COLONEL SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL FORT HUACHUCA ACCOMMODATION SCHOOLS P.O. Box 12954 (Building 67601) Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85670 (520) 459-8892 Fax (520) 459-8939 INTERSCHOLASTIC PARTICIPATION MEDICAL TREATMENT FORM Student Name_______________________________ Grade_________ BE IT KNOWN that I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the above named student, do hereby give and grant unto any medical doctor or hospital my consent and authorization to render such aid, treatment, and/or care to said student as, in the event said student should be injured or stricken ill while participating in an interscholastic activity sponsored or sanctioned by the Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools. IT IS HEREBY understood and agreed that the consent and authorization hereby given and granted is continuing and is intended by me to extend throughout the current school year. ________________________ Date _____________________________________ ____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Phone No. ______________________________________ ___________________ Emergency Contact Other Than Parent/Guardian Phone No. COLONEL SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools P.O. Box 12964 (Building 67601) Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85670 (520) 459-8892 (520) 459-8939 INTERSCHOLASTIC PARTICIPATION PARENT PERMISSION FORM Student Name:_____________________________ Grade__________ Sport/Club:____________________________________ I give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in organized interscholastic Club physical activity. I realize that activity involves the potential for injury which in inherent in all sports and physical activity. I acknowledge that even with the best coaching, use of the most advanced protective equipment and strict observance of rules, injuries are still a possibility. It is understood that all reasonable caution will be taken by those in charge to prevent injuries. It is further understood and agreed that I will indemnify and hold harmless the Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools, its officers, employees and agents in all cases of accidents which may occur as a result of participation in interscholastic Club events. I consent for my child to attend on and off campus activities and will provide transportation home from the school after each activity/event scheduled by the Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools. It is understood that the consent and authorization given is intended only for the stated Club season. __________________________________________ _______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date