Easy access to healthcare - The Brookside Group Practice

Sexual health advice and treatments
RBH Sexual Health Clinic (21a Craven Rd, RG1 5LE) offers free and
confidential advice, information and treatment for people who:
 are worried about infections passed on through sexual contact
 have other problems affecting the genital area
 think they may be at risk of HIV infection.
Patients telephone to book an appointment 0118 322 7202.
The Zone young persons’ clinic:
Drop-in for under 19s: Thursdays 3.30pm–5.30pm (tel 0118 322 8536):
Family Planning Clinic:
Drop-in for under-25s or those seeking the ‘morning after’ pill.
For clinic times telephone 0118 322 7202 - option 2
Reading Lifeline free of charge local service
Information for those facing an unintended pregnancy about options
available to them locally
 Free confidential counselling for those affected by loss in pregnancy
(miscarriage, still birth, neo-natal death and termination)
To self-refer tel: 0118 959 6669; text 07544 177 816
Email: lifeline@themustardtree.org Web: www.readinglifeline.co.uk
Hospital Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
aims to help patients and their relatives or carers to resolve problems or
difficulties. Tel: 0118 322 8338; Email: talktous@royalberkshire.nhs.uk
Social services
To arrange carers support or social needs e.g. help with washing, dressing
etc contact Wokingham social services - 0118 9746800 or Reading social
services - 0118 937 3747
Easy access to
The NHS is investing in more local healthcare options.
You do not need to see your GP to access some of them.
We want to let you know where else you can easily get
help when you need it.
Brookside Group Practice
tel: 0118 966 9333
fax: 0118 935 3174
Citizen’s Advice Bureau - free, confidential, impartial and independent
advice with matters like debt, benefits, employment, housing and more.
Tel: 0845 071 6379 (Advice Line) www.readingcab.org.uk
For health advice and availability of local services dial 111 any
time of day or night. For life threatening conditions dial 999.
June 2015
Minor ailments / conditions and your Pharmacist
Minor injuries
Every year, 50 million visits to the GP are made for minor ailments such as
coughs and colds, mild eczema and athlete's foot. But by visiting your
pharmacy instead, you could save yourself a lot of time and still get an
excellent service. Your pharmacist may be able to help with:
 minor cuts and bruises
 hay fever and allergies
 period pain and thrush
 athlete's foot
 nappy rash and teething
 indigestion
 constipation and piles
 diarrhoea and threadworms
 skin conditions, such as mild acne and mild eczema
 coughs and colds, including nasal congestion and sore throat
 aches and pains, such as headaches, earache and back pain
 warts and verrucas, mouth ulcers and cold sores
For minor and not life-threatening injuries you can get help from a minor
injuries unit (MIU), rather than going to an A&E department at the hospital.
This will save you a potentially long wait. Minor injuries units can treat:
 sprains and strains
 minor head injuries
 broken bones
 insect and animal bites
 wound infections
 minor eye injuries
 minor burns and scalds  injuries to the back, shoulder and chest
If your problem is more serious and needs the attention of a GP, your
pharmacist will recognise this and advise you to see your GP instead. Many
pharmacies are open late in the evenings and also at weekends. Find your
nearest pharmacy on www.nhs.uk
Pick up a copy of our Self-care leaflet providing you with information
on symptoms recognition and treatments for minor and common ailments.
You can also access this and other useful leaflets e.g. Physio leaflets
for sprains, strains and pains including whiplash via our website
Another useful information resource is www.patient.co.uk
Reading NHS walk-in centre
offers convenient access to a range
of treatments including:
 infections and rashes
 insect and animal bites
 minor cuts, bruises and lacerations  stitches (sutures)
 minor burns and strains
 dressing care
 stomach aches
 hay fever
 vomiting and diarrhoea
 stop smoking support
 emergency contraception & advice
Open every day 8am – 8pm; Tel: 0118 902 8300
Address: 1st Floor, 103 Broad Street Mall, Reading, RG1 7QA
Bracknell urgent care centre - open every day 8am-8pm
Tel: 01344 551 100; Address: RBB Healthspace, Eastern Gate, Brants Bridge,
Bracknell, RG12 9BG; Web: http://www.bracknellurgentcare.co.uk
West Berkshire Community Hospital - open every day 8am- 10pm
Tel: 01635 273 300 (London Rd, Benham Hill, Thatcham, RG18 3AS)
Mental wellbeing concerns for over 18 year olds
You can refer yourself to the local Psychological Therapies service. They
offer therapy for a range of conditions including:
 Bereavement
 Generalised anxiety disorder
 Post natal depression
 Panic disorder
 Depression
 Employment stress, support required to stay in or obtain work
To arrange the therapy that suits you Tel: 0118 976 9121; Text: “Talk” to
07500 915 968; or Email: talkingtherapies@berkshire.nhs.uk
www.talkingtherapies.berkshire.nhs.uk or www.lifesigns.org.uk
Babies, children under 5 years & parenting
You can go straight to your named Health Visitor for advice & guidance in:
 Your baby/child’s growth and development
 Childhood conditions, allergies and infections
 Breastfeeding, bottle feeding and weaning
 Post-natal depression and parental mental health
 Child behaviour issues e.g. sleeping, eating, tantrums
 Support with parenting, family health and relationships
Tel: 0118 949 5132 (Mon-Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm)
Common Childhood Illnesses, a website providing medical advice for
children up to five years old - www.childhealthberkshirewest.nhs.uk.