Autumn Term Newsletter No. 12 27 th November 2015

Hounslow Town Primary School
Tel: 0208 570 1747
Co Headteachers: Mr Hill & Mrs Featherstone
Autumn Term Newsletter No. 12
Dear Parents/Carers,
We were really delighted with the turnout
at the Christmas Fair this week. We hope
you enjoyed the mix of activities, stalls,
foods and games. At the time of writing
the total is over £1600, which already
exceeds last years grand total. The
teachers work hard to create interesting
products and games. I want to say a huge
thank you to all those involved in making
the fair a success!
The school is beginning to look festive as
we approach Advent which marks the
start of the countdown to Christmas, with
children’s work being shown on display
around the school. The hoops in the halls
are really lovely this year – well done to
the children and their teachers on these!
In the coming weeks, we will also start
our Christmas Raffle ticket sales. Watch
out for a separate flyer in your child’s
book bag.
Apologies for the dates being missed off
the edge of last weeks newsletter.
Please remember to look at our website
for latest events and for copies of our
newsletters. Class newsletters are also
available on the ‘Children’ section, under
‘Year Group Pages’ which will celebrate
work and achievements as well as inform
you of the coming curriculum.
Mrs Featherstone
Christmas Fair – Thank you
Thank you to everyone who came
along and supported the Christmas
Fair. The tombola’s were so
successful there was gridlock!!
We have lots left so we will be
running ‘pop up’ tombola’s after
school. Watch out for them as there
are still lots of great prizes to be
27th November 2015
WINNERS at the Christmas Fair
The ‘Guess the Weight of the Cake’ – was an amazing
Christmas cake made and decorated by Mrs Coombs. The
winner of this is Chris in 3Crimson. Come and collect the
fabulous cake from the Reception desk asap!
Guess the Name of the dog – BINGO
Well done to Lottie in Daffodil - You win the dog!
Guess the name of Olaf’s twin brother- CLIVE
Well done to Little Rainbows - You win Clive!!
Guess how many sweets in the jar -103
Well done to Ronit in 2Mint - You win the jar of sweets!
Guess the weight of the stocking/bag – 1.25kg
Well done to Riti in 5Turquoise
You win the bag of goodies!
Marble game winner’s highest score was 102!
Well done to Riti in 5Turquoise. You win a big tin of
Dates for your Diary
3rd December
4th December
8th December
9th December
17th December
18th December
4th January
5th January
Year 4 Classes visit to a local Church
Christmas Jumper Day
Globe Players Pantomimes
Choir to Golden Court to perform
9.45am: EYs Christmas Concert
2.15pm: EYs Christmas Concert
9.45am: EYs Christmas Concert
2.15pm: EYs Christmas Concert
Christmas Lunch
9.15am: Y5 & Y6 Christmas Concert
2.15pm: Y3 & Y4 Christmas Concert
9.15am: Y3 & Y4 Christmas Concert
2.30pm: Y1 & Y2 Christmas Concert
9.15am: Y1 & Y2 Christmas Concert
2.15pm: Y5 & Y6 Christmas Concert
2.30pm: Y1 & Y2 Christmas Concert
Christmas Parties
Last day of term
School closed due to staff training
School re-opens at 10.30am
15th-19th February
24th March
25th March – 8th April
11th April
30th May-3rd June
4th July
20th July
Half term
School closed due to staff training
Easter Holiday/Spring Break
School re-opens at 10.30am
Half term
School closed due to staff training
Last day of term for Summer holiday
10th December
11th December
14th December
15th December
16th December
Unwell Children
We have had several children this week that have had
to be sent home within an hour of being at school due
to illness. It is important for your child to attend school
regularly, however if they are clearly unwell, would you
please notify the school as soon as possible of their
absence, until they are fit and well again.
We would also like to remind parents of the
importance of up to date contact numbers. On several
occasions this week alone, we have been unable to
contact parent/carers to inform them of their child's
illness in school and as you can appreciate this is very
distressing for the child and staff members alike.
Therefore, please inform our Office staff of any recent
changes to contact details and whenever possible as a
back-up, please give an alternative number.
Christmas Jumper Day – 4th December
We will be raising money for Children in Need and
Spinal Muscular Atrophy when we ask everyone to
wear a Christmas jumper and pay £1. The money raised
will be shared between the 2 charities.
Christmas Lunch – 11th December
A letter has been sent home this week asking you to
decide if you would like your child to have a school
Christmas lunch. There is a meat, vegetarian and halal
option. Please make sure you return the slip back to
the office by 2nd December as the school cook needs to
order the food in advance.
Key Stage 1
Well done to 2Lime with 99.33%
Key Stage 2
Well done to 3Ruby with 100%
attendance – 2 weeks in a row!!
Governor Profile
Valentina Wilkins – Staff Governor
I have been
employed by the
school as a class
teacher and a
curriculum leader for
Mathematics, with a
responsibility to
monitor the quality
and consistency of its standard across all Key Stage
I have been a Hounslow Town Primary School governor
for over ten years; first as a parent governor and then
as a representative of staff. Within the governing body,
I have maintained an active role in supporting decisions
made by the school and ensuring that positive ethos
and British Values are embedded in all areas of the
school’s life, its strategic directions and actions for