Master of Science in Organizational Management (MSOM) Complete List of Course Descriptions and Learning Outcomes/Objectives ADM 5000 – Masters Level Success 1 CREDIT To be successful in the online, masters level degree programs at Apollos University, students need to possess a core set of skills. This course provides new students with an overview of these core skills, focusing on 4 specific items: navigating the AU systems and expectations; AU policies and procedures; AU student services and resources; and the LIRN Library Database. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Assess the core set of skills individuals need to be successful in a Masters level, online degree program CLO2. Complete a practice, essay exam CLO3. Conduct academic research and reporting CLO4. Examine the Apollos online systems including ATLAS, Moodle, and the LIRN Library database Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Examine the online learning systems at Apollos University and practice basic navigation techniques LO2. Differentiate between the various types of classroom assignments and requirements one will encounter during their studies and identify the university expectations for students in relation to each type of activity LO3. Examine Apollos University policies and procedures that relate to student progress, classroom activities, and degree completion LO4. Evaluate the various student services and resources available to students 24 hours a day through the Apollos University Online system. LO5. Rate the importance of emailing for questions and support LO6. Assess the LIRN Library Database and practice selecting peer-reviewed articles from the database LO7. Assess academic writing style and techniques BUS 5310 Survey of Business Topics 3 CREDITS (Prerequisite course and does not count toward degree credit requirements) This course is designed for the student that does not hold a bachelors or masters degree in business. It explores the various disciplines of today’s business environment and provides the student with a detailed overview of the field of business management and how each one is related to the other. The disciplines that are surveyed include: management, finance, accounting, economics, marketing, business law, procurement/contracts, human resources, and international business. The course is required for students that did not major in business in their applicable undergraduate or graduate programs. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Assess general approaches to areas of today’s business environment. CLO2. Compare various disciplines of today’s business environment including management, finance, accounting, economics marketing, business law, procurement/contracts, human resources, and international business. CLO3. Analyze leadership, motivational styles, and leadership best practices at all levels of the organization Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1: Analyze the nature of present day business organizations and the environment in which they operate LO2: Compare the roles of entrepreneurs, managers, and employees within the local, national, and global business environments LO3: Examine the problems facing today's businesses in the fields of international trade, government regulations, and societal issues LO4: Analyze the ethical and legal nature of business practices and the cultural expectations and barriers associated with such practices LO5: Assess the fundamentals of organizations and explore the relationship of organizations to their business environments LO6: Compare and contrast various best-leadership practices 1 LO7: Compare and contrast the operations of the various functions of business and how these functions are interrelated LO8: Evaluate the management implications of business strategy and operations LO9: Assess the importance of timely and accurate information in decision making LO10: Examine e-commerce systems and information technology management techniques and practices LO11: Examine various human resource management practices and techniques LO12: Analyze managerial accounting concepts and their relationship to creating value and profit in organizations LO13: Evaluate the relationship between risk and return and how organizations increase profitability through sound financial decision making. BUS 5331 - Ethical Issues in Business 3 CREDITS The course provides the student with information on the legal and ethical challenges found in today’s business environment. The course is an analytical exploration of the global, organizational, and personal factors of making legal and ethical decisions. It includes an introduction to the western legal system and its effect on current business entities and practices. The student explores current issues and trends in the ethical dealings of the business environment and provides the student with the opportunity to explore their own company’s legal and ethical dilemmas. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Examine legal and ethical issues that relate to professional life CLO2. Interpret the global, organizational, and personal factors that influence legal and ethical decisions CLO3. Analyze and apply effective, ethical decision making and critical evaluation processes Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Debate the concepts of the legal and ethical issues in the world’s business environment. LO2. Differentiate the difference between ethical values and other values. LO3. Distinguish between personal morality, virtues, and social ethics LO4. Evaluate factors that lead to ethical decisions. LO5. Employ the categories and concepts of ethical theory. LO6.Compare the ethical theory of utilitarianism and how it supports market economics and business policy. LO7. Apply the concepts of virtue ethics. LO8. Demonstrate standard understandings of corporate environmental responsibility. LO9. Analyze arguments supporting a model for sustainable business. LO10. Categorize the nature and range of managerial responsibilities. LO11. Explain and examine the concepts of conflicts of interest. LO12. Describe the stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility. LO13. Debate the ethical foundations of the stakeholder model. LO14. Assess ethical issues that arise in marketing. LO15. Argue the ethical dimensions for product liability law ranging from caveat emptor to strict products liability. LO16. Appraise ethical issues raised by a diverse workforce. LO17. Distinguish between equal opportunity, affirmative action, and preferential treatment. LO18. Describe the issue of workplace discrimination and sexual harassment. LO19. Analyze the range of ethical issues arising in a global business context. LO20. Examine ethical issues involved in globalization. LO21. Analyze business’ role and ethical responsibilities in an increasingly global economy. BUS 7390 – Strategy and Policy 3 CREDITS This course is taken as one of the final courses in the program. It provides the student with the opportunity to consolidate and utilize the knowledge, tools and concepts that the program provides. In this course the student will complete a detailed case analysis while developing a business strategy which includes concepts and tools such as macro environmental scanning, industry and competitive analysis, value chain analysis, SWOT analysis, identification of critical success factors and driving forces, and development of strategic alternatives and recommendations. Throughout the course the student applies these concepts and tools as they develop the strategic profile for the company or industry that is described in the case study. (Prerequisite: Final term in program or permission from the Academic Dean). 2 Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Design a business strategy/strategic profile for a company or industry utilizing the knowledge, tools, and concepts covered in the program CLO2. Create key business practice models including macro environmental scanning, industry and competitive analysis, value chain analysis, SWOT analysis, identification of critical success factors and driving forces, and development of strategic alternatives and recommendations Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Evaluate a company, its present business position, its long-term direction, its resources and competitive capabilities, the caliber of its strategy, and its opportunities for gaining sustainable competitive advantage. LO2. Assemble skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of industries and competitive situations. LO3. Estimate the competitive challenges of a global market environment. LO4. Formulate business strategy, reason carefully about strategic options, use “what-if” analysis to evaluate action alternatives, and make sound strategic decisions. LO5. Synthesize the managerial tasks associated with implementing and executing company strategies by analyzing the range of actions managers can take to promote competent strategy execution. LO6. Apply knowledge gained in earlier core curriculum in addressing strategies for organizations. LO7. Evaluate why the different parts of a business need to be managed in strategic harmony for the organization to operate in winning fashion. LO8. Debate how and why ethical principles, core values, and socially responsible management practices matter greatly in the conduct of a company’s business. HIS 6340 – History of American Business 3 CREDITS This course provides with business professional with a survey of the historical aspects of American business, its leaders, and the events of the world environment that helped mold the business world of the United States. The course places an emphasis on the historical aspects of the forces, both internal and external to the United States, create these opportunities and threats in which the businesses operated. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Appraise the course of American business history from the European colonial period through to the modern day CLO2. Assess significant. American individuals who impacted the course of American business history Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO 1. Appraise the history of American business as a gradual process that ranges from the pre-industrial societies of Europe and colonial America to the fast paced, global environment of today LO 2. Examine the influence of European economic philosophies on the course of American business history LO 3. Evaluate the significance of historical developments in business, economics, and organizations throughout the course of American history (loosely defined) and how these developments changed the scope of American business LO 4. Debate the importance of technological advancements, inventions, philosophical outlooks, and leadership styles and personalities in defining the course and direction of American business LO 5. Evaluate the importance of historical developments in understanding the state of American business today LO 6. Examine the significance of individual Americans who impacted the course of American business and economic history LO 7. Analyze the impact of domestic and foreign influences on the course of American business history LO 8. Assess the philosophical, ethical, and diplomatic challenges facing American organizations today LO 9. Examine the process of globalization and compare and contrast the proponents of globalization and tribalism MGT 5310 – Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3 CREDITS This course explores entrepreneurship and innovation as it relates to the leadership of an organization. This is accomplished by analyzing the entrepreneurial mind in both an individual and organizational environment. This course takes developmental cycle of an entrepreneurial organization or organizational unit, including the stages of resource development, launching, managing growth and evaluating progress. Approaches to problem- solving are 3 developed with applications made to organizational responsibilities and personal growth. (Prerequisite: MGT 5312 – Professional Communications and Writing) Course Learning Outcomes (LO) CLO1. Examine the relationships between entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership CLO2. Analyze entrepreneurship at both the individual and organizational levels CLO3. Assess the lifecycle of the entrepreneurial process for an organization CLO4. Develop problem solving skills and apply organizational and individual approaches to innovation and growth Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Argue the need for managerial entrepreneurship with organizations. LO2. Evaluate the nature and driving forces of entrepreneurship and the global business plan. LO3. Integrate functional area material as it applies to starting new ventures as a standalone enterprise or as a part of the current organization. LO4. Demonstrate an understanding of the role and activities of entrepreneurship in a global setting. LO5. Evaluate personal entrepreneurial tendencies and ability to create a global business plan. LO6. Demonstrate a working knowledge of developing and submitting a business plan. LO7. Measure the various capital sources and the process of obtaining funding within the organization or outside the organization. MGT 5312 - Leadership Communications and Writing 3 CREDITS The course provides the student with the background knowledge and guidelines that will enable them to analyze their organizational environment and develop effective leadership communication strategies. It will provide the skills that will allow the student to analyze their environments, develop their leadership communications strategy, apply the strategy and formulate alternative approaches. Both oral and written communications skills are covered at five levels: intra-personal, interpersonal, group, organizational, and intercultural. Concepts from several academic disciplines along with actual managerial examples from a variety of organizations are examined. The course includes current topics of concerns for ethics, increasing diversity, greater job stress, and technological advances and how these topics affect our organizational communications. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Formulate effective leadership communication strategies. CLO2. Categorize best-practice, communication techniques in relation to intra- personal, inter-personal, group, organizational, and intercultural communication exchanges. CLO3. Appraise the effects of organizational communication and culture in relation to ethics, the diversity of the modern workforce, and job stress. Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1: Appraise how to lead and communicate with integrity. LO2: Analyze how to communicate effectively to guide and motivate others. LO3: Compose and implement effective communication strategies for various situations. LO4: Analyze and design communication strategies tailored to audiences. LO5: Plan and deliver prepared and impromptu individual and prepared team oral presentations confidently and persuasively. LO6: Prepare effective memos, letters, e-mail correspondence, and reports. LO7: Compose and integrate high-quality graphics into oral and written reports. LO8: Prepare effective PowerPoint presentations and present them in stand-up and round-table presentations. LO9: Manage work constructively in teams, manage team meetings, and evaluate peers effectively. LO10: Demonstrate the ability to communicate coherently, correctly, clearly, concisely, and confidently. MGT 5340 - Issues of Management 3 CREDITS The course provides the student with information about individual behavior within the context of the business environment. The course surveys current trends and issues that affect today’s businesses. Topics covered are group behavior, high performance teams, goal-framing effects, perceptions, motivation, leadership, and organizational design and change. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Assess individual and group behavior CLO2. Formulate an understanding of current trends and best practices related to high performance teams 4 and goal-framing effects CLO3. Compare the effects of perceptions, leadership, and organizational design effects motivation and an organization’s ability to manage change Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Assess how individual behavior exists within the context of the business environment. LO2. Analyze the roles managers perform, the skills they need to execute those roles effectively and the way new information technology is affecting these roles and skills. LO3. Evaluate the principal challenges managers face in today’s increasingly competitive global environment. LO4. Compare the significance and interrelations of individualism, perceptions, motivation, and employee behavior. LO5. Formulate an understanding of the various dimensions of management. LO6. Evaluate management processes and skills that influence organizational effectiveness. LO7. Categorize different leadership styles and their impact on subordinate and organizational performance. LO8. Debate the influence and opportunities of team / workgroups in the workforce. LO9. Appraise the impact that values have upon a variety of management decisions. LO10. Construct management skills and principles that can be successfully utilized in work-related situations. MGT 6311 – Human Resource Management 3 CREDITS This course focuses on organizational planning, staff acquisition, and team development. This includes assigning project roles and responsibilities, staffing, motivating, leading, team building, and conflict resolution. The relationship between human resource management and project management are explored along with how HR relates to the project life cycle. You will gain an understanding of the processes required to make effective use of people and resources on a project. Techniques are covered related to interfacing with project stakeholders, designing effective organizational structures, dealing with conflict on projects, fostering communication, and managing stress. Practical self-assessment exercises are used to determine learners' communication, conflict resolution, and leadership styles in addition to power orientation, personality type, and motivations to manage. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Analyze and develop an effective human resources programs CLO2. Conduct academic research and reporting in the field of HR management CLO3. Assess the overall effectiveness of HRM functions and programs Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Synthesize the need for human resources to relate to the strategic direction and strategy formulation of the business LO2. Appraise how human resources practices can and should contribute to business goals and help to improve the quality and effectiveness of the company’s product or services LO3. Assess the characteristics of the workforce and how they influence human resource management LO4. Formulate an appreciation for and understanding of the context of human resources management practices that support high-performance work systems LO5. Evaluate HRM practices as they relate to multinational, global organizations conducting business in the international marketplace LO6. Debate the competencies that are needed in order for the human resources manager to become a member of the strategy planning team within the company LO7. Differentiate the major federal laws that affect human resource management within the company LO8. Differentiate the behaviors that constitute sexual harassment and demonstrate an understanding of what the company can do to eliminate or minimize it. LO9. Debate the importance of job analysis and design in strategic and human resources management. LO10. Evaluate the trade-offs among the various approaches to designing jobs. LO11. Examine the major functions of HRM including job analysis, recruitment and selection process, performance evaluation, training and development needs, compensation and benefits design, and the employee/labor relations process. LO12. Analyze practices for managing employee discipline and promoting safe and healthy work environments LO13. Assess the overall effectiveness of HRM functions and programs. 5 MGT 7312 - Organizational Behavior 3 CREDITS The course provides the student with an overview of the paradigms in organizational group dynamics. It will explore the way in which humans act and organize themselves into groups. It will explore the “norms” that are utilized by organizations and the forces leaders exert upon those organizations. The course is designed to create an understanding of the interactive forces that affect and influence organizations. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Analyze and propose an organizational structure that establishes an environment that encourages and rewards process improvement changes CLO2. Implement motivational systems that reward achievement of goals CLO3. Apply organizational-behavior strategies to business objectives in an appropriate scenario Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Compare and contrast the various types of organizational behavior LO2. Estimate the concept of an organization’s corporate culture and its effects on the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. LO3. Categorize the type of environmental forces that make it necessary for organizations to initiate changes. LO4. Analyze several motivational models to understand how to diagnose organizational problems that are motivation related and to successfully prescribe solutions based on the factors identified by these models. LO5. Compare major personality, power, and need theories as they relate to individual behavior within organizations. LO6. Differentiate factors that determine personality and how these factors influence an employee's actions and reactions to superiors, coworkers, subordinates, and various job-related environments. LO7. Assess functioning of teams and measure why the norms and values of the teams, as well as the roles assigned to team members, influence the teams' contributions to overall organizational goals. LO8. Apply organizational-behavior strategies to business objectives in an appropriate scenario. LO9. Debate the significance of the organizations structure to organizational survival. MGT 7313 - Critical Thinking and Decision Making 3 CREDITS This course provides the tools and skills each student needs to examine and fully develop their analytical skills. It explores the skills of the critical thinking and decision-making process and provides the students with concrete skills that can enhance their decision-making abilities. These skills will allow them to identify and solve organizational problems and enhance their strategic thinking abilities. Topics include problem identification, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and ethical implications. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Demonstrate the difference between thinking and critical thinking and how the decision maker uses critical thinking in the decision making process CLO2. Conduct critical thinking research as part of the decision making process CLO3. Justify decisions based upon the critical thinking decision making model Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1: Differentiate between “thinking” and critical thinking. LO2: Compare the benefits of thinking critically and costs of fallacious reasoning. LO3: Debate the relationship between critical thinking and decision making. LO4: Formulate decision making through the application of critical thinking. LO5: Choose decisions using the decision making model. MGT 7316 - Survey of High Performing Organizations 3 CREDITS This course provides the skills and tools required by today’s leaders to move from managing yesterday’s organizations to leading the organization to its greatest capacity. The student will participate in projects that will allow them to understand how to move an organization through a vision into action. Focus will be placed on evaluating and developing the students own leadership skills and how to project the appropriate leadership image that will motivate and inspire others. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) 6 CLO1. Analyze and design a management system that allows for transformational leadership and team success CLO2. Implement a system of continuous improvement processes CLO3. Design a conflict resolution system that promotes cohesiveness and team success Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO 1: Analyze self-assessments, looking for patterns and consistency, to identify managerial strengths and weaknesses. LO 2: Choose the appropriate media for communication in various circumstances. LO 3: Implement defenses to minimize or avoid decision making biases. LO 4: Create a motivational work environment using goal setting and reinforcement theory. LO 5: Use consultative coaching to help employees grow. LO 6: Describe how bases of power and norms can be used to influence behavior. LO 7: Lead people to performance beyond expectations using transformational leadership. LO 8: Contribute to team success, using those task and interpersonal behaviors known to be characteristic of the most productive team members. LO 9: Facilitate resolution of conflict situations, using superordinate goals, negotiation, and/or mediation. LO 10: Implement interventions that have the most likelihood of creating desired change. MGT 7340 – Organizational Leadership and Change Management 3 CREDITS The course provides student with an overview of the theories found within the study of leadership and management during periods of transition. The course explores and analyzes the attributes found in successful leaders and how the leaders deal with periods of transition. The students explore current theories and strategies for leading an organization through a period of change and the course provides them with the tools to improve their own managerial and leadership skills. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Evaluate leadership and management theories related to change management CLO2. Analyze the attributes of effective leaders and how successful leaders deal with periods of transition CLO3. Create managerial and leadership skills applicable to change management at the organizational level Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Synthesize the traits of leadership LO2. Compare the theories of leadership and management and how it affects the business environment during periods of transition LO3. Apply the personality, intelligence, and emotional intelligence theories and strategies as they pertain to leadership and the development of best leadership practices in aspiring individuals LO4. Compare and contrast the relationships between leaders, followers, and situations| LO5. Debate why there is a focus on the successful leader’s values, traits, and behaviors LO6. Evaluate leadership behaviors over time and examine strategies for changing behaviors and developing leadership skills LO7. Calculate the difficulties of leading across cultures and the "universality" of best leadership practices LO8. Synthesize the characteristics of situational and contingency theories of leadership LO9. Apply concepts from situational and contingency theories and models to decision making and leading organizations during periods of change LO10. Evaluate leadership approaches to guiding organizations through change LO11. Apply transactional and transformational leadership theories LO12. Debate how motivation, satisfaction and performance are interrelated LO13. Appraise the various types of groups and teams and the type of leadership needed for each MGT 7350 – Strategies in Organizational Leadership 3 CREDITS This course builds on the leadership, business, and management concepts contained in the MSOM program. It provides the student with the opportunity to synthesize prior learning and experiences, both personal and professional. It will allow the student to expand personal thinking and explore the arena of leadership and how it will impact the future of the individual, the organization, and the world. (Prerequisite: Final term in program or permission from the Academic Dean. Taken with BUS 7390 - Strategy and Policy) Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Design a leadership strategy/strategic profile that allows the organization to be a good corporate citizen 7 CLO2. Analyze and recommend leadership skills needed to develop the organization into a good corporate citizen Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Evaluate the leadership actions needed for an organization to become a leading corporate citizen. LO2. Propose the need for an organization to develop its vision and values in a way to create value for the organization, its stakeholders, and society LO3. Analyze the challenges leaders face from stockholders and outside sources that place demands on performance that often times conflict with the need to be a leading corporate citizen. LO4. Debate the leadership skills needed to cope with new and emerging issues. LO5. Propose to lead with responsibility by making decisions that reflect sustainability while leading the organization as a corporate citizen. MGT 7360 – Integrative Project 3 CREDITS This course provides the opportunity for the student to select a topic that broadens or encapsulates the MSOM program learning goals through the use of a case study or real world project. The topic and course content will be approved by the student’s advisor as well as by the professor that will facilitate the student’s project. Permission from the student’s advisor is required in order to register for the class. The Department Chair will assign the professor for the class. This course can be substituted for MGT 6311, MGT 7313, or MGT 7316. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) CLO1. Developed by the learner and approved by the student’s advisor Course Learning Objectives (LO) LO1. Developed by the learner and approved by the student’s advisor 8