CV 5-16-12 (no refs).. - University of Washington

Laura M. Brady
Department of Psychology | University of Washington
Guthrie Hall, Box 351525 | Seattle, WA 98112 | (815)-298-3470
Sept. 2011 – Present
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Ph.D. in Social Psychology
 Diversity Specialization (in progress)
 Quantitative minor (in progress)
Advisors: Dr. Cheryl Kaiser, Dr. Janxin Leu, & Dr. Sapna Cheryan
DePaul University, Chicago, IL
June 2011
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Graduated Summa Cum Laude
 Minor in Women’s and Gender Studies
 Minor in Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
DePaul University Scholastic Excellence Award
DePaul University First Year Writing Showcase, First Place Award
DePaul University Dean’s Scholarship
Sept. 2012 – Present
2008 – 2011
May 2008
Aug. 2007 – June 2011
Brady, L., Kaiser, C. R., & Major, B. (2012, Jan.). Organizational diversity training increases
perceptions of procedural fairness. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Group
Processes and Intergroup Relations Preconference of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Brady, L., Virtue, S., & Reyna, C. (2011). The hemispheric processing of stereotypes. Poster
presented at the DePaul University Annual Psychology Night Conference.
Brady, L., Mould, R., Mihelicova, M., Jepson, R., & Virtue, S. (2011). Hemispheric influence
on persuasion. Poster presented at the DePaul University Annual Psychology Night
Brady, L., Gill, J., Purhmann, R., & Reyna, C. (2010, May). The automaticity of
infrahumanization according to values. Poster presented at the DePaul University Annual
Psychology Night Conference.
Brady, L., Saab, M., Motyka Joss, L., & Virtue, S. (2010, May). The influence of reading goals
and textual constraint on predictive inference generation in the cerebral hemispheres. Poster
presented at the DePaul University Annual Psychology Night Conference.
Sept. 2011 – Present
Graduate Research Assistant, Social Identity Laboratory
Dr. Cheryl Kaiser, University of Washington
Sept. 2010 – June 2011
Research Coordinator, Center for Writing-based Learning
Dr. Lauri Dietz, DePaul University
Jan. 2010 – June 2011
Research Assistant, Brain and Language Lab
Dr. Sandra Virtue, DePaul University
Sept. 2009 – June 2011
Research Assistant, Laboratory for Social Science Research
Dr. Christine Reyna, DePaul University
Teaching Assistant, Understanding Statistics for Psychology
Dr. Dana Nelson, University of Washington
January 2012-March 2012
Psychology Writing Center Tutor
Dr. Patti Loesche, University of Washington
Supplemental Instructor, Introduction to Language and Composition
Eric Plattner, DePaul University
Writing Fellow, Center for Writing-based Learning
Matthew Pearson, DePaul University
Writing Center Tutor, Center for Writing-based Learning
Dr. Lauri Dietz, DePaul University
March 2012 – Present
Summer 2011
July 2010 – June 2011
January 2009 – June 2011
Social-Personality Psychology Seminar
Host for weekly area seminars
Psi Chi Graduate School Panel
Mar. 2012 – June 2012
May 2012
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Social Psychology Network
American Psychological Association
Psi Chi International Honor Society
Golden Key International Honour Society
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
University of Washington:
Core Concepts in Social Psychology: Classics (Psych 510)
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis (Psych 524)
Linear Models and Data Analysis (Psych 525)
Laboratory in Statistical Computation I (Psych 522)
Laboratory in Statistical Computation II (Psych 523)
Structural Equation Modeling (Soc 529)
Grant Preparation in Psychology (Psych 536)
Advances in Social and Personality Psychology: Psychological Interventions (Psych 547)