SK Vita Oct2012 - Cognitive Ergonomics Lab

Sadaf Kazi
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Psychology
654 Cherry St.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0170
Georgia Institute of Technology, Ph.D. (Engineering Psychology), in progress
S.N.D.T. Women’s’ University, Mumbai, India, M.A. (Clinical Psychology), 2006
University of Mumbai, India, B.A. (Psychology), 2004
My research focuses on the cognitive factors that influence performance in dynamic work environments. One aspect
of my research work looks at strategies that operators in dynamic environments, such as intensive care units, use to
manage task goals. A second line of research focuses on understanding how cognitive variables such as memory
and decision making interact with task variables such as interruptions and time pressure to influence performance in
dynamic environments like air traffic control.
Graduate Research Assistant, Cognitive Ergonomics Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology
 Advisor: Dr. Frank Durso
o CSX Rail (January – August 2012)
 Review and analysis of human factors principles to inform the redesign of an equipment
to remotely control locomotives
 Hierarchical Task Analyses and interviews with railroad subject matter experts
o Strategies in critical care nursing (June 2010 – Present)
 Literature review, data collection and analysis of a study on the use of strategies by
expert nurses in the pediatric intensive care unit
o Common NextGen workstation (May 2011 – Present)
 Data analysis of a study to examine the feasibility to develop a common workstation for
NextGen air traffic controllers
o Cognitive prosthesis for children with traumatic brain injury (June – August 2010)
 Design, execution, and analysis of a study on the use of the iPod touch as a cognitive
prosthesis for children with traumatic brain injury
o Vigilance in air traffic control (August – December, 2010)
 Design, data collection, and analysis of a study on vigilance decrement in air traffic
o Supervised undergraduate research assistants in literature reviews, data collection, and analysis
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology
o Research Methods (January 2013 – Present)
 Lab instructor
o Engineering Psychology Methods and Stressors (August 2012 – December 2012)
 Helped design the course content
 Taught the lab section for the course
 Proctored and graded examinations
Sadaf Kazi
Sensation and Perception (January – May 2012)
 Taught three classes to undergraduate students
 Proctored and graded examinations
Human Development (January – May 2011)
 Evaluated projects in human development, helped in designing exams, and proctored
Graduate Research Assistant, Cognitive Aging lab, University of Texas at San Antonio (August 2009 – May 2010)
 Advisor: Dr. Rebekah Smith
o Developed an experiment examining prospective memory in air traffic control, and data collection
in other experiments on memory
Research Assistant in Psychology, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (July 2008 – July 2009)
 Advisor: Dr. Azizuddin Khan
o Literature review, design, and execution of an experiment on prospective memory in consumer
behavior and prospective memory in schizophrenia
Observer in Neuropsychology, Center for Neuropsychological Studies, Dept. of Neurology, King Edward Memorial
hospital, Mumbai, India (August 2007 – February 2008)
 Supervisor: Dr. Urvashi Shah
o Learned administration and interpretation of neuropsychological tests on patients with epilepsy
and preparing a neuropsychological assessment report
o Data collection for a normative study on the Boston Naming Test
Visiting Faculty in Clinical Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, S.N.D.T. Womens’ University, Mumbai, India
(December 2006 – May 2008)
o Syllabus design, teaching, and preparing and grading examinations on the subject of
Psychopathology for the students of M.A. (II).
Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Neurology, B.Y.L. Nair hospital, Mumbai, India (February 2007 – August 2007)
o Learned the administration and interpretation of neuropsychological tests on patients with various
types of dementias as part of the Indo-U.S. dementia project guided by Alzheimer’s Disease
Research Center at Mt. Sinai, N.Y..
o Organized and supervised monthly caregivers support group meetings
Research Officer, Dr. Harish Shetty, Mumbai (June 2006-December 2006)
o Data analysis on the development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in survivors of floods in
Teaching Assistant (Psychopathology), Dept. of Psychology, S.N.D.T. Women’s’ University, Mumbai, India
(December 2006-May 2006)
Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (Student Member)
Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Technical Group
Healthcare Technical Group
Internal Funding
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Psychology: May 2010 – Present
Sadaf Kazi
Pop, V.L., Stearman, E.J., Kazi, S., & Durso, F.T. (2012). Using engagement to negate vigilance decrements in the
NextGen environment International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 28, 2, 99-106.
McDonald, J.D., Kazi, S., Darling, C.M., Durso, F.T., & Glover, K. Developing a Human Factors Instrument for
Evaluating a Locomotive Remote Control Device (manuscript under review).
Durso, F.T., Kazi, S., Ferguson, A.N., Cunningham, C, & Ryan, C. Strategies in critical care nursing: The ThreatStrategy Interview (manuscript under review).
Kazi, S., Darling, C., & Durso, F.T. The role of number of tasks in information relevance (manuscript in
Durso, F.T., Kazi, S., Ferguson, A.N., & Cogburn, R. A threat in need of strategies: overstimulation from the
patient’s family (manuscript in preparation).
Kazi, S., Ferguson, A.N., & Durso, F.T. (2012). Mapping strategies to threats in critical care nursing. Proceedings of
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 806-810.
Ferguson, A.N., Kazi, S., & Durso, F.T. (2012). Revealing latent strategy structures from expert critical care nurses.
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 801-805.
Kazi, S., Pop, V., L., Durso, F.T., Ryan, C., & Cunningham, C. (2011). Eliciting strategies from expert critical care
nurses using the Threat-Strategy Interview. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s
55th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 1616-1620.
Kazi, S., Ferguson, A.N., & Durso, F.T. (2012). Mapping strategies to threats in critical care nursing. 56th Annual
Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Boston, MA.
Ferguson, A.N., Kazi, S., & Durso, F.T. (2012). Revealing latent strategy structures from expert critical care
nurses. 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Boston, MA.
Kazi, S. & Darling, C.M. (2012). Building a common workstation for En Route and Terminal Radar air traffic
control. 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Atlanta, GA.
Kazi, S., Pop, V., L., Durso, F.T., Ryan, C., & Cunningham, C. (2011). Eliciting strategies from expert critical care
nurses using the Threat-Strategy Interview. 55th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society, Las Vegas, NV.
Kazi, S. (2011). Elicitation of expert strategies using the Threat-Strategy Interview. Paper presented at the Georgia
Institute of Technology Engineering Psychology colloquium series. Atlanta, GA.
Durso, F. T., Pop, V., Stearman, E. J., & Kazi, S. (2011). How to create a vigilance decrement in NextGen ATC.
119th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Kazi, S. (2003). Legalization of prostitution. 18th annual conference of the Marathi Manasshastra Parishad, Navi
Mumbai, India.
Sarda, G., Dumaswala, N., and Kazi, S. (2003). The relationship between life-achievement and self-esteem in the
elderly. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference of Psycon, an inter-collegiate psychology conference,
Mumbai, India.
Kazi, S., Shah, K., and Shah, A. (2002). An in-depth study of mentally and physically challenged children as subject
to discrimination and acceptance. Paper presented at the 1st annual conference of Psycon, Mumbai, India.
George Fellowship ($2000, Health Systems Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011-12)
Pauline W. and Samuel W. Cochran Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Psychology ($2800, UTSA, 200910)
Research Fellowship in Psychology (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, 2008-09)
Sumitomo scholarship for academic excellence ($300, Jai Hind College, Mumbai, 2002-03)
Ranked 10th in the Merit List in the city of Mumbai in the Higher Secondary Certificate (Grade 12)
examination in 2001.
Sadaf Kazi
SPSS (statistical analysis package)
Task Analysis (proficient)
Jython (beginner)
French (reading)
English (fluent)
Francis T. (Frank) Durso, School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332.; 404-894-6771
Rebekah E. Smith, Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San
Antonio, TX 78249.; 210-458-7301