Supplementary Material The impact of river regulation on the biodiversity intactness of floodplain wetlands Jan J. Kuiper1,2*, Jan H. Janse1,3, Sven Teurlincx1, Jos T.A. Verhoeven2 & Rob Alkemade3 1 Department of Aquatic Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), P.O. Box 50 NL-6700 AB, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 2 Ecology and Biodiversity, Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, H.R. Kruytgebouw, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 3 PBL -Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, P.O. Box 303, 3720 AH Bilthoven, The Netherlands. * Corresponding author. Email: This document contains: Online Resource 1 – Short description of the studies Online Resource 2 – Variances & Categorization Online Resource 3 – Forest plots & Funnel plots Online Resource 4 – Linking up with GLOBIO-aquatic 1 Online Resource 1 Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Mallik and Richardson 2009 British ColumbiaCanada Temperate forest Plants Reference in space; same river. 3 rivers. 1 site per treatment per river, 5 transects per site, 14 plots per transect. 6 (3 rivers; LR and MSA) Paetzold, Yoshimura and Tockner 2008 Multiple Alpine Rivers, Europe Temperate forest Inverte brates Reference in space; different rivers. 3 sites at the control rivers, 3 sites at the impacted rivers. 3 sampling periods in the same year, 24 plots per site per sampling period. 6 (three disturbance treatments; LR and MSA) 2 Type of regulation Dam (hydroelectric) Channeliza tion and hydropeaking Hydrological impact The natural regime comprises moderate flows in the spring resulting from snow melt. A recession during the drier summer months, followed by periods of frequent high discharge associated with storm events in the winter. Water is diverted away from the original outflow, and the flow to those receiving streams has been regulated (stabilized) and maintained at low levels. The natural flow regime was controlled by rainfall glacier and snow melt. Hydro power operation caused major diel flow variations and reduced seasonal and inter-annual flow extremes as a result of decreased summer and increased winter discharge. Channelization increased inundation frequency. Degree of regulation ‘high’ and ‘medium’ Effects ‘high’ and ‘low’ Reduction in abundance and richness. Inconsistent changes in richness and abundance of riparian vegetation, reduction in abundance of trees. Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Type of regulation Dam (waterstorage) Hydrological impact Beauchamp and Stromberg 2008 Verde River, Arizona USA Grassland and Steppe Plants 1 (LR) Shafroth, Stromberg and Patten 2002 Bill Williams River, Arizona USA Hot desert Plants Reference in space; same river. 3 unregulated and 4 regulated sites. 9 100m2 plots per site, 5 quadrates within each plot. Two sampling period per year, 2 years in a row. Reference in space; different reaches. 8 sites per river, 5 plots per transect, sampled two times. Sampled during different seasons. Jansson et al. 2000 Several Rivers, Sweden Boreal Forest Plants Reference in space; different rivers (2 pairs). Number of sites per river ranged from 10 – 46, each site encompassed a 200 m transects. Sampling period was spread over several years. 1 (MSA) Dam (floodcontrol) 2 (2 pairs of rivers; LR) Dam (hydroelectric) 3 Degree of regulation ‘medium’ Effects Dramatic reduction of the magnitude of the 10-yr peak flows. The natural flow was controlled by frontal winter rain and convectional monsoonal rain in late summer and early fall. ‘high’ The natural regime includes large seasonal water-level fluctuations. The annual waterlevel maximum occurs during the spring or early summer due to snowmelt. The maximum flood is typically two orders of magnitude larger than the annual minimum discharge in late winter. Regulation causes the water level to be at its lowest in spring. Also the average discharge is reduced, and hydro-peaking occurs. ‘high’ and ‘medium’ Flow regulation narrowed the river creating more riparian habitat and increased the abundance of riparian vegetation. In general regulated rivers showed lower species richness and reduced abundance. Dams are operated for water storage and have no hydropower capabilities or diversion structures. Large floods still occur due to the relative small storage capacity of the reservoirs. Smaller floods are prevented. Reduction in abundance and richness. Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Chauhan and Gopal 2005 River Yamuna, India Scrubland Plants Reference in time. 1 site, 40 plots per survey, multiple surveys per year. 4 (2 disturbance classes; LR and MSA) Ellis, Crawford and Molles 2001 Rio Grande, New Mexico, USA Grassland and Steppe Inverte brates 2 (LR and MSA) Levee Gergel, Dixon and Turner 2002 Wisonsin River, Wisconsin, USA Temperate Forest Plants Reference in space; same river. 1 site per treatment, 30 traps per site, sampled multiple times per year, during several succeeding years. Reference in space; same river. 10 transects, 33 plots per treatment. 1 (MSA) Levee (Flood control) 4 Type of regulation Dyke Hydrological impact A floodplain area lying next to a newly constructed reservoir initially experienced increasing depth, duration and frequency of flooding due to seepage. Dyke compaction however resulted in cessation of seepage and the site dried out. The natural regime includes large seasonal water-level fluctuations. The annual waterlevel maximum occurs during late summer. The levee prevented that any flooding could occur. Upstream dams cause daily fluctuations. Average water level is highest in spring, when the discharge is three times higher than in autumn. Small floods occur every two years. The mean number of floods and days inundated were all zero (significantly lower) in areas outside of levees. Degree of regulation ‘high’ and ‘low’ Effects ‘high’ No effect on taxonomic richness, some species showed reduced abundance. ‘high’ Changes in species abundance. Reduced richness and changes in abundance. Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Franklin et al. 2009 Several rivers, Tennesee, USA Temperate Forest Plants Reference in space; different rivers. 2 rivers per treatment. +/- 13 plots per river per treatment. 4 (2 disturbance classes; LR and MSA) Gubiani et al. 2007 Upper Parana River, Brazil Tropical forest Fish 1 (MSA) Dam (hydroelectric and flood control) Falck, Wilson and Andersen 2003 Green and Yampa river, Colorado, USA Grassland and Steppe Mamm als Reference in time; 6 lagoons sampled before impact, 7 lagoons sampled after impact. Location and size of the lagoons varied between study periods. Reference in space (same river/different river). 1 site per treatment, sampled at different distances from the river during different periods with respect to the flood pulse, in two succeeding years. Trap-nights ranged from 19 to 1402 for location and period. 4 (2 disturbance classes; LR and MSA) Dam (hydroelectric) 5 Type of regulation Levee Hydrological impact Naturally, floods occur in most years during winter and spring and occasionally during summer. In channelized and leveed systems, the floodplain is completely cut off from the channel. Without levees, flooding remains potentially important for channelized reaches as high water table levels are then maintained. An intense flood pulse caused regularly flooding of flood plain lagoons. No flood pulse occurred after damming. Winter water levels decreased, summer water level increased. No migration was possible due to reduced connectivity. The early summer flow peak disappeared; winter discharge was increased. Degree of regulation ‘high’ and ‘low’ Effects ‘medium’ Reduced abundance ‘high’ and ‘medium’ More species captured in the most regulated site. Differences in species abundance. Small reduction in richness and differences in species abundances. Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Hyslop 1988 Rima River, Nigeria Scrubland Fish 2 (LR and MSA) Jenkins and Boulton 2007 Teryaweyn ya floodplain lakes system, Australia South Fork Repuclican River, Colorado USA Hot desert Inverte brates Reference in time. Approx. 100 days of fishing per year. 3 years in a row before completion of the dam, 1 year after completion. Reference in space (different lakes). 3 lakes per treatment. 2x5 samples per lake. Grassland and Steppe Plants Multiple floodplain lakes, Australia Scrubland Birds Katz, Friedman and Beatty 2005 Kingsford, Jenkins and Porter 2004 Type of regulation Dam (flood control and irrigation) Hydrological impact 1(LR) Dams (water withdrawal) Reference in space (same river). Three sites per treatment. 1 transect per site, 5 plots per transect. 1 (MSA) Dam (flood control and recreation) Reference in space (different floodplain lakes). 3 floodplain systems per treatment, 2 lakes per floodplain system. Annual aerial surveys over a period of 19 years 2 (LR and MSA) Water table regulation Without river regulation, time between medium-sized floods resulting in flood plain inundation was approx. 6 years, after regulation this became 20 years. Above the dam, there is high discharge in spring and summer. Peak flows are driven by storms. Both the peak and mean discharge were reduced, leading to channel narrowing. Regulated floodplain lakes (reservoirs) had stable water levels. Unregulated lakes dried out regularly. The mean coefficient of variation for flooded area was about half as much on regulated as on unregulated lakes. 6 Summer flood pulse was reduced and delayed; the floodplain was only marginally flooded. Degree of regulation ‘high’ Effects ‘high’ Reduced richness. ‘high’ Reduced abundance ‘high’ Reduced richness and reduced abundance. Reduced richness and reduced abundance. Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Vanhara 1991 Dyje and Morava Rivers, former Checkslovakia Temperate forest Inverte brates 2 (2 types of hydrologic alteration; LR) Uowolo, Binkley and Adair 2005 Green River & Yampa River, Colorado USA Nederrijn, Waal/Ijssel lowland rivers, The Netherland s Grassland and Steppe Plants Temperate forest Plants St. Lawrence River, New York, USA Temperate mixed forest Mamm als Reference in time. Sampling occurred 2 or 3 times per month for period of resp. 9 and 11 years. For the reference location existing data on species richness was used. Reference in space (different river). 20 sites at the reference river an 16 sites at the impacted river. One 1000m2 plot per site. Spatial (different river branches). 66 lakes at the reference river branches, 34 lakes at the impacted reach. 4- 31 plots per river. For the abundance another 115 lakes were sampled in total. Spatial (experimental site). 5 year field surveys. Van Geest et al. 2005 Toner, Farrel and Mead 2010 Type of regulation Dam (flood control); complete inundation /drying. Hydrological impact 1 (LR) Dam (hydroelectric) 2 (LR, MSA) Weirs 1 (MSA) Water table regulation/ experiment al flooding 7 Degree of regulation ‘high’ and ‘high’ Effects The early summer flow peak disappeared; winter discharge was increased. ‘high’ Reduced richness The natural flow varies resulting in a difference in water levels of up to 8 m. The highest flows occur in winter and the lowest in late summer and early autumn. During the growing season, periods of extreme low water levels occur. Water-level fluctuations are reduced preventing drawdown. High water levels during winter months were replaced by a fall drawdown; a management action to accommodate winter storage. ‘medium’ Reduced richness and change in species abundance. ‘medium’ Reduced abundance The floodplain forest used to be flooded each year, even several times per year. After regulation, maximum groundwater level dropped by an average of 90 cm, and regular floods were prevented. Reduced richness and reduction in abundance of original species Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Type of regulation Experimen tal flooding Hydrological impact Robertson, Bacon and Heagney 2001 Gulpa Island State Forest, Murray river Australia Scrubland Plants 3 (3 disturbance classes; LR) Quinn et al. 2005 Kihansi Gorge, Tanzania Scrubland Plants Reference in space (same river). 6 replicas per treatment, divided over shallow and deep regions of the wetlands, sampled two years in a row. Some treatments had fewer replicas Reference in time. 40 1m2 plots, sampled once per treatment. 2 (LR, MSA) Dam (hydroelectric) 1 (LR) Dam (waterstorage) This is a spray maintained wetland. River regulation caused a marked reduction of the average natural flow and dry season flow, causing loss of spray that maintains the wetland habitat High flows in the Verde typically occur in early spring and are driven by winter pacific frontal storms and by snowmelt. Winter–spring floods occur about once every 5–10 years. Smaller flood flows, of the order of the 1.5-year return interval. There was a nearly 50% decrease in overbank flooding frequency. Beauchamp Stromberg and Stutz, 2007 Verde River, Arizona USA Grassland and Steppe Plants Reference in space (same river). 3 control sites with 27 100m2 plots, and 4 regulated sites with 34 100m2 plots. 8 The natural flood regime for these forests was flooding in spring. Since river damming, small and medium floods are less frequent in spring and small floods are more frequent in summer Degree of regulation ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ Effects ‘high’ Small reduction in species richness, changes in species abundance (mixed effects) ‘medium’ Reduction in abundance and richness. Reduced richness Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Nilsson et al. 1991 Vindel River and Ume River, Sweden Boreal Forest Plants Reference in space (different river). 25 sites per river, each site encompassed a 200m transect. 2 (LR and MSA) Lovell, Gibson and Heschel 2009 Arkansas river Co USA Grassland and steppe Plants Reference in space (same river). One site per treatment per location, two 150m2 plots per site, two transects per plot. 2 (2 locations; MSA) 9 Type of regulation Dam (hydroelectric) Dams (flood control and water storage) Hydrological impact The natural flow regime includes spring flooding and a subsequent lowering of the water level during the summer and winter, with some minor increases during the fall. In the major water-storage reservoirs, water level is at its lowest in spring and is raised during summer to reach its highest storage level in summer. There was reduced variation in the discharge. Mean annual discharge did not differ, neither did the width and height of the river margin. Flow rate was similar above and below the Pueblo Dam sites, though small flooding events were relatively more severe at sites above the Pueblo Dam. Flooding was greater in both flow rate and flood height above the John Martin Dam than below it. Degree of regulation ‘medium’ Effects ‘medium’ Changes in species abundance Reduction in abundance and richness. Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Merritt and Poff 2010 Several locations in SW USA Grassland and steppe Plants 2 (2 disturbance classes; MSA) Nilsson and Jansson 1995 Several Rivers in Sweden Boreal Forest Plants Reference in space (different rivers). 64 reaches on 13 rivers. One 200 m transect per reach parallel to the river. 200 1m wide belts were established perpendicular to the transects across the whole floodplain Reference in space (different rivers). 10 sites per river, each site encompassed a 200m transect. 3 (3 sets of rivers, LR) 10 Type of regulation Multiple types Hydrological impact Dam (hydroelectric) The natural regime includes large seasonal water-level fluctuations. The annual maximum occurs during the spring/early summer due to snowmelt. The regulation of rivers has implied that riparian corridors have been widened or narrowed and exposed to modified or artificial water-level fluctuations. The water level in the impoundments is rather stable, whereas in the dam-todam stretches the flow is still rather variable. The index of flow modification was used to compare pre- and post-impact change in eight relevant flow attributes. IFM levels ranged from 0.05 to 0.99. (0.34 average, 0.23 std). The rivers were grouped into two categories. Degree of regulation ‘medium ‘ and ‘low’ Effects ‘high’, ‘medium’ and ‘medium ‘ Reduction in abundance and richness. Changes in species abundance Table S1. Short introduction of the studies that met the selection criteria, and were used for the meta-analyses. Reference Location Biome Taxon Methods No. sets Stromberg et al. 2007 a San Pedro River, Gila River, Arizona USA Scrubland Plants Spatial (different reaches). 6 to 10 sites per reach. 1 (MSA) Stromberg et al. 2007 b Multiple reaches SW USA Scrubland Plants Spatial (different river). 9 free flowing, 5 regulated perennial reaches. 2 to 10 transects per reach. Several quadrates per transect. 1 (MSA) 11 Type of regulation Dam and water abstraction Multiple types Hydrological impact Flood patterns are nonstationary, reflecting the highly variable climate. The total flow volume is not altered, but there is a decreased average peak flow rate, flood frequency, and variability, and shifted the timing of flow maxima and minima. Small floods are captured in the reservoirs, large floods may still occur. Reductions in flood frequency, shifts in flood timing and abrupt decline of flood waters, together with changes in river geomorphology. Not specified per river. Degree of regulation ‘high’ Effects ‘medium’ Changes in species abundance Changes in species abundance Beauchamp, V.B. & Stromberg, J.C. (2008). Changes to herbaceous plant communities on a regulated desert river. River Research and Applications, 24, 754-770. Beauchamp, V.B., Stromberg, J.C. & Stutz, J.C. (2007). Flow regulation has minimal influence on mycorrhizal fungi of a semi-arid floodplain ecosystem despite changes in hydrology, soils, and vegetation. Journal of Arid Environments, 68, 188-205. Chauhan, M. & Gopal, B. (2005). Vegetation structure and dynamics of a floodplain wetland along a subtropical regulated river. River Research and applications, 21, 513-534. Ellis, L.M., Crawford, C.S. & Molles Jr, M.C. (2001). Influence of annual flooding on terrestrial arthropod assemblages of a Rio Grande riparian forest. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, 17, 1-20. Falck, M.J., Wilson, K.R. & Andersen, D.C. (2003). Small mammals within riparian habitats of a regulated and unregulated arid land river. Western North American Naturalist, 63, 35-42. Franklin, S.B., Kupfer, J.A., Pezeshki, S.R., Gentry, R. & Smith, R.D. (2009). Complex effects of channelization and levee construction on western Tennessee floodplain forest function. Wetlands, 29, 451-464. Gergel, S.E., Dixon, M.D. & Turner, M.G. (2002). Consequences of human-altered floods: Levees, floods, and floodplain forests along the Wisconsin river. Ecological Applications, 12, 1755-1770. Gubiani, É.A., Gomes, L.C., Agostinho, A.A. & Okada, E.K. (2007). Persistence of fish populations in the upper Paraná river: Effects of water regulation by dams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 16, 191-197. Hyslop, E.J. (1988). A comparison of the composition of the juvenile fish catch from the Sokoto–Rima floodplain, Nigeria in years preceding and immediately after upstream dam completion. Journal of fish biology, 32, 895-899. 12 Jansson, R., Nilsson, C., Dynesius, M. & Andersson, E. (2000). Effects of river regulation on river-margin vegetation: A comparison of eight boreal rivers. Ecological Applications, 10, 203-224. Jenkins, K.M. & Boulton, A.J. (2007). Detecting impacts and setting restoration targets in arid‐zone rivers: Aquatic micro‐invertebrate responses to reduced floodplain inundation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44, 823-832. Katz, G.L., Friedman, J.M. & Beatty, S.W. (2005). Delayed effects of flood control on a flood-dependent riparian forest. Ecological Applications, 15, 1019-1035. Kingsford, R.T., Jenkins, K.M. & Porter, J.L. (2004). Imposed hydrological stability on lakes in arid australia and effects on waterbirds. Ecology, 85, 2478-2492. Lovell, J.T., Gibson, J. & Heschel, M.S. (2009). Disturbance regime mediates riparian forest dynamics and physiological performance, Arkansas river, CO. The American Midland Naturalist, 162, 289-304. Mallik, A.U. & Richardson, J.S. (2009). Riparian vegetation change in upstream and downstream reaches of three temperate rivers dammed for hydroelectric generation in British Columbia, Canada. Ecological Engineering, 35, 810-819. Merritt, D.M. & Poff, N.L.R. (2010). Shifting dominance of riparian Populus and Tamarix along gradients of flow alteration in western North American rivers. Ecological Applications, 20, 135-152. Nilsson, C., Ekblad, A., Gardfjell, M. & Carlberg, B. (1991). Long-term effects of river regulation on river margin vegetation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 963-987. Nilsson, C. & Jansson, R. (1995). Floristic differences between riparian corridors of regulated and free‐flowing boreal rivers. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, 11, 5566. 13 Paetzold, A., Yoshimura, C. & Tockner, K. (2008). Riparian arthropod responses to flow regulation and river channelization. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 894-903. Quinn, C.H., Ndangalasi, H.J., Gerstle, J. & Lovett, J.C. (2005). Effect of the lower kihansi hydropower project and post-project mitigation measures on wetland vegetation in Kihansi Gorge, Tanzania. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14, 297-308. Robertson, A.I., Bacon, P. & Heagney, G. (2001). The responses of floodplain primary production to flood frequency and timing. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, 126-136. Shafroth, P.B., Stromberg, J.C. & Patten, D.T. (2002). Riparian vegetation response to altered disturbance and stress regimes. Ecological Applications, 12, 107-123. Stromberg, J.C., Beauchamp, V.B., Dixon, M.D., Lite, S.J. & Paradzick, C. (2007). Importance of low-flow and high-flow characteristics to restoration of riparian vegetation along rivers in arid south-western united states. Freshwater Biology, 52, 651. Stromberg, J.C., Lite, S.J., Marler, R., Paradzick, C., Shafroth, P.B., Shorrock, D. et al. (2007). Altered stream-flow regimes and invasive plant species: The tamarix case. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16, 381-393. Toner, J., Farrell, J.M. & Mead, J.V. (2010). Muskrat abundance responses to water level regulation within freshwater coastal wetlands. Wetlands, 30, 211-219. Uowolo, A.L., Binkley, D. & Carol Adair, E. (2005). Plant diversity in riparian forests in northwest colorado: Effects of time and river regulation. Forest Ecology and Management, 218, 107-114. Van Geest, G.J., Coops, H., Roijackers, R.M.M., Buijse, A.D. & Scheffer, M. (2005). Succession of aquatic vegetation driven by reduced water‐level fluctuations in floodplain lakes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 42, 251-260. 14 Vaňhara, J. (1991). A floodplain forest mosquito community after man‐made moisture changes (culicidae, diptera). Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, 6, 341-348. 15 Online Resource 2 Variances. Following Benitez-Lopez et al. 2010, the variance of the MSA value for each dataset was estimated by calculating the variance of the external error (eq. 1), or the internal error (2), which are both forms of the variance of a sample mean (Mood et al. 1973). Taking a conservative approach, the larger of the two variances was used in the meta-analysis (DerSimonian and Laird, 1986). The variances were calculated as: 2 ext 2 int (MSA s Ris ) 2 i (1) N s ( N s 1) 2 Ris (2) N s2 Where σ2Ris is the individual variance for each ratio, which is a first-order approximation of the variance of a ratio of two random variables, calculated using the Delta Method (3) (Oehlert, 1992; Winzer, 2000). 2 Ris A2 isd 2 Aisc A2 A2isc 2 Aisx Aisp isd 2 2 Aisc Aisx Aisp Aisd (3) In this equation σ2Aisd and σ2Aisc are the sampling variances of Aisd and Aisc, respectively, and ρ their correlation coefficient. We assume Aisx and Aisp to be independent and, therefore, the correlation coefficient ρ to be zero. In some studies no information was provided on sample variances, in those cases we calculated variances assuming the data showed a Poisson distribution whereby σ2 = µ (Sokal & Rohlf 1981). 2 1 Aisd 1 (4) 2 Aisc Aisd Aisc Finally, a continuity correction factor (k=0.05) was added to the numerator and denominator Thus: σ2Aisd =Aisd, σ2Aisc =Aisc, and R2is of the ratio of each species (also for those with densities larger than zero), resulting in slightly higher variance estimates (Cox, 1970; Sweeting et al. 2004). 16 Categorization. Hydrological alterations were categorized into three subclasses on an ordinal scale (low, medium high) to formalize the degree of alteration. When provided, formal indices of hydrological alteration were used to subdivide the cases over the three categories: Disturbance class Low Medium High Index flow modification (IFM) < 0.33 0.33-0.66 > 0.66 Amended Annual Proportional Flow Deviation < 1.0 1.0 – 3.0 > 3.0 (AAPFD) When hydrographs were presented we were able to calculate the AAPFD (5) (Ladson & White, 1999): 1 𝐴𝐴𝑃𝐹𝐷 = 𝑄𝑖 −𝑄𝑖0 2 2 [∑12 ( ) ] 𝑖=1 ̅̅̅̅̅ 𝑄 (5) 𝑖0 In the formula, Q1 stands for adjusted discharge of the ith month. Qi0 stands for the natural runoff of the ith month and Ǭi0 for the average of natural runoff. In the remaining cases we considered the proportional change of the primary hydrological components that were presented, with reference to the qualitative descriptions that were given by the authors to divide the cases over the disturbance classes. Disturbance class Low Medium High Proportional change (%) < 0.33 0.33-0.66 > 0.66 One reviewer assessed the degree hydrological disturbance, with reference to a second reviewer in cases of uncertainty. 17 References cited Benítez-López, A., Alkemade, R. & Verweij, P.A. (2010). The impacts of roads and other infrastructure on mammal and bird populations: A meta-analysis. Biological Conservation, 143, 1307-1316. Cox, D.R. (1970). The analysis of binary data. Methuen & Co Ltd, London, UK. DerSimonian, R. & Laird, N. (1986). Meta-analysis in clinical trials. Controlled clinical trials, 7, 177-188. Ladson, A.R., White, L.J., Doolan, J.A., Finlayson, B.L., Hart, B.T., Lake, P.S. et al. (1999). Development and testing of an index of stream condition for waterway management in Australia. Freshwater Biology, 41, 453-468. Mood A.M., Graybill F.A., Boes D.C. (1973). Introduction and Theory of Statistics (McGrawHill, Auckland), 3rd Ed. Oehlert, G.W. (1992). A note on the delta method. American Statistician, 27-29. Sokal, R.R. & Rohlf, F.J. (1981). Biometry: The principles and practice of statistics in biological research. W.H. Freeman, New York, USA. Sweeting, M.J., Sutton, A.J. & Lambert, P.C. (2004). What to add to nothing? use and avoidance of continuity corrections in meta-analysis of sparse data. Statistics in medicine, 23, 1351-1375. Winzer, P.J. (2000). Accuracy of error propagation exemplified with ratios of random variables. Review of Scientific Instruments, 71, 1447-1454. 18 Online Resource 3 Fig. S1. Forest plot for the all-encompassing meta-analysis with MSA as the metric of effect size. The dashed vertical line represents the line of no effect (1) and the diamond indicates the pooled effect. Error bars are the 95% confidence intervals. 19 Fig. S2. Forest plot for the all-encompassing meta-analysis with the LR as the metric of effect size. The dashed vertical line represents the line of no effect (0) and the diamond indicates the pooled effect. Error bars are the 95% confidence intervals. 20 Fig. S3. Funnel plot for the all-encompassing meta-analysis with MSA as the metric for effect size. The study outcome is plotted as a function of the corresponding standard error to assess publication bias. The solid line presents the pooled effect. 21 Fig. S3. Funnel plot for the all-encompassing meta-analysis with the LR as the metric of effect size. The study outcome is plotted as a function of the corresponding standard error to assess publication bias. The solid line presents the pooled effect. 22 Online Resource 4 Linking up with GLOBIO-aquatic. GLOBIO-aquatic is a modeling framework to calculate the impact of environmental drivers on biodiversity for present and future on a global scale. GLOBIO-aquatic is built on empirically based cause effect relationships between environmental drivers and biodiversity impacts, and uses spatial information on environmental drivers as input (Alkemade et al. 2009). Here we provide an example of how the results of the meta-analysis presented in this study can be cautiously included into GLOBIO-aquatic. For input we used the water module of the global vegetation model LPJmL (Biemans et al. 2011) to calculate the ‘amended annual proportional flow deviation’ (AAPFD) for the year 2000. The discharge is based on a water balance per pixel, including precipitation, evaporation, snowmelt and water abstraction as well as the presence and management of dams and reservoirs (Biemans et al. 2011). The AAPFD is a measure that gives the deviation between natural and impacted flow pattern (Ladson & White, 1999). For each grid cell that includes flood-dependent wetland area (based on the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database map) (Lehner & Doll, 2004) the continuous AAPFD output was scaled to three ordinal disturbance classes (Online Resource 2) and linked to the MSA values that resulted from the subgroup meta-analysis (Fig. S5). Accordingly, the effect of hydrological alteration on the MSA can be studied in concert with impacts of other environmental drivers represented in the GLOBIO-aquatic framework, and used for scenario analysis (see for details on GLOBIO and its applications). 23 Figure S5. Spatial representation of the estimated impact of river regulation (AAPFD) on the biodiversity intactness (MSA) in flood-dependent wetlands on a global scale (resolution 0.5°x0.5°). Literature Cited Alkemade, R., van Oorschot, M., Miles, L., Nellemann, C., Bakkenes, M. & Ten Brink, B. (2009). GLOBIO3: A framework to investigate options for reducing global terrestrial biodiversity loss. Ecosystems, 12, 374-390. Biemans, H., Haddeland, I., Kabat, P., Ludwig, F., Hutjes, R., Heinke, J. et al. (2011). Impact of reservoirs on river discharge and irrigation water supply during the 20th century. Water Resources Research, 47. Ladson, A.R., White, L.J., Doolan, J.A., Finlayson, B.L., Hart, B.T., Lake, P.S. et al. (1999). Development and testing of an index of stream condition for waterway management in Australia. Freshwater Biology, 41, 453-468. Lehner B., & Doll, P., (2004). Development and validation of a global database of lakes, reservoirs and wetlands. Journal of Hydrology, 296, 1-22. 24