APPENDIX C —MEETINGS AND WORK SESSIONS This appendix contains all meeting minutes, agendas and attendance sheets associated with the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan revision process. Index: November 4, 6 & 7, 2013 Kickoff Meeting agenda’s, announcements, minutes and attendance sheets January 23, 2014 Center Junction Kickoff Meeting announcement, minutes and attendance sheet February 4, 2014 Jones County Supervisors Meeting October 20, 23 & 29 Mitigation measures and mitigation strategies meeting October 23, 2014 School District Meeting Work session minutes and attendance sheets September 15, 2014 Review Letter & approval form January 10, 2015 final draft review letter and approval form 401 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: AGENDA November 4, 6, 7, 2013 JONES COUNTY MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Starting time: 1900 Monday, November 4 at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa Wednesday, November 6 at the City Council Chambers, 220 E First St. in Monticello Thursday, November 7 at the Memorial Hall, downtown Wyoming I. Introductions II. What is Hazard Mitigation Planning? Why is this important and what it can do for Jones County. III. The Planning Process IV. History of mitigation planning in Jones County—overview of 2010 Jones County Plan V. Determination of Hazards & Hazard Profiling--review VI. Mitigation Measures--review VII. Gaining input & public participation VIII. Process and schedule IX. Next meeting 402 JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN KICKOFF MEETINGS Monday, November 4 at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa Wednesday, November 6 at the Council Chambers, 220 E First St. in Monticello Thursday, November 7 at the Memorial Hall, downtown Wyoming We are beginning the process of revising Jones County’s Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This process will bring together past and current mitigation planning efforts and incorporate future disaster and emergency preparedness needs of Jones County communities, jurisdictions, residents, commercial and agricultural venues. The purpose of a Hazard Mitigation Plan is to identify what natural and man made disasters a community is vulnerable to and then identify steps that may be taken to lessen the impact of such events upon the citizens, their property and community resources. Consultant Steve Meyer has been contracted to facilitate this team effort and revise the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The outcome of this effort will be completion of a revised and FEMA approved DMA 2000 compliant Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan that is comprehensive of all mitigation needs of Jones County and its associated jurisdictions, commercial and non-profit interests. The 2010 plan included the unincorporated areas of Jones County and the cities of Anamosa, Martelle, Monticello, Olin, Oxford Junction and Wyoming. The revised plan will incorporate the communities of Center Junction, Morley and Onslow as well as the Anamosa Community Schools, Midland Community Schools, Monticello Community Schools and Olin Consolidated School District. Jones County Emergency Management Coordinator Brenda Leonard has been appointed as project lead by the Jones County Supervisors. The revised plan will do three things 1. 2. 3. Determine where and how the citizens; public, private and commercial property in Jones County are vulnerable to hazards and disasters. This was documented in the 2010 plan. Any changes will be established and documented in the revised plan. Determine measures or mitigation activities that can be undertaken to reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of these hazards and disasters. This was established in the 2010 plan. Any changes such as accomplishment of mitigation actions established in the 2010 plan or addition of new mitigation actions will be determined and documented in the revised plan. Incorporate information from Center Junction, Morley, Onslow and school systems. 403 4. Keep Jones County and its communities qualified to receive federal funds that are available for mitigation related projects. Jones County has received a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant for this revision. Jones County will be required to provide a 15 percent match of $2,000 for the plan. This can be in the form of a soft match, which comes at a rate of $27.60 per hour. This equates to 73 hours of effort on behalf of committee members and community representatives. 404 THE PLANNING PROCESS This Hazard Mitigation Plan will involve the framework and process established by FEMA's Local Mitigation Planning Handbook (2013) and the State and Local Mitigation Planning How-To Guides (2001) which include Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Planning (2006). The plan is structured around a four-phase process that involves 13 separate elements: RESPONSIBLE PARTY Organize resources 1. Organize the Planning Effort CONSULTANT 2. Build the Planning Team CONSULTANT & COMMITTEE 3. Create an outreach strategy CONSULTANT & COMMITTEE 4. Coordinate with Other Departments and Agencies CONSULTANT & COMMITTEE I. II. Assess risks 5. Review & Identify the Hazards 6. Update the Hazard Profiles 7. Identify Assets (Capabilities) 8. Review and Update Loss Estimates COMMITTEE CONSULTANT CONSULTANT & COMMITTEE CONSULTANT & COMMITTEE III. Develop the mitigation plan 9. Review and Update Goals COMMITTEE 10. Review and Update Mitigation Actions COMMITTEE 11. Prepare draft of updated plan CONSULTANT IV. Implement the plan and monitor progress 12. Adopt the Plan JURISDICTIONS 13. Implement, Evaluate, and Revise the Plan JURISDICTIONS COMMITTEE MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES Assist in the revision and development of the community profile, risk assessment and mitigation actions. Provide data and comment on plan drafts as requested. Coordinate with community departments, councils, businesses and other local interests in the identification and development of mitigation measures. Inform local community members and organizations about the planning process and promote involvement of the public and local agencies/departments in the planning process. 405 PROJECT SCHEDULE PLANNING KICKOFF MEETINGS APPOINT A PLANNING TEAM COMMUNITY PROFILES UPDATED HAZARD ANALYSIS/RISK ASSESSMENT UPDATED RISK ASSESSMENT AND IDENTIFICATION OF VULNERABLE BUILDINGS REVIEW AND UPDATE MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND MITIGATION ACTIONS COMPLETE PREPARATION OF THE UPDATED PLAN REVISIONS AFTER REVIEW INCORPORATED INTO UPDATE & PLAN SUBMITAL TO HSEMD FOR REVIEW IN PREPARATION FOR SUBMITAL TO FEMA REVISIONS COMPLETED (IF NECESSARY) PLAN ADOPTION BY JURISDICTIONS PROJECT/GRANT CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES COMPLETED BY 11/4-11/7, 2013 12/1/2013 3/1/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 8/1/2014 10/1/2014 11/1/2014 2/1/2015 3/1/2015 4/1/2015 JONES COUNTY MITIGATION PLANNING IN A NUTSHELL Planning committee makes decisions regarding the plan, provides input into the plan, conducts the final review of the plan and approves it for submission to FEMA. Every community or entity concerned with the plan needs a representative on the planning committee. It would be best if this is a “go-to” person for the consultant to gain direction or answers from in regards to information needed from that entity in order to develop the plan. Each community or entity needs to have its own planning subcommittee for review of the existing plan and to note changes or additions. There is a separate handout that provides guidance for this. Public input and participation is needed—hand out surveys. Community profiles in the existing plan will need to be reviewed and updated Hazard profiles (Risk Assessment) will need to be reviewed and updated—new hazards added if needed. Mitigation Actions will need to be reviewed and any necessary changes in status or addition of new actions made. Community profiles for Center Junction, Morley and Onslow will be added to the plan. Any new mitigation actions from these communities will be added. Profiles of the Anamosa Community Schools, Midland Community Schools, Monticello Community Schools and Olin Consolidated School District will be added along with any mitigation actions from the schools. A draft of the revised plan will be presented to the committee for review. After revisions as advised by the committee, the final draft along with the required Crosswalk and State Data Collection Sheets will be submitted to HSEMD. 406 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FROM 2010 PLAN Goal 1: Protect critical facilities, infrastructure and other community assets from the impacts of hazards Goal 2: Protect the health, safety and property of residents of the planning area Goal 3: Improve education and awareness regarding hazards, risk and reducing vulnerability in the planning area Goal 4: Ensure that public funds are used in the most efficient manner The above goals are supported by the following mitigation objectives, which will serve as guidance during future project development. The objectives are numbered as to correspond with the above goals. Objective 1.1: The participating jurisdictions will engage in activities and practices that will help mitigate the impacts of natural hazards Objective 1.2: The participating jurisdictions will integrate mitigation principles into the capital improvements planning process Objective 2.1: The participating jurisdictions will continue to participate in the NFIP and consider options to reduce the impact of future flooding Objective 2.2: The participating jurisdictions will work to prevent infrastructure extensions from occurring in hazardous areas to reduce the risk of residents being subjected to unsafe conditions Objective 3.1: The communities will strengthen communication between agencies and the public regarding risk reduction Objective 3.2: The participating jurisdictions will inform the public of private-side risk reduction techniques and disaster preparation Objective 4.1: The participating jurisdictions will work to develop in such a way that growth does not occur in known or predictable pathways of natural or man-made hazards Objective 4.2: The participating jurisdictions will coordinate mitigation efforts with surrounding entities to provide efficient provision of services 407 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN TO BE REVISED Public Participation Needed Jones County will begin the process of revising its Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan with kick-off meetings at the following locations: Monday, November 4 at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa Wednesday, November 6 at the Council Chambers 220 E First St. in Monticello Thursday, November 7 at the Memorial Hall, downtown Wyoming All meetings begin at 7:00 pm. Jones County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan was originally developed in 2010 by the East Central Iowa Council of Governments. FEMA requires the plans to be updated every five years. The Jones County plan will be submitted to FEMA by May 1, 2015. A multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan takes all incorporated communities and the unincorporated areas of a county into consideration and also any previous hazard mitigation planning that has occurred in the county. The purpose of a Hazard Mitigation Plan is to identify what natural and manmade disasters a community is vulnerable to and then to also identify steps that may be taken to lessen the impact of such events upon the citizens, their property and community resources. Jones County has received a grant from FEMA to revise the plan. Having a Hazard Mitigation Plan in place is one of the necessary elements for receiving federal hazard mitigation project funds. Jones County has contracted with Emergency Management Consultant Steve Meyer to develop the plan. The November meetings will be the first meeting of the planning process. At the meeting emergency management consultant Steve Meyer will overview the hazard mitigation planning process, the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan and past hazard events that have impacted Jones County. A committee will then determine potential hazards the county is vulnerable to and begin determine mitigation activities to address those hazards. Jones EMA Coordinator Brenda Leonard will serve as the project lead. 408 These are open public meetings. All citizens and interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and provide comments relative to the plan. Developing a multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan usually requires up to 5 public meetings. For more information contact: Steve Meyer at Steve Meyer Consulting LLC, 319-477-5041. 409 410 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 4, 6 & 7, 2013 JONES COUNTY, IOWA HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING MEETINGS Location: Monday, November 4 at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa Wednesday, November 6 at the City Council Chambers, 220 E First St. in Monticello Thursday, November 7 at the Memorial Hall, downtown Wyoming Handouts: Kick Off Meeting Agenda, Community Action Plan, Jones County Survey All meetings were called to order at 1900 and introductions were made. Consultant Steve Meyer welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. He advised the groups at each meeting that they are beginning a revision process for the 2010 Jones County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (JC MHP) that will take approximately 12-15 months to complete. He added that the 2010 plan included the communities Anamosa, Martelle, Monticello, Olin, Oxford Junction, Wyoming and the unincorporated (rural) areas of Jones county. The revised plan will incorporate the communities of Center Junction, Morley and Onslow as well as the Anamosa Community Schools, Midland Community Schools, Monticello Community Schools and Olin Consolidated School District. Jones County Emergency Management Coordinator Brenda Leonard has been appointed as project lead by the Jones County Supervisors and that he has been contracted by the County to spearhead the revision process that must conclude with a FEMA approved plan by June 28, 2015. The goal of the consultant Meyer is to have the plan ready for submission to FEMA a year from now. A grant has been received by Jones County to cover the costs for revising the JC MHP. The grant has a 15% match of $2,000 towards the costs of the project. This can be in the form of a soft match, which comes at a rate of $27.60 per hour. This equates to 73 hours of effort on behalf of committee members and community representatives. Consultant Steve Meyer explained that mitigation planning is the process of identifying hazards that can affect communities and trying to eliminate (if possible) or mitigate the potential effects of those hazards. Multijurisdictional plans wrap all community hazard mitigation planning into one plan. This is more efficient and only requires one update every five years instead of each community having to update their plan every five years. This process is also efficient because there are a number of commonalities of risks and needs within the county. The process will determine all of the hazards that can impact communities in Jones County and then determine measures to mitigate them. Once this multijurisdictional plan is approved, communities can apply for Hazard Mitigation Project Grants as well receive FENA Disaster Recovery funding quicker after a disaster event. For the communities of Anamosa, Martelle, Monticello, Olin, Oxford Junction and Wyoming the process will involve updating any changes that occurred in the communities in the plan and any necessary revisions or changes to the mitigation measures identified in the 2010 JC HMP. For Center Junction, Morley, Onslow and the school districts the process will need to begin from the beginning with development of profiles and conducting a risk assessment. This information will then be incorporated into the plan. Each community will 411 need to develop its own sub-committee as detailed in the Community Action Plan developed by Consultant Meyer. He advised that a core committee will be formed and meet 3-4 times over the plan development. The revised JC HMP will be approximately 400 pages when done according to Consultant Meyer. Much of the planning process will rely on consultant Meyer however the committee will be responsible for providing detailed information on communities and mitigation measures. Consultant Meyer presented a Community Action Plan that outlines the plan review process that needs to be conducted in every community. The communities and school districts that were not included in the 2010 JC HMP may require a special meeting to go through the process. As stated by Consultant Meyer, in brief, what the revision process will entail for the communities already included in the plan is noting any changes that have occurred in the community since 2010; reviewing the hazards included in the 2010 JC HMP and determining if they are current or need changed; reviewing 2010 JC HMP mitigation measures to determine if there has been any progress or any new measures that need to be added. For the communities and school districts not included in the 2010 JC HMP a community profile will need to be developed and the individual community mitigation planning committee will need to determine which hazards and mitigation measures are applicable to their community and add any new hazards or mitigation measures that are applicable. In order to gain public input into the JC HMP revision process, Consultant Meyer presented a template survey that he requested be circulated to members of the community and Jones County residents and then returned to him. Consultant Meyer set January 31, 2014 as the deadline for having surveys returned and information back from the communities. At that point he will assimilate the information and present results to the JC HMP committee. The next meeting will occur once Consultant Meyer has completed the community profile and the risk assessment section of the plan. At that time mitigation measures and potential mitigation measures will be reviewed and the communities will develop their mitigation strategies. It is anticipated this meeting will occur in the fall of 2014. The meetings were adjourned at 2100. Minutes recorded by Consultant Steve Meyer 412 413 414 415 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN TO BE REVISED Public Participation Needed Jones County has begun the process of revising its Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. In order to facilitate inclusion of the communities of Center Junction, Morley and Onslow in the plan, a kick-off meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM at the Center Junction city Hall. Jones County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan was originally developed in 2010 by the East Central Iowa Council of Governments. FEMA requires the plans to be updated every five years. The Jones County plan will be submitted to FEMA by May 1, 2015. A multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan takes all incorporated communities and the unincorporated areas of a county into consideration and also any previous hazard mitigation planning that has occurred in the county. The purpose of a Hazard Mitigation Plan is to identify what natural and manmade disasters a community is vulnerable to and then to also identify steps that may be taken to lessen the impact of such events upon the citizens, their property and community resources. Jones County has received a grant from FEMA to revise the plan. Having a Hazard Mitigation Plan in place is one of the necessary elements for receiving federal hazard mitigation project funds. Jones County has contracted with Emergency Management Consultant Steve Meyer to develop the plan. The November meetings will be the first meeting of the planning process. At the meeting emergency management consultant Steve Meyer will overview the hazard mitigation planning process, the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan and past hazard events that have impacted Jones County. A committee will then determine potential hazards the county is vulnerable to and begin determine mitigation activities to address those hazards. Jones EMA Coordinator Brenda Leonard will serve as the project lead. These are open public meetings. All citizens and interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and provide comments relative to the plan. Developing a multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan usually requires up to 5 public meetings. 416 For more information contact: Steve Meyer at Steve Meyer Consulting LLC, 319-477-5041. MINUTES OF JANUARY 23, 2014 JONES COUNTY, IOWA HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING MEETINGS Location: Center Junction, Iowa, City Hall Handouts: Kick Off Meeting Agenda, Community Action Plan, Jones County Survey, Risk Assessment Guideline Meeting was called to order at 1900. Introductions were made. Consultant Steve Meyer welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. He explained that he wanted a special kick-off meeting with the cities of Center Junction, Morley and Onslow because they were not included in the 2010 Jones County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan and that they are to be included in the 2015 revision of the plan. The three communities were excluded from the 2010 plan because they were not members of the NFIP in 2010. The agenda used for this meeting is the same as the agenda used in the three kickoff meetings held in November 2014. Consultant Meyer explained that he has already completed nearly all of the research necessary to establish background and profile information about the three communities for the plan. He explained that a grant has been received by Jones County to cover the costs for revising the JC MHP. The grant has a 15% match of $2,000 towards the costs of the project. This can be in the form of a soft match, which comes at a rate of $27.60 per hour. This equates to 73 hours of effort on behalf of committee members and community representatives. Jones County Emergency Management Coordinator Brenda Leonard has been appointed as project lead by the Jones County Supervisors and that he has been contracted by the County to spearhead the revision process that must conclude with a FEMA approved plan by June 28, 2015. The goal of the consultant Meyer is to have the plan ready for submission to FEMA a year from now. Consultant Meyer explained that mitigation planning is the process of identifying hazards that can affect communities and trying to eliminate (if possible) or mitigate the potential effects of those hazards. Multijurisdictional plans wrap all community hazard mitigation planning into one plan. This is more efficient and only requires one update every five years instead of each community having to update their plan every five years. This process is also efficient because there are a number of commonalities of risks and needs within the county. The process will determine all of the hazards that can impact communities in Jones County and then determine measures to mitigate them. Once this multijurisdictional plan is approved, communities can apply for Hazard Mitigation Project Grants as well receive FENA Disaster Recovery funding quicker after a disaster event. For the communities of Anamosa, Martelle, Monticello, Olin, 417 Oxford Junction and Wyoming the process will involve updating any changes that occurred in the communities in the plan and any necessary revisions or changes to the mitigation measures identified in the 2010 JC MHP. For Center Junction, Morley, Onslow and the school districts the process will need to begin from the beginning with development of profiles and conducting a risk assessment. This information will then be incorporated into the plan. Each community will need to develop its own sub-committee as detailed in the Community Action Plan developed by Consultant Meyer. He advised that a core committee will be formed and meet 3-4 times over the plan development. The revised JC MHP will be approximately 400 pages when done according to Consultant Meyer. Much of the planning process will rely on consultant Meyer however the committee will be responsible for providing detailed information on communities and mitigation measures. Consultant Meyer presented a Community Action Plan that outlines the plan review process that needs to be conducted in every community. The communities and school districts that were not included in the 2010 JC MHP may require a special meeting to go through the process. In order to gain public input into the JC MHP revision process, Consultant Meyer presented a template survey that he requested be circulated to members of the community and Jones County residents and then returned to him. The last item addressed at the meeting was consultant Meyer led the community representatives through the process of identifying hazards that are relevant to the individual communities. This was developed by reviewing a list of 40 hazards (16 natural hazards and 24 human caused or manmade hazards identified by FEMA.). The next meeting will occur once Consultant Meyer has completed the community profile and the risk assessment section of the plan. At that time mitigation measures and potential mitigation measures will be reviewed and the communities will develop their mitigation strategies. It is anticipated this meeting will occur in the fall of 2014. The meeting was adjourned at 2100. Minutes recorded by Consultant Steve Meyer 418 HAZARD ANALYSIS FOR THE CITY OF ONSLOW, IOWA At a meeting of the City of Onslow Planning Committee held January 23, 2014, the following probabilities for hazards that the City of Onslow may be vulnerable to was determined. Natural Hazards Has Occurred May Occur Low Potential to Occur X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Hazard Drought Earthquake Expansive Soils Extreme Heat Flash Flood Hailstorm Landslide River Flood Severe Winter Storm Thunderstorm and Lightning Tornado Windstorm Sink Holes Levee Failure Dam Failure Grass or Wildland Fire Human-Caused/Combination Hazards X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Air Transportation Incident Communications Failure Energy Failure Fixed Facility Hazardous Materials Incident Fixed Radiological Incident Highway Transportation Incident Pipeline Incident Rail Transportation Incident Transportation Hazardous Materials Incident Radiological Transportation Incident Waterway Incident Enemy Attack Public Disorder Agroterrorism Bioterrorism Chemical Terrorism Terrorism – Conventional Cyber Terrorism Radiological Terrorism Animal/Plant/Crop Disease Human Disease Incident Human Disease Pandemic Structural Failure Structural Fire 419 HAZARD ANALYSIS FOR THE CITY OF MORLEY, IOWA At a meeting of the City of Morley Planning Committee held January 23, 2014, the following probabilities for hazards that the City of Morley may be vulnerable to was determined. Natural Hazards Has Occurred May Occur Low Potential to Occur X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Hazard Drought Earthquake Expansive Soils Extreme Heat Flash Flood Hailstorm Landslide River Flood Severe Winter Storm Thunderstorm and Lightning Tornado Windstorm Sink Holes Levee Failure Dam Failure Grass or Wildland Fire Human-Caused/Combination Hazards X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Air Transportation Incident Communications Failure Energy Failure Fixed Facility Hazardous Materials Incident Fixed Radiological Incident Highway Transportation Incident Pipeline Incident Rail Transportation Incident Transportation Hazardous Materials Incident Radiological Transportation Incident Waterway Incident Enemy Attack Public Disorder Agroterrorism Bioterrorism Chemical Terrorism Terrorism – Conventional Cyber Terrorism Radiological Terrorism Animal/Plant/Crop Disease Human Disease Incident Human Disease Pandemic Structural Failure Structural Fire 420 HAZARD ANALYSIS FOR THE CITY OF CENTER JUNCTION, IOWA At a meeting of the City of Center Junction Planning Committee held January 23, 2014, the following probabilities for hazards that the City of Center Junction may be vulnerable to was determined. Natural Hazards Has Occurred May Occur Low Potential to Occur X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Hazard Drought Earthquake Expansive Soils Extreme Heat Flash Flood Hailstorm Landslide River Flood Severe Winter Storm Thunderstorm and Lightning Tornado Windstorm Sink Holes Levee Failure Dam Failure Grass or Wildland Fire Human-Caused/Combination Hazards X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Air Transportation Incident Communications Failure Energy Failure Fixed Facility Hazardous Materials Incident Fixed Radiological Incident Highway Transportation Incident Pipeline Incident Rail Transportation Incident Transportation Hazardous Materials Incident Radiological Transportation Incident Waterway Incident Enemy Attack Public Disorder Agroterrorism Bioterrorism Chemical Terrorism Terrorism – Conventional Cyber Terrorism Radiological Terrorism Animal/Plant/Crop Disease Human Disease Incident Human Disease Pandemic Structural Failure Structural Fire 421 422 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION MEETINGS SCHEDULED Public Participation Needed The second in a series of three meetings concerning revisions to the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan will be held at the following locations: City of Onslow Community Room at 7 pm on October 20th City Council Chambers in Monticello at 5 pm on October 23rd Community Room at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa at 6:30pm on October 29th The meetings are being held at three locations in order to facilitate public involvement. The agenda for each of these meetings will be Review of Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning activities completed Review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan Determination of Hazard Mitigation Measures to include in the revised 2015 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan. These are open public meetings. All citizens and interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and provide comments relative to the plan. For more information contact: Steve Meyer at Steve Meyer Consulting LLC, 319-477-5041. 423 PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION MEETINGS SCHEDULED Public Participation Needed The second in a series of three meetings concerning revisions to the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan will be held at the following locations: City of Onslow Community Room at 7 pm on October 20th City Council Chambers in Monticello at 5 pm on October 23rd Community Room at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa at 6:30pm on October 29th The meetings are being held at three locations in order to facilitate public involvement. The agenda for each of these meetings will be Review of Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning activities completed Review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan Determination of Hazard Mitigation Measures to include in the revised 2015 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan. These are open public meetings. All citizens and interested parties are invited to attend the meeting and provide comments relative to the plan. For more information contact: Steve Meyer at Steve Meyer Consulting LLC, 319-477-5041. 424 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: website: September 29, 2014 TO: Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee members RE: Jones County Hazard Mitigation Measures meeting Greetings: The Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan revision process is now 80% complete and I am at a point where I need input from the planning committee. In order to accommodate the planning committee I have set the following meeting dates and locations: City of Onslow Community Room at 7 pm on October 20th City Council Chambers in Monticello at 5 pm on October 23rd Community Room at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa at 6:30pm on October 29th The agenda for the meeting will be: 1) Review of Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning activities completed 2) Review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan 3) Determination of Hazard Mitigation Measures to include in the revised 2015 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is an important meeting because mitigation measures are those actions which can be taken to reduce or eliminate the consequences of disasters. Mitigation measures that are detailed in the plan are eligible for federal funding when it is available. I have included the Mitigation Measures portion of the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan for your reference. The major things we will need to determine from this is which measures have been addressed and which are no longer applicable Two weeks ago I sent out draft copies of components of the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan on CD for review and approval. This material was sent to Jones County city clerks and the Jones County EMA. Included were the following sections: Part 1—Community Profile Part 2—Hazard Profiles Part 3—Hazard Analysis 425 Part 4—Vulnerability Assessment Survey Results If you are interested in seeing any of this information, please contact your city clerk. If you have any questions or you need more information, please feel free to contact me. I hope to see a good number of you at our meetings in October. Sincerely: Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning Meetings 426 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: website: October 10, 2014 TO: All concerned with Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning RE: Jones County Hazard Mitigation Measures meeting Greetings: The Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan revision process is now 80% complete and I am at a point where I need input from the planning committee. In order to accommodate the planning committee I have set the following meeting dates and locations: City of Onslow Community Room at 7 pm on October 20th City Council Chambers in Monticello at 5 pm on October 23rd Community Room at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa at 6:30pm on October 29th The agenda for the meeting will be: 4) Review of Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning activities completed 5) Review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan 6) Determination of Hazard Mitigation Measures to include in the revised 2015 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is an important meeting because mitigation measures are those actions which can be taken to reduce or eliminate the consequences of disasters. Mitigation measures that are detailed in the plan are eligible for federal funding when it is available. If you are interested in reviewing any of the plan developed so far, please contact me and I will send you a copy on disk. If you have any questions or you need more information, please feel free to contact me. I hope to see a good number of you at our meetings in October. Sincerely: Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning Meetings 427 428 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: website: AGENDA JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING MEETINGS October 20, 23, 29, 2014 City of Onslow Community Room at 7 pm on October 20th City Council Chambers in Monticello at 5 pm on October 23rd Community Room at the Jones County Courthouse in Anamosa at 6:30pm on October 29th 1) Review of Jones County Hazard Mitigation Planning activities completed 2) Discuss Hazard Profile scoring 3) Review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan 4) Determination of Hazard Mitigation Measures to include in the revised 2015 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan. 429 Meeting Minutes—10/20/2014—Onslow Meeting was called to order at 1900 with 12 people present from the communities of Center Junction, Morley, Olin, Onslow and Jones County in attendance. Consultant Meyer first discussed progress with the Jones County Hazard Mitigation plan with those present, noting that since the initial meetings were held in Jones County in November 2013 and January and February 2014 he had completed updates to the Community Profile, Hazard Profile, Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis parts of the plan. Consultant Meyer stated that he had worked with committee members and community representatives in obtaining the information necessary for the plan update. He had also previously sent out a draft on CD of the revised plan to city clerks and county officials for their review and input and also to make available for review by anyone else who may be interested. He also had CD’s of the draft available for anyone present at the meeting to have. The planning process is now at the stage where revisions to the Mitigation Measures, or Actions, needed to be reviewed and revised. This included a review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan to determine what had been accomplished since 2010, anything new that needs to be accomplished within the scope of each mitigation measure and the dates for accomplishing these measures. The committee would also need to determine if any mitigation measures should be dropped from the plan and if any new ones should added. They would also need to add a definite time frame for completion of each mitigation measure. Before beginning the mitigation measure review process, Consultant Meyer led a discussion relative to the scoring system for hazard analysis that was used in the 2010 Jones County HMP vs the newer system used in the 2013 State of Iowa Hazard Mitigation Plan. Attendees said that they liked the scoring system used for the 2010 plan because they felt it gave them more detail and they saw no reason to convert to the newer system because they felt staying with the same system would facilitate comparison between results obtained in 2010 and 2015. To begin the mitigation measure review process, Consultant Meyer reviewed Hazard Mitigation Goals and Objectives with committee members and people present at the meetings. Everyone felt that the goals and objectives from toe 2010 Jones County HMP were comprehensive and no additions, deletions or modification was needed. Action 1: Acquisition of Flood prone structures—Olin received funds to buy out and remove 13 structures after the floods of 2008 and is in the process of buying out 3 more in 2014. Action 2: Backup Generators—No new generators have been installed in any of the communities present. Action 3: Bury or Harden Power Lines—Since 2010 Maquoketa Valley REC has buried 17.4 miles of power lines and replaced the copper wire in all of its power lines. Action 4: Community Outreach—Nothing has been done in any of the communities present at the meeting. 430 Action 5: Critical Infrastructure Protection--Nothing has been done in any of the communities present at the meeting. Action 6: Dam Warning Signage--No comments. Jones County Conservation is obtaining signs for the dam at Monticello. Wants the measure left in. Action 7: Increased E911 Capabilities and Cell Phone Triangulation--Nothing has been done in any of the communities present at the meeting. Action 8: Early Warning Systems—Nothing has been done in any of the communities present at the meeting. Action 9: Elevation of Flood-prone Structures--Nothing has been done in any of the communities present at the meeting. Action 10: Emergency Operations Plans: No comments. Committee does want the measure left in. Action 11: Emergency Assistance Registration—County and DHS have established a list of areas with citizens that need assistance with life functions. Action 12: Study/evaluate Existing Structural and Flood Mitigation Projects—Nothing has been done in any of the communities present at the meeting. Action 13: Floodplain management—EMA coordinator is the county’s Floodplain Manager. Nothing significant has been done in the last five years but they want the measure left in. Action 14: Flood-proofing Infrastructure— Nothing accomplished in any of the communities present at the meeting. Action 15: Hazardous Materials Response: No comments. Committee wants the measure left in. Action 16: Mass Casualty Preparation— No comments. Committee wants the measure left in. Action 17: Relocation of Flood-prone Structures: Nothing done in any of the communities present. Action 18: Response Personnel—Nothing in particular has been done, but committee does want the measure left in. Action 19: Safe Rooms—Nothing accomplished in any of the communities present. Conservation expressed a particular need for Safe Rooms at its parks. Action 20: Interoperability of Communications Systems—Nothing accomplished in any of the communities present. 431 Action 21: Storm Drainage System Improvements—Nothing accomplished in any of the communities present. Action 22: System Improvements (Sewer/Wastewater)—Onslow is undergoing a $1.4 million wastewater system improvement in 2014. $400,000 was paid for with a CDBG grant. Action 23: System Improvements (Water)—Center Junction installed a new water treatment facility in 2012. Action 24: Storm water Management Ordinances and Amendments—Nothing accomplished in any of the communities present. Action 25: Updated Floodplain Mapping and Studies—In 2014 FEMA completed this. Action 26: Updated or New Building Codes—Olin has made minor changes in the last 5 years. Action 27: Smoke Detectors and Fire Prevention Measures— Committee wants the measure left in. Action 28: Sprinklers—Not applicable to any of the communities present. School does have sprinklers. Action 29—Property Maintenance/Rehabilitation—Olin has used CDBG funds for renovation of 6 properties in the last 5 years. All communities expressed an interest in this. Action 30: StormReady City/County Designations—has not been accomplished, but EMA is working towards. Action 31: Wetland Protection—Jones County Conservation has constructed 7 acres of new wetlands in the last five years. Action 32: Road Signage—None of the communities present have done anything in the last five years. Action 33: Basement Back Flow Protection— None of the communities present have done anything in the last five years. Action 34: Increased Security at Tier II Facilities—Nothing accomplished in any of the communities present in the last five years. Action 35: Improved Fire Response Capabilities—Olin has purchased two new fire trucks in the last five years. Consultant Meyer asked if there were any new mitigation measures that anyone would like to add. He also noted that he felt the mitigation measures in the plan were comprehensive and covered everything that a county like Jones County would need to address. None of the people 432 present at the meeting had anything they wanted to add. He also pointed out that FEMA’s book Mitigation Ideas was on the disk that was provided to the cities. The book could be perused to see if there is anything anyone felt would be a good fit for the county or any of its jurisdictions. Meeting adjourned 2100. 433 434 Meeting Minutes—10/23/2014—Monticello Meeting was called to order at 1700 with 5 people present from the communities of Monticello and Jones County. Consultant Meyer first discussed progress with the Jones County Hazard Mitigation plan with those present, noting that since the initial meetings were held in Jones County in November 2013 and January and February 2014 he had completed updates to the Community Profile, Hazard Profile, Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis parts of the plan. Consultant Meyer stated that he had worked with committee members and community representatives in obtaining the information necessary for the plan update. He had also previously sent out a draft on CD of the revised plan to city clerks and county officials for their review and input and also to make available for review by anyone else who may be interested. He also had CD’s of the draft available for anyone present at the meeting to have. The planning process is now at the stage where revisions to the Mitigation Measures, or Actions, needed to be reviewed and revised. This included a review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan to determine what had been accomplished since 2010, anything new that needs to be accomplished within the scope of each mitigation measure and the dates for accomplishing these measures. The committee would also need to determine if any mitigation measures should be dropped from the plan and if any new ones should added. They would also need to add a definite time frame for completion of each mitigation measure. Before beginning the mitigation measure review process, Consultant Meyer led a discussion relative to the scoring system for hazard analysis that was used in the 2010 Jones County HMP vs the newer system used in the 2013 State of Iowa Hazard Mitigation Plan. All attendees at all three meetings agreed that they saw no reason to convert to the newer system because they felt staying with the same system would facilitate comparison between results obtained in 2010 and 2015. They also felt that the system used in 2010 provided a more in depth analysis of the hazards. To begin the mitigation measure review process, Consultant Meyer reviewed Hazard Mitigation Goals and Objectives with committee members and people present at the meetings. Everyone felt that the goals and objectives from toe 2010 Jones County HMP were comprehensive and no additions, deletions or modification was needed. Action 1: Acquisition of Flood prone structures—Monticello has bought out 6 residences and 3 businesses in the last five years. There are more structures the city would like to pursue buying out. Action 2: Backup Generators—Monticello has installed backup generators at City Hall, the Public Safety Building and the Sewage treatment plant. A generator is still needed at the building established for a shelter at the Jones County Fair Ground. Action 3: Bury or Harden Power Lines—Monticello has buried some power lines, but it has been very minimal. 435 Action 4: Community Outreach—Most of what has been done is through Jones County EMA. Did the entire 20 weeks of preparedness, have a booth at the fair, weather spotter training. Social media and newspaper posting Action 5: Critical Infrastructure Protection--Monticello installed backup generators at critical facilities. Need a backup PSAP Action 6: Dam Warning Signage: Jones County Conservation is working on warning signs for dams. Action 7: Increased E911 Capabilities and Cell Phone Triangulation--Talk to E911 coordinator Action 8: Early Warning Systems--Monticello installed 4 new sirens in 2013. Has a need for another one in a new development area. Action 9: Elevation of Flood-prone Structures—There has been at least 12 structures elevated along the Wapsipinicon River Action 10: Emergency Operations Plans—County Attorney has started COOP plan. Monticello is working on one. County EMA is current with all ESF’s and does the required revisions every year. Action 11: Emergency Assistance Registration—County has established a list of areas with citizens that need assistance with life functions—ESF-8. Public health has also. Action 12: Study/evaluate Existing Structural and Flood Mitigation Projects—no one has any knowledge of anything being done, but they want the action left in the plan. Action 13: Floodplain management—EMA coordinator is the county’s Floodplain Manager. Nothing significant has been done in the last five years but they want the measure left in. Action 14: Flood-proofing Infrastructure—In Monticello the Sewer system was damaged in the last flood and Highway 38 also had damage. City is repairing and taking steps to prevent from occurring again. Has constructed a berm to help prevent sewage treatment plant from flooding. State funding has been secured to do structural modifications to a bridge in Monticello. Action 15: Hazardous Materials Response—Jones County still uses Linn County Haz Mat. Team. Through the local LEPC Jones County is conducting a commodity flow study. Action 16: Mass Casualty Preparation—Jones County has acquired two Mass Sheltering Trailers and they conducted a Mass Casualty exercise in 2012 that involved Monticello and Anamosa. Action 17: Relocation of Flood-prone Structures—Nothing done—committee wants to leave the measure in 436 Action 18: Response Personnel—Nothing in particular has been done, but committee does want the measure left in. Action 19: Safe Rooms—Anamosa Community School constructed a Safe Room at the Middle School in 2012. Action 20: Interoperability of Communications Systems—Question can only be answered by the county’s E911 coordinator. Action 21: Storm Drainage System Improvements—Monticello in 2014 is making improvements to a drainage ditch that handles the majority of the city’s storm water drainage. The city has also constructed some holding ponds in key locations to contain runoff water. Action 22: System Improvements (Sewer/Wastewater)—In rural Jones County the unincorporated area of Fairview installed a community sewer system. Monticello is researching some improvements Action 23: System Improvements (Water)—Nothing noted by committee members Action 24: Storm water Management Ordinances and Amendments—nothing noted by committee members Action 25: Updated Floodplain Mapping and Studies—FEMA completed this in the last two years. Consensus is this measure does not need to be included in the plan. Action 26: Updated or New Building Codes—No changes noted by anyone Action 27: Smoke Detectors and Fire Prevention Measures—Monticello FD continues to provide these services and will continue providing them. Action 28: Sprinklers—Leave in Action 29—Property Maintenance/Rehabilitation—Nothing done recently. Action 30: StormReady City/County Designations—has not been accomplished, but EMA is working towards Action 31: Wetland Protection—Nothing has been accomplished, but leave it in Action 32: Road Signage—Monticello is updating its signage ordinance in 2014 Action 33: Basement Back Flow Protection—the only devices that have been installed is by private property owners Action 34: Increased Security at Tier II Facilities—anything that has been done has been done by the companies themselves. 437 Action 35: Improved Fire Response Capabilities—Monticello has expanded its fire station and purchased two new trucks. Consultant Meyer asked if there were any new mitigation measures that anyone would like to add. He also noted that he felt the mitigation measures in the plan were comprehensive and covered everything that a county like Jones County would need to address. None of the people present at the meeting had anything they wanted to add. He also pointed out that FEMA’s book Mitigation Ideas was on the disk that was provided to the cities. The book could be perused to see if there is anything anyone felt would be a good fit for the county or any of its jurisdictions. Jones County is in the process of implementing a system for managing spontaneous volunteers who show up at disasters and emergencies. This will be called the Emergency Volunteer Center. By-laws, plans and operational guidelines are being put together now. Meeting adjourned at 2100. 438 439 Meeting Minutes—10/29/2014—Anamosa Meeting was called to order at 1830 with 11 people present from the communities of Martelle, Wyoming, Jones County, the Midland School District and Anamosa State Penitentiary. Consultant Meyer first discussed progress with the Jones County Hazard Mitigation plan with those present, noting that since the initial meetings were held in Jones County in November 2013 and January and February 2014 he had completed updates to the Community Profile, Hazard Profile, Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis parts of the plan. Consultant Meyer stated that he had worked with committee members and community representatives in obtaining the information necessary for the plan update. He had also previously sent out a draft on CD of the revised plan to city clerks and county officials for their review and input and also to make available for review by anyone else who may be interested. He also had CD’s of the draft available for anyone present at the meeting to have. The planning process is now at the stage where revisions to the Mitigation Measures, or Actions, needed to be reviewed and revised. This included a review of Hazard Mitigation Measures from the 2010 Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan to determine what had been accomplished since 2010, anything new that need to be accomplished within the scope of each mitigation measure and the dates for accomplishing these measures. The committee would also need to determine if any mitigation measures should be dropped from the plan and if any new ones should added. They would also need to add a definite time frame for completion of each mitigation measure. Before beginning the mitigation measure review process, Consultant Meyer led a discussion relative to the scoring system for hazard analysis that was used in the 2010 Jones County HMP vs the newer system used in the 2013 State of Iowa Hazard Mitigation Plan. Attendees said that they liked the scoring system used for the 2010 plan because they felt it gave them more detail and they saw no reason to convert to the newer system because they felt staying with the same system would facilitate comparison between results obtained in 2010 and 2015. To begin the mitigation measure review process, Consultant Meyer reviewed Hazard Mitigation Goals and Objectives with committee members and people present at the meetings. Everyone felt that the goals and objectives from toe 2010 Jones County HMP were comprehensive and no additions, deletions or modification was needed. Action 1: Acquisition of Flood prone structures—No buyouts by any community present at this meeting. Action 2: Backup Generators—In Wyoming, backup generators have been installed at the City Hall and Reception Center. City Hall is the backup EOC and the Reception Center is an emergency shelter. The county installed a new generator at the courthouse and moved the old generator to the Jones County Secondary Roads. Action 3: Maquoketa Valley REC has hardened a lot of power lines. Action 4: Community Outreach. Jones County is in the process of establishing the Emergency Volunteer Center (EVC) for managing spontaneous volunteers to disasters. 440 Action 5: Wyoming has added a security alarm to its water tower. Midland Community Schools and Olin Community Schools have installed a new locking system for the school’s doors. Action 6: Dam Warning Signage: No comments. Jones County Conservation wants the measure left in. Action 7: Increased E911 Capabilities and Cell Phone Triangulation. Jones County E911 Board has purchased and installed “next generation” NG911 cell phone triangulation capabilities using $100,000 in 911 surcharge funding from the State of Iowa. The system became functional January 20, 2015. Action 8: Early Warning Systems—Martelle installed a new storm warning siren in 2011. Jones County has also become part of the Alert Iowa System, a program that sends text messages regarding severe weather and other hazards. Action 9: Elevation of Flood-prone Structures: No comments. Committee does want the measure left in. Action 10: Emergency Operations Plans: No comments. Committee does want the measure left in. Action 11: Emergency Assistance Registration—County and DHS have established a list of areas with citizens that need assistance with life functions. Action 12: Study/evaluate Existing Structural and Flood Mitigation Projects—City of Anamosa may be required to do a study. Action 13: Floodplain management—EMA coordinator is the county’s Floodplain Manager. Nothing significant has been done in the last five years but they want the measure left in. Action 14: Flood-proofing Infrastructure—Anamosa Wastewater Treatment plant was raised up above flood plain. Jones County engineer has removed approximately 30 bridges in the last five years and replaced with box culverts. The engineer has also reinforced some bridges with sheet piling in order to prevent or control erosion. Action 15: Hazardous Materials Response: No new comments. Committee wants the measure left in. Action 16: Mass Casualty Preparation— No new comments. Committee wants the measure left in. Action 17: Relocation of Flood-prone Structures: Structures have been demolished and the area turned into green space, but there has been no relocation. 441 Action 18: Response Personnel—Nothing in particular has been done, but committee does want the measure left in. Action 19: Safe Rooms—Little Eagle Learning Center day care in Wyoming installed a level 3 safe room in 2012. Action 20: Interoperability of Communications Systems—More communications towers have been added at Temple Hill, Martell and Wyoming. The Martelle site has also been upgraded for better narrowband capabilities. The County EMA now uses ARES (Amateur Radio Service) in all drills and disaster events. They have a mobile ARES base in the mobile EOC which also has 800 MHZ, UHF and VHF capabilities. Action 21: Storm Drainage System Improvements—Oxford Junction has dome some drainage system improvements. Action 22: System Improvements (Sewer/Wastewater)—The State Penitentiary is currently working on making some improvements to their water/wastewater system. Action 23: System Improvements (Water)—Wyoming installed a new well in 2012; Oxford Junction a new well in 2013, Martelle has a new water tower. The State Penitentiary has installed 2 new wells. Action 24: Storm water Management Ordinances and Amendments—Wyoming has begun enforcing its existing sump pump ordinances by not allowing sump pumps to hook into wastewater system. Action 25: Updated Floodplain Mapping and Studies—In 2014 FEMA completed this. Action 26: Updated or New Building Codes—No changes noted by anyone. The need for inspectors was noted. Action 27: Smoke Detectors and Fire Prevention Measures— Committee wants the measure left in. Action 28: Sprinklers—The new Jones County Regional Medical center in Anamosa is sprinklered. Committee wants the measure left in. Action 29—Property Maintenance/Rehabilitation—Wyoming is currently using SDBG funds to renovate 6 properties. Action 30: StormReady City/County Designations—has not been accomplished, but EMA is working towards. Action 31: Wetland Protection—Jones County Secondary roads routinely undertakes erosion control measures on projects that involve wetlands. 442 Action 32: Road Signage—Jones County Secondary Roads has purchased LED signs on trailers that can be posted along highways and roads to display special messages about hazards. Action 33: Basement Back Flow Protection—the only devices that have been installed is by private property owners Action 34: Increased Security at Tier II Facilities—anything that has been done has been done by the companies themselves. Action 35: Improved Fire Response Capabilities—Olin has purchased two new fire trucks in the last five years. Anamosa has purchased two new fire trucks in the last five years. Wyoming has purchased a new tanker in the last five years. Martelle has purchased a new fire truck in the last five years. Consultant Meyer asked if there were any new mitigation measures that anyone would like to add. He also noted that he felt the mitigation measures in the plan were comprehensive and covered everything that a county like Jones County would need to address. None of the people present at the meeting had anything they wanted to add. He also pointed out that FEMA’s book Mitigation Ideas was on the disk that was provided to the cities. The book could be perused to see if there is anything anyone felt would be a good fit for the county or any of its jurisdictions. 443 444 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: website: Too: Jones County School District Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee Members September 29, 2014 RE: Meeting with School District Representatives Greetings: In order to facilitate inclusion of the Jones County school districts in the revised Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan I have established a special meeting with the designated representatives of the school districts to the planning committee. The meeting will be held October 23, 2014 at the Anamosa Community School District Office at 200 South Garnavillo Street in Anamosa at 3:00 PM. The meeting should last one hour. Our agenda will be: 1) Update on progress with revising the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2) Determination of disasters or hazards that have the potential to impact the school districts of Jones County 3) Determination of mitigation measures that will reduce or eliminate the impact of these disasters or hazards. I contacted everyone individually about this meeting. I’m looking forward to seeing you all on the 23rd. 445 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: website: AGENDA JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING MEETINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETIUNG ANAMOSA DISTRICT OFFICE OCTOBER 23, 2014 1) Update on progress with revising the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2) Determination of disasters or hazards that have the potential to impact the school districts of Jones County 3) Determination of mitigation measures that will reduce or eliminate the impact of these disasters or hazards. 446 Meeting Minutes—10/23/2014—Anamosa Community School District Office Meeting called to order at 1500 Consultant Steve Meyer held this special meeting to confer with Jones County School District officials about the Jones County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation plan and how the school districts fit into the plan. There were two school districts represented at the meeting: the Anamosa Community School District and the Olin Consolidated School District. Consultant Meyer first discussed the mitigation planning process and progress with the Jones County Hazard Mitigation plan revision. He noted that since the initial meetings were held in Jones County in November 2013 and January and February 2014 he had completed updates to the Community Profile, Hazard Profile, Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis parts of the plan and that now he was holding meetings with community representatives to develop and update the mitigation measures. For examples of how mitigation measures for schools could be worked into the plan, consultant Meyer presented copies of the school district sections from the Linn County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Lisa Beames, Superintendent of the Anamosa Community School District reported that a mitigation activity that is currently being focused on is at the current time, the baseball, softball and football/track complexes of Anamosa Community Schools lie in the river bottom of the Wapsipinicon River. Additionally, the Anamosa Wastewater Treatment Facility is located between the river and the baseball complex. This area floods on an almost annual basis. Depending on the extremity of the flood, baseball fields are lost first followed by softball and then the football/track complex. This is a significant issue to baseball and softball as the flooding season coincides with the athletic season. This flooding causes loss of time, energy and physical resources due to its untimeliness. Most importantly this results in a loss of student engagement due to the inconsistency of play opportunity. The baseball team typically loses between 3 weeks and a month of playing on the field. The 2014 seniors were the 5th class to not have Senior Night on their home field. This hurts a program subsequently also hurting students through not being able to afford them opportunities to stay productively involved in positive activities. If the wastewater treatment facility is breached, we are off the field for 90 days. Both school board representatives indicated that surveillance systems for terrorism incidents and generators for emergency sheltering were mitigation activities that were applicable to their schools. David Keil indicated that updated locking mechanisms for school doors were necessary as a terrorism mitigation activity for Olin as well as air conditioning as an extreme heat measure. Meeting adjourned 1600. 447 448 WORK SESSIONS Some communities held work sessions to review the Jones County HMP and to make updates. Following are the notes, minutes and attendance sheets for those sessions. Wyoming Work Session—November 25, 2013 HAZARD MITIGATION COMMITTEE MEETING, November 25, 2013 The Hazard Mitigation Wyoming Committee met November 25, 2013 at the City Hall at 5p.m.. Members present were Agnitsch, Rodenburg, Eichhorn, Leonard and Tjaden. Discussion was held on chemicals at Crop Production Services, LP tanks at NE corner of Wyoming, pipeline and anhydrous tanks SE of Wyoming. Midland Ambulance should be included on critical facilities map. Possible need for a siren on east end of Wyoming. Storm shelters/safe rooms, communications, insufficient critical infrastructure and generators were discussed also. Wyoming has a zoning code but no building or storm water management code. The committee ranked hazards as follows: Severe winter storm 42 Windstorm 54 Highway transportation incident 22 Human Disease epidemic 21 Tornado 50 Energy Failure 47 Hailstorm 37 Fixed Haz. Materials incident 34 Flash Flood 45 Thunder & Lightning 43 Structural Fire 37 Grass fire 36 Pipeline 27 Communications Failure 49 Extreme Heat 40 Structural Failure 43 Cyber terrorism 25 Tjaden will review and update the mitigation actions from previous plan. Meeting ended at 6:40 p.m. Notes on updates done since last plan. Wyoming has acquired a generator for the water tower since the last update. A new flood plain map has been done. A few water mains have been replaced with larger ones. Improvements for the wastewater system at the lagoons is planned for 20014. Basement backflow protections is required by Ordinance. Water tower has a security system. 449 450 451 452 MARTELLE—DECEMBER 29, 2013 453 454 MONTICELLO—APRIL 2, 2014 455 OXFORD JUNCTION--JANUARY 24,2014 Hazard Mitigation Meeting: Jan 24, 2014 9:30am at Wregie Memorial Library The City of Oxford Junction Hazard Mitigation committee met at the Wregie Memorial Library on Jan 24, 2014 at 9:30 am. Present were Stacia Hansen, City Clerk; Mike Shirley, Mayor; Betsy Bonny and Kathy Chase, Council. A packet of information containing information on revising the community hazard mitigation plan was carefully reviewed and discussed by the group. It was determined that the information was accurate and no changes need to be made at this time. The Clerk was instructed to let Steve Meyer, who is in charge of the County Hazard Mitigation Plan, know that the City of Oxford Junction would require no changes. Stacia Hansen, City Clerk 456 457 JONES COUNTY UNINCORPORATED—APRIL 14, 2014 458 459 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: website: TO: All Jones County jurisdictions September 15, 2014 RE: Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan revision Greetings: Since our initial meetings regarding the Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan revision in December 2013 and January 2014 much has transpired. I have been provided considerable input and information from many of you and I have received invaluable assistance from Jones County EMA Coordinator Brenda Leonard and Kristi Atchison, your Jones County GIS person, in getting this plan to where it is at. The point we are at with this plan is drafts of four out of the five major portions of this plan are complete. These parts are Part 1, Community Profile; Part 2, Planning Process; Part 3, Hazard Analysis; Part 4, Risk Assessment. The enclosed disk contains these four sections. I need each jurisdiction to review these sections and approve them or make recommendations for changes. Please note your approval or recommendations for changes on the attached form which I would like returned to me by October 15, 2014. I have enclosed an SASE for your convenience. I realize there is a lot of information here, so the thoroughness of your review is at your discretion. Please pay particular attention to the information that focuses on your particular jurisdiction. The last part that needs to be completed is the Mitigation Strategy section—Part 5. I have included the unrevised version of this from the 2010 plan. I have also included a pdf of FEMA’s planning guide— Mitigation Ideas. What I need everyone to do is review the unrevised Section 5 to determine which mitigation measures or action items have been addressed, which are no longer applicable and determine any new mitigation measures that need to be incorporated into the 2015 revision. You may wish to look through the Mitigation Ideas to see if there anything you feel is applicable to Jones County. For the communities of Center Junction, Morley and Onslow and the school districts of Jones County that were not included in the 2010 Jones County HMP you will need to determine which mitigation measures are applicable to your community or school district. I have also included a copy of the report I prepared on results of the survey taken for the Jones County HMP. This will be a separate section of the plan. I am in the process of scheduling three mitigation planning meetings in Jones County during mid to late October. The primary purpose of these meetings will be to discuss changes to Part 5 of the plan. I will be sending information out about these meetings once the details are finalized. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please feel free to contact me. 460 JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN REVIEW Jones County Jurisdiction_______________________________ □ Approve the revised version of Part 1, Community Profile Or Want changes made to Part 1 as described □ Approve the revised version of Part 3, Hazard Analysis Or Want changes made to Part 1 as described □ Approve the revised version of Part 4, Risk Assessment Or Want changes made to Part 1 as described Please note any changes in a separate document Signed: _______________________________________________ Authorized representative for _______________________________ 461 STEVE MEYER consulting llc. 304 E. Maple St., Box 247, Garrison, IA. 52229 ph. 319-477-5041 Cell: 319-640-8735 e-mail: website: TO: All Jones County jurisdictions January 12, 2015 RE: Jones County Hazard Mitigation Plan revision Greetings: Alas, we are a point with the Jones County Hazard Mitigation plan where I have a complete draft. There are still one or two small details I am working on, but they are basically only information that needs to go in the plan, nothing that will impact a review of the plan. So, enclosed you will find a disk with the completed plan. Most of this you have already seen. Please review as thoroughly as you desire and complete the attached form and return it to me by January 31, 2015. The plan is also posted to the county’s website for public review. After approval letters are received from the affiliated jurisdictions the plan will be submitted to FEMA for review. Thank you! 462 JONES COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN REVIEW Jones County Jurisdiction_______________________________ □ Approve the revised plan as presented Or Want the following changes made as described Signed: _______________________________________________ Authorized representative for _______________________________ 463