Constitution of the Graduate Student Association

Constitution of the
College of Veterinary Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences
Postdoctoral Association,
Texas A&M University
Article I: The College of Veterinary Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences Postdoctoral Association
Section I:
This organization shall be known as the College of Veterinary Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences Postdoctoral Association (hereinafter to be referred to as the CVM-PDA).
Section II:
The CVM-PDA shall consist of postdoctoral research associates, research
scientists, non-tenure track research assistant professors, DVM/VMD residents or interns, and
graduate students that already have a DVM/VMD, and the organization shall exercise its
authority through this Constitution.
Section III:
The governing structure of the CVM-PDA shall consist of an Executive
Article II: Purpose and Goals
Section I:
The CVM-PDA is established to provide an officially recognized postdoctoral
organization in order to:
(a) Identify and represent postdoctoral interests;
(b) Promote postdoctoral participation in the overall policy and decision-making
processes of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M
(c) Improve the quality of the postdoctoral experience and to facilitate the long-term
success of our members.
Section II:
The CVM-PDA is established to offer the following scope of activities for the
postdoctoral staff of the college:
(a) Monthly meetings will be held to conduct official business and provide clear
communication of events and plans to the members of the organization. Speakers will
present a short seminar at each meeting that will add to the member’s knowledge base
and educate the members on the opportunities available to them.
(b) The CVM-PDA Research Symposium will be an annual event hosted and organized
with the GSA-CVM. It will give postdocs and graduate students in the college the
opportunity to present their research in either a poster or oral format. A closing
ceremony to the Symposium will be held in a banquet format.
(c) When requested, assist in the selection of individuals qualified for the Postdoctoral
Trainee Awards given to those that fulfill the requirements that have been established and
selected by the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies after
competitive evaluation of their proposals. These funds are for CVM-PDA members to
generate preliminary data that will aid in the submission of other federal, state, and
private proposals.
Article III: Membership Requirements
Section I:
A member of the CVM-PDA shall be required to be:
(a) employed in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Texas
A&M University, and;
(b) must have completed a PhD or DVM/VMD degree and currently working in a nontenure track position in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at
Texas A&M University. Individuals who have a DVM/VMD and are pursuing a masters
or PhD degree are eligible for membership to the CVM-PDA.
Section II:
If for any reason a member of the CVM-PDA is to be removed, a written warning
must be given and a time appointed for the accused to defend him or herself to the Executive
Committee (hereinafter referred to as the EC) and advisor(s). If the EC decides removal is still
necessary, a vote of general membership must be called to ratify the decision at a special or
stated meeting. The decision to remove a member of the EC from office can only be carried out
if there is a majority vote in favor of the removal. Reasons for removal from membership
(a) Any violation of TAMU University Code of Conduct;
(b) Disregard for the instructions or wishes of the Faculty Advisor, Executive Committee
or the general membership;
(c) Misuse of CVM-PDA funds.
Article IV: The Executive Committee
Section I:
All executive powers shall be vested in the Executive Committee (EC) of the
CVM-PDA. The EC shall consist of the officers and one representative from each academic
department (VTPB, VTPP, VIBS, VLCS, and VSCS), when possible, in the College of
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University elected by the CVMPDA members.
Section II:
(a) Officers of the EC shall be elected by the general membership and shall consist of at
least a President, Vice President, and General Secretary; and when possible a Treasurer.
(c) Officers of the EC shall be employed by a department in the College of
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
(d) No person may concurrently serve in any two or more of the following positions:
President, Vice President, and General Secretary. Duties of the Treasurer may be covered
by the President, Vice President, or General Secretary.
(e) No individual may serve more than two consecutive terms as an officer of the
Executive Committee. A term shall begin August 1 and end July 31 of the following
(f) If for any reason an officer of the EC is to be removed from office, a written warning
must be given and a time appointed for the accused to defend him or herself to the EC
and advisor(s). If the EC decides removal is still necessary, a vote of general
membership must be called to ratify the decision at a special or stated meeting. The
decision to remove a member of the EC from office can only be carried out if there is a
majority vote in favor of the removal. Reasons for removal from office include but are
not limited to:
1. Any violation of TAMU University Code of Conduct;
2. Disregard for the instructions or wishes of the Faculty Advisor(s), EC or the
general membership;
3. Misuse of CVM-PDA funds.
(g) All Officers of this organization must meet the following requirements:
1. Must fulfill the membership requirements.
2. Must be committed to working towards the fulfillment of the mission of the
Section III:
(a) One representative from each academic department (VTPB, VTPP, VIBS, VLCS, and
VSCS) in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M
University shall be a part of the EC, when possible.
(b) Representatives of the EC shall be employed by a department in the College of
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
(c) Representatives shall be elected by the CVM-PDA members when two or more
candidates are presented. Otherwise, representatives may be appointed by the President
when a person volunteers.
(d) No member of the EC may serve as the representative of more than one department,
unless no other representative is available for the department(s).
(e) No individual may serve more than two consecutive terms as a representative of the
Executive Committee, unless no other candidate for the representative is available. A
term shall begin August 1 and end July 31 of the following year.
(f) If for any reason a representative of the EC is to be removed from office, a written
warning must be given and a time appointed for the accused to defend himself to the EC
and advisor(s). If the EC decides removal is still necessary, a vote of general
membership must be called to ratify the decision at a special or stated meeting. The
decision to remove a member of the EC from office can only be carried out if there is a
majority vote in favor of the removal. Reasons for removal from office include:
1. Any violation of TAMU University Code of Conduct ;
2. Disregard for the instructions or wishes of the Faculty Advisor(s), EC or
the general membership;
3. Misuse of CVM-PDA funds.
(g) All Officers of this organization must meet the following requirements:
1. Must fulfill the membership requirements.
2. Must be committed to working towards the fulfillment of the mission of
the CVM-PDA.
Section IV:
The chief executive officer shall be the President.
(a) The President shall be employed in a department in the College of Veterinary
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University
(b) The President shall preside over all CVM-PDA meetings in accordance with
Robert’s Rules of Order Revised and the CVM-PDA By-laws.
(c) The President is responsible for the creation and appointment of all needed
executive officers and committees, not already provided for, with the approval of a
majority of the active members present and voting at a stated or special meeting. The
execution of all decisions made by the EC is also the responsibility of the President.
(d) The President has the power to perform the following actions at his or her
1. Call special meetings of the EC;
2. Remove any of his or her appointees to the EC;
3. Address the CVM-PDA and the EC for the purposes of answering questions
and clarifying information;
4. Act as ceremonial representative of the CVM-PDA.
Section V:
The duties of the Vice President shall include but are not limited to:
(a) Act as a liaison between the CVM-PDA and their advisor in the Dean’s Office of the
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences;
(b) Assist the President wherever needed;
(c) Assume the duties of the President in the event of absence or incapacitation.
Section VI:
The duties of the General Secretary shall include but are not limited to:
(a) Recording, typing, and distributing the Minutes of both general and EC Meetings;
(b) Typing and distribution of the Agenda when needed (to be submitted to the General
Secretary by the Executive Committee);
(c) Creation and posting of flyers for general meetings and special events;
(d) Correspondence, including, but not limited to “Thank you” letters and email
reminders to the members;
(e) maintain the CVM-PDA website as needed.
Section VII: Vacancies on the Executive Committee
(a) In case of a vacancy in the Executive Committee, a member shall be elected by a
simple majority vote of the members present at a special or stated meeting to fill the
position within sixty (60) days of the vacancy.
(b) In case of a vacancy of an officer in the Executive Committee, the members of the EC
shall elect, by a simple majority vote of the EC members present at a stated or special
meeting, a member of the EC to fill the position within sixty (60) days of the vacancy.
(c) In the event of the inability of the President to fulfill the duties of his/her office, or
upon removal or resignation from office, the Vice President shall assume the office of the
President subject to a vote of a simple majority of the active members present at a stated
or special meeting. If a simple majority is not achieved, a replacement for the President
will be chosen via an announced election at the next stated meeting.
Section VIII: Business shall be conducted as follows:
(a) Officer shall be allowed to plan minor events for the organization in absence of the
representatives, unless assistance from the entire EC is requested or required.
(b) For all major decisions pertaining to the organization, a quorum of the EC shall
include at least four (4) members and no proxies shall be permitted.
(c) Ten percent of the active membership constitutes a quorum at stated and special
(d) The EC shall assign all pending business to the appropriate standing or ad hoc
committee. All new business must be presented to the EC at or before the time the
agenda is set. The EC shall decide whether to include the item on the Agenda. An item
must be included on the Agenda if at least twenty (20) members petition to include it at
the time the Agenda is set. Urgent new business, which has not been presented to the EC
for inclusion on the Agenda, must be brought to the attention of the presiding officer
prior to the beginning of the meeting at which the item is to be discussed. A two-thirds
(2/3) majority vote of the active members present is allowed prior to the vote. Any
business which has been assigned to a committee may be brought to the floor by that
committee whether or not the item appears on the Agenda.
(e) If a committee fails to review business within a reasonable period of time, a one-third
(1/3) vote of the active members present and voting at a stated or special meeting shall
take the business from the committee and allow the EC to consider it.
Article V: Faculty Advisor
Section I: The Faculty Advisor(s) shall be chosen by a simple majority of the active members
present and voting at a stated or special meeting. The Faculty Advisor(s) shall be chosen from a
list of volunteers submitted by the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate
Studies, or selected by the EC.
Section II: The Faculty Advisor(s) role is to provide mentorship to all CVM-PDA members and
to ensure that all rules and regulations are being following during all activities of the CVM-PDA
including, but not limited to:
(a) Meetings
(b) Research Symposium
(c) Financial Matters
Article VI: Finances
Section I: An annual budget will be proposed by the officers and approved by the EC and
faculty advisor(s) before being presented to the active membership. The budget should address
but is not limited to the following:
(a) Cost of food and drinks for monthly meetings
(b) Additional meeting or event expenses
(c) Research Symposium, if needed
(d) Fundraising
Section II: Until an official bank account can be established for the CVM-PDA through Texas
A&M University, all monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed
through a bank account established by the CVM Finance Department in the Dean’s Office. All
funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. Approval of expenditures must be
obtained by either the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies or the Assistant to the
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies.
Section III: In the event that the CVM-PDA is dissolved, all remaining monies after all debts are
paid are to be donated to the Office of the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University.
Article VII: Amendments & Ratification
Section I:
This Constitution must be ratified and may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3)
majority vote of the active members present and voting at a stated or special meeting. All
approved amendments will be incorporated into the body of the Constitution in the appropriate
place. Upon approval of any amendment, an updated Constitution and By-Laws must be
submitted to and approved by a representative from the Office of the Dean in the College of
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University.
Section II:
All previous Constitutions are null and void, and the current constitution will be
reviewed annually by the EC.
Section III:
This Constitution stands approved as of _______________________.
Approved: Dr. XXXX, Faculty Advisor
Approved: XXXX, CVM-PDA President, 2012-13
Approved: Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
By-Laws of the CVM-PDA
These By-Laws to the Constitution of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical
Sciences Postdoctoral Association Medicine (herein after referred to as the CVM-PDA) at Texas
A&M University shall govern the CVM-PDA and official committees in all cases in which they
are not in conflict with the Constitution of the CVM-PDA. These By-Laws will be reviewed
annually and revised if necessary.
“Active Membership” is defined as: non-tenure track postdoctoral staff member employed in the
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences that participates in at least one CVMPDA activity per academic year. Activities include meetings, fundraisers, or the annual research
A. All officers and representatives shall be elected to the EC during the annual elections except
for in particular situations as described in the Constitution.
1. Officers and representatives shall be elected by simple majority of the quorum present
and voting at the first stated or special meeting of the EC following elections.
2. Potential officers of the Executive Committee will be nominated by members in
attendance at the meeting.
3. The members in attendance will nominate at least two (2) representatives per
department in the CVM, when possible.
4. After nominations are complete, voting will transpire by ballot.
B. The annual elections shall be held during the month of July of each year. A term shall begin
August 1 and end July 31 of the following year.
A. During their term of office, officers and representatives are considered to be at-large
members, and the President may appoint a replacement departmental representative to the EC.
B. Duties of the Officers:
1. An officer or representative of the CVM-PDA shall be required to attend all stated and
special meetings.
2. An officer or representative who misses three (3) consecutive stated and/or special
meetings without giving prior notification to the EC of the CVM-PDA shall be
considered an absentee officer or representative and shall be removed from office. An
absentee officer may be reinstated by a simple majority vote at a stated or special meeting
of the postdocs.
A. Matters of the Postdoctoral Trainee Award will be handled through the Office of the
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. The CVM-PDA will provide assistance with
the selection process as requested by the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate
B. Distribution of CVM-PDA Trainee Awards
Awardees will be notified by email by the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and
Graduate Studies. An account will be set up within the department of the recipient for the funds
to be distributed. These funds are to be used for laboratory expenses, including supplies and
equipment. These funds cannot be used for salary.
C. Obligation of accepting a CVM-PDA Trainee Award
1. Postdocs accepting the CVM-PDA Trainee award are required to utilize the
preliminary data generated from this award and submit 2 or more research proposals,
unless otherwise specified by the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and
Graduate Studies. At least one of these proposals has to be to a federal agency.
2. Postdocs accepting a CVM-PDA Trainee award are required to present their research
at the CVM Research Symposium. Poster or platform presentations should include an
acknowledgement of the College of Veterinary Medicine & CVM Postdoctoral
Association for their award.
In case of absences due to just cause, any member of the EC, excluding the presiding officer,
may appoint a proxy. The proxy shall be a postdoctoral member of the member’s
constituency. The proxy shall bring to the meeting(s), at which he or she is to serve, any special
voting instructions in writing for the proxy. This letter shall be signed by the representative
member and retained by the secretary of the EC. The General Secretary shall collect and
maintain a list of the bona fide signatures of all the representative members. Disputes in seating
of proxies shall be settled by a simple majority vote of the active members present and voting.
All previous By-Laws are null and void.
A change or approval of any By-Law shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the members
present and voting at a stated or special meeting. All additions to or corrections of the By-Laws
must be presented to the CVM-PDA one meeting prior to action of said additions or corrections,
with at least a 24-hour interval between meetings. Upon approval of any amendment, updated
By-Laws must be submitted to and approved by the Office of the Dean in the College of
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
These By-Laws stand approved as of: ______________________________________
Approved: Dr. XXX, Faculty Advisor
Approved: XXX, President, 2012-2013