Supplemental material for the paper: Use of nested flow models and interpolation techniques for science-based management at the Sheyenne National Grassland, North Dakota, USA. M.A. Gusyev1,2, H. M. Haitjema2, C.P. Carlson3 and M.A. Gonzalez4 1: GNS Science, Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand Phone: +64-4-570-4396; Fax: +64-4-570-4600; e-mail: 2: School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 47405, USA 3: USDA Forest Service, Washington, D.C., 20250-0003, USA 4: National Riparian Service Team, Bureau of Land Management, Prineville, OR, 97754, USA Abstract Noxious weeds threaten the Sheyenne National Grassland (SNG) ecosystem and herbicides have been used for control. To protect groundwater quality, the herbicide application is restricted to areas where the water table is less than 10 ft (3.05 m) below the ground surface in highly permeable soils, or less than 6 ft (1.83 m) below the ground surface in low permeable soils. A local MODFLOW model was extracted from a regional GFLOW analytic element model and used to develop depth-togroundwater maps in the SNG that are representative for the particular time frame of herbicide applications. These maps are based on a modeled groundwater table and a digital elevation model (DEM). The accuracy of these depth-to-groundwater maps is enhanced by an Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) interpolation scheme that reduces residuals at 48 monitoring wells. The combination of groundwater modelling and ANN improved depth-to-groundwater maps, which in turn provided more informed decisions about where herbicides can or cannot be safely applied. Note: For consistency some of the discussions below overlap with those in the journal article. Background information regarding the Sheyenne National Grassland The Sheyenne National Grassland (SNG) is a part of the US Forest Service (USFS) Dakota Prairie Grasslands and contains the largest publicly owned tract of the Northern Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem. The SNG contains many of the rare, threatened, and endangered species of the Northern Region of the USFS, which encompasses Montana, North Dakota, and parts of Idaho and South Dakota. The SNG is located in Ransom and Richland counties of southeastern North Dakota. The SNG administrative boundary is shown in purple and dark green in Figure S1, with the Forest Service-managed portion shown as dark green. The SNG occupies an area of 70,000 acres (283.27 km2) between 46034'N – 46019'N and 97028'W – 97005'W. Underlying the SNG is the Sheyenne Delta Aquifer (SDA), which consists of sand and gravels, and overlies low permeability silt, diamicton, and clay deposits (Baker 1967; Baker and Paulson 1967; Klausing 1968; Bluemle 1979; Armstrong 1982; Fritz 1 2001). The Sheyenne River, which traverses through the SNG, and the Wild Rice River, which is located south of the SNG, are the main streams draining the SDA. The Maple River, located north of the SNG, affects groundwater levels in that area of the SNG, but does not directly drain it. There are riverine, ponded, emergent, and forested types of freshwater wetlands identified on the SNG from the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps (US Fish and Wildlife Service 2006). The SNG ecosystem is threatened by leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) and other weeds, which have spread across the unit (USDA Forest Service 2007). To contain the spread of these weeds the USFS has resorted, in part, to the use of herbicides, such as tordon and imazapic (USDA Forest Service 2007). However, herbicide application is restricted to limit the potential for groundwater contamination. Specifically, the Forest Service forbids herbicide application in areas where the water table is less than 10 ft (3.05 m) below the ground surface in highly permeable soils or less than 6 feet below the ground surface in low permeability soils (USDA Forest Service 2007). Figure S1. The edge of the purple and dark green areas depicts the administrative boundary of the McLeod tract of the Sheyenne National Grassland (SNG), with the 2 dark green areas with white shading showing the publicly owned lands managed by the USFS Dakota Prairie Grasslands, ND. The light green area is the extent of the Sheyenne Delta Aquifer (SDA) and the nearby Milnor Channel aquifer. The dark red squares are the active wells in the SDA. The dashed red curve indicates the area of a regional GFLOW model and the red box indicates the area of the local MODFLOW model. Regional GFLOW model The purpose of the regional groundwater model is to provide the regional setting for a more detailed local model of the SNG. The Analytic Element Method (AEM) model GFLOW (Haitjema 1995) was used to represent the regional flow domain. In the AEM a solution to the groundwater flow problem is obtained by superposition of many (hundreds in this case) elementary analytic solutions (analytic elements) such as pumping wells and streams. These wells and streams are represented in the AEM model by point-sinks and line-sinks, respectively (Strack and Haitjema 1981a). Aquifer heterogeneities are represented by zones of differing aquifer properties (Strack and Haitjema 1981b). GFLOW is a gridless single-layer Dupuit-Forchheimer model that is especially suitable for representing large-scale groundwater systems with locally detailed conjunctive surface-groundwater interactions (Haitjema 1995; Hunt 2006). The area of the regional model includes the SDA, the Milnor Channel Aquifer, and nearby low permeability deposits in Ransom, Richland, Sargent, and Cass counties in ND. The model domain is enclosed by a no-flow boundary since almost no interaction is anticipated with the low permeability formations that surround it (see the black polygon around the model area in Figure S2). The major rivers in the modelled area, such as the Sheyenne, Wild Rice, and Maple, were included in the model domain by strings of line-sinks with a specified head. The Wild Rice River, Maple River and perennial streams are included as line-sinks with a stream bottom resistance (blue lines in Figure S2). The line-sinks representing the Sheyenne River did not include a bottom resistance (green lines in Figure S2). Instead, the low permeability river channel of the Sheyenne River was represented by low hydraulic conductivity zones Z3 and Z4 that were adjusted during model calibration. Some of the smaller streams or creeks are included in the model by using a conjunctive surface water and groundwater solution process (brown lines in Figure S2). These streams may or may not receive groundwater in the model, depending on the recharge rate applied. If they are found to fall dry during the model solution process, they are automatically removed from the groundwater flow solution. The aquifer thickness in the model is arbitrarily set to 100 ft (30.48 m) as measured from the aquifer bottom, but the actual saturated thickness of the aquifer depends on the elevation of the unconfined water table, which will always remain below the model aquifer top. The variations in the aquifer bottom, b, from 940 ft (286.51 m) to 1050 ft (320.04 m) above MSL, and hydraulic conductivity, k, from 7 (2.13 m/day) to 400 ft/day (121.92 m/day), were obtained from available literature and field data and included in the model as discrete zones of differing aquifer properties (orange polygons in Figure S2). Aquifer base and hydraulic conductivity values were inferred from numerious bored logs obtained from the North Dakota State Water Commission (NDSWC) database (NDSWC, 2011). The model is steady state with an average recharge rate of 3.94 inches/year (0.1 m/year). 3 The groundwater recharge of 3.94 inches/year (0.1 m/year) is 18.7% of the average annual precipitation of 21.07 inches/year (0.54 m/year) for a data record of 1881-2000 at the Fargo Airport about 50 miles (80 km) from the SNG (Godon and Godon, 2002). The regional GFLOW model has 32 pumping wells that were abstracting groundwater in 2009 from SDA (NDSWC, 2011). The pumping rate for these wells was calculated by distributing the reported amount of withdrawn groundwater over 365 days. Using NDSWC database, 100 monitoring wells with discontinuous groundwater level measurements between 1977 and 2010 were selected for purposes of model calibration. For our steady state model, each monitoring well is assigned a groundwater level which is an average value calculated from the existing time series of data for that well. The modeling results are presented in Figure S2 in the form of a contour map of groundwater elevations. These groundwater heads range from 920 ft (280.42 m) to 1095 ft (333.76 m) above MSL with a 5-ft (1.52-m) contour interval. The difference between the modeled and the measured groundwater heads in observation wells are indicated in the figure by triangles. Red downward pointing triangles indicate that the modeled head is too low, whereas green upward pointing triangles indicate modeled heads that are too high. The size of the triangles of the labelled outliners in Figure S2 indicates the magnitude of the monitoring well residuals in the model. The modeled groundwater heads and the monitoring well data are generally within 6 ft (1.83 m), but with some outliers ranging between -10.6 ft (-3.23 m) and +8.5 ft (+2.59 m) that are shown on the see bottom of Figure S2. The model calibration was accomplished by a manual trial-and-error calibration in combination with a sensitivity analysis for hydraulic conductivity using PEST (Doherty 2010). Hydraulic conductivity values for zones Z0 through Z9, see Figure S2, were included in the PEST sensitivity simulations. The highest relative sensitivity was for zone Z5 with a value of 6.22. The hydraulic conductivity of zones Z0 and Z5 had relative sensitivity values of 3.72 and 3.14, respectively. The relative sensitivities values were 1.01 for Zone Z4, 1.89 for Zone Z6, 1.17 for Z9 and less than 0.7 for zones Z1, Z2 and Z3 and suggest low sensitivity of model results to hydraulic conductivity (Doherty 2010). 4 Figure S2. The regional GFLOW model. Streams are modeled by strings of line-sinks (blue, green, or brown lines). Zones of differing aquifer properties are delineated by orange lines and have labels with aquifer bottom, b, (286.51 m) to 1050 ft (320.04 m) above MSL, and hydraulic conductivity, k, from 7 ft/day (2.13 m/day) to 400 ft/day (121.92 m/day). Pumping wells are indicated by purple crossed circles. The potentiometric head contours (dotted lines) have an interval of 5 ft (1.52 m) and range from 920 ft (280.42 m) to 1095 ft (333.76 m) above MSL. Monitoring wells are depicted by small green and red triangles for too high or too low modeled heads, respectively. Differences between modeled and observed groundwater heads range between -10.6 ft (-3.23 m) and +8.5 ft (+2.59 m) and are generally within 6 ft (1.83 m). Local MODLFOW model We constructed a single layer MODFLOW model (McDonald and Harbaugh 1988) of the SNG area (red box in Figure S1). The MODFLOW model has 1,000 by 1,000 grid cells that are 98.4 ft (30 m) on a side. The perimeter boundary conditions for the model were obtained from the regional GFLOW model by using GFLOW's MODFLOW extract feature (Hunt et al. 1998; Hunt 2006). The hydraulic conductivity and aquifer bottom elevation data from GFLOW were also transferred to MODFLOW. For the land elevation, we aggregated DEM10 elevation data to a MODFLOW cell size and used it to define the aquifer top in MODFLOW. In Figure S3 we show the MODFLOW groundwater head contours with a 5 ft (1.52 m) interval for an annual average recharge rate of 3.94 inches/year (0.1 m/year). The MODFLOW model contains 48 monitoring wells incorporated from the 100 5 monitoring wells in the regional GFLOW model. The numbers near the monitoring wells show the residuals with observed water levels. The same monitoring wells are later used for developing depth-to-groundwater maps. The color flood in Figure S3 indicates the land surface elevations in MODFLOW that vary between 930 ft (283.46 m) (blue) and 1100 ft (335.28 m) (red) above MSL. The groundwater head that comes within 3 ft (0.91 m) or in some locally confined areas is above land surface places may indicate wetland conditions. To assess how well our model could predict wetland locations we compared our modeling results to the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2006). In Figure S4 (a) we show an image of NWI mapped wetlands in the SNG area, whereas in Figure S4 (b) we show where our MODFLOW model predicts groundwater elevations that are within 3 ft (0.91 m) of the land surface (or above it). We constructed Figure S4 (a) by aggregating the NWI shapefile polygons into the grid of the local MODLFOW model with 98.4 ft (30 m) on a side. We compared both the matrix of wetland and non-wetland cells in Figure S4 (a) and Figure S4 (b) in the SNG area and found that 73% of wetland cells coincided with MODFLOW cells that had a groundwater level of 3 ft (0.91 m) or less below the land surface. Aggregating the NWI shapefile polygons into a grid of 3,000 by 3,000 grid cells with 32.8 ft (10 m) on a side and comparing it with results of MODFLOW model resulted in 70% of coincided cells. Thus 27-30% of the wetland cells occur in places where the water table is more than 3 ft (0.91 m) below the land surface in the MODFLOW model. Conversely, the MODFLOW simulation shows a few areas where depth-to-groundwater is less than 3 ft (0.91 m), where the NWI does not show wetlands. Note that wetlands are defined by more than one parameter; in addition to depth-to-groundwater a wetland must also have certain characteristic vegetation and hydric soils; two conditions that are not represented by the MODFLOW model. Overall, the wetland patterns in Figure S4 (a) and (b) are quite similar. In some areas the groundwater table exceeds the land surface to form wetlands that contain surface water. However, these surface waters are not sufficiently interconnected to cause (appreciable) surface water flow towards any of the streams. In fact, we attempted to model surface water flow in these wetlands by adding a model layer above the land surface with a very high transmissivity. Any water above the land surface, therefore, was allowed to flow under conditions of very low resistance. This modification, however, did not noticeably affect the groundwater heads, hence we proceeded with the single layer MODFLOW model used to produce Figure S3 and Figure S4 (b). 6 Figure S3. Groundwater elevation contours in the local MODFLOW model of the SNG area. The unsigned black and negative red numbers indicate monitoring wells where the modeled head is too low and too high, respectively. The land surface elevations are presented as a color flood and vary between 930 ft (283.46 m) (blue) and 1100 ft (335.28 m) (red) above MSL. The small blue box indicates the modeling area in Figure 3 (a) presented in the manuscript. 7 Figure S4. Wetland areas obtained from NWI (a) and depth-to-groundwater less than 3 ft (0.91 m) in the MODFLOW model for average recharge conditions (b). The area shown is the same as the MODFLOW model area shown in Figure S3. 8 References Armstrong, C.A. 1982. 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USGS Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations Report, Book 6, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. North Dakota State Water Commission. 2011. North Dakota State Water Commission web-site. North Dakota State Government. Strack, O.D.L., and H.M. Haitjema. 1981a. Flow in aquifers with clay lamina. I. The comprehensive potential. Water Resources Research 17, no 4: 985-992. Strack, O.D.L., and H.M. Haitjema. 1981b. Flow in aquifers with clay lamina. II. Exact solution. Water Resources Research 17, no 4: 993-1004. USDA Forest Service. 2007. Final Environmental Impact Statement. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Dakota Prairie Grasslands, Noxious Weed Management Project, 228 p. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2011. Soil Data Mart. Natural Resource Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2006. National Wetlands Inventory website. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 9