Faculty Instructions

Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability
Faculty Fellowships 2016-2017
Fellowship Goals: One of the primary goals of the Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability
(CEJS) is to support the scholarship of faculty and students across campus engaged in EJS endeavors.
Furthermore, we hope to foster collegiality of EJS scholars on campus and opportunities for
multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary scholarship that spans the schools and colleges of Seattle University.
This fellowship program is available to support scholarly research by faculty in all disciplines on topics
related to environmental justice or sustainability. Proposals are encouraged in all types of scholarship,
and projects that include collaboration across disciplines or schools/colleges are highly encouraged. The
program provides support for new projects, for extending previous work, or for moving projects in a
new direction. CEJS faculty fellows are expected to produce a tangible scholarly product, such as a grant
proposal, journal article, peer-reviewed artistic presentation, or publishable project as a result of their
participation in this program. Instructions for student fellowships are outlined in a separate call for
Anticipated Timeline, 2015-2017:
Earth Week (04/22/16)
Winter quarter, Date TBD
Call for proposals is announced
Proposals due by 4pm to CEJSgrants@seattleu.edu
Fellows announced
Welcome meeting for fellows
- Fellows meeting
- Public gathering; presentation of fellows’ research
Fellows meeting
Public gathering; presentation of fellows’ research
Mid-year report due
Attend Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship
- Fellows meeting
- Public gathering; presentation of fellows’ research
Final report/product (manuscript, grant proposal, etc.) due
Eligibility: Full-time tenured, tenure-track, and continuing non-tenure-track faculty members with the
following conditions:
 Must be able to commit to a year-long scholarly project.
 Must be willing to meet the fellowship requirements outlined below.
 Faculty members who hold endowed chairs are ineligible to apply for this fellowship if they
receive research funding as part of their chair.
 Prior CEJS faculty fellowship recipients are eligible for funding. The project proposal may be
an extension of previous work or may be for an entirely different research area.
Requirements for Fellows:
 Attend one meeting of fellowship recipients per quarter to share ideas and explore possible
collaborations on publications or grant proposals as appropriate.
 Attend one meeting per quarter where initial research/project results and progress are
presented to the SU community as well as CEJS community partners; two faculty fellows
will present at each of these three gatherings, but all fellows are expected to attend.
 Submit a brief mid-year progress report.
 Complete one tangible scholarly product (article manuscript, grant proposal, peer-reviewed
artistic presentation, etc.) and turn in a final report by June 1, 2017, that outlines the status
of the project.
Compensation: One-course release or $6,000 stipend during AY 2016-2017. Requests for a course
release must be approved by the department chair or dean.
Application components:
1. Cover sheet
a. Applicant information
b. Brief summary (250 words) of the proposed scholarly work/project
c. Signatures
2. CV (maximum 2 pages), highlighting work relevant to environmental justice or sustainability
3. Project proposal, minimum 11-point font with 1-inch margins, maximum 4 pages. Note that the
review panel will be comprised of faculty and professionals from a variety of EJS disciplines;
please write your proposal with this audience in mind.
a. Intended objective(s) of the project and the methodology you will employ.
b. Discuss the significance of your project both within your discipline and in relation to the
larger concerns of environmental justice or sustainability.
c. Project timeline, including intent for presentation of the project’s results.
d. List all current or pending fellowships or grants, indicating the funding period.
Application procedure: Submit the two files (cover sheet/project proposal and CV) in PDF format. Send
as email attachments in one message to CEJSGRANTS@seattleu.edu by 4pm on January 4th, 2016.
Selection criteria:
Clarity of proposal—needs to be easily understood by readers not in the discipline
Significance of project within the applicant’s academic discipline or significance for
interdisciplinary scholarship
Potential for advancing the scholarship of environmental justice and sustainability
Evidence of appropriate or novel collaboration, particularly across disciplines
Contribution of the project to the fellow’s scholarly development
Viability of project—realistic objectives and timeline
Potential for publication or other dissemination