SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL Y PARA IBEROAMERICA MINISTERIO DE ASUNTOS EXTERIORES Y DE COOPERACIÓN SECRETARIA GENERAL DE COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO División de Evaluación de Políticas para el Desarrollo y Gestión del Conocimiento EVALUATION PRINCIPLES for the evaluation team The evaluation shall follow the OECD DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation and Spanish Cooperation’s Evaluation Policy. Throughout the evaluation process, the evaluation team must respect the following principles: Independence and impartiality: The evaluation team must guarantee its independence with regard to the evaluation object. Team members shall sign a declaration of lack of conflict of interest, give respectful and non-discriminatory treatment to all persons or groups involved in the evaluation process, and perform their duties with integrity and honesty. Anonymity and confidentiality: Throughout the evaluation process, respect for privacy and the appropriate treatment of personal data must be guaranteed. In situations of conflict or of risk to personal integrity, extreme caution must be taken to prevent possible harm due to identification of the persons participating in the evaluation. Credibility: For its deliverables to be credible and acceptable for the different stakeholders involved, the evaluation must respond to the different information needs; be carried out according to the established schedule; and be conducted in a systematic, methodologically sound and sufficiently well-justified manner, showing a clear line of reasoning. Its findings, conclusions and recommendations should be well-grounded and presented separately, with a clear, logical distinction between them. Utility: The evaluation deliverables must make evident the evaluation shortcomings, reflect different perspectives regarding the evaluation object, and offer a balanced view of the evaluation object perspective that makes possible to appreciate its achievements and strengths, as well as its possible shortcomings and weaknesses. In the event of significant discrepancies within the evaluation team, or between the evaluation team and the evaluation management bodies, these discrepancies must be reflected in the final report. Dissemination: Presentation of the evaluation results must take into account the purpose, the objectives and the expected utility of the evaluation. The deliverables must be worded in a user-friendly manner. The narrative rationale of the final report must make it easy to identify the well-argued responses to the different evaluation questions. Incidents: In the event of problems or unforeseen circumstances arising during fieldwork or during any other phase of the evaluation, these must be reported immediately to the evaluation management unit/committee. Failing this, the existence of such problems may not, under any circumstances, be used to justify noncompliance with what is established in the terms of reference. Submission of reports: In the event of a delay in submitting reports, or if the quality of the reports submitted were significantly lower than what was agreed, the measures set forth in Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, of 14 November, whereby the consolidated text of the Public Sector Contracts Act was approved, shall be applicable.