Digital Story Rationale

RationaleAlexandra Kollontai 1873-1952
This photo essay introduces Stage 6 Modern History students to “Personalities in the Twentieth
Century”, Option 11: Alexandra Kollontai 1873-1952 (BOS 2010). The purpose of the digital story is to
arouse student interest in the unit of work whilst introducing concepts essential to the personality
study, such as Alexandra Kollontai’s role in the 1917 revolution, her political activity and her significance
and impact she had in the twentieth century. This digital story was designed to encourage student
learning through the use of images and music and comprises of both primary and secondary sources
appropriate to this unit of work.
This digital story will address the following syllabus content:
• Alexandra Kollontai’s family background and education
• political activity prior to 1917
• Kollontai’s rise to prominence and role in the 1917 revolution
• Inquiry into the significance of Alexandra Kollontai in twentieth- century history
The syllabus outcomes appropriate to this unit of work are:
H1.1 Describe the role of key features, issues, individuals, groups and events of selected twentiethcentury studies
H1.2 Analyse and evaluate the role of key features, issues, individuals, groups and events of selected
twentieth-century studies
H2.1 Explain forces and ideas and assess their significance in contributing to change and continuity
during the twentieth century
Locate, select and organize relevant information from different types of sources