Exposure Visit of Afghan Representatives of Parliament

Exposure Visit of Afghan Representatives of Parliament, Office of
President and Line Ministries on Gender Equality to the Republic of
Turkey, April 2013, Ankara, Bursa Turkey
For the last decade, gender equality and empowerment of women have taken centre stage
while framing all national policies of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The
Afghanistan National Development Strategy has declared gender concerns as “collective
responsibility” all sectors of the government. As such, all efforts have been launched to integrate
gender sensitive components into activities and initiatives of line ministries and to enhance the
capacity of public officials to mainstream gender in public activities.
In this regard, the National Institution Building Project of UNDP Afghanistan supported the
Independent Administrative Reforms and Civil Service Commission of GoIRA in developing an
initiative to organise a training and exposure visit for civil servants working in Gender units in various
Ministries and agencies in Afghanistan. UNDP Turkey facilitated in the execution of this initiative
with its active cooperation and efforts in organising the study tour for a delegation representing 18
Ministries / agencies of the GoIRA led by representatives of NIBP. During the tour, delegates visited
Ankara and Bursa, Turkey on 1-10 April 2013. In light of the fact that all participants represented
Gender units of various Ministries and agencies of GoIRA including the Ministry of State and
Parliamentary Affaires and the Office of the President, The thematic agenda of the exposure visit
had been identified as gender equality machinery and participation of women in decision-making
The Delegation had the opportunity to interact and exchange information with a number of
Turkish stakeholders and actors working on gender equity and equality, who are actively involved
both in lobbying and policy-making. Apart from UNDP Turkey, the central and local government
institutions, Women NGOs and academicians visited by the delegation during the course of the
exposure visit are: Ministry of Family and Social Policies, General Directorate on the Status of
Women, Turkish Grand National Assembly and Equal Opportunities Commission for Woman and
Man, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Justice, Union of Municipalities of Turkey,
METU Women’s Studies Centre, Governorate and Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa, Bursa
Provincial Directorate on the Status of Woman and Violence Monitoring and Prevention Centre of
Ms. Najia Afshar, Senior Gender Advisor of the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil
Service Commission of Afghanistan, said that “The exposure visit in Turkey offered us the much
needed opportunity to learn about techniques of gender equality machinery in Turkey and their
effective integration in policies and programmes of the different government ministries and
departments and to adopt best practices which can encourage and empower Afghan women, should
we succeed in effectively translating them into action.” Ms. Nilofar Barikzai from National Institution
Building Project of UNDP Afghanistan added “The key areas of focus of the exposure visit were
capacity development and promotion of women in decision-making processes, utilization of gender
responsive programs and policies at national and sub-national levels. Having observed how
innovative practices are efficiently utilized by Turkish government, after taking into account the
requirements of the local context, it is now up to us how to apply all that we have learned from
Turkey towards promoting substantive gender equality in Afghanistan. Due to two countries’ cultural
and structural similarities, it would be our pleasure to be presented with further learning
opportunities from the Turkish example and to be able to build effective partnerships with relevant
stakeholders, not solely limited to gender machinery but on a wide range of topics related to
different policy-making areas.”
As part of the Study Visit of the Afghan Delegation on gender equality which took place during
1-10 April 2013 various officials and institutions have been visited.
Primarily, United Nations Development Programme has been visited in order to discuss the
scope of the study visit and the respective expectations. Following an extensive briefing by UNDP
Senior Management and Democratic Governance Programme on gender equality machinery in
Turkey, activities of national women movements, women NGOs and local initiatives were
introduced. Mainly, activities relating to gender discrimination were discussed with a focus on
Constitutional provisions on gender, tendency to define women only as a member of nuclear family,
positive discrimination and child brides.
The second visit was paid to the Ministry of Family and Social Policies. The Ministry defined its
vision and mission as supporting women in fully enjoying their Constitutional rights, supporting
women and girls in getting access to health services, education and economical sphere and
promoting participation of women in the labour force and employment. The delegation was also
introduced to five Directorates operating under the framework of General Directorate on the Status
of Women. In accordance with the thematic priority of the Delegation, ‘Violence Against Women
Database’ Project which implemented by the GD of Research & Development has been explained in
In the meetings held at the premises of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies,
presentation was made on many other crucial issues that have been handled by the representatives
of Turkish National Police and General Gendarmerie Commandership. The officials shared the tools
employed and policies adopted in the fight against violence against women and domestic violence.
As law enforcement units the representatives summarized their missions as providing sustainability
of public order and peace and by the right they have been granted in accordance with the Law
No.6284 on the protection of family and preventing violence against women. While the presentation
made by the Turkish National Police introduced the victim-oriented approach, perpetrator-oriented
approach, suspect-oriented approach and risk mitigation, General Gendarmerie Commandership
underlined their personnel trainings on women rights and promoting gender equality.
In the visit paid to the Women Studies Centre of the Middle East Technical University,
theoretical grassroots of domestic violence and gender equality machinery were discussed in detail.
Another visit has been paid to the Shelter House of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies.
The issues raised by the Delegation members focussed mainly on women hosted at the facility who
had been g subject to physical violence, socio-economic depravity and on the approach and policymaking of government towards providing solutions to the disadvantaged group of women and
General Directorate of Labour of the Ministry of Labour has provided an intensive
presentation on the activities promoting gender equality in work-life, while the emphasis was on
non-declared workers, child labour and mobbing. In an attempt to prevent gender discrimination in
work-life, both constitutional amendments and labour law provision were introduced. The Afghan
Delegation inquired about the women and men employee ratio of the Ministry, the extent to which
the issue of child labour has been addressed and retirement compensation and ages of women and
In the meeting at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the Equal Opportunities
Commission of Woman and Man was introduced by the Chairwoman and Kocaeli MP Mr. Azize Sibel
Gönül. Mrs. Gönül expressed the Commission’s stand on gender issue with: “In the last decade
substantial progress have been observed in the field of gender equality in Turkey. The most
significant ones are the amendments in the Constitution, Labour Law, Civil Law and Penal Code. The
Commission which was founded in 2009 is responsible of analyzing all draft laws proposed from a
gender perspective. The Commission which is granted with rather broad authority in TGNA, closely
follows up the global developments on gender and strives to reflect those in the national agenda.”
Another visit had been paid to Mamak Women Educational and Cultural Center of
Governorate of Ankara. The Centre provides support and services in many social issues such as;
financial aid, possibility of adoption, elderly homes , kindergarten services and foster-parenting by
facilitation of a manager, a psychologist, a teacher, and a social services expert. The Delegation had
been mostly concerned about methods that are used while giving psychological support to women,
the center’s response towards divorce processes of couples in terms of peacemaking, health and
social opportunities that provided for women.
As part of the Study Visit another meeting on Gender Equality has been held in the Ministry
of Justice. Firstly, Turkish Judiciary System has been generally introduced to the Delegation. The
system of psychologists, social service experts and pedagogues who serve in family courts was
explained. The circular letters that were issued on gender equality, protection of family and fight
against violence towards women and the constitutional amendments on Turkish Penal Code have
been explained throughout the meeting. International cooperation and projects which are
conducted in cooperation with the European Union on “Social Gender” and “Access to Justice” also
have been emphasized.
As the last meeting in Ankara, the Union of Municipalities of Turkey and General Directorate
on Local Authorities of the Ministry of Interior have made a joint presentation on incorporation of
the ‘gender component’ into local administration project implemented by UNDP Turkey. The main
missions of the Union had been stated as assembling the whole municipalities in Turkey under the
Union’s roof, protecting the joint interests of municipalities and enhance their improvement,
educating municipal officials, providing collaboration and cooperation among municipalities. It is
also emphasized that the Union carries out many projects and training programs on equality of
women and men.
In the Bursa leg of the Study Visit, the first visit has been paid to the Governorate of Bursa and
Provincial Unit of Woman Status of the Governorate. In the comprehensive presentation made at
the Governorate, the participants were informed about the activities and projects of the Provincial
Unit of Woman Status on gender equality, employment opportunities for women, microcredit
projects and domestic violence.
In the meeting which was held with participation of Acting Mayor of Bursa Metropolitan
Municipality and Provincial Assembly Members, Neighbourhood Mobilization and Local Equality
Action Plan components of the ‘Women Friendly Cities’ project of UNDP and UFPA were
emphasized. Delegation participants were specifically interested in the concept of ‘Women Friendly
City’ and Local Equality Action Plans which are of crucial importance and interest with the current
need of such structures in their home country.
Finally the Bursa Provincial Directorate of Ministry of Family and Social Policies has provided
the participants with the opportunity of introducing them to the initiatives and activities made at the
provincial level on the fight against violence against women and social support provided for
victimized women, while Bursa Violence Prevention and Monitoring Centre explained their
administrative structure, support system for women and innovative practices on domestic violence.
The Study Visit has come to an end with the Afghan Delegation’s return to Ankara and
consultations with UNDP Turkey. Both Afghan Delegation representatives and UNDP Turkey
expressed their satisfaction with the efficiency of the Study Visit and highlighted that plans are being
made for follow up structured exchanges in the near future.
(With the facilitation of UNDP Turkey)
1 April -10 April 2013 Ankara, Bursa, TURKEY
Monday, 1 April 2013 (Ankara)
Meeting with the UNDP Turkey Team (UN House)
Discussions on the agenda and the expectations of the Study Visit
Meeting with Women’s NGOs and Representatives of NGOs of the
Third NGO Get-Together Steering Committee (UN House)
Tuesday, 2 April 2013 (Ankara)
Meeting with Mrs.Özlem Bozkurt Gevrek, General Director of the General
Directorate on the Status of Women (KGSM-Office of the General Director)
Introduction to the studies conducted by the General Directorate on the Status
of Women (KSGM Meeting Room)
Presentation of the Department of Research & Development
Presentation of the Department of Economical Status
Presentation of the Department of Social Status
Presentation of the Department of Services for Women
12:30- 14:00
Lunch (Ministry of Family and Social Policy Premises)
Briefing about the studies of the rest of the Units of the Ministry (KSGM
Meeting Room)
Meeting with the Members of UNDP Scientific Committee on Gender
Equality (Middle East Technical University Premises)
Structure and Functioning of the Gender Equality Mechanism in Turkey,
Opportunities and Lessons Learned
Prof. Dr. Feride Acar; Prof. Dr. Yıldız Ecevit;Prof. Dr. Ayşe Ayata; Prof.
Dr. Ayse Saktanber
Wednesday, 3 April 2013 (Ankara)
The roles of Law Enforcement Units in he Fight against Violence towards
Women (KSGM Meeting Room)
Turkish National Police and General Gendarmerie Commandership Presentations
Visit to Guesthouse
Visit to Violence Prevention and Monitoring Centres
Thursday, 4 April 2013 (Ankara)
10:00-11:30 Meeting with Mrs. Azize Sibel Gönül, President of Turkish Grand National
Assembly -TGNA Equal Opportunities Commission for Women and Men
11:30-12:30 Parliament Tour
12:30-13:30 Lunch (Turkish Grand National Assembly-TGNA)
14:00-15:30 Employment policies developed towards women, Presentation of the
Ministry of Labor (Ministry of Labor)
Friday, 5 April 2013 (Ankara)
10:00-11:00 Visit to Women Educational and Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Mamak
11:00-12:00 Visit to Hamamönü-Ankara Castle and surroundings
Lunch (Hamamönü)
Programmes developed for women’s access to justice, Presentation of
the Ministry of Justice (Ministry of Justice)
Policies developed for women’s empowerment at the local level, Joint
Presentation of Ministry of Interior DG Local Authorities and Union of
Municipalities of Turkey (Ministry of Interior)
Saturday, 6 April 2013 (Ankara)
Free time for the Delegation Representatives
Sunday, 7 April 2013 (Ankara)
Departure for Bursa
Monday, 8 April 2013 (Bursa)
Visit to the Governor of Bursa
Policies developed to promote gender equality in Bursa, Presentation of
Bursa Governorate
Visit to the Mayor of Bursa (with participation of Equal Opportunities
Commission for Women and Men of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality and
Metropolitan Municipality Gender Equality Unit)
Tuesday, 9 April 2013 (Bursa)
10:30-11:30 Visit to Provincial Directorate of Bursa on the Status of Women
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Visit to Bursa Violence Prevention and Monitoring Centre
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Departure of the Afghan Delegation