (4) International Postdoctoral Research
Fellowships in Biology. Deadline: October 30
2013 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Program (DP1) This initiative complements NIH's
traditional, investigator-initiated grant programs by supporting individual scientists
of exceptional creativity who propose pioneering and possibly transforming
approaches to addressing major biomedical or behavioral challenges that have the
potential to produce an unusually high impact on a broad area of biomedical or
behavioral research. Deadline: October 9
2013 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program (DP2) This initiative supports
early stage investigators of exceptional creativity who propose bold and highly
innovative new research approaches that have the potential to produce a major
impact on broad, important problems in biomedical and behavioral research. The
NIH Director’s New Innovator Award initiative is a component of the High Risk - High
Reward Research Program. Deadline: October 17
NIH Estimating the Economic Costs of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are widely believed to impose
great economic costs on society, but the magnitude of those costs is unclear. These
FOAs encourage research on the economic costs of Alzheimer’s disease and related
dementias, including direct and indirect costs to public and private health care
payers, families and other informal caregivers, as well as labor market costs from
reduced productivity or labor force participation.
 R03 Deadline: October 16
 R21 Deadline: October 16
 R01 Deadline: October 5
NIH Systems Developmental Biology for Understanding Embryonic Development and
the Ontogeny of Structural Birth Defects (R01) The purpose of this FOA is to promote
systems developmental biology. In the context of this FOA, systems developmental
biology is defined as research focused on understanding how biological components
work together to produce the complex biological phenomena encompassing
embryonic development. Deadline: October 4
NIH Reference Profiles of Human Extracellular RNA (U01) This FOA proposes to
develop reference profiles for non-coding regulatory extracellular RNAs from healthy
human blood and other body fluid samples such as saliva, urine, breast milk, semen,
amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, ascites and pleural effusions. Studies using
existing human biospecimen collections are strongly encouraged. This FOA is only for
studies related to human samples; animal or other non-human disease model
studies are not responsive to this FOA. Deadline: November 13
NIH Extracellular RNA Biogenesis, Biodistribution, Uptake, and Effector Function
(U19) The NIH invites applications for projects to determine the principles that
guide the selection of regulatory RNA molecules for extracellular transport and to
determine the function of these extracellular RNAs (exRNAs). The main scientific
areas of interest include (1) exRNA biogenesis, (2) exRNA biodistribution, (3) uptake
of exRNA by target cells, and (4) the physiological impact of delivered exRNA in
target cells and tissues. Deadline: November 13
ONR Expeditionary Warfare C4 Technologies The Office of Naval Research is interested in
receiving proposals for innovative Command, Control, Computers and Communication
technologies that will enhance the warfighting capabilities of Naval Expeditionary forces. These
technology areas include: Basic Research: Mathematical Trust Models; Applied Research: HF
Antennas; Advanced Technology Development: Broadband Amplifiers and Adaptable
Antennas. White paper deadline: September 13; Full proposal deadline: November 15
Dept. of Education Center to Support the Development of Effective Educators to Serve Students
with Disabilities This program will help address State-identified needs for highly qualified
personnel in special education, related services, early intervention, and regular education to
work with children, including infants and toddlers, with disabilities; and ensure that those
personnel have the necessary skills and knowledge, derived from practices that have been
determined through scientifically based research and experience, to be successful in serving
those children. Deadline: September 4
NOAA-NWS Collaborative Science, Technology, and Applied Research (CSTAR) Program The
CSTAR Program represents an NOAA/NWS effort to create a cost-effective transition from basic
and applied research to operations and services through collaborative research between
operational forecasters and academic institutions which have expertise in the environmental
sciences. Deadline: October 31
DOE-LBNL Ultra-low Energy Use Appliance Design: Max Tech and Beyond Appliance Design
Competition (See attached). The Max Tech and Beyond Design Competition will support
prototype development and testing by faculty-led student design teams at U.S. universities. The
selected University Teams shall effectively demonstrate that their prototype significantly
reduces appliance energy consumption over the most efficient appliances currently on the
market and/or demonstrates large cost reductions for best-on market appliances. Deadline:
August 31
DOE-NREL Sabbaticals and Faculty Appointments Sabbatical and faculty appointments are
designed for senior scientists or engineers who have established records of research
productivity and accomplishments in NREL's research and deployment disciplines, and who are
on leave from an academic, business, or governmental institution. Applications accepted year
National Gallery of Art Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts Fellowships are intended
to support research in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts (painting, sculpture,
architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, prints and drawings, film, photography,
decorative arts, industrial design, and other arts) of any geographical area and of any period.
 Senior Fellowship Program Fellowship for full academic year. Deadline: October
 Visiting Senior Fellowship Program Short-term fellowship (up to 60
days). Deadline: September 21
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 2013 Fellowship Program The program
provides “mid-career” fellowships for advanced professionals in all fields - including the natural
sciences, social sciences, humanities, and creative arts — except the performing arts. Deadline:
September 19
Limited Submissions:
If interested in a Limited Submission Proposal please contact Kristin Sarver at
Limited Submission: Burroughs Wellcome Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious
Disease This program provides opportunities for assistant professors to pursue research that
significantly advances the biochemical, pharmacological, immunological, and molecular
biological understanding of how microbes and the human body interact. The goal of the
program is to provide opportunities for accomplished investigators still early in their careers to
study the pathogenesis of infectious disease at the points where human and microbial systems
connect. For this competition, Purdue may nominate two candidates, as well as an additional
candidate who holds the D.V.M, and another additional candidate working in pathogenic
helminths, mycology, or reproductive science.
Internal deadlines are as follows:
Monday, August 20: Letters of Intent due to the OVPR.
Monday, September 17: Preproposals due to the OVPR.
Monday, September 24: Preproposal rankings due to the OVPR.
Sponsor deadline: Thursday, November 1.
Limited Submission: Data Management and Resource Repository (DMRR) on Extracellular RNA
(U54) The purpose of this FOA is to identify and support a Data Management
Resource/Repository (DMRR) for the ExRNA Communication Program (ERCP). The overall
programmatic goal of the DMRR is to integrate the efforts of all of the funded components of
the ERCP and serve as a community-wide resource for ExRNA standards, protocols, and data
through the development of an ExRNA Atlas. The anticipated functions of the DMRR require
an administrative core as well as three distinct stand-alone components in the areas of
Scientific Outreach, Data Coordination, and Data Integration and Analysis. For this program,
Purdue is limited to one application.
Internal deadline: Contact OVPRlimited@purdue.edu by Monday August 27
Sponsor deadlines: LOI due October 12; Application due November 13
Upcoming Workshop: Overview of Services: OVPR and SPS This workshop (co-hosted by the
Office of the Vice President for Research and Sponsored Program Services) will provide an
excellent opportunity for new faculty to gain valuable insight and learn about the resources
available to assist with proposal development, submission, and awards. Topics to be covered
include: resources for identifying funding opportunities; resources available and assistance with
proposal preparation; budget preparation and cost share concerns; proposal submission; postaward services: departmental, college, SPS, and OVPR; and complying with research integrity
requirements. The workshop will be held on August 21st from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM in Stewart
Center, Room 322, with lunch provided. Click
https://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_81zMc3KIoyv5dCl to register. The deadline for
registration is Friday, August 17. For more information, contact Sue Grimes in the Office of the
Vice President for Research at sgrimes@purdue.edu or Mary Ryker at mlryker@purdue.edu.
Discovery Park Faculty Research Fellows and Scholars Initiative A major goal of the program is
to establish collaborative networks between Discovery Park and the academic units to create
new opportunities to enable faculty to significantly advance Purdue research and technology
through innovative ideas and novel approaches. Nominations are due September 5.
NIH Early Independence Award News This NIH program allows exceptional junior scientists to
bypass a postdoc position and go straight to an independent academic position. NIH has
developed a matching portal to help prospective candidates find a host research institute, as
well as research institutions seeking to host new investigators. The portal allows institutions to
broadly announce their interest in hosting investigators.
Clarification: Time Limit on NIH Resubmission Applications