Eligible Applicants
Aboriginal artists and culture workers;
Aboriginal not-for-profit arts and culture organizations;
Aboriginal not-for-profit organizations with arts and culture programming;
Aboriginal education institutions with arts and culture programming;
Aboriginal —non-Aboriginal partnerships where the lead partner is Aboriginal as defined above.
The proposed project must reflect the mandate of the applicant organization and the goals of providing
Aboriginal arts and culture components for the War of 1812 Bicentennial programming. The project proposal must clearly show how the project aligns with the aforementioned program objectives.
The merit of the proposed project must be made clear. The proposal needs to impart the overall intent of the project and document the Aboriginal history of the subject, i.e. the effects of the war of 1812 on Aboriginal people/communities,whether historical or contemporary. Detailed information is required about the project schedule and contributing partners and sponsors, if any.
A detailed budget must be submitted with the proposal.
Eligible Projects Will :
have as its content, for any production, a focus on Aboriginal arts and culture in its interpretation of the War of 1812, whether traditional or contemporary or a mixture of the two.
have their performances, activities, screenings, etc., within the City of Toronto between June and August
2012, hosted at venues provided by the City of Toronto where appropriate.
contribute toward the skills development and employment of Aboriginal people in various arts and cultural practices.
contribute to increasing cultural awareness and pride in being Aboriginal.
contribute to cross-cultural communication and understanding between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples.
To be considered, applications must be fully completed.
Grants and Contributions Funding
The request for proposal process does not guarantee that all projects will be funded or that successful projects
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 1
will be fully funded.
Final funding decisions for projects will be determined through a jury process during the Fall of 2011 with the goal of final funding decisions being made in December 2011.
Eligible Expenses
Typical eligible expenses include, but are not limited to:
Artist and culture worker fees;
Promotional expenses, marketing and communications;
Project expenses, including event management and production costs, entertainment, supplies, rental equipment (sound, lighting);
Administrative costs (not exceeding 15% of the total contribution), including salaries and benefits, fees for professional services, bank charges; and
Reasonable travel/hospitality expense.
Ineligible Expenses
Typical ineligible costs include, but are not limited to:
Costs related to major infrastructures such as building/restoration of buildings and purchase of land;
Lobbying activities, advocacy;
Activities or services that take place outside of the City of Toronto;
On-going activities (eg., production and distribution of regular issues of magazines, periodicals or newsletters);
Fundraising activities.
Should your project be approved for funding, eligible costs can only be funded once the final budget for the overall project is determined in association with various funding partners. Applicants who enter into contractual arrangements prior to assessment do so at their own risk.
In-kind Contributions
In-kind contributions should be included as revenue in the project budget. In-kind contributions can be made by an individual, business or organization by contributing materials, goods, services or time towards the project that would otherwise be a necessary incurred expense. To be eligible, the in-kind contribution must be of fair market value, essential to the project’s success, and would otherwise be purchased and paid for by the applicant.
Funding may only be awarded following an assessment and recommendation process which consists of the following steps:
Determination of Eligibility
Jury will determine:
If the applicant and project are eligible for funding under the program criteria;
If the proposal contains all required information and is judged complete; and
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 2
If the applicant sufficiently demonstrates the capacity to carry out the project as proposed.
Assessment Criteria
The jury will assess:
The extent to which a project enables Aboriginal peoples and non-Aboriginal peoples to recognize the contributions made by Aboriginal peoples during the War of 1812 and the impact of this war on Aboriginal peoples and their communities, past, present and/or future.
How the interpretation will use traditional and/or contemporary arts and culture modalities to accomplish the above.
Assessment Decision
Assessments are undertaken within the context of multiple requests and limited resources. Therefore, not all proposals that meet the program criteria are guaranteed funding. Applicants may also receive an amount lower than the amount initially requested.
All decisions are final. Applicants cannot be provided with any information on funding recommendations until a letter of decision has been issued.
Public acknowledgment shows how public funds are being spent, and raises public understanding of the cultural, social and economic benefits of funded initiatives.
Once funding has been approved, there are numerous opportunities for organizations to acknowledge their contribution, for example:
· during project launch
· at opening or unveiling ceremonies
· in media interviews or announcements
· upon successful project completion
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 3
The submission deadline is Friday October 7, 2011, 4.00 p.m.
at the offices of Thunderbird Arts, Culture and
Entrepreneur Centre (see contact information below) which is coordinating the RFP process.
6 Copies to be delivered – email or faxed proposals will not be accepted
Applications will be acknowledged within 15 calendar days of their receipt.
Official written notification of funding decisions will be mailed out to applicants by December 31, 2011.
How and where to submit an application:
Kenn Ross, President
Thunderbird Arts, Culture and Entrepreneur Centre
167 Gerrard Street East
Toronto, ON M5A 2E4
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 4
1. Fill out all sections of the application form, sign and date it. This will ensure that your proposal can be reviewed in a timely manner.
Official Name of Organization (or if an Individual, Last Name followed by First Name)
Former Name (if applicable)
Website Address (if applicable)
Additional Information
Fax Email
2. STREET ADDRESS (if different from mailing address or if address is a post office box)
Street Address
City Province/Territory Postal Code
Mr .
Mrs .
Ms .
Other (specify)______________________________
Given Name Initial Surname
E-mail Address Telephone Cellular (optional) Fax
Same as person authorized to represent the organization
Initial Given Name
Telephone Cellular (optional) Fax
E-mail Address
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 5
Geographical Scope of Activity
Independent artists or culture worker? Yes No
Legal Status
In process
Date applied__________________
Corporate Registration No. __________________
Date of Incorporation ______________________
For incorporated applicants: What is your fiscal year? from _________________to__________________
Not-for-profit organization status
Registered charitable organization?
Yes Registration No.________________________
No Date applied________________________
Does your organization have a Board of Directors or other governing body?
Yes (If yes, attach a list of the members)
Mandate of the Organization
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 6
Project Title
Project Duration Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Project Description - Summary
Completion Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Link with Program Objectives. Choose the applicable objective(s)
Project Description - Detailed Description
In a separate MS Word document, write a detailed description of the project you are submitting and include the following information:
1. Objectives of your project
Describe the objectives of your project.
2. Key activities, timelines and expected results
The collection of actions, jobs, tasks which will consume project resources (inputs) and deliver products/services that will have a benefit/impact. This section should describe what the applicant will do, when, and what results they expect to have. This description also demonstrates how planned activities will logically lead to the project’s expected results. The focus should be on immediate outcomes; what the applicant hopes to achieve in the short-term (immediately following the end of funding period).
3. Type of partnerships involved
Explain whether the project involves the development of strategic partnerships that will lead to increased support at the community level.
4. Sources of funding
Should provide a summary of all sources of funding, including in-kind support.
How will you acknowledge support from Thunderbird Arts, Culture and Entrepreneur Centre, the City of Toronto and other partners?
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 7
You must submit a summary budget covering the entire project.
Note: Your budget must be directly linked to the activities for which you are requesting funding, and must include financial revenues and in-kind contributions for both eligible and non-eligible expenses. Total projected expenses must equal total projected revenues.
A sample budget template is provided for your information and reference. The categories provided in this template are examples only. You may change the name of the categories or add to them.
In-kind contribution
($ value)
Cash ($)
War of 1812 Project Fund
Organization’s contribution (cash)
Organization’s contribution (in-kind)
Other contributions (cash) ( specify)
Other (in-kind) (specify)
Subtotal Cash
Subtotal In-kind
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 8
PROJECTED EXPENSES (Cash) Total Cost War of 1812 Project Fund
(Salaries / Fees)
Professional services
Operation Costs
Operation Costs
Financial audits
Other (specify)
Learning material (DVD's, web site development)
Travel and Accommodation (Specify)
Promotion, publicity, marketing
Translation costs
Other (specify)
Other (Specify)
Subtotal - Cash
Total Cost
War of 1812 Project Fund
Professional services
Financial audits
Learning material
Subtotal – In-kind
In-kind revenues must be detailed by source and balanced with in-kind expenditures.
• Total projected expenses must equal total projected revenues.
• Administrative costs (not to exceed 15% of total costs), may include salaries and benefits, fees for professional services, bank charges, and utilities.
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 9
Funding may be used only for the purposes specified in this application. If funding is provided, no substantial change to the project shall be made without the prior consent of Thunderbird, the City of Toronto and its partners, and it shall be at the discretion of Thunderbird, the City of
Toronto, et al, to determine what constitutes substantial change in each case. Any funding not used for the implementation of the project, must be returned.
The organization is wholly responsible for its own debts, no application will be considered to pay debts.
The organization shall agree to comply with all municipal, provincial/territorial and federal legislation where applicable.
The organization shall acknowledge the financial assistance received in all promotional and advertising activities related to the eventual funders.
I AFFIRM THAT the information in this application is accurate and complete and the project proposal, including plans and budgets, is fairly presented. I agree that once funding is provided, any change to the project proposal will require prior approval. I agree to publicly acknowledge funding assistance in accordance with the terms of the funding agreement.
Authorized Signature
_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________
Authorized signature Name and title (please print) Date
Thunderbird 1812 Aboriginal Projects RFP 10