Spirit of Achievement Challenge Fund Application Form Spirit of 2012 will assess your grant application against an assessment framework, attached as Annex A. Please ensure that you have addressed all the assessment criteria in this application. SECTION 1: APPLICANT DETAILS Lead organisation Please tell us about your organisation: Organisation Companies House / Name and Charity Commission legal status registration number Address Name of key contact Telephone Email address Website of key contact In no more than 300 words, tell us about your organisation and its purpose 1 Tell us about any partner organisations that you will work with on this project, and include a key contact for each SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION & IMPACT 2.1 Please tell us in no more than than 500 words about the project you wish Spirit to fund. Please also include (as an appendix) a brief milestone plan. 2.2 What need(s) will this project address? How did you identify these and why is this important? 2 2.3 Please tell us about the research you did when designing your project, including consultation with beneficiary groups. Can you demonstrate that there is a demand for this project? 2.4 Does this project build on existing work or is it a completely new activity? If it is new, how does it complement, rather than duplicate, existing provision? SECTION 3: PROJECT OUTCOMES 3 Please outline, in no more than 200 words per outcome, which of the following Spirit of 2012 outcomes your project will contribute to, identifying your key beneficiaries for each outcome, and how you will reach them. Spirit’s Impact Statement helps us decide which projects to fund and measure their impact: “Spirit believes that enabling people to participate in a wide range of activities and engaging in their communities will: Improve the health and wellbeing of communities and society as a whole Improve perceptions towards disability and impairment; and Lead to greater social cohesion and understanding.” When writing about your project against the outcomes below, please bear this statement in mind. We have adopted the ONS national wellbeing measures into our own evaluation framework, so you may wish to reflect this landuage in your application. We expect that applications to the Spirit of Achievement Challenge Fund will meet all four of the ‘Category A’ outcomes (in red below), one or more of the ‘Category B’ outcomes (in blue). If it is appropriate to your project you may also include one or more of those in ‘Category C.’ Category A Outcomes 1. Wellbeing People's personal wellbeing increases through participation 2. Disability – challenging perceptions Positive change in the perception of disabled people in communities (by both disabled and non-disabled people) 3a. Disability – empowering disabled people Disabled people feel more integrated in society 4 3b. Disability – empowering disabled people Disabled people are better able to participate in activities and the community Category B Outcomes 4. Connecting generations People from different generations are motivated to take part in more community activities together 5a. Engaging volunteers More people volunteer and engage in their community 5b. Engaging volunteers Volunteers have enhanced life and employability skills Category C Outcomes 6. Empowering young people The potential of young people to be agents for change is unlocked and demonstrated 7. Overcoming isolation People feel more engaged in their local community and have a true sense of pride in the contribution they make to it 8a. Connecting communities Organisations connect people to activities (organisations or individuals) / make them aware of activities 8b. Connecting communities Role models inspire others to do more and better 8c. Connecting communities 5 Communities are brought together by a shared initiative 9. Building partnerships Partnership formed between organisations to support community “connectors” to run activities 10. Inspiring events People are inspired and empowered to get (more) involved in their communities SECTION 4: DELIVERY 4.1 Please tell us about your delivery team, the skills they have and the roles they will undertake in this project. 4.2 Please tell us about your experience of delivering projects similar to this. 4.3 If you intend to work with other partners to deliver your project, please tell us about the skills and expertise they will contribute within the project. 4.4 Will your target beneficiaries participate in the planning and delivery of your project, and if so, how? 6 4.5 Please tell us which methodologies you will use to deliver your project? Why have you chosen to work in this way? 4.6 What are the main risks in relation to the delivery your project? How do you plan to manage or minimise these risks? SECTION 5: LEARNING AND SUSTAINABILITY 5.1 How will you measure the impact of your project? Please tell us about any baselining, internal monitoring and evaluation, and other relevant information. 5.2 All Spirit funded projects are expected to feed into the work of our external evaluation team. Please outline the work that you will undertake to evaluate and share the learning from your project. 7 5.3 How will you continue to embed the project outcomes and lessons learned after the grant comes to an end? SECTION 6: FINANCE 6.1 What is the overall budget for this project? 6.2 How much funding are you requesting from Spirit? 6.3 (If your answer to 6.2 is less than the overall budget for the project.) What other funding has been confirmed to date and from which sources? If funds are yet to be raised or not yet confirmed, please include a short strategy/plan outlining how you will raise the rest. 6.4 Are you allocating (a) any of your own funding, or (b) any value-in-kind contribution? If yes, please identify it here and in the detailed budget spreadsheet (see 6.6). 6.5 When would you like the project to start, and how long will it run for? 8 6.6 Please attach a detailed budget spreadsheet showing how you propose to spend the Spirit grant you are applying for. You may include core costs up to a limit of 12.5% of the total grant. By “core costs” we mean costs which are necessary for your organisation/s to operate, but which do not relate specifically to delivering the outputs of this project. Typically they will include central organisational functions (e.g. HR, IT, finance), premises and office costs, and governance costs. All staffing costs – whether staffing positions fully dedicated to the project, personal assistance or management time proportionately related to the project – should be separated out and shown under revenue expenditure. SECTION 7: COMMUNICATIONS Spirit’s endowment is public money; it is important for us to be able to openly communicate the projects we fund, their impact and the links to our mission. We want to work collaboratively with all grant holders to create engaging and simple communications that tell the story of their projects. Please tell us in no more than 200 words how we could work together to communicate the impact of this project including any human interest stories, digital, press or social media channels that we could utilise. See the criteria in Annex A below for more information. 9 SECTION 8: DUE DILIGENCE To assist Spirit officers’ due diligence checks on your organisation, please provide: Contact details of one referee (referees are those who have previously awarded a grant/grants to your organisation) Contact details of one stakeholder (stakeholders are those who have previously worked with your organisation) Copies of audited accounts (or equivalent) for the past two financial years Spirit will also make checks with the Charity Commission and Companies House, where appropriate. SECTION 9: SIGNATURE Please verify that the information you have supplied is true and accurate at the time of submission. Signed: Name: Date: Position within the organisation: 10 Please return this form along with any supporting documents, to oliver.williams@spiritof2012trust.org.uk before 9am on Monday 20 April 2015. Unfortunately we will not be able to consider late submissions. 11 Annex A – assessment framework for grant applications (please read carefully) Scor Rating Impact Outcomes Delivery e 5 Learning & Finance Sustainability Excellent There is a well- The applicant The applicant has a strong A clear plan for The audited defined and displays a very track record in delivering monitoring and accounts of the clearly articulated clear and similar projects, and has evaluation has been applicant link to Spirit’s relevant strong relevant experience developed and organisation impact outcomes focus, and skills. includes appropriate present no cause statement, with a clear resources. for concern in enhanced by an sense of how Where appropriate, explicit focus on outputs will partnership arrangements There is a clear and delivery of the Spirit target achieve desired are well developed with articulated plan to project groups. outcomes and clear responsibilities and evaluate and share the impact. accountability. impact of the project, All costs are including a willingness identified in a The proposed relation to the project There are clear proposals for to work with Spirit’s detailed budget, contributes the participation of external evaluators with a clear directly to the beneficiaries in the planning delivery of one and delivery of the project. or more of rationale for how There is a clear and the costs are arrived well-articulated plan at. for how outcomes 12 Spirit’s charitable The proposed delivery from the project can The potential objects. methodology is realistic, be sustained after the outcomes and achievable and appropriate Spirit grant period. impact of the There is to target beneficiaries – with compelling evidence submitted to There is a clear and excellent value for evidence of gaps support the rationale for the well-articulated plan money. in provision chosen delivery methods. for how learning from and/or need, and project offer the project will be the applicant The applicant demonstrates used after the Spirit makes a strong an excellent understanding grant period. case for how this of risk and ability to manage project can risks and issues. address them. 4 Good There is a well- The applicant The applicant has a track A plan for monitoring The audited defined link to displays a clear record in delivering similar and evaluation has accounts of the Spirit’s impact and relevant projects, and has relevant been developed and applicant statement, outcomes focus. experience and skills. includes appropriate organisation resources. present no cause enhanced by a focus on Spirit Where appropriate for concern in target groups. partnership arrangements The applicant relation to the are clearly set out. expresses willingness delivery of the to work with Spirit’s project 13 The proposed There are proposals for the external evaluators, project participation of beneficiaries and sets out how they Costs are identified contributes in the planning and delivery would work together. in a detailed directly to the of the project. delivery of one budget, with a There is a clear plan rationale for how or more of The proposed delivery for how outcomes the costs are arrived Spirit’s charitable methodology is realistic, from the project can at. objects. achievable and appropriate be sustained after the to target beneficiaries – with Spirit grant period. clear explanation of the good value for There is clear rationale for the chosen There is a plan for evidence of gaps delivery methods. how learning from the in provision The project offers money. project will be used and/or need, and The applicant demonstrates after the Spirit grant the applicant a good understanding of period. makes a good risk and ability to manage case for how this risks and issues. project can address them. 3 Adequate The applicant The applicant The applicant has delivered A plan for monitoring The applicant articulates a link displays a at least one similar project, and evaluation has organisation is in a 14 to Spirit’s impact relevant and has some relevant been outlined, but the financial position to statement, and outcomes focus. experience and skills. resources to deliver it deliver the project. references Spirit target groups. There is some may not be clear. Partnership arrangements Costs are identified are set out but require The applicant further development. expresses willingness evidence of gaps to engage with Spirit’s The project offers external evaluators. value for money. in provision, and The proposed delivery the applicant methodology is realistic, makes a case for achievable and appropriate There is an outline how this project to target beneficiaries – with plan for how can fill them. an adequate rationale for outcomes from the the chosen approach. project can be The proposed in a budget. sustained after the project The applicant demonstrates Spirit grant period. contributes in an some understanding of risk indirect (but and ability to manage risks There is evidence of attributal) way to and issues. some thinking for how the delivery of learning from the one or more of project will be used Spirit’s charitable after the Spirit grant objects. period, but this needs further development. 15 2 Weak The applicant The applicant The applicant has not A monitoring and There are question references Spirit’s does not display delivered a project of this evaluation plan is only marks over the impact a relevant type before, and has little referenced. financial status of statement, and outcomes focus. relevant experience and refers to Spirit skills. target groups in a broad way. the organisation. The applicant does not state how they would The budget Partnership arrangements engage with Spirit’s provided is are not clear. external evaluators. insufficiently The proposed detailed. project will not Key aspects of the proposed There are no credible contribute to the delivery methodology are plans for how The project fails to delivery of not realistic, nor achievable outcomes from the demonstrate value Spirit’s charitable and appropriate to target project can be for money. objects beneficiaries. sustained after the Spirit grant period. Where there is The applicant demonstrates evidence of gaps little understanding of risk There are no plans for in provision, it is and ability to manage risks how learning from the not clear how and issues. project will be used this project could after the Spirit grant fill them. period. 16 1 Inadequate The applicant The applicant The applicant has no skills None of the aspects of There are question makes no displays no or experience relevant to monitoring, evaluation, marks over the reference to outcomes focus. delivering this type of learning and financial status of project. sustainability that are the organisation. Spirit’s impact statement or target groups. mentioned in higher There is no evidence of level scores are The budget engagement with partners. sufficiently or credibly provided is developed. unconvincing, The proposed project will not The applicant has neither disproportionate or contribute to the identified nor explained the insufficiently delivery of project delivery method. detailed. The applicant demonstrates The project no understanding of risk demonstrates poor and ability to manage risks value for money. Spirit’s charitable objects There is no and issues. evidence of gaps in provision. Additional criterion 17 Communications will be scored up to 2.5 in relation to the applicant’s response to Section 7 of the application form. Score 2.5 Rating Excellent Qualities The applicant clearly articulates a variety of ways in which the impact of and learning from the project can realistically be communicated to appropriate audiences. The applicant clearly appreciates the need for collaborating with Spirit to communicate the impact of Spirit’s grants to relevant audiences. 2 Good The applicant suggests clear ways in which the impact of and learning from the project can be communicated to appropriate audiences. The applicant appreciates the need for collaborating with Spirit to communicate the impact of Spirit’s grants to relevant audiences. 1.5 Adequate The applicant suggests ways to communicate the impact of the project. The applicant appreciates the need for Spirit to communicate the impact of its grants to different audiences. 1 Weak The applicant suggests ways to communicate about the project. 18 0.5 Inadequate The applicant fails to suggest ways to communicate about the project. 19