MUTANT MILLETS Data Collection Spring 2015 Use this sheet to record observations and data throughout the life cycle of your Setaria plants. Check your plants daily the first two weeks, and at least once a week after that and record what you observe. Environmental Data: Before you begin planting, record some information about the environmental conditions of your classroom. Average Room Temperature (record air temperature in degrees Centigrade with the provided thermometer): Average Room Humidity (%): Type of Lighting Used: Light Intensity at Soil Level (in lux): Photoperiod: How many hours a day the lights were on: How many hours a day the lights were off: Lights turn on at: Lights turn off at: DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 1 MUTANT MILLETS Why do you think it is important to record this information while you are conducting your study? If any drastic changes in your classroom environment take place, take notes on this as well. Planting Information: Setaria Family: What percentage of seeds germinated? HINT: the number of seeds that germinated the number of seeds planted X100 Describe your watering schedule. Describe your fertilizing schedule. DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 2 MUTANT MILLETS Record These Important Dates: Wild Type A10.1 Event Date Mutant Family: _________________ Days After Planting Date Days After Planting Planting Can See Green Plantlets Above Soil Line First Panicle Appears Plants Mature & Begin Senesce Bag Plants Stop Watering Collect Seeds Observations of Setaria Growth and Development: include these in your team’s lab notebook or journal. Before you begin observing your plants, look at the appendices to see what data you will be entering in the website at the end of the semester. Make sure you collect your data in a way that will allow you to answer these questions. 1. Observe your plants daily for the first two weeks, then weekly after that. Each time you observe your plants, record any mutant phenotypes observed. Not all plants in your mutant family tray will display a mutant phenotype, so observe each plant carefully. Some phenotypes will be apparent right after the seeds germinate, and others may not be apparent until much later in the plant’s life cycle. Refer to the following key to use the two or three letter codes for mutant phenotypes on your data collection sheet. You can use the “Plant Data Collection Sheet” to record these observations. DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 3 MUTANT MILLETS Codes for Mutant Phenotypes Category Color Size Other Code Name Description AB Albino All parts of the plant lack any pigment and appear white PG Pale Green Leaf blades are a pale green color, paler than the green of wild type leaf blades YL Yellow Leaf Leaf blades are yellow in color YS Yellow Stripe Leaf Leaf blades are green with yellow stripes TL Tiger Leaf Leaf blade has yellow bands YTD Yellow Tie Dye Leaf blades are green, but have random spots of yellow all over SM Small Plant is shorter than the average wild type plant TP Tall Plant Plant is taller than the average wild type plant LPF Late Panicle Formation Plant forms panicles later than wild type plants PSP Partial Sterile Panicle A portion of the panicle does not contain seeds BSY Bushy Plant has more tillers than wild type plants and appears bushy FP Fat Panicle Panicles on the plant are wider than the panicles on wild type plants NAL Narrow Leaf Leaf blades are more narrow than leaf blades on wild type plants NL Necrotic Leaf Most leaf blades are brown and appear dead (this does not apply to a plant with one or two dead leaf blades) NS Necrotic Spotty Most leaf blades have brown, dead spots (If this is scattered on all plants it may be due to pest damage) Twisted Leaf Leaf blades appear twisted and knotted SL Scalloped Leaf Portion of the leaf blade has a scalloped edge WL Weeping Leaf NT No tiller TWL Leaf blades curl downwards No tillers DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 4 MUTANT MILLETS Category Seed Code Name Description SMSD Small seed size Seeds are much smaller in size than wild type LGSD Large seed size Seeds are larger in size than wild type FWSD Fewer seeds Seeds per plant are very few in number compared to wild type Numerous MNYSD seeds Majority of seeds tan TNSD colored Seeds are a TNBLK mixture of tan SD and black Seeds per plant are very many in number compared to wild type Majority of seeds are tan colored (unfilled) Half of the seeds are tan colored, half are black-gray colored 2. Each week, measure the height of your plants in centimeters (cm). Plant height should be measured from the soil to the tallest point of the plant. When you have several data points, plot this data on a graph to see how much your plant has grown over time (growth rate). Compare the height of mutant plants to wild type plants. 3. Count the number of tillers coming from the base of each plant every week. Create a graph showing the number of tillers present over time. Look at your classroom dataset. Is the number of tillers different between plants? If they all have about the same number of tillers, then calculate an average number of tillers produced per plant when mature. Does this differ between plants displaying mutant phenotypes and wild type plants? DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 5 MUTANT MILLETS 4. How many days did it take your wild type plants to flower? To produce its first panicle? Mutant plants? 5. Can you see any flowering occurring in the florets (use a dissecting microscope or hand lens)? If so, draw and describe the flower. 6. How many panicles develop per plant? Does this vary across all your plants? Create a graph showing the relationship between the height of the plant (on x-axis) and the number of panicles (on y-axis). Describe this relationship. 7. Do the same type of data analysis by creating a graph showing the relationship between the number of panicles (x-axis) and the number of tillers (y-axis). Describe this relationship. 8. When are actual seeds evident in the panicles? How does the panicle change over time? Describe what you observe. DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 6 MUTANT MILLETS 9. When you harvest all the seed from each panicle on your plant, what do the seeds look like when spread out on a piece of white paper? Are the seeds viable & filled (black-gray) or empty (white-tan)? Estimate the percentage of seeds that are filled, and the percentage of seeds that are empty. (Hint:Take a random sample of 100 seeds, and count the number of them that look viable.) 10. After seed harvest, compare total numbers of seed per plant from your mutant plants with wild type plants; For each mutant plant, record whether the total number of seeds are less, the same or more than the wild type. 11. Gather seeds from your mutant plant and examine their sizes, compared with seed from a wild type plant; are they smaller, the same size as wild type or larger? Record your observations (NOTE: Don’t mix up seeds from different plants!) DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 7 MUTANT MILLETS The following appendices are examples of the data entry forms that appear on the website. You will be entering your data on the website at the end of the semester, so make sure you collect the appropriate data to be able to answer the following questions. Appendix A: DATA ENTRY- MUTANT PLANTS Submit this form for every plant that displays a mutant phenotype. Mutant Family(required) 00671 01239 01266 01271 01267 School(required) Plant Number (1-17)(required) Did this plant display delayed germination?(required) No, it germinated within 2 days of the other plants in the family. Yes, it germinated more than 2 days after the other plants in the family. Mutant Phenotype- Color(required) AB PG YL YS YTD Not Applicable Age of plant (in days) when the color phenotype was first observed. Mutant Phenotype- Size(required) SM TP Not Applicable Mutant Phenotype- Other: List (using 2-3 letter abbreviations) any other phenotypes observed (i.e. LPF, BSY, FP, NAL, NL, NS). Age of plant at death (in days), if earlier than other plants in family (due to natural DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 8 MUTANT MILLETS causes, likely mutant phenotype; not because you did not care for it) Did this plant survive to produce seeds? (required) Yes No Notes Are the plant’s seeds smaller, same size as wild type, or larger in size? (required) Smaller Same size as wild type seed Larger Are the plant’s total number of seeds very few, same as wild type or more numerous? (required) Very few Same number as wild type More numerous Are most of the plant’s seeds viable & filled (black-gray colored) or empty (white-tan), or mixed? (required) Majority black or grey colored Half are black or grey colored and half tan colored Majority tan colored DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 9 MUTANT MILLETS Appendix B: DATA ENTRY- MUTANT FAMILY SUMMARY Submit this form summarizing the data for a mutant family. This form should be submitted once for each tray of mutant plants planted. Mutant Family(required) 00671 01239 01266 01271 01267 School(required) Number of plants (out of 17) that germinated.(required) Germination Rate (%)(required) Mutant phenotypes observed & the percentage of plants that displayed a mutant phenotype or combination of mutant phenotypes. (Example: 30% TP, 20% PG, 15% PG & SM)(required) How many days after planting did you observe plants above the soil line? How many days after planting did you observe the first panicle? How many days after planting did your plants begin to mature and senesce? How many days after planting did you bag your plants? How many days after planting did you collect seeds? DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 1 0 MUTANT MILLETS Appendix C: DATA ENTRY- ENVIRONMENTAL DATA The environmental data should be recorded once per classroom. Take an average of your readings across the experiment. If you saw a wide range of values, you can also report a range (for example, if your classroom was colder at the beginning of the experiment, but warmed up as the semester progressed, you can report that). School(required) Room Temperature (C)(required) Humidity(required) Light Intensity at Soil Level (Lux)(required) Photoperiod (hours lights ON) Describe your watering schedule Describe your fertilizing schedule Notes (Any unusual observations? i.e. power outages, temperature swings, pests) DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER 1 1