Austin Harris NWP Assignment #2 December 10th 2015 Evaluating the Performance of Planetary Boundary Layer and Cloud Microphysical Parameterization Schemes in Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecasts Using Synthetic GOES-13 Satellite Observations Cintineo et al. in Monthly Weather Review Background Cloud microphysics and planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization schemes have been shown to strongly affect the structure of simulated clouds, which ultimately influences the ability of NWP models to handle the solar radiation budget and atmospheric stability, and consequentially, the prediction of hazardous atmospheric phenomenon like extra-tropical cyclones and thunderstorms. In particular, microphysics schemes influence cloud structure by simulating a variety of hydrometeor species involved in the complicated cloud dynamics and subsequent precipitation. Doublemoment microphysics schemes, which predict both the mass mixing ratio and total number concentration for all species, have improved our ability to predict the cloud structure and evolution, although there is considerable room for improvement. PBL schemes, on the other hand, influence the prediction of clouds by parameterizing the small-scale turbulence arising from the transfer of moisture, heat, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. Previous evaluations assessing the utility of such schemes have been achieved through the comparisons of NWP model output to both real and model-derived satellite operations. Although these studies have shown that PBL and microphysics schemes substantially influence the cloud properties of maritime extra-tropical cyclones and atmospheric rivers, the utility of such parameterizations has only been evaluated for a small number of events. Moreover, the “best” schemes have yet to be identified. With that being said, this study expands our assessment of both microphysics and PBL schemes by comparing various parameterizations within the convection-permitting WRF ensemble to synthetic infrared brightness temperature observations from satellites. This paper is different from previous studies in that only double-moment schemes will be used, several events are investigated during the 4-week spring experiment in 2012, and the domain covers the entire continental United States as opposed to a smaller, regional domain. Methods To investigate the impact of the microphysics schemes on the cloud simulations, four microphysics parameterizations were employed while all other model components and parameterizations were held the same. All schemes tested were double moment in some fashion, however, the schemes differ in which particular species are double- moment and how they treat various cloud processes. For example, the WRF doublemoment 6-class (WDM6) scheme is double moment for the warm rain processes only, while the cloud condensation nuclei and the cloud and rainwater number concentrations are predicted. Only the cloud ice and rainwater species are double moment in the Thompson scheme (THOM), which also utilizes prognostic equations for cloud water, cloud ice, snow, rain, and graupel mass mixing ratios. The Morrison scheme (MORR) also predicts these same mass mixing ratios, but with number concentrations predicted for all species excluding cloud water. Lastly, the Milbrandt-Yau scheme (M-Y) is double moment for all types, and even separates graupel and hail. Five ensemble members were used for the PBL comparisons, while all other model components were held constant to isolate the influence of the PBL schemes. These parameterizations can be categorized into local and non-local schemes, in which the former calculates turbulent fluxes for each grid point in the vertical column using data from adjacent levels, while the latter calculates fluxes based on variables throughout the depth of the model. The local schemes used in this study are: 1) the MYJ scheme, which includes prognostic equations for turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), 2) the quasi-normal scale elimination (QNSE) scheme, which is similar, except that it determines the mixing length differently for a stable PBL, 3) the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino scheme (MYNN), which is also similar, except that this includes improvements to the closure constants and mixing length scale. Meanwhile, the non-local schemes used in this study include: 1) the YSU scheme, which permits nonlocal mixing with explicit entrainment processes, 2) the asymmetric convective model version2 (ACM2), which includes a local mixing component rather than a nonlocal transport in stable and neutral conditions in order to balance computational expense against accurately capturing sub and super-scale fluxes. Each ensemble member was evaluated through the comparisons of real and synthetic GOES-13 IR brightness temperatures, which have been previously shown to be accurate within 1K. More specifically, the synthetic brightness temperatures were computed on the WRF grid for two IR-bands, and were then remapped to the GOES-13 projections to directly compare the real and synthetic data. Point-to-point verification metrics like the bias, root-mean-square error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) we computed for the 6.7 and 10.7-µm bands, while the neighborhood-based verification metric, fraction skill score (FSS), was used too. Key Findings The M-Y and MORR microphysics parameterization schemes were the most accurate at forecasting the low-level clouds despite grossly underestimating the spatial extent of these clouds. However, these schemes resulted in an over-forecast of upperlevel cloud extent and were the least skillful in terms of RMSE and MAE there, and it was suggested that this could be the result of an over-production of ice. The simple WDM6 scheme under-forecast cloud extent at all vertical levels, and although this led to a worse FSS than the others, the RMSE and MAE were slightly better for the WDM6 than the M-Y and MORR schemes, which was also likely due to how the models handled ice. With that being said, it was argued that the improved WDM6 scores relative to the M-Y and MORR schemes point out the flaws in using one verification statistic only. Overall, it was determined that the moderately complex THOM scheme was the most accurate for the spring experiment. There was a lack of low-level clouds for the PBL schemes, although the ACM2 performed the best. In particular, this scheme certainly performed the best during preconvective hours, and it had the highest FSS for the upper-level clouds. However, the local mixing schemes, QNSE and MYJ, performed best during the convective hours, despite over-forecasting cloud extent. The MYNN had the worst FSS with an underforecast of clouds everywhere except at the tropopause (where it performed best), while the MYJ and QNSE contained too many overshooting tops, thus implying an overforecast of updraft strength. Overall though, the differences in the PBL schemes were not as stark as with the microphysics schemes, and so it is not entirely clear which PBL scheme is superior, although the ACM2, YSU, and MYNN seemed to perform better than the MYJ and QNSE schemes. Potential Refinement and/or Extensions An obvious extension to the work while maintaining the current experimental design would be to replicate the study for a variety of synoptic setups, including particularly impactful situations like a nor-easter or an MCS. Such a study should further elucidate the most accurate PBL and microphysics schemes, as well as the types of errors associated with them. While maintaining the same general experimental design, another extension of this study would be to utilize rain gauge data and/or radar estimated precipitation to compare against forecast precipitation amounts generated with each of the PBL and microphysics schemes. Another easy extension of the study would to also evaluate the performances of all combinations of the 9 parameterization schemes.