Supplemental Homework DNA

The nucleic acid _____ stores and transmits the genetic information from
one generation to the next. DNA is short for
DNA IS a long molecule made of subunits called ______________, each of
which consists of three basic components - _________________ which is
a 5-carbon sugar, a _______________ group and one of four
______________ _____________. DNA is a double stranded molecule
with a shape called a ______________ ______________. The sides, or
backbone, of this molecule are the sugar and phosphate components
linked together by covalent bonds. The “rungs of the ladder” are the paired,
________ ____________. The four bases can only pair together with
_______________ bonded to thymine and cytosine bonded to
_____________. The bases pairs are held together by ________________
bonds. The sequences of these bases form a type of code or alphabet
known as a _______ which codes for a specific protein and thus a specific
trait. During mitotic cell division DNA is copied during a process called
____________. This takes place during the S stage of Interphase. A
human cell contains more than 1 meter of DNA. Its fits inside the
__________ of the cell by being tightly coiled around proteins called
histones to form a fiber or strand-like structure called a __________.
During cell division these strands become even more compact and are
called _______________. During DNA replication the molecule is
separated into two strands and two complimentary strands are created by
following the rules of _________ _____.
Genes are coded DNA instructions that control the production of
______________. The first step of using this code to assemble protein
takes place in the ___________ of the cell. The genetic message is copied
from DNA to a second nucleic acid known as _____. RNA is similar to DNA
but there are three main differences in the compounds. (1) DNA is double
stranded while RNA is generally _______ ________, (2) DNA has
deoxyribose sugar and RNA has _____________sugar and (3) RNA
contains ____________ in place of thymine. There are three main types of
RNA: ____________RNA, ________________RNA and
_____________RNA. The RNA that can leave the nucleus with the
information from a gene is called __RNA or messenger RNA. The protein is
assembled at a _____________ which is made of several dozen proteins
and __RNA or ribosomal RNA. During the construction of the protein
__________ a third type of RNA transfers the amino acid to the ribosome.
This is known as ___RNA or ___________________RNA.
mRNA is produced when a segment of DNA nucleotide sequence is copied
during the process called________________. This mRNA then leaves the
nucleus and travels to a ______________. Each group of three mRNA
bases is called a _____. Each _________ specifies for a specific amino
acid. While there are 64 possible codons, there are only _______ different
amino acids. There is one codon for methionine – the start code and three
codons that code for ‘stop’. This means that some amino acids have
several codons.
At the ribosome, the process of _______________ takes place and the
message is ‘decoded’ to assemble the protein. tRNA brings the
appropriate amino acid to the building site on the ribosome and assembles
the amino acids into the proper sequence to produce the specific
________. Each tRNA is specific to one amino acid and it can only match
the mRNA codon with its _________.