Alizonne (Lancashire) Ltd * Application 11/13/0177

Alizonne (Lancashire) Ltd – Application 11/13/0177
The weight loss clinic that we are proposing to open at Unit 10 Trident Park will be the only clinic
licensed to perform Alizonne weight loss therapy in the Lancashire area.
The nearest alternative clinics are Wilmslow, Liverpool or Leeds. Hence there is no danger of taking
business away from the local town centres as this is such a unique programme and there are no
existing similar businesses in the region.
The programme requires clients to return to the clinic every week for ultrasound and skin contouring
sessions. The programme is a real viable alternative to weight loss surgery for obese people. There
is also a light version for those wishing to lose a few stones.
Weight loss surgery carries with it many serious risks and with any operation there will be a period
of recovery, leading to time off work etc. For busy people with jobs and children this may not be an
Alizonne therapy has none of these major risks and those on the programme are medically
supervised at all times. Also there is no recovery time, people just have to ensure they return to the
clinic once a week for their combined treatment.
As this is a private treatment it is expensive , however if people need to lose weight and choose this
as the solution then they will sacrifice in other areas in order to complete this programme. Weight
loss surgery is only available on the NHS if there is a serious direct health concern.
For many people they would have to pay privately for the operation if they just wanted to lose
weight. Hence Alizonne therapy provides an alternative option to lose the weight and also
addresses the cosmetic issues of loose skin, which would not be addressed during surgery.
We have people from all ethnic, social and economic backgrounds on the programme , from
company directors to taxi drivers and post men.
The programme is open to all providing our doctor’s say they are suitable and they have sufficient
Having the clinic located at Trident Park gives the people of Hyndburn and all of Lancashire a further
choice in how to make themselves healthier.
I believe that part of the core strategies adopted by Hyndburn council in Jan 2012 was to:
To improve the quality of health of residents in Hyndburn. - A place where all people have the
opportunity for a healthier longer life. The aim is to create an environment that will support health
and wellbeing and provide support for people to make healthier choices more easily.
Policy HC2
Proposals for new and improved sports , recreation, health, community and cultural facilities will
be supported.
4.55 Access to good quality health services is vital in enabling local residents to easily obtain the
health care they need. Such services should be developed , improved and made accessible for the
whole community.
Why Trident Park?
When assessing locations for this kind of service, one of the key criteria was accessibility.
We require clients to return to the clinic every week for treatment hence convenience plays a major
factor for people when deciding to take on the programme. Clients with 7-8 stone to lose can be on
the programme for over 30 weeks , hence the location of the clinic needs to be as accessible as
This business is not suited to town centre environments, as clients need to come and park up
outside, have their treatment and be on their way with as little hassle as possible.
Also as we will be looking to attract people from all over Lancashire, the location of the clinic enables
people who are not familiar with the area to travel to the clinic easily without having to travel into
an unfamiliar town centre and then find parking etc.
This unit being off Jct 6 of the M65 facilitates this greatly cutting down journey times.
The majority of clinics in the UK are in out of town locations, with one of the most successful in the
country located on the Silverlink Office Park in Newcastle.
This model definitely works, and it is this that we are looking to replicate at Trident Park. I believe
that one of the core strategies adopted by Hyndburn council in Jan 2012 was to:
To improve easy access for all good quality services and facilities. - To provide new high quality
health, education, leisure and cultural facilities in accessible locations.
Another factor to be considered here is that people are often embarrassed by being over weight,
hence premises need to be in a discrete location and not on the high street to avoid unnecessary
embarrassment caused by bumping into people that they may know as they come in or out of the
Although this can not be ruled out it is reduced by having an out of town location.
Suitability of Premises
We viewed many premises across the region but the key criteria, was that the building needed to be
modern and bright in keeping with a professional, private clinic. As with most businesses first
impressions count and it was essential that we get this right.
Other buildings we saw required significant refurbishment and hence would not have made this
project viable.
You will appreciate that the cost of the equipment that is required for the Alizonne therapy is not,
small roughly £30k per treatment room and as funds are limited in these economic times meant that
we simply would not be able to pay for a major refurbishment.
Many of the available properties were also too large , too small or too expensive.
The fabric of the building needed to be in good repair as well as lease and service charge costs
needed to be reasonable.
The unit at Trident Park is a modern unit recently built, and was just the right size for our business.
The fixtures and fittings are all in a good state of repair hence keeping refurb costs down. The unit
gives us the opportunity to expand into the space available.
Such units are simply not available in town centre locations as much of the existing stock is closed
retail premises with no parking or again office buildings with significantly higher rent and rates.
Also as per the email form Neil Weaver of Taylor Weaver the agents for this unit, he states:
I write to confirm that Taylor Weaver have been actively marketing the above property since
January 2011 and during this period we have received very few office enquiries for the building.
There is a glut of similar office units in East Lancashire and this has resulted in a poor appetite
from both purchasers and tenants in taking office space.
The marketing campaign that we have instigated includes erection of boards, inclusion within our
website, press releases, the use of social media such as Twitter and Linked In and e-mailshots.
I believe that one the policies of the core strategies adopted by Hyndburn council in Jan 2012 that
supported change of use, that needed to be fulfilled was:
Policy E2
4.16 In order to demonstrate that there is no current or likely future demand for the site or premises
for employment uses, , the site shall be marketed by at least one commercial agent for employment
purposes for at least 18 months…..
The current unit has been on the market for 2yrs and 7 months (31 months) with no interest hence it
is unlikely that it will be used for sole office purposes in the future. There are currently 3 empty
buildings on Trident Park.
This will be a small service business at the end of the day that is reliant on the quality of its
services, facilities and location in order to be successful.
Employment -Availability Of Employees
Hyndburn Council Core strategies state:
To create greater opportunities for all to access improved economic opportunities and to provide
support for the local economy and higher wage employment.
4.4 Improved prosperity in the borough requires a greater diversity of employment opportunities,
with increased emphasis on knowledge based and service sector businesses.
2.41 There is a shortage of skilled employees in the borough and if this continues the competitiveness
of Pennine Lancashire will deteriorate.
We will be employing doctors, receptionists and therapists within our business, which will be from
the surrounding areas.
Doctors will be practising local GP’s that wish to supplement their GP work with private sessions of
Alizonne therapy. The doctors will be fully trained in all aspects of the Alizonne therapy. Obtaining
this extra skill set enables doctors to advise more effectively when they are undertaking GP work.
Therapists are employed on a part time basis, enabling flexible working for individuals that have
other commitments such as other part time work or young families .
We have had 20 applications for the positions we have available. Therapists will be fully trained in
Alizonne therapy.
Where as a typical beauty therapist would earn between £7-£9 per hour, Alizonne therapists will
earn £11-£15 per hour with bonus options dependant on performance.
The location at Trident Park can be easily accessed by all our employees and hence is a big factor in
choosing this location. It enables them to work without having to travel to a town centre location
and hence is more attractive to prospective employees.
I believe in line with the core strategies we are providing opportunities for people to not only retrain
but to supplement their existing incomes with this niche specialist service.
Serving The Wider Community
The effects of being over weight are widely documented and can put a significant strain on local NHS
Hyndburn is no exception to this and the following points are taken from the Council Core Strategy
2.51 The health of people in Hyndburn is generally worse than the National average.
2.52 The Borough has a low proportion of healthy eating adults and a high proportion of obese
adults compared with the national average. These problems are linked to a high rate of people
being diagnosed with diabetes, along with the proportion of deaths from heart disease and stroke
which are all significantly worse than the national average.
Opening an Alizonne clinic at Trident Park will allow people to take control of this issue for
themselves without having to rely on the NHS.
This also gives local GP’s an alternative course of action to recommend to their patients.
As mentioned earlier the NHS will not entertain any treatments if they are for cosmetic reasons. In
these cases the individuals are left to find their own private treatments.
The location of the clinic at Trident Park will allow people to access this service quickly, efficiently
and discretely, hence giving them a healthier alternatives to private weight loss surgery.
I hope that in line with Policy HC2 that you find the above information relevant in supporting the
change of use.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on 07852 171024 if you would like to discuss any aspect of this
Deepak Patel
Alizonne ( Lancashire) Ltd