INNOVATION GRANTS 2015/2016 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Closing Date: 5pm, 7 December 2015 1. Project Title Approximate 20 words 2. Priority Area ☐Bowel Cancer Screening: Improving Access to Colonoscopy in Public Hospitals for National Bowel Cancer Screening Patients. ☐BreastScreen: BreastScreen: Improving access and participation in the BreastScreen NSW Program. ☐Ovarian cancer pathways: Improving access to specialist gynaecological multidisciplinary care in public hospitals. Discuss how the project meets the priority area Approximate 200 words 3. How does the project meet your organisation’s strategy? Discuss how the project meets your organisation’s strategy Approximate 200 words Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015 4. Project Description Provide a brief description of the proposed project Approximate 400 words 5. Supporting Evidence Provide a brief description of the current evidence base which supports the proposed project and evaluation OR justification for completing the project to fill a current evidence gap based on a needs analysis or similar. Supporting documentation (up to 4 pages) can be attached and will be considered part of the Expression of Interest. Approximate 300 words Bowel Screening applicants: Limited information is required here. Models of direct access have been proven effective in Hunter New England and other states in Australia. If you would like to reference published research to support your application though please do so. BreastScreen applicants: Please add additional information here if required CSI applicants: Localised care pathways should be based on the optimal care pathway for women with ovarian cancer ( Type(s) of evidence used (please tick those used): Publications ☐ Please provide reference list and cite appropriately above (e.g. peer reviewed papers, reports, grey literature) Previous projects ☐ Please include outline and organisations involved in description above Other ☐ Please specify in description above Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015 6. Project Plan Provide a project plan outlining key objectives you will achieve and planned activities. Please ensure SMART principles are applied to objective setting (i.e. objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and have a timeframe). Objective tables can be added or deleted as necessary. Objective 1 Description: Planned Activities: Timeframes: Evaluation Measures: Objective 2 Description: Planned Activities: Timeframes: Evaluation Measures: Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015 Objective 3 Description: Planned Activities: Timeframes: Evaluation Measures: Objective 4 Description: Planned Activities: Timeframes: Evaluation Measures: Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015 7. Sustainability Each application must be sustainable and/or scalable - complete the relevant section(s). Identify how the project will be sustained after the completion of the project (i.e. how the project will be continued over time or how the knowledge gained will be shared). Please include consideration of cost effectiveness. Approximate 300 words 8. Project Budget Provide a breakdown of how the grant funds will be spent (delete/add lines as necessary). Description Amount Salary/Wages (including on-costs) Training/Education Printing/Stationary/Administration Travel/Accommodation Resources Venue Hire/Catering Advertising/Marketing TOTAL In-Kind Support (if applicable) Provide a brief summary of project “value for money” (i.e. justify the requested funding amount based on the value the project deliverables will or could potentially offer. For example dollars per person screened, trained, etc). If available, how does this compare with other similar projects. Approximate 100 words Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015 9. Administering Organisation Overview Provide a brief overview of the organisation who will administer this project, including organisational background, focus and current activities. Organisation Details Organisation Name Street Address Postal Address ABN Overview of Organisation - Maximum 100 words 10. Current and Previous Grants Please provide details of any current Cancer Institute NSW grants and any Cancer Institute NSW grants awarded in the last 3 years in the nominated project area. Approximate 200 words 11. Approval and Sign Off This Expression of Interest requires signed evidence of support from the Project Sponsor, the Director of Cancer Services (or equivalent), the Chief Executive / CEO and the appropriate authority of project partner organisations. Project Sponsor - Provide details of the Project Sponsor who will be accountable for completion of the project and will have financial responsibility. Title First Name Last Name Organisation Role on Project Position Title Provide a brief explanation on how the project sponsor will be accountable Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015 Telephone Fax Email Signature Date Project Lead - Provide details of the Project Lead who will be accountable for completion of the project. Title First Name Last Name Organisation Position Title Role on Project Provide a brief explanation of role on project (eg Project Coordinator/Manager, Lead Clinician) Qualifications/ Experience 2-3 sentences detailing relevant qualifications and experience Telephone Fax Email Signature Date Director of Cancer Services (or equivalent, if relevant) Name BLOCK LETTERS Signature Date Email Postal Address Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015 Chief Executive / Chief Executive Officer (delete as appropriate) Name BLOCK LETTERS Signature Date Email Postal Address Appropriate Authority of Project Partner Organisations (add further partners or delete as appropriate) Name BLOCK LETTERS Signature Date Email Postal Address Cancer Institute NSW in Confidence 20 October 2015