Mayors Cutlers Bishops etc v2-0

Communities: Libraries, Archives and Information
Mayors, Lord Mayors,
Masters Cutler,
Freemen and
Bishops of Sheffield
© Sheffield Libraries Archives and Information 1997 - 2015 (v.2.0)
Front cover illustrations (left to right):
Leonard Hedley Burrows, Bishop of Sheffield, 1914 - 1939
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Picture Sheffield s08312)
Interior of Cutlers Hall - the Cutler's Feast, c. 1985
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Picture Sheffield t07393)
Sir John Brown (1816-1896), Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1861 - 1862
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Picture Sheffield y04511)
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Mayors and Lord Mayors
Masters Cutler
Honorary Freemen
Bishops of Sheffield
Bishops of Hallam
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Mayors (from 1843)
and Lord Mayors (from 1897)
William Edwin Clegg, 1898
Samuel Roberts, 1899
John Eaton, 1900
George Senior, 1901
John Wycliffe Wilson, 1902
John Rutland Wheatley, 1903
Joseph Jonas, 1904
Herbert Hughes, CB, CMG, 1905
Robert Styring, 1906
Harry P Marsh, 1907
Henry Kenyon Stephenson, DSO, 1908
The Right Hon The Earl Fitzwilliam,
KCVO, DSO, 1909
Henry Kenyon Stephenson, DSO, 1910
Albert John Hobson, 1911
Samuel Osborn, 1912
George Ernest Branson, 1913
Oliver Charles Wilson, 1914
Frederick Arthur Warlow, 1915
Walter Appleyard, 1916
Alfred Cattell, 1917
William Irons, 1918
Samuel Roberts, 1919
William Farewell Wardley, 1920
Charles Simpson, 1920
William Carter Fenton, 1922
Arthur James Blanchard, 1923
Alfred James Bailey, 1924
Joseph Benson, 1925
John George Graves, 1926
Moses Humberstone, 1927
Harry Bolton, 1928
Charles William Beardsley, 1929
Harold Warters Jackson, LL.B., 1930
(afterwards Sir Harold Jackson, LL.D)
Thomas Henry Watkins, 1931
Ernest Wilson, 1932
Fred Marshall, 1933
Percival J M Turner, CBE, JP, 1934
Frank Thraves, 1935
Ann Eliza Longden, 1936 (Sheffield's First
woman Lord Mayor)
Ernest George Rowlinson, 1937
William Joseph Hunter, 1938
John Arthur Longden, 1939
Luther Frederick Milner, 1940
Charles Josiah Mitchell, BA, BSc, 1941
Harry England Bridgwater, 1942
Samuel Hartley Marshall, JP, 1943
William Jeffcock, 1843
Thomas Dunn, 1844
Samuel Butcher, 1845
Henry Wilkinson, 1846
Edward Vickers, 1847
T R Barker, 1848
Thomas Birks, 1849
T B Turton, 1850
John Carr, 1851
W A Matthews, 1852
Francis Hoole, 1853
William Fisher, Jun, 1854
William Fawcett, 1855
John William Pye-Smith, 1856
Robert Jackson, 1857
Charles Atkinson, 1858
Henry E Hoole, 1859
Henry Vickers, 1860
Sir John Brown (2 years), 1861-2
Thomas Jessop (2 years), 1863-4
W E Laycock, 1865
John Webster (2 years), 1866-7
Thomas Moore (4 years), 1868-71
John Fairburn, 1872
Joseph Hallam, 1873
Mark Firth, 1874
John Tasker, 1875
George Bassett, 1876
Sir Frederick T Mappin, Bart, 1877
David Ward, 1878
Edward Tozer, 1879
Abram Brooksbank, 1880
Michael Hunter, Jun (2 years), 1881-2
W H Brittain (2 years), 1883-4
J W Pye-Smith, 1885
Sir Henry Stephenson, 1886
W J Clegg (2 years), 1887-8
J B Jackson, 1889
Samuel Osborn, 1890
W J Clegg, 1891 (Elected in place of the
late Mayor)
Joseph Gamble, 1891
Batty Langley, 1892
E S Foster, 1893
Sir Charles Skelton, 1894
His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, EM KG (2
years, 1895-6)
George Franklin, Litt.D, 1897
George Ernest Marlow, 1944
Charles William Gascoigne, CBE, BEM,
George Ernest Marlow, 1944
Charles William Gascoigne, CBE, BEM,
Ernest Storm Graham, 1946
William Ernest Yorke, 1947 (to May,
Grace Tebbutt, 1949
(Later Dame Grace Tebbutt, DBE, LLD,
Herbert Keeble Hawson, 1950
Thomas William Bridgland, 1951
Peter Buchanan, 1952
Oliver Spencer Holmes, CBE, JP, 1953
John Henry Bingham, LLD, JP ., 1954
Joseph Curtis, 1955
Robert Neill, 1956
Albert Ballard, CBE, LLD., 1957
John William Holland, JP., 1958
Alfred Vernon Wolstenholme, JP., 1959
Harold Slack, MBE, 1960
James Wilfred Sterland, OBE, LLD, JP,
Percival Cyril John Taylor Kirkman, 1962
Isidore Lewis, LLD, JP., 1963
Albert Smith, OBE ., 1964
John Stenton Worrall, JP., 1965
Lionel Stephen Edward Farris, JP., 1966
Harold Lambert, OBE, 1967
Patience Sheard, BA, JP., 1968
Daniel Joseph O'Neill, JP, 1969
John Basil Peile, MA, BSc, JP., 1970
(elected in place of the late Lord Mayor)
Sidney Irwin Dyson, 1970
Harold Hebblethwaite, FCA, JP, 1971
Martha Strafford, 1972
Stanley Kenneth Arnold, 1973
Leonard Cope, 1974
Albert E Richardson, 1975
Reginald E Munn, JP, 1976
Winifred M Golding, LLD., 1977
Peter H Jackson, MA, 1978
George Armitage, 1979
William Owen, JP, 1980
Enid A Hattersley, 1981
Gordon Wragg, 1982
Dr Peter Jones, 1983
Roy Munn, 1984
Dot Walton, 1985
Frank Prince, 1986
Peter Horton, 1987
Phyllis Smith, 1988
Tony Damms, 1989
Jim Moore, 1990
Doris Askham, 1991
William T Jordan, 1992
Qurban Hussain, 1993
Ian Saunders, 1994
David I Heslop, 1995
Peter Price, 1996
Tony Arber, 1997
Frank White, 1998
Trevor Bagshaw, 1999
Pat Midgley, 2000
David Walton Baker, 2001
Marjorie Barker, 2002
Dianne Wainwright Lek, 2003
Michael John Pye, 2004
Roger Noel Davison, 2005
Jackie Drayton, 2006
Arthur Dunworth, 2007
Jane Bird, 2008
Graham Oxley, 2009
Alan Law, 2010
Sylvia Dunkley, 2011
John Campbell, 2012
Vickie Priestley, 2013
Peter Rippon, 2014
Masters Cutler
Robert Sorsby, 1624
John Rawson, 1625
William Warter, 1626
William Webster, 1627
Robert Sorsby, 1628
John Webster, 1629
William Creswicke, 1630
Robert Stacie, 1631
James Creswicke, 1632
George Valliance, 1633
William Walker, 1634
Thomas Creswicke, 1635
Richard Wilkinson, 1636
John Crooke, 1637
James Creswicke, 1638
Robert Carr, 1639
Robert Scargell, 1640
Thomas Milward, 1641
Richard Slack, 1642
Richard Base, 1643
William Pell, 1644
William Warter, 1645
Thomas Ludlam, 1646
Malin Sorsbie, 1647
Robert Brelsforth, 1648
Richard Jackson, 1649
George Barnesley, 1650
William Birley, 1651
Thomas Bate, 1652
Edward Barlowe, 1653
William Crashawe, 1654
Thomas Pearson, 1655
John Webster, 1656
Malin Sorsbie, 1657
John Rawson, 1658
William Creswicke, 1659
Stephen Carr, 1660
Robert Allin, 1661
James Staniforth, 1662
James Newton, 1663
John Pearson, 1664
Thomas Jeninges, 1665
Nathaniel Robbinson, 1666
George Creswicke, 1667
John Webstarr, 1668
Robert Soresbie, 1669
Edward Barlow, 1670
James Newton, 1676
John Pearson, 1677
Thomas Jenings, sen, 1678
Joshua Baies, 1679
Jonathan Webster, 1680
Robert Nicholls, 1681
John Winter, 1682
Edward Badger, 1683
William Ellis, 1684
Thomas Tucker, 1685
Benjamin Kerkbie, 1686
John Webster, 1687
Robert Breilsforth, 1688
James Webster, 1689
Joseph Downes, 1690
John Webster, 1691
Thomas Johnson, 1692
John King, 1693
John Trippett, 1694
Robert Spooner, 1695
Chris Brumhead, 1696
Richard Downes, 1697
Andrew Wade, 1698
Benjamin Pearson, 1699
Robert Savage, 1700
Richard Marsh, 1701
Ephraim Nicholls, 1702
John Pearson, 1703
Edward Sanderson, 1704
Joseph Nutt, 1705
Ezra Cawton, 1706
George Cartwright, 1707
John Downes, 1708
James Hoole, 1709
John Morton, 1710
Samuel Smith, 1711
Samuel Twible, 1712
Thomas Tooker, 1713
Jonathan Birks, 1714
William Moor, 1715
Thomas Broadhead, 1716
John Guest, 1717
Tobias Ellis, 1718
Peter Symon, 1719
James Longden, 1720
James Crawshaw, 1721
John Smith, 1722
Jonathan Moor, 1723
Jeremy Beet, 1724
Richard Parramour, 1671
Mathew Arnold, 1672
John Sutton, 1673
Castle Shemield, 1674
William Crashaw, 1675
Thomas Redforth, 1725
John Tooker, 1726
Andrew Wade, 1727-8
Thomas Cotton, 1729
Samuel Wainwright, 1730
Thomas Wilson, 1731
John Ward, 1732
Cotton Watkin, 1733
John Osborne, 1734
Joseph Turner, 1735
Joshua Cawton, 1736
Joseph Shepherd, 1737
Joseph Kenyon, 1738
Jonathan Dixon, jun, 1739
Jonathan Dixon, sen, 1740
Richard Kent, 1741
Thomas Rose, 1742
George Marriott, 1743
John Spooner, 1744
Joseph Leathly, 1745
Robert Dent, 1746
Edward Windle, 1747
Leonard Webster, 1748
George Smith, 1749
William Hides, 1750
Thomas Newbold, 1751
Joseph Parkin, 1752
Thomas Law, 1753
Joseph Owen, 1754
William Webster, 1755
Benjamin Withers, 1756
John Wilson, 1757
Jonathan Moore, 1758
Joseph Ibberson, 1759
William Webster, 1760
William Parker, 1761
George Greaves, 1762
Joseph Hancock, 1763
Samuel Bates, 1764
Joseph Bower, 1765
William Birks, 1766
John Turner, 1767
Thomas Beely, 1768
Jeremiah Ward, 1769
Joshua Cawton, 1770
William Trickett, 1771
Robert Owen, 1772
George Brittain, 1773
Joseph Kenyon, 1774
John Winter, 1775
John Green, 1776
Samuel Norris, 1777
William Linley, 1778
Josephus Parkin, 1779
John Rowbotham, 1780
Peter Spurr, 1781
Joseph Hawksley, 1782
William Fowler, 1783
Benjamin Broomhead, 1784
Thomas Settle, 1785
Samuel Wilson, 1786
Jonathan Watkinson, 1787
Thomas Nowell, 1788
Thomas Tillotson, 1789
Joseph Ward, 1790
George Wood, 1791
John Henfrey, 1792
Thomas Warris, 1793
Benjamin Withers, 1794
William Birks, 1795
J Fletcher Smith, 1796
John Linley, 1797
Samuel Boomhead Ward, 1798
Benjamin Vickers, 1799
Samuel Newbould .1800
Joseph Bailey, 1801
Joseph Withers, 1802
James Makin, 1803
William Nicholson, 1804
John Eyre, 1805
John Sorby, 1806
Peter Brownell, 1807
Ebenezer Rhodes, 1808
Robert Brightmore, 1809
John Tillotson, 1810
John Eadon , 1811
James Smith, 1812
John Hoult, 1813
Joseph Parkin, 1814
James Makin, 1815
George Tillotson, 1817
John Fox, 1818
John Hounsfield, 1819
J Dixon Skelton, 1820
William Colley, 1821
Thomas Champion, 1822
Thomas Dewsnap, 1823
Peter Spurr, 1824
Henry Moorhouse, 1825
William Sansom, 1826
Samuel Hadfield, 1827
James Crawshaw, 1828
Philip Law, 1829
Enoch Barber, 1830
John Blake, 1831
Thomas Dunn, 1832
Thomas Ellin, sen, 1833
John Sansom, 1834
John Spencer, 1835
Thomas Blake, 1836
John Greaves, 1837
Samuel Hadfield, 1838
Samuel Smith, 1839
James Moorhouse, 1840
Thomas Ellin, jun, 1841
William Broadhurst, 1842
Thomas Wilkinson, 1843
Francis Newton, 1844
William Butcher, 1845
Thomas Burdett Turton, 1846
Henry Mort, 1847
Frederick Fenny, 1848
Henry Atkin, 1849
Samuel Scott Deakin, 1850
William Webster, 1851
Michael Hunter, 1852
William A Matthews, 1853
Thomas Moulson, 1854
Frederick Thorpe Mappin, 1855
George Wostenholm, 1856
William Hutchinson, 1857
Robert Jackson, 1858-9
Michael Hunter, jun, 1860
George Wilkinson, 1861
Henry Harrison, 1862
Thomas Jessop, 1863
Charles Atkinson, 1864
Sir John Brown, 1865-6
Thomas Asline Ward, 1866
Mark Firth, 1867-9
William Bragge, 1870
Thomas Turner, 1871
Thomas E Vickers, 1872
Samuel Osborn, 1873
George Wilson, 1874
Edward Tozer, 1875-6
David Ward, 1877
Wm H Brittain, 1878
Joseph Burdekin Jackson, 1879
William Chesterman, 1880
John Edward Bingham, 1881
Albert A Jowitt, 1882
George Barnsley, 1883
John Edward Bingham, 1884
Charles Belk, 1885
George F Lockwood, 1886
James Dixon, 1887
Samuel E Howell, 1888
Samuel G Richardson, 1889
Robert Colver, 1890
Robert Belfitt, 1891
John F Atkinson, 1892
George Howson, 1893
Charles Henry Bingham, 1894
Henry Herbert Andrew, 1895
Alexander Wilson (later Sir Alex Wilson,
Bt), 1896
Maurice G Rodgers, 1897
Frederick Charles Wild, 1898
Robert Abbott Hadfield, 1899
Richard Groves Holland, 1900
Arthur Robert Ellin, 1901
Albert John Hobson, 1902
Michael J Hunter, 1903
George Hall, 1904
Sydney J Robinson, 1905
William Fawcett Osborn, 1906
Henry H Bedford, 1907
Douglas Vickers, 1908
Herbert Barber, 1909
George Senior, 1910
Arthur Balfour, 1911
J Rossiter Hoyle, 1912
Thomas W Ward, 1913
William H Ellis, 1914-, 16
Sir William H Ellis, GBE, 1917
Col Sir A E Bingham Bt, OBE, 1918
Lt Col H K Stephenson DSO, MP, 19, 19
William Clark, 1920
Marmaduke Wardlow, 1921
Ronald W Matthews, 1922
James Neill, 1923
Wm W Wood, jun, 1924
Thos R Ellin, 1925
David Flather, 1926
Percy W Lee, 1927
Thomas G Sorby, 1928
A K Wilson, 1929
Peter B Brown, 1930
Joseph Ward, 1931
Lt Col A N Lee, DSO, OBE, TD, 1932
Charles J Walsh, 1933
Alexander Williamson, 1934
Sir Samuel Roberts, Bt, 1935
Col William Tozer, TD, 1936
Col F A Neill, DSO, TD, 1937
Allan John Grant, 1938
Ashley S Ward, 1939
W W Wood, 1940-44
S E Osborn, 1945
Hon R A Balfour, 1946
E W Senior, 1947
Lt Col J P Hunt, TD, 1948
W R Stephenson, 1949
G Wilton Lee, 1950
G M Flather, 1951
Sir Harold West, 1952
R L Walsh, 1953
W G Ibberson, 1954
R P Phillips, 1955
Sir Peter Roberts, Bt, MP, 1956
Sir Frederick Pickworth, 1957
J Hugh Neill, TD, 1958
P J C Bovill, 1959
Charles Henry Trelease Williams, 1960
Gerard Young, 1961
Stephen Martin de Bartolomé, 1962
Howard Poulson Forder, 1963
James Reginald Ashworth Bull, 1964
Sir Eric Mensforth, CBE, 1965
Anthony Barmore Hampton, TD, DL, 1966
John Basil Peile, JP, DL, 1967
Gilbert Slater Willis, OBE, TD, JP, 1968
The Hon Mark Robin Balfour, 1969
Thomas Haydon Burleigh, CBE, 1970
Arnold Carr, 1971
Richard Toby Doncaster, 1972
Kenneth Henry Lewis, OBE, 1973
Charles Graham Murray, MBE, JP, DL,
Norman Hanlon, 1975
David Stanley Witton Lee, 1976
Stanley Lester Speight, OBE, 1977
Michael John Mallett, 1978
Bernard Edward Cotton, CBE, 1979
Herbert Edward McGee, 1980
James Edward Eardley, JP, 1981
Kenneth George Thomas Clephane, 1982
Denys Carr, 1983
Ian S Porter, 1984
Peter W Lee, 1985
Derek Bray, 1986
Rowland Walker, 1987
George Alan Jowitt, 1988
John McGee, 1989
Hugh Sykes (later Sir Hugh), 1990
Dr John Harvey, 1991
Raymond Douglas, 1992
Derrick Willingham, 1993
Christopher Jewitt, 1994
David Stone, 1995
Richard Field, 1996
Paul Tear, 1997
Doug Liversidge, 1998
Stuart Johnson 1999
Vernon Smith, 2000
Richard Prest, 2001
John Bramah, 2002
Neil Turner, 2003
John Tissiman, 2004
Timothy Reed, 2005
Alan David Bedford Reid, 2006
Gordon Bridge, 2007
Martin Howell, 2008
James Newman, 2009
William Speirs, 2010
Pamela Liversidge, 2011
Neil Macdonald, 2012
Tony Pedder, 2013
David Grey, 2014
Honorary Freemen of the City of Sheffield
His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, EM, KG
25th October 1899
Sir Frederick Thorpe Mappin, Bart, MP
25th October 1899
Sir Henry Stephenson, Knight
25th October 1899
General Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum, GCB,
13th August 1902
Sir Marcus Samuel (afterwards Viscount
Bearsted), Lord Mayor of the City of Londo
10th June 1903
The Right Hon W M Hughes, PC, LLD, MP (Prime
Minister of Australia)
Lt Gen The Right Hon J C Smuts, KC (afterwards
Field Marshal Smuts, Prime Minister of South
Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, GCB, OM, GCVO
(afterwards Earl Jellicoe)
26th May 1916
10th October 1917
10th October 1917
The Rt Hon D Lloyd George, OM, DCL, MP (Prime
Minister) (afterwards Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor)
13th August 1919
Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, KT, GCB, OM,
GCVO (afterwards Earl Haig)
13th August 1919
Admiral of the Fleet Sir David Beatty, GCB, OM,
GCVO, DSO (afterwards Earl Beatty)
13th August 1919
The Rt Hon W F Massey, LLD (Prime Minister of
New Zealand)
10th August 1921
Alderman Sir William E Clegg, CBE, LLD, JP
21st August 1922
The Rt Hon W L Mackenzie King, CMG, MA, LLD
(Prime Minister of Canada)
The Rt Hon S M Bruce, MC, (Prime Minister of
Australia) (afterwards Viscount Bruce of
9th November 1923
9th November 1923
The Rt Hon Sir Samuel Roberts, Bart, MA, JP, DL
30th July 1924
Alderman Robert Styring, LLD, JP
30th July 1924
Alderman William Farewell Wardley, JP
30th July 1924
Sir Henry Coward, Mus.Doc.(Oxon), MA
24th March 1926
The Rt Hon J G Coates, MC (Prime Minister of
New Zealand)
30th November 1926
The Rt Hon James Ramsay MacDonald, MP, LLD,
JP (Prime Minister)
4th December 1929
Alderman John George Graves, JP
4th December 1929
Alderman Henry Kenyon Stephenson, DSO, VD,
DL, LLD, JP (afterwards Sir Henry Stephenson,
4th December 1929
Mr Cecil Henry Wilson, MP, JP
4th December 1929
The Rt Hon R B Bennett, KC, MP, LLD (Prime
Minister of Canada) (afterwards Viscount Bennett)
29th October 1930
The Rt Hon James Henry Scullin, MP (Prime
Minister of Australia)
29th October 1930
The Rt Rev Leonard Hedley Burrows, DD, DLitt
(First Bishop of Sheffield)
6th June 1939
Sir Robert Abbott Hadfield, Bart, FRS, DSC, DMet,
6th June 1939
Mr Harry Brearley (the inventor of Stainless Steel)
6th June 1939
The Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill,
CH, FRS, MP (Prime Minister, First Lord of the
Treasury and Minister of Defence (afterwards The
Rt Hon Sir Winston Churchill, KG, OM, CH, MP)
6th October 1943
Alderman Frank Thraves, CBE, JP
7th March 1945
Alderman Harold Warters Jackson, LLD
(afterwards Sir Harold Jackson, LLD
7th March 1945
Alderman Alfred James Bailey, JP
7th March 1945
Alderman Arthur James Blanchard, JP
7th March 1945
The Rt Hon Albert Victor Alexander, CH, LLD, MP
(Minister of Defence) (afterwards Earl Alexander of
1st October 1947
Mr Charles William Beardsley, OBE, JP
7th September 1949
Mrs Ann Eliza Longden, JP
7th September 1949
Alderman Charles William Gascoigne, CBE, BEM
2nd September 1959
Alderman Mrs Grace Tebbutt, CBE, LLD, JP (later
Dame Grace Tebbutt, DBE LL.D, JP)
2nd September 1959
Alderman Percival John Mann Turner, CBE, JP
2nd September 1959
The Rt Rev Leslie Stannard Hunter, MA, DD, DCL,
LLD (Lord Bishop of Sheffield)
3rd January 1962
Alderman Albert Smith, OBE
3rd January 1962
The Rt Hon Harold Wilson, OBE, MP (Prime
Minister and First Lord of the Treasury) (later Lord
Wilson of Rievaulx), PC, KG, OBE
7th April 1965
Alderman Herbert Keeble Hawson
7th April 1965
Alderman Samuel Hartley Marshall, JP
7th April 1965
Alderman James Wilfred Sterland, OBE, LLD, JP
7th April 1965
Dr John Macnaghten Whittaker, FRS (Former
Vice-Chancellor, University of Sheffield)
7th April 1965
Dr Albert Ballard, CBE, LLD
3rd April 1968
Sir Stuart Goodwin, KtOSTJ, DL, LLD, JP
3rd April 1968
Mr John Burns Hynd, MP
13th July 1970
Sir Peter Geoffrey Roberts, Bart, MA
13th July 1970
The Rt Hon James Callaghan, MP (Prime Minister
and First Lord of the Treasury (later Baron
Callaghan of Cardiff)
1st November 1978
County Councillor Sir Charles Ronald Ironmonger
1st November 1978
Councillor Isidore Lewis, LLD, JP
1st November 1978
Mr Stanley Lester Speight, OBE, MIEx(Grad), FIM
1st November 1978
Mr George Caborn
27th January 1982
Professor Ronald Stanley Illingworth, MD (Leeds),
HonMD (Sheffield), HonDSc (Baghdad), FRCP,
27th January 1982
Ms Helen Sharman, BSc, CChem
14th July 1991
Councillor William Owen
19th September 1991
Mr Derek Dooley
26th May 1993
Mr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (President of South
9th October 1993
The Rt Hon Dr Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam, PC, MP
(Secretary of State for Northern Ireland)
16th October 1998
Dr Peter Horton, Hon LittD, BSc
16th October 1998
HMS Sheffield
16th April 1999
The Chestnut Troop, 1st Regiment Royal Horse
13th April 2002
106 (West Riding) Field Squadron (Air Support)
13th April 2002
38th Signal Regiment (Volunteers)
13th April 2002
The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding)
13th April 2002
212 (Yorkshire) Field Hospital (Volunteers)
13th April 2002
Sebastian Newbold Coe, Baron Coe of Ranmore
(in the County of Surrey) KBE
6th February 2006
Michael Paul Vaughan, OBE
8th February 2006
Aung San Suu Kyi (Leader of the National League
for Democracy in Myanmar [Burmah]) (in her
8th March 2006
Lindsay String Quartet
29th October 2009
Jessica Ennis
26th March 2013
64 (City of Sheffield) Signal Squadron
18th October 2014
Bishops of Sheffield (Diocese formed 1914)
Leonard Hedley Burrows (7th December 1857 - 6th
February 1940)
Investiture 21st March 1914; Enthronement 1st May
1914; Retired 1st August 1939
Leslie Stannard Hunter (2nd May 1890 - 15th July
Consecrated 29th September 1939; Enthroned 14th
October 1939; Retired end of March 1962
Francis John Taylor (13th November 1912 - 4th July
Consecrated 25th July 1962; Enthroned 21st March
1963; Retired 30th April 1971
William Gordon Fallows (21st June 1913 - 17th
August 1979)
Consecrated Lord Bishop Suffragan of Pontefract,
11th June 1968; Enthroned as Bishop of Sheffield,
4th June 1971; Died 17th August 1979 (in office)
1914 - 1939
1939 - 1962
1962 - 1971
1971 - 1979
David Ramsay Lunn (17th July 1930 - )
Consecrated 25th January 1980; Enthroned 23rd
February 1980; Retired 31st August 1997
1980 - 1997
(John) Jack Nicholls (, 16th July 1943 - )
Consecrated 14th November 1997 (at York);
Inaugurated 24th January 1998; retired 2008
1998 - 2008
Steven Croft (1957 - )
Consecrated 25th January 2009 (at York)
2009 -
Bishops of the Catholic Diocese of Hallam
(Diocese formed 1980)
Gerald Moverley (9th April 1922 - December 1996)
Translated to newly erected See of Hallam 30th
May 1980; Installed 3rd July 1980; Retired 9th July
1980 - 1996
John Rawsthorne (1936 - )
Appointed 4th June 1997; Installed 3rd July 1997;
retired May 2014
1997 - 2014
Ralph Heskett (1953 Appointed July 2014
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