Research Inquiry 1 Running head: RESEARCH INQUIRY Nicole Atkins Research Inquiry Wayne State University Eng 3010 Research Inquiry 2 Abstract Occupational Therapy is becoming increasingly popular in the health field. Along with the increase in popularity, technology and new techniques are being discovered to benefit this type of field. Journals such as Occupational Therapy in Health Care are crucial to keep current and future Occupational Therapists updated. This journal is very formal and allows professionals in this field to communicate with one another, and share their findings. It also has thematic issues, which focus primarily on one topic. A specific article that was found in Occupational Therapy in Health Care is “Self-Identity in an Adolescent a Decade after Spinal Cord Injury”. This article is a good example of what is found in this journal and follows the specific guidelines of publishing in this journal. Occupational Therapy in Health Care is very creditable and is a good example of a well established medical journal. Research Inquiry 3 Occupational therapy has become one of the most exciting and advancing fields in therapeutic rehabilitation. Whether an individual has just become an occupational therapist, or has been in the field for many years, there is always something new to learn and discover. This is why journals in this type of field are so important. Occupational Therapy in Health Care is a journal that has been published since 1984. This journal’s main focus is to keep professionals in this field updated and informed on new research and new therapeutic techniques ( If journals such as Occupational Therapy in Health Care didn’t exist, some occupational therapists wouldn’t know the best way, in today’s technology, to treat a patient. Occupational Therapy in Health Care has been published since 1984. “Haworth press, Inc”, publishes this journal. It is a series of articles and publications that focus on the improvement of the occupational therapy field ( The regular issues of this journal come out four times a year. Each issue always includes: “Education Corner” which highlights innovative teaching strategies, programs and issues. Also found in each issue is “Internet Review” which talks about new and helpful Internet sources, and “Book Reviews” talks about new books, manuals and software that are relevant to the field (Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 2010). People with their PHD edit each of the regular components of the journal, and have experience using the sources they are informing others about. One of the unique qualities about this journal is that it does not only publish their regular issues, but also thematic issues. These issues of the journal focus on one important topic or issue that may be raising questions at that time. Its main focus is getting new information out to every professional who is concerned. Some examples of the themes that Research Inquiry 4 this journal might use are education, interprofessional collaboration, and multiple sclerosis (Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 2010). This becomes useful when an occupational therapist wants to know information on a specific topic, they can find an issue of this journal that deals solely on that topic. Although this article is sometimes organized is a thematic way, this journal is still very generic. Any occupational therapist, no matter what their concentration is, can find a relevant topic. Professionals in this field can also relate to this journal because other professionals in the same field write it. Meaning, this journal is written by one’s peers; therefore it is not written by an individual who has no experience in that area. Anne E. Dickerson, PHD, edits Occupational Therapy in Health Care. Anne is the Professional and Chair of the department of Occupational Therapy at the School of Allied Sciences at East Carolina University (Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 2010). It also has a very large, educated editorial board. The editors are also from different parts of the U.S.A, Canada, Australia and Austria. Having many people, from different places, edit a journal helps in the diversity of the journal, making it better rounded. This journal has been a very successful one. It is known to get new and relevant topics published; so all Occupational Therapists can know what is going on in the field. It is also said that they have a very high standard for what will be published in this journal. It is also a great way for professionals in this field to communicate with one another. One Occupational Therapist might find a new technique helpful, and publish and article about it in the journal. Another Occupational Therapist who is across the country might read it, and would be able to benefit from it. This might not be possible without medical journals like Research Inquiry 5 Occupational Therapy in Health Care. Journals such as this one are not only beneficial for professionals that work in the field, but also for people who are educating the future Occupational Therapists. The new findings and techniques that are discussed in the journal will be taught to the students, who will up to date by the time they are ready to work in the field. This way, they are not only learning the old, and dated methods, but also new and exciting techniques that work with today’s technology. “Occupational therapy educators will find the journal a convenient resource for their students” ( As mentioned before, this journal has very high expectations from its authors. There are many guidelines one must go through in order to just be considered for publication. All articles must be in APA style with a Times New Roman font. It must contain an abstract and be anywhere from 5-20 pages long. On top of that, there must be tables or graphs to support evidence that is discussed in the article. Each submission must include information about approval by the relevant research ethics board, and must agree with all copyright and permissions of the journal. After an author has been approved of all of these things, their article will be peer reviewed, and decided if it will be published in a future issue of Occupational Therapy in Health Care. These standards may seem high, but they also seem very necessary for such a credited medical journal. Without these standards, this journal would not be well credited, and would not be successful. The articles in Occupational Therapy in Health Care are focused on everyday practice of Occupational Therapy. They focus in on new clinical research and new findings. The articles are usually very activity focused. This is useful for any Occupational Therapist Research Inquiry 6 to use the activities in the article, and apply it to their own practice. One article in particular is “Self-Identity in an Adolescent a Decade after Spinal Cord Injury”. Melissa A. Webb and Lynnda J. Emery wrote this article. Melissa A. Webb is an Occupational Therapist in the Department of Occupational Therapy, Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond Kentucky (Self-Identity, 2009). Lynnda J. Emery is a Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy, and is also located at Eastern Kentucky University (Self-Identity, 2009). This article was published in Occupational Therapy in Health Care in October of 2009. It follows the general APA rules and guidelines, beginning with an abstract. The abstract gives a short summary of what is discussed in the article, and a brief description of methods, results, and discussion of their findings. After the abstract comes the introduction, where the authors explain why they conducted the study on spinal cord injuries in adolescents. They say that there is limited amount of research for adolescents, in contrast to the large amount of research available for adults. “Current evidence-based psychosocial interventions for adolescents with SCI are limited; however, interventions for adults with SCI have been supported” (Self-Identity, 2009). After the introduction is the method section. This is where the authors explain how they expect to collect the data. Webb and Emery say by conducting interviews a decade after a SPI (spinal cord injury), asking how occupational therapy has helped their self-identity, will give data and suggestions on how occupational therapy will help young adolescents. In the results section, it goes into great detail about a young boy named J.B. This is the individual that was interviewed after going through a very traumatic SPI. The discussion section explains how J.B’s interview was interpreted into Research Inquiry 7 usable data. The article also contains two tables, which follows the specific guidelines given by the journal. The main audience for an article such as “Self-Identity in an Adolescent a Decade after Spinal Cord Injury” is the group of other occupational therapists and peers in this field. As stated before, Occupational Therapy in Health Care’s main purpose is to provide Occupational Therapists with new ideas and techniques. This article gives an example of a study about an adolescent with a major spinal cord injury. It is following the criteria of the journal by providing a new insight to how occupational therapy does not only benefit adults, but young adolescents as well. This is significant since, as the authors stated before, there is a limited amount of research dealing with adolescents. Adolescents make up a large part of our population, and this research will help us learn how to benefit them in therapeutic techniques. This is academically significant because it gives occupational therapists future conclusions on beneficial aspects of Occupational Therapy. “From this research study the following conclusions can be drawn; Participation in valued, meaningful occupations is an effective strategy in strengthening dimensions of self-concept and rebuilding a self-identity for adolescents with SCI” (Self-Identity, 2009). Any type of established medical journal has many guidelines, rules, and policies. Occupational Therapy in Health Care is no different. The standard APA format is a must, along with adding in tables and graphs, and following the ethics and permissions. Journals like this are necessary for health related fields, such as Occupational Therapy. It is because of these journals, information about new, important and relevant topics concerning this field is published for the benefits of fellow peers. It is a way for Occupational Therapists across the country to communicate with one another, in a professional manner. Research Inquiry 8 Annotated Bibliography Dickson, Anne E. Ed. “Occupational Therapy in Health Care” (1984-2010). Occupational Therapy in Health Care is a very formal journal published by fellow Occupational Therapists. It is highly credited and has been published since 1984. The issues of this journal are consistently very generic and can be related to all professionals in this field. Each issue contains specific aspects such as book reviews and internet reviews. It is edited by peers who are in the field of Occupational Therapy, including Anne E. Dickson who is the head of Occupational Therapy at East Carolina University. Along with the four standard issues of Occupational Therapy in Health Care that are published annually, there are also thematic issues that focus primarily on a topic relatable to a topic in the media that may be current at that time. The objective of this journal is to keep professionals in this field updated and informed on new research and new therapeutic techniques. It is a very good source for Occupational Therapists and students of this field. Case-Smith, Jane Ed. “OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health” (1980-2010). This journal is published and funded from the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, Inc. It is highly credited and a great source for all Occupational Therapists. This is a great journal because it does follow-ups of former research and also allows original research. It follows the general APA style, and has very high standards for authors to be published. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health “offers original research articles of professional interest to the practicing occupational therapist with a focus on occupation and fostering interdisciplinary research”. This journal has quarterly issues and includes research briefs and letters to the editor in each issue. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health helps advance the science in occupational therapy. Blount, Marie-Louise et al, Eds. “Occupational Therapy in Mental Health” (1980-2010). This journal is not as generic as other academic journal found in this field. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health focuses more on the philosophical and psychiatric side of Occupational Therapy. This is geared towards a more narrow group of Occupational Therapist rather than the entire field. This journal “provides a forum for all occupational therapists in which to discuss today’s challenges”. It not only discusses new findings in occupational therapy, but also looks at new techniques in fields that are somewhat related to occupational therapy. Every article that is published in Research Inquiry 9 Occupational Therapy in Mental Health has been edited by the editorial board and has been peer reviewed. As it is standard, all articles are done in the APA format. This journal comes out quarterly, and has been published since 1980. Most journals found in the field of Occupational Therapy tend to be very generic. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health is more specific, which makes it stand out as a unique journal in this medical field.