Supplementary material Table S1. Description of Chemical Transport Models (CTM) used as data source Data source Description EMEP MSCE-HM model Regional heavy metal transport model (MSCE-HM) Developer: Meteorological Synthesizing Centre - East (MSC-E) Model type: Eulerian 3D grid model Input: Atmospheric emissions, meteorological information, geophysical data (land cover data, leaf area index, oceanological input data) Output: Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg) Domain: 35° West to 60° East and from the North Pole to about 20° North Spatial resolution: 50 x 50 km (Europe) References: Travnikov O., Ilyin I. (2005) Regional Model MSCE-HM of Heavy Metal Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 6/2005, p.59. Tørseth K, Aas W, Breivik K, Fjæraa M, Fiebig M, Hjellbrekke, AG, Lund Myhre C, Solberg S, Yttri KE (2012) Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972-2009. Atmos Chem Phys 12:5447-5481 LOTOS-EUROS (LE) LOng Term Ozone Simulation - EURopean Operational Smog model Developer: TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands Model type: Eulerian 3D grid model Input: Anthropogenic emissions, 3-hourly meteorological data, topography (tree species coverage, land cover data) Output: Oxidants (O3, VOCs, NOx, HNO3 etc.); Secondary Inorganic Aerosol (SO4, NO3, NH4); Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) from terpenes; Primary aerosol (PM2.5; PM10, Black Carbon, sea salt); Heavy metals (Cd, Pb and other non-volatiles metals); Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs) Domain: 35° and 70° North and 10° West and 60° East Spatial resolution: 25 x 25 km (Europe); 7 x 7 km (national level) References: Schaap, M., Roemer, M., Sauter, F., Boersen, G., Timmermans, R., Builjes, P.J.H., Vermeulen, A.T. (2005) LOTOS-EUROS: Documentation, TNO report B&O-A R 2005/297. Schaap, M., Timmermans, R., Roemer, M., Boersen, G., Builjes, P.J.H. (2008) The LOTOS–EUROS model: description, validation and latest developments. Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 32, No. 2:270-290. European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/AAC) (2010) Long description of model 'LOTOS-EUROS. http://pandora. (23.11.2015). Table S2. Description of Biomonitoring programmes used as data source Data source Description European Moss Survey (EMS) International Cooperative Programme on the effects of air pollution on natural vegetation and crops (ICP Vegetation) - Monitoring of atmospheric deposition of heqavy metals, nitrogen and POPs in Europe using bryophytes Time period: 1990 – now Indicators (used): HM concentration in moss Ecosystem types: terrestrial ecosystems (preferably open landscape) Analytes (HM): As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V, and Zn No. of plots: up to 7300 (Europe), 700-1000 (Germany) Frequency: every 5 years (participating European countries) References: ICP Vegetation (2014) Monitoring of atmospheric deposition of heavy metals, nitrogen and POPs in Europe using bryophytes. Monitoring manual 2015 survey. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. ICP Vegetation Moss Survey Coordination Centre, Dubna, Russian Federation, and Programme Coordination Centre. Bangor, Wales, UK:1-26 iCP Forests Level II International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (iCP Forests) - Intensive monitoring Time period: 1985 – now Indicators (used): HM concentrations in tree foliage (leaves from beech (Fagus sylvatica) and needles from spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris)) and surface layers, respectively. Ecosystem types: Major forest types of Europe Analytes (HM): Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn No. of plots (foliar chemistry): 767 (Europe), up to 103 (Germany) Frequency (foliar chemistry): every 2 years References: Ferretti and Fischer (2013) Methods for terrestrial investigations in Europe with an overview of North America and Asia. Developments in environmental science 12. Elsevier, Amsterdam:1-507 German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) Umweltprobenbank des Bundes (UPB) Time period: 1987 – now Indicators (used): Element concentrations in tree foliage (leaves from beech (Fagus sylvatica) and poplar (Populus nigra 'Italica') and 1-year old shoots from spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) Ecosystem types: terrestrial ecosystems (agrarian, urban-industrial, forestry and nearly natural) Analytes (HM): As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Ti, and Zn No. of plots (tree foliage): 10 (deciduous trees), 10 (conifers) Frequency: annually References: UBA (2008) Umweltprobenbank des Bundes – Konzeption (Stand: Oktober 2008). Available at: upb_static/fck/download/Konzeption_Okt_2008_de.pdf Table S3. Basic descriptive statistics of modelled total atmospheric deposition of Cd and Pb for 2005 and 2007-2011 referred to the 50 km by 50 km EMEP grids (N = 204) covering Germany Variable Cd deposition 2007, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2008, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2009, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2010, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2011, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2007, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2008, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2009, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2010, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2011, averaged over the land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2007, (EMEP) Cd deposition 2008, (EMEP) Cd deposition 2009, (EMEP) Cd deposition 2010, (EMEP) Cd deposition 2011, (EMEP) Pb deposition 2007, (EMEP) Pb deposition 2008, (EMEP) Pb deposition 2009, (EMEP) Pb deposition 2010, (EMEP) Pb deposition 2011, (EMEP) Mean = Arithmetic mean; SD= Standard deviation Unit Min Max Mean Median SD µg/m² a 13.63 51.97 27.76 27.72 5.84 µg/m² a 13.39 50.13 25.28 24.63 5.32 µg/m² a 13.59 55.35 26.67 26.20 5.71 µg/m² a 15.50 57.15 29.11 28.21 6.54 µg/m² a 13.77 46.60 22.87 22.05 4.47 µg/m² a 322.17 1558.50 664.44 649.54 173.51 µg/m² a 316.90 1556.12 614.41 588.08 166.82 µg/m² a 322.64 1611.63 634.50 612.25 169.79 µg/m² a 379.52 1744.15 679.83 655.61 176.65 µg/m² a 332.01 1367.75 556.31 523.57 140.87 µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a µg/m² a 16.52 15.15 16.73 13.44 15.39 690.24 547.59 569.53 461.85 570.35 217.85 172.40 143.69 143.96 227.74 5154.91 3955.38 3285.66 3099.06 4941.32 50.95 39.42 37.10 35.71 43.41 1763.36 1225.53 1152.65 1076.22 1450.07 45.35 34.29 31.31 31.14 36.40 1649.47 1138.57 1045.74 1014.36 1336.82 24.49 19.46 17.85 18.24 25.82 656.05 445.10 424.74 401.12 581.23 Table S4. Basic descriptive statistics of measured concentrations of Cd and Pb in moss and in respective total deposition modelled by use of EMEP and LE Variable Unit Min Max Mean Median Cd conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), averaged over land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), coniferous forest (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), deciduous forest (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), grassland (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany) (EMEP) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), coniferous forest (EMEP) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), deciduous forest (EMEP) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), grassland (EMEP) Cd conc. in moss 2005 (Europe) Cd deposition 2005 (Europe), averaged over land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2005 (Europe) (EMEP) Pb conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), averaged over land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), coniferous forest (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), deciduous forest (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), grassland (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany) (EMEP) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), coniferous forest (EMEP) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), deciduous forest (EMEP) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), grassland (EMEP) Pb conc. in moss 2005 (Europe) Pb deposition 2005 (Europe), averaged over land-use classes (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2005 (Europe) (EMEP) µg/g 0.06 1.71 0.24 0.20 0.14 µg/m² a 12.37 74.73 21.36 20.58 5.92 µg/m² a 11.13 101.64 25.83 24.51 7.11 µg/m² a 13.30 81.47 23.31 22.28 5.64 µg/m² a 9.52 56.52 17.66 16.92 4.14 µg/m² a µg/m² a 21.66 26.61 98.13 1029.70 46.84 162.88 42.80 134.48 14.79 130.99 µg/m² a 23.92 759.91 119.25 98.02 95.46 µg/m² a 13.85 134.21 39.28 35.03 18.94 µg/g µg/m² a 0.01 2.01 6.72 221.03 0.22 16.74 0.17 14.58 0.24 11.98 µg/m² a µg/g µg/m² a 3.45 1.19 310.81 701.88 40.41 2618.53 42.67 4.54 563.12 32.52 3.70 520.99 44.73 3.28 211.03 µg/m² a 304.00 3569.43 677.03 618.76 257.93 µg/m² a 329.94 2837.74 605.77 555.03 205.62 µg/m² a 262.60 1954.01 472.58 432.54 152.07 µg/m² a µg/m² a 777.92 1039.4 3244.38 20691.0 1816.97 5214.85 1739.91 4616.10 535.79 2799.58 µg/m² a 907.22 15153.0 3792.73 3467.50 2040.68 µg/m² a 536.36 3651.60 1379.97 1258.50 495.15 µg/g µg/m² a 0.10 49.79 248.64 2618.53 6.19 342.63 3.79 290.95 9.42 216.48 µg/m² a 115.44 5550.18 1233.65 1085.50 778.43 Mean = Arithmetic mean; SD= Standard deviation SD Table S5. Basic descriptive statistics of measured concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Ni, V, and Zn in moss and in respective total deposition modelled by use of LE Variable As conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) As deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Cr conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) Cr deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Cu conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) Cu deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOSEUROS Ni conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) Ni deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS V conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) V deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Zn conc. in moss 2005 (Germany) Zn deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Unit Min Max Mean Median SD µg/g µg/m² a 0.004 2.16 21.60 90.51 0.43 24.79 0.17 23.63 0.99 13.35 µg/g µg/m² a 0.01 6.38 90.74 309.73 2.49 78.57 1.29 74.92 4.56 41.29 µg/g µg/m² a 0.01 8.19 671.92 6939.07 6.92 273.49 5.34 188.83 14.14 247.91 µg/g µg/m² a 0.03 14.69 1016.03 609.46 2.46 171.18 1.39 162.18 15.11 79.53 µg/g µg/m² a 0.02 4.65 43.50 337.78 2.31 41.80 1.40 35.91 2.93 23.82 µg/g µg/m² a 6.06 59.48 693.82 7054.55 36.94 1092.28 32.49 914.81 22.95 843.18 Mean = Arithmetic mean; SD= Standard deviation Table S6. Basic statistical parameters for atmospheric Cd and Pb deposition modelled with EMEP and LE for Europe and Germany and respective geostatistical surface estimations derived from EMS Variable Unit Min Max Mean Median Cd conc. in moss 2005 (Germany), geostatistically estimated Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2005 (Germany), (EMEP) Pb conc. in moss 2005 (Germany), geostatistically estimated Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2005 (Germany), (EMEP) Cd conc. in moss 2005 (Europe) geostatistically estimated Cd deposition 2005 (Europe), (LOTOS-EUROS) Cd deposition 2005 (Europe), (EMEP) Pb conc. in moss 2005 (Europe) geostatistically estimated Pb deposition 2005 (Europe), (LOTOS-EUROS) Pb deposition 2005 (Europe), (EMEP) µg/g 0.06 0.60 0.23 0.21 0.06 µg/m² a 12.77 81.45 21.25 20.41 5.93 µg/m² a 22.82 98.13 45.69 42.38 13.82 µg/g 2.50 11.95 4.32 4.00 3.28 µg/m² a 330.32 2864.29 561.29 513.98 211.85 µg/m² a 820.73 3244.38 1779.87 1728.09 506.58 µg/g 0.01 1.85 0.20 0.16 0.15 µg/m² a 1.76 239.90 15.50 11.49 12.90 µg/m² a 3.48 722.69 38.78 30.76 37.33 µg/g 0.83 36.26 6.92 5.29 4.91 µg/m² a 42.53 2931.25 290.26 251.14 191.41 µg/m² a 114.21 5359.67 1074.24 949.05 647.76 Mean = Arithmetic mean; SD= Standard deviation SD Table S7. Basic statistical parameters for atmospheric As, Cr, Cu, Ni, V, and Zn deposition modelled with LE for Germany and respective geostatistical surface estimations derived from EMS Variable Unit Min Max Mean Median As conc. in moss 2005, (Germany), geostatistically estimated As deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Cr conc. in moss 2005 (Germany), geostatistically estimated Cr deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Cu conc. in moss 2005 (Germany), geostatistically estimated Cu deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Ni conc. in moss 2005 Germany, geostatistically estimated Ni deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS V conc. in moss 2005 (Germany), geostatistically estimated V deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS Zn conc. in moss 2005 (Germany), geostatistically estimated Zn deposition 2009-2011 (Germany), LOTOS-EUROS µg/g 0.10 0.59 0.19 0.17 0.08 µg/m² a 21.43 84.81 34.74 32.88 8.69 µg/g 1.48 14.98 3.43 2.89 2.15 µg/m² a 64.68 309.73 121.82 111.47 39.38 µg/g 5.28 14.29 7.68 7.47 1.53 248.73 2165.10 577.24 537.79 61.87 0.73 2.32 1.32 1.27 0.32 143.20 609.46 246.31 233.30 61.87 µg/g 0.69 1.78 1.16 1.17 0.24 µg/m² a 25.96 172.27 41.28 36.61 16.64 µg/g 30.70 110.37 52.09 49.20 13.29 µg/m² a 925.51 6338.43 1844.08 1695.46 711.90 Mean = Arithmetic mean; SD= Standard deviation µg/m² a µg/g µg/m² a SD Figure S1. Spatial patterns of ratios calculated from median values of atmospheric deposition of Cd and Pb (2011) for grassland modelled by use of EMEP and LE Figure S2. Spatial patterns of ratios calculated from median values of atmospheric deposition of Cd and Pb (2011) for coniferous forests modelled by use of EMEP and LE Figure S3. Spatial patterns of ratios calculated from median values of atmospheric deposition of Cd and Pb (2011) for deciduous forests modelled by use of EMEP and LE Figure S4. Spatial patterns of aggregated deviances of modelled deposition (LE, 2009-2011, left) and concentrations in moss (2005, right) of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn from the respective Germanywide median Figure S5. Deviations of LE modelled total As deposition (mean 2009-2011) (left) and As concentrations in moss (2005) (right) from the respective Germany-wide median Figure S6. Deviations of LE modelled total Cr deposition (mean 2009-2011) (left) and Cr concentrations in moss (2005) (right) from the respective Germany-wide median Figure S7. Deviations of LE modelled total Cu deposition (mean 2009-2011) (left) and Cu concentrations in moss (2005) (right) from the respective Germany-wide median Figure S8. Deviations of LE modelled total Ni deposition (mean 2009-2011) (left) and Ni concentrations in moss (2005) (right) from the respective Germany-wide median Figure S9. Deviations of LE modelled total V deposition (mean 2009-2011) (left) and V concentrations in moss (2005) (right) from the respective Germany-wide median Figure S10. Deviations of LE modelled total Zn deposition (mean 2009-2011) (left) and Zn concentrations in moss (2005) (right) from the respective Germany-wide median