323B-220E District and School Assistance Grant

District and School Assistance Grant Appendix G
Northeast DSAC Regional PD Projects
1. Level 3 Accelerated Improvement Planning: There is a need to
accelerate achievement for all students through the development of a
focused, actionable and sustainable district planning process. Funds may
be used to support Level 3 AIP development and implementation. AIP
Teams from eligible districts will convene collectively 2-3 times during
2013-14 to work with AIP Facilitators and be trained in the Level 3 AIP
process. District AIP Teams would then work with the AIP Facilitators to
develop the district-based Accelerated Improvement Plan.
Grant Funding Source –Title I School Improvement Funds (323-B):
$12,000 is available. Districts may request up to $4,000 for stipends,
substitute costs and travel expenses to participate in the multi-district
training taking place 2-3 times during the year.
a. Objective: The District Accelerated Improvement Plan (AIP) is
designed to target and transform instructional practices at all levels
within the district. The AIP focuses the instructional outcomes and
results for students.
b. Outcomes: Participating districts will develop, implement and
monitor an Accelerated Improvement Plan.
c. Participants: Priority will be given to districts that have completed a
District Review by the DESE Office of Accountability.
Note: Additional in-district AIP work may be allocated from the district’s
base grant award.
2. World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Network:
There is a need to bring together educators around the implementation of
best practices in support of English Language Learners. The network
would focus on the implementation of WIDA standards, meeting AMAO
target improvement goals, data analysis of ACCESS and MCAS test
results and SEI strategies that lead to instructional improvement for ELLs.
Grant Funding Source – Title I School Improvement Funds (323-B):
$15,000 is available. Districts may apply for up to $15,000 to act as the
lead agency for a regional partnership. Funds may be used for consultant
support for regional professional development in the implementation of
WIDA standards and in-district consultation, classroom observations and
implementation feedback.
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a. Objective: To provide support for Level 3 districts in the analysis of
ACCESS and MCAS student performance data and the application
of WIDA standards to support improvement for ELLs.
b. Outcomes: Participants will analyze ACCESS test results and subgroup MCAS data and develop strategies to strengthen
instructional practices to support academic achievement for English
Language Learners.
c. Participants: Participation in the WIDA Network is open to all
Northeast Region Level 3 districts. Priority for in-district
consultation will be given to districts that did not meet AMAO
Targets (Haverhill, Methuen, Peabody and Salem)
3. Math Network Seminars: There is a need to support math professional
development for the NE DSAC Math Instructional Leaders Network.
Funds will be used to deliver 2-3 half day seminars focused on best
practices in math with a focus on working with “struggling students,”
implementation of the Common Core State Standards / Massachusetts
Mathematics Curriculum Framework and the Standards of Mathematical
Practice. The network will support connections with Educator Evaluation
goals and measurements.
Grant Funding Source – State Targeted Assistance Funds (220-E):
$3,000 is available. Districts may apply for up to $3,000 to act as the lead
agency for a regional partnership. Funds may be used for consultant
support to provide up to three, half day (4 hour) training on selected topics
in math instructional practices.
a. Objective: The NE DSAC Math Instructional Leaders Network
(Math ILN) provides regional support to instructional leaders in
mathematics. The Math ILN meets six times per year to share best
practices in mathematics. The Math Network Seminars will provide
an opportunity to dig deeper into strategies that support
instructional practice for all students and increased student
achievement for “struggling students” in the area of mathematics.
b. Outcomes: Participants will learn about effective strategies and
resources and have a chance to implement these strategies in the
c. Participants: Priority will be given to Level 3 districts and active
members of the Math Instructional Leaders Network.
4. Literacy Network Seminars: There is a need to support professional
development for the NE DSAC Literacy Partnership Network. Funds will
be used to deliver 2-3 half day seminars focused on best practices in
literacy with a focus on working with “struggling students,” implementation
of the Common Core State Standards and the Massachusetts ELA /
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Literacy Framework. The network will support connections with Educator
Evaluation goals and measurements.
Grant Funding Source – State Targeted Assistance Funds (220-E):
$3,000 is available. Districts may apply for up to $3,000 to act as the lead
agency for a regional partnership. Funds may be used for consultant
support to provide up to three, half day (4 hour) training on selected topics
in literacy.
a. Objective: The NE DSAC Literacy Partnership Network) provides
regional support to instructional leaders in English Language Arts
and Literacy. The Literacy Partnership Network meets to share best
practices reading, writing, listening and speaking. The Literacy
Network Seminars will provide an opportunity to dig deeper into
strategies that support instructional practice for all students and
increased student achievement for “struggling students” in the area
of literacy.
b. Outcomes: Participants will learn about strategies and resources
and have an opportunity to practice these strategies in the
c. Participants: Priority will be given to Level 3 districts and active
members of the Literacy Partnership Network.
5. Curriculum & Instructional Leadership Workshops: There is a need to
support ongoing district work in curriculum planning and implementation of
high quality instructional practices in such areas as curriculum mapping
and alignment to the Common Core State Standards, implementation of
the “Model Curriculum Units,” curriculum design using the “Understanding
by Design Model,” evaluation of curriculum units and the design and
implementation of ‘curriculum embedded performance assessments.”
Grant Funding Source – Title I School Improvement Funds (323-B):
$10,000 is available. Districts may apply for up to $10,000 to act as the
lead agency for a regional partnership. Funds may be used for consultant
support for workshop training in curriculum mapping, backwards design,
development of curriculum embedded performance assessments, and use
of high quality rubrics to assess curriculum units, and for in-district
a. Objective: To provide training in curriculum and instructional
practices to district and school curriculum leaders.
b. Outcomes: Participants at the workshops will develop a district
curriculum plan to implement high quality curriculum units that are
aligned with the MA Curriculum Frameworks, and will align the work
with Educator Evaluation Implementation.
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c. Participants: Priority will be given to Level 3 districts that have
agreed to implement the “Model Curriculum Units” and have
initiated curriculum mapping and benchmark assessments.
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