ArcGIS 10.1 ECWP - Department of Environment, Land, Water and

Image Web Server
ArcMap 10.1 ECWP plug-in for IWS 2013
Sheet ecwp
October 2013
Loading an Image
The IWS plug-in for ArcMap is designed to load ECW and
JPEG2000 images from the Image Web Server into the
ArcMap environment. DEPI has upgraded its IWS to 2013. As
a consequence the plug-in must be upgraded.
To load an image into ArcMap 10.1 click on the Add ECWP
Image button (1) on the ECWP Tool Bar.
ArcMap – ECW Tool Bar
Viewing of ECW imagery in ArcMap 10.1 requires the ERDAS
ECW for ArcGIS plug-in (version 13.0). The DEPI One Desktop
machines with ArcGIS 10.1 will automatically be upgraded.
External stakeholders and internal users that have installed
10.1 themselves will need to manually upgrade their plug-in.
a. enter into the Server name text box
of the resulting menu;
b. enter your MyProfile Username and Password into the
Username and Password text boxes;
c. click on the Connect… button;
The following Tool Bar should appear in ArcMap after installing
or upgrading the plug-in.
Add ECWP image from APOLLO Image Web Server
Set options for ECWP layers
Open the ECWP integration documentation
If it does not appear then go to ArcMap’s Customise >
Toolbars menu options and tick the ECWP option to activate
the toolbar.
d. expand the images folder;
e. browse to and select the required image from the folder
If the toolbar is not listed in the menu and CenITex provide
your IT support then you will need to log a call with their Help
Desk because absence of this toolbar indicates a significant
installation issue that is likely to require manual administrator
level intervention to resolve.
Please Note: When navigating the folder tree it is important to be
accurate and definite when clicking the + icon to expand folders
because some folders such as images/land/aerial/towns contains a
large number of images and there is a noticeable time lag for the
server to compile the list of images in the folder and open it.
Repeated clicking on the + icon will only slow the process down.
If you are not a DEPI ArcGIS 10.1 user you can refer to the
Manual Installation of IWS plug-in section of this information
sheet for some assistance.
Once an image has been selected you will notice that a
thumbnail view of the image and its specifications will
appear beneath the ECWP URL text box;
Manual installation of the IWS plug-in in ArcGIS 10.1 is not
supported by CenITex for DEPI users as it should not be
required if the correct ArcGIS 10.1 install/upgrade process has
been followed.
Username Password
Viewing imagery via the Image Web Server requires a user
name and password. If you don’t have a username and
password for the Image Web Server you will need to apply for
one. Refer to the Register a User information sheet for detailed
Forgotten Your Password?
Click here to reset your password.
List of available images
Unlike previous versions of the IWS plug-in for ArcMap a list of
URL paths does not need be stored on a local or network drive.
The list of available imagery is maintained and accessible in
the plug-in.
click the Add button to load the image into the map window.
g. click the Close button when finished loading images.
Please Note: Some images on the Image Web Server are not
georeferenced and therefore may not be suitable for viewing in
ArcGIS. These images will contain a dpi value in the file name
rather than a coordinate systems value (like mga54, mga55, vg94
or dd94).
Information Services Division (DEPI) produced this document, 2013. Refer to back for contact details.
The information contained within this document is not to be used for purposes other than those explicitly
stated as being work completed by or on behalf of DEPI. DEPI will not be held accountable for the stated
information being used outside of the Departments’ stated needs.
Opening previously loaded images
Manual installation of IWS plug-in
a. click on dropdown button of the ECWP URL text box in the
Add ECWP image menu;
b. select the desired image from the list;
c. click the Add button to load the image into the map
d. click the Close button when finished loading images.
a. ensure that the previous version of the plug-in has been
uninstalled. Uninstall via the Windows menu options:
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs
b. click on this ERDAS ECWP 2013 Plugin for ArcGIS 10.1 link to
down load the required files to your PC
c. extract the down loaded zip
More information
Additional information is available from the IWS Technical
Page including an ArcMap10 Trouble Shooting information
sheet which has tips about managing your cache and printing.
e. click the Next button in the resulting window
Image Footprints
The image footprints layer is a spatial index of all
georeferenced images stored on the Image Web Server. The
layer contains information about the image file which will
support basic searching for appropriate images.
Internal users can access the footprints layer via ArcGIS as
an ESRI file geodatabase via the VSDL on
double click the ERDASECWForArcGISDesktop10.1.exe
file to initiate installation
read and accept the Licence Agreement by selecting the I
accept the terms of the License Agreement radio button
and click the Next button…
g. then click the Install button and the installation process will
h. then click the Next> button to complete the installation
then click the Finish button to complete the installation
External users are able to order and download the footprints
layer via the Spatial Datamart, which supports both MapInfo
mid/mif and ESRI shp formats.
Note: At present the Spatial Datamart does not support the
MapInfo tab format for the footprints layer. MapInfo users can
extract the layer via the mid/mif format.
List of accessible imagery
It is now possible to view and save a list of Image Web Server
imagery, so that you can differentiate between all the imagery
on the image web server and those that you have access to.
a. Go to the Image Web Server Administration Interface
(click Yes on the Security Alert pop-up)
b. Login using your IWS username and password
c. Select the View Permissions menu option (top left of the
d. The result will be a page that displays a list of User’s
Images. This is a list of images that you have been
granted access to according to an agreed data license.
e. Tick the Include All Available Images box to list all the
other images on the IWS which you do not have access
f. Save the list in either TXT or PDF formats by selecting the
appropriate button.
g. Contact DEPI if you would like to purchase a license to
view the other images or if you think there is a discrepancy
between your license agreement and what you have
access to.
Image Web Server Contact Details
The Information Services Division (DEPI) is managing the IWS.
Please address any feedback or queries to
Information Services Division (DEPI) produced this document, 2013. Refer to back for contact details.
The information contained within this document is not to be used for purposes other than those explicitly
stated as being work completed by or on behalf of DEPI. DEPI will not be held accountable for the stated
information being used outside of the Departments’ stated needs.