Scarning School SEND Provision

Appendix 1
School SEND Provision Local Offer – Scarning VC Primary School
Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social, Mental and Emotional Health, Sensory and Physical, Disability
Many children and young people have difficulties that fit clearly into one of these areas; some have needs that span two or more areas; for others the
precise nature of their need may not be clear at the outset. It is therefore important to carry out a detailed individual assessment of each child or young
person and their situation at the earliest opportunity to make an accurate assessment of their needs. Making provision and reviewing how effective it is in
securing progress can itself be part of the effective assessment of need, informing the next steps in the graduated approach.
Area of Need
Cognition and Learning
Children with learning difficulties will learn at a slower pace
and have greater difficulty in acquiring basic literacy and
numeracy skills or in understanding basic concepts.
Dyslexia – difficulties with reading and spelling.
Dyscalculia – difficulties in maths
Dyspraxia – difficulties in coordination
Dysgraphia – Difficulties in writing
A discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability
may indicate that a child has a specific learning difficulty.
Severe Learning Difficulties – significant intellectual or
cognitive impairments.
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties – have complex
learning needs as well as significant difficulties physically,
sensory, personal care.
Children with learning difficulties are at an increased risk of
developing mental health problems. They may need
additional support with their social development, selfesteem and emotional well-being.
Provided Through Quality First
Wave 2 Intervention
Wave 3 Intervention
Differentiated curriculum
planning, activities, delivery
and outcomes. ‘Learning
without limits’.
Booster spelling through
interactive games with 1:5 ratio
group TA: 3 x a week.
(20 minute sessions)
Intense Sound Discovery
Support with 1:4 ratio group
TA: 3 x a week. (20 minute
Increased visual aids /
Additional individual reading
4 x a week 1:1 ratio with TA).
Visual Timetables
Booster writing through interactive
games with 1:5 ratio group TA: 3 x
a week.
(20 minute sessions)
Writing Frames
Wave Three Maths Norfolk
Number Fixer 1:4 ratio TA 3 x
a week (20 minute sessions)
Access to Nessy / Clicker 6/
Textease Type and Lexia.
At least 50% + TA / TCH class
Booster maths through interactive
games with 1:5 ration group TA: 3 x
a week. (20 minute sessions)
ICT Nessy Intervention – spelling 3
x a week individual programme
(10 minute sessions).
ICT Nessy intervention – reading 3
x a week individual programme
(10 minutes sessions)
Appendix 1
Differentiated curriculum
planning, delivery and
outcomes. Eg: simplified
language, increased visual aids,
appropriate ‘blank level’
questions, modelling.
Speech and Language difficulties – receptive and expressive
Visual timetables, choice
boards, ‘Now and Next’ Boards.
Specific Learning difficulties – dyslexia
Use of symbols / pictures to
communicate PECS – Picture
Exchange Communication
Structured school and
classroom routines.
‘Time to Talk’ / Circle times,
worries box.
Communication and Interaction
Children can have difficulties in one or more of the areas of
speech, language and communication. These children need
help to develop their linguistic competence in order to
support their thinking, as well as their communication skills.
Physical, sensory impairment – hearing loss
Autism Spectrum Condition
Speech and Language activities
tailored to each children Speech
and Language aims – daily
individual or small group (1:4 ratio)
with TA / SENCO.
Speech and Language support
(with speech therapist /
SENCO – EKLAN trained – ½
termly blocked teaching /
ICT Clicker – as appropriate typing
programme that reads back and
helps to sequence thoughts.
Makaton – Sign-a-long trained
BSL trained TA.
Textease Type – as appropriate
typing programme that reads back
and helps to sequence thoughts
and ideas.
‘Time to Talk’ – Pastoral TA
lunchtime opportunities / or other
times as appropriate / needed.
Learning Café – Toast Time
Monday mornings. HLTA
Nurture group trained.
Small group circle time 1:6 with TA
/ TCH.
Individual counselling – ‘Time
to Talk’ – daily as appropriate.
Teacher / Staff mentors for
Home school record book /
emails daily.
Social, Mental and Emotional Health
For some children, difficulties in emotional and social
development, can mean that they require additional and
different provisions in order for them to achieve.
Class reward systems.
Circle of friends – friendship
fairies (where appropriate).
Problems of conduct: Oppositional Problems, aggressions.
Lunchtime safe haven – clubs
Self Harming: substance abuse, eating disorders.
Yr6 Playtime buddy
Massage in school – SENCO
Bench buddies at playtimes
and lunchtimes.
Additional swimming
provisions – where
appropriate and needed.
Problems of mood: anxiety / depression.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attachment Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder.
Appendix 1
Sensory and Physical
There is a wide range of physical and sensory difficulties.
Many children require minor adaptations to the curriculum
or physical environment – reasonable adjustments under the
Equality Act 2010.
Visual Impairment
Hearing impairment
Multi-sensory impairment
Physical disability – require additional on-going support and
equipment to access all opportunities available to their
Flexible teaching arrangements
Staff aware of implications of
physical impairment.
Writing slopes
Pencil grips
Sensory cupboard (in
Brain Gym exercises daily with TCH
(5 minutes) – stimulating leaf and
right side of the brain and pressure
learning buttons.
Individual support in class /
PE / break and lunchtimes.
Physiotherapy and
Occupational therapy
programmes (daily 1:1 ratio
TA 15 minutes)
Touch screen computer.
Different size mice for
Meet and greet points –
before and after crowds /
different entrance –
depending on situation.
Additional swimming sessions
where appropriate / need.
Makaton – sign a long trained
Additional handwriting practice
twice a week with TCH / TA.
Increased visual aids / auditory
aids when appropriate.
Medically trained staff appropriate
to medical / physically disability.
Many disabled children also have an SEN. Where in this case
access arrangements and other adjustments should be
considered as part of the SEN planning and review.
Use of symbols / pictures PECS.
Additional swimming sessions
Brain Gym exercises daily with TCH
(5 minutes).
Structured school / classroom
Access to schools sensory
cupboard (working progress).
Organisation of classroom /
access to resources /
Physiotherapist /
Occupational therapist
programme (daily 1:1 ratio TA
15 minutes).
Pencil grips
Touch screen computer /
different size pointer and
Writing slopes
The school must make reasonable adjustments to ensure
disabled children are not at a substantial disadvantage.
Adjustments to procedures, criteria and practices must be
planned and put into place in advance.