- Howest.be

Howest, University College West Flanders
Application form for 2014 - 2015
for all exchange students - Erasmus and overseas partners
Student´s personal details
Family name:
First name(s):
Number ID card (or passport) – please attach a copy of your ID card on one single (scan)
For Erasmus Belgica students it must be the Belgian Identity card:
National Register Number:
Date of birth:
Place of birth (city + country):
Current address : (street + number, postal code, city, country):
Current postal address is valid until:
Permanent address (if different):
Telephone (including country code):
Mobile phone (including country code):
E-mail address (please double check the spelling):
Sending institution
Name (of the Sending institution, in English):
Full address (street + number, post code, city, country):
Erasmus Code Sending institution (ask your international coordinator!):
YOUR Departmental Co-ordinator / Student Exchange Co-ordinator
Family name and first name:
Mr Ms
Telephone (including country code):
E-mail address:
Previous and current study
Diploma/degree for which you are currently studying at your home institution:
(please also mention specialisation field):
Please attach your transcripts of records of the previous years/semesters, with translation if
not in English, French, Dutch, German or Spanish.
Number of (successful) higher education study semesters/years/ECTS credits prior to
departure abroad:
ECTS (please tick the right option)
Have you already been studying abroad?
If yes, when?
At which institution?
Study programme you wish to apply for at HOWEST
For the English taught semesters or modules there are specific expectations concerning English
language skills and previous study. Please read them in the brochures and attach the required
proof or documents.
International semesters in English in Fall
Tick the right box (only 1).
All these programmes are only offered in our Fall Semester (September – end of January).
Admission criterion: 60 ECTS previously acquired and B2 level English. See further online brochures.
Duration of stay: 5 months
International Business Management I
Applied Computer Sciences I (Bruges)
Professional Development (Bruges)
Digital Creative Projects in Tourism
Digital Creative Projects in Journalism (Kortrijk)
Realization in Product Design (Kortrijk)
Please send your proposal of Learning Agreement (www.howest.be/application) according to
the programme you find on www.howest.be/internationalsemesters.
Howest Student Application form (Erasmus) exchange
International semesters in English in Spring
Tick the right box (only 1).
All these programmes are only offered in our Spring Semester (February – end of June).
Admission criterion: 60 ECTS previously acquired and B2 level English. See further online brochures.
Duration of stay: 5 months
International Business Management II (Bruges)
Combination with IBM I is possible.
Applied Computer Sciences II (Bruges)
Combination with ACS Fall is possible
Digital Creative Project in Communication
Digital Creative Project in Business (Kortrijk)
Digital Creative Project in New Media & IT
Visualisation and Communication in Product
Design (Kortrijk)
Please send your proposal of Learning Agreement (www.howest.be/application) according to
the programme you find on www.howest.be/internationalsemesters.
Bachelor in English
Digital Arts and Entertainment
DAE is a full-time Bachelor's degree program. Exchange study is only possible in case of an Erasmus
Bilateral Agreement mentioning explicitly the DAE department. Due to the structure of their
programme, the DAE department prefers exchange students to attend the Fall semester or a full year.
Admission criterion: 60 ECTS previously acquired and B2 level English.
Please send your proposal of Learning Agreement (www.howest.be/application) according to
the programme you find on www.digitalartsandentertainment.com.
Howest Student Application form (Erasmus) exchange
Regular curriculum (in Dutch!) or traineeship
Some of our Dutch taught degree programmes offer tailor-made study
possibilities in English for selected course units, projects and/or
traineeship. Applications for traineeship are only eligible after previous
agreement by the concerned Howest department.
Please mention in which Bachelor programme you wish to attend course units**
Name of the Bachelor programme:
How many ECTS credits do you expect to gather at HOWEST?
In case of
Duration of stay:
months. Please also tick the appropriate box.
I would like to study the regular curriculum during the 1st semester (Sept. – end of Jan.)
I would like to study the regular curriculum during the 2nd semester (Febr. – end of June)
I would like to study the regular curriculum during the whole academic year (Sept. – end of June)
In case of
Duration of stay:
months. Please also tick the appropriate box.
the traineeship is planned during the 1st semester: from (date) till (date)
the traineeship is planned during the 2nd semester: from (date) till (date)
Please send your proposal of Learning Agreement (www.howest.be/application) according to
the programme you find on www.howest.be/opleidingen.
** Management Assistant, Medical Management Assistant and Social Work are offered both in Bruges
and Kortrijk. Please add the city/department where you would like to attend those Bachelor programmes.
English for exchange students in higher education: a twoweek intensive language preparation
This course has been designed for our incoming and outgoing exchange students in order to provide
them with an optimal linguistic preparation for their study abroad semester or year in English. It is
offered as a crash course in the two weeks before the start of the semester at Howest. Classes will
take place all day, every day, except on weekends.
When you tick this box you should realize that, this course can only be taken as a part of the
Learning Agreement and has to be attended for the full two-week period. As the number of places
will be limited, we expect selected students to show up in time and fully participate.
In case you are accepted for this course, your personal data and a copy of your ID card or passport
will be sent to the language instruction centre which will provide the course at Howest.
There will be a cost involved for the handbook and the field trip, to be paid to the lecturer directly.
If you wish to apply for this intensive English course, please indicate your choice:
Fall semester course: Monday 8 September – Friday 19 September 2014
Spring semester course: Monday 26 January – Friday 6 February 2015
Ticking the box does not mean that you are automatically selected. Howest International Office will let
you know whether or not you can follow the course.
Howest Student Application form (Erasmus) exchange
State the reasons why you wish to study at Howest in the chosen programme(s)? (about 500
characters ≈ 5 sentences)
Language competence*
I am currently studying this language
I have sufficient knowledge to follow
lectures and do exams
* For the English taught semesters/modules there are specific language expectations. Please read
them and attach the required proof or documents.
Work experience related to current study (if relevant)
Type of work
Erasmus or other grant
Will you receive an Erasmus+ mobility grant through your home institution to assist towards the
additional costs of your study period abroad?
>> If “yes” and you come for traineeship, indicate the type of Erasmus grant
Will you receive another type of grant than Erasmus+ to support your mobility period?
If yes, which one?
Howest Student Application form (Erasmus) exchange
University Insurance Policy
Incoming exchange students without insurance coverage by their home institution will be covered by the Howest
insurance policy for third-party liability and physical accidents during the school related activities and on their way
to and back from the campus or traineeship. Not during private time of the exchange period. That coverage does
not replace a normal health and travel assistance insurance, which each incoming student must take. The
Howest insurance will only come into action after exhausting the student’s Home School Insurance coverage.
Health, medical and assistance Insurance
All incoming students need to arrange themselves sufficient health, medical and travel assistance insurance,
including repatriation of corps. Students who wish to take a medical insurance upon arrival in Belgium, can find
more information in our (online) Practical Information Package for incoming students.
The first option is only available if your application reaches us before the set deadlines:
I would like help from Stuvo Howest (Howest Student Services) to search for accommodation.
After acceptance of your application, you will be contacted by email by a Stuvo Howest colleague in
case you have ticked this box. Their assistance consists of trying to match in the best possible way
your accommodation need with the housing offer, mostly on the private market. Please take into
account that students who do not react to the emails from Stuvo or drop the process cannot expect
any type of ‘emergency housing assistance’ upon arrival. Pls.double-check the email address you
filled out.
I will search for accommodation by myself. (www.kotwest.be can be a help).
Bear in mind that it is quite a challenge to find accommodation on your own, especially in Bruges or if
you do not speak any Dutch. Howest cannot be expected to offer ‘emergency housing assistance’
upon arrival.
Application deadlines
Deadline for applicants from the European Economic Area:
Before 20/06/2014 for study in Fall Semester
Before 30/11/2014 for study in Spring Semester
Deadline for applicants from outside the European Economic Area:
Before 20/05/2014 for study in Fall Semester
Before 30/10/2014 for study in Spring Semester
Howest Student Application form (Erasmus) exchange
Agreement of the Sending Institution
To be completed by a STAFF member of the sending school.
Applications without this agreement of the Sending University are non-eligible.
I hereby confirm that
 the applying student has been selected to apply for the above mentioned
Erasmus/exchange study period at Howest
 the data in section 2 are correct and complete, including the Erasmus code of my
Please indicate whether your applying student will be covered or not by an insurance policy
of your institution during his/her mobility period: (see also section 10° Insurance)
 covering third party-liability during all school related activities*
 covering physical accidents during all school related activities*
Name and function:
Signature and stamp of the school:
Checklist and signature of the applicant
Before sending your application form to Howest, International Office, please make sure that
you did or attached the following:
This application form is NOT HANDWRITTEN.
Copy of ID card or passport on one single page. For Erasmus Belgica students it must be the
Belgian identity card.
Transcript of records with study results past semester(s)/year(s) in one of the main EU languages.
Learning agreement with proposed study programme at Howest (download at
www.howest.be/application or use your home university’s format)
Proof of Language proficiency in English (or Dutch).
I will make sure to arrange sufficient medical, health and travel assistance insurance
coverage once I got accepted by Howest for an exchange period.
This application form is signed and stamped by my Home Institution (section ° 13).
This application form holds name, date and signature of the Applicant (right under here):
Your family and first name:
Howest Student Application form (Erasmus) exchange
Receiving Institution - address for application
Howest, de Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
(University College West Flanders)
Contact person: Ms. Isabelle Pertry
Head of Howest International Office
Howest International Office
Marksesteenweg 58 B – 8500 Kortrijk
+ 32 (0)56 24 12 90
Fax: + 32 (0)56 24 12 92
Acknowledgement by Howest
Howest hereby acknowledges receipt of the Application Form.
The above mentioned student is accepted at Howest.
The above mentioned student is not accepted at Howest.
The application of the above mentioned student will be reconsidered after completion of
the application file. Please provide the lacking information or annexes.
In case the student applied for the two-week intensive language preparation “English for exchange
students in higher education”:
The student is accepted to attend the course.
The above mentioned student is not accepted at Howest.
Howest International Office will notify the student in a later stage whether or not he/she
will be accepted to attend the course.
Departmental coordinator’s signature
Institutional coordinator’s signature
Howest Student Application form (Erasmus) exchange