Great Depression and World War II Presentations Part Two

14) In what ways, and with what success, did the government of one country in the region try to solve the
problems of the Great Depression?
Thesis: During the Great Depression the government heavily funded infrastructure on the West Coast such as
steel, aluminum, and magnesium that would fulfill numerous war contracts.
Historians: Brinkley
Paragraph 1 where and what
o Created large manufacturing facilities in California and the west
 Fulfilled war contracts
 Produced large amounts of weapons
 Boeing employed numerous amount of people
Paragraph 2 economic impact
o The government earned 40 billion dollars of capital from factories and power plants
o Armed forces took in laborers
o Power plants, military transportation, factories, and highways were prime industries
o Shipyards opened throughout California and Washington State
Paragraph 3 Social Impact
o Union membership rose from 10 million to 13 million
o More women worked in factories
Conclusion: During the Great Depression the government heavily funded infrastructure on the West Coast such
as steel, aluminum, and magnesium that would fulfill numerous war contracts.
Question 7: Explain how one country of the region changed its policy on the role the government should play in the
economy as a result of the Great Depression.
Thesis: The United States, during the term of Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed its role of the government on the economy
by establishing policies through the New Deal that resulted in recovery and relief of the economy caused by the Great
Context: The U.S. joined forces with Britain, France, and Russia in 1917 to fight against Germany in World War 1. When
Germany declared war on France Hoover had 120,000 tourist return to the United States. Herbert Hoover easily won the
election in 1928 becoming our 31st president. 8 months after being in office the Wall Street crash of 1929 came and
Hoover didn’t do much about it. He believed that doing nothing about the economy would help. That it would pick itself
up. In the 1932 election Herbert Hoover was defeated in the 1932 election by Frederick D. Roosevelt. When FDR stepped
into office he created the New Deal in 1933 it was created to focus on what historians call the “3 R’s” Relief, Recovery,
and Reform. Relief for the unemployed and poor, Recovery of the economy to normal levels, and Reform of the financial
system to prevent a repeat depression. The outcome of the New Deal was successful in the end. It provided jobs, FDR’s
new laws about social security/ minimum wage, and labor relations and trade unions survived and protected ordinary
people’s right and conditions.
Historian’s perspective: Arthur M. Schelsinger Jr. in the three volumes of The Age of Roosevelt(1957-1960) argued that
the new deal resulted in a system of reformed capitalism, more protection of workers, farmers and consumers.
Body Paragraph 1: Recovery
Policies 3, 4, and 23 helped recover the economy because each played their part in the recovery. Policy 3 was the
emergency bank act, was when FDR shut down all banks until they would pass this act. It was so that the government
could check on the banks and keep up with the health of the banks it was so that the people could put their trust back
into banks. This helped the recovery of the country because it would help put the economy back on track by making sure
banks weren’t lending more money than they should. Policy 4 was the Fair labor standard act of 1938, it eliminated child
labor and set a minimum wage, also a set certain amount of work hours each week being up to 40. It helped the country
because it helped the people put trust in their government since they were eliminating their kids work. It also helped
because setting a minimum wage helped be no get under paid or over paid. Policy 23 was the Civil Works Administration
act it was a public program funding jobs. This helped the country because it helped start a cycle going on the money
system. Providing more jobs and creating more money.
Body Paragraph 2: Relief
1) The Agriculture Adjustment Administration(AAA)
2) The Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC)
3) The Public Works Administration(PWA)
Created the effect of relief of workers because it provided jobs and increasing the amount of consumers thus
relieving the economy
Assess the effectiveness of US policy in relation to European Jews before and during the Second World War.
Thesis: US policy in relation to European Jews before and during the Second World War was ineffective in
protecting the human rights of the Jews or in providing aid until the tail end of the war.
Historian’s Perspective
a. Brinkley: “But more forceful action by the United States before and even during the war might well have
saved some lives”
b. Military leaders focused on winning the war rather than saving lives
a. Jews were being rounded up and sent to ‘concentration camps’
b. Gas chambers, crematoriums, poisonous showers, mass graves
c. America had joined the war
Body Paragraph: Denying them Safe Harbor/Immigration
a. Saint Louis’s passengers forbidden from landing in America and forced to return to Germany even
though they had correct visas
b. Cuba demanded huge fees to allow Jews entry
c. “pattern established well before Pearl Harbor” (Brinkley)
d. US resisted admitting large numbers of Jewish refugees
e. Despite having knowledge of the violence, reluctant to take in Jews
f. Immigration quotas very low
g. Bill to save Jewish children shot down in Senate
Body Paragraph: ‘Blind Eye’
a. Incontrovertible evidence that Hitler’s forces were rounding up Jews and others
b. Public pressure for rescue of surviving Jews
c. US government consistently resisted
i. “Although Allied bombers were flying missions within a few miles of the most notorious death
camp at Auschwitz in Poland, please that the planes try to destroy the crematoria at the camp
were rejected as militarily unfeasible. So were similar requests that the Allies try to destroy
railroad lines leading to the camps” (Brinkley)
d. Widespread racial prejudices – anti-Semetic attitudes
Body Paragraph: Covering their Behinds
a. Policy makers claimed that America’s intervention wouldn’t have changed anything
b. Claimed most effective thing was concentrate on winning the war
c. Most countries offered excuses for not letting in more refugees
d. Evian Conference achieved nothing; countries still unwilling to help Jews
e. “Americans gave several reasons: Auschwitz was not within the range of Allied bombers, military
resources could not be diverted from the war effort, bombing Auschwitz might provoke even more
vindictive German action”
f. America wasn’t willing to risk their military resources to save the Jews
Question # 14
In what ways, and with what success, did the government of one country in the region try to
solve the problems of the great depression?
Argentina’s government was one that had success with solving their countries problems with
the Great Depression.
BP1: Economy
 Export of Beef and Wheat was what it was known for. They Survived
 Industries built were focused on agriculture
o Food processing
o Meat Packing
o Flour Milling
 Number and Power of Urban Growth workers increased
o Immigrant population
o Organization of labor
o Secure benefits
BP2: Leadership
 General Yrigoyen (1
o Introduced Miltary rule and total dictatorship rule
o Economy lasted but job structure failed
o Trade system allowed income
 Argentina was largely domestic
o Limited foreign investing
o Allowed Argentina to focus more on themselves
o Build Economy, and save the country
 General Agustin Justo
o Justo up held the agriculture sources, public works
o He achieved much more for the people of the country
o Brought Country out of Depression eventually
BP3: Relations with other countries
Runciman Pact (1933)
 British promised Argentina to preserve Argentina’s Goods if Argentina gave preference
to British manufactured goods and companies
Expansion of Oil
 Shell and Standard Oil companies Strived due to global deals
 1934 companies dropped their prices to accept Argentina’s oil industry
Public Works
Contributed to Argentina’s rebuilding of Jobs
5,000 miles vs 32,000 Miles of Highways
Helped Argentina be independent
o Move away from British aid
Argentina attempted many different risks with recovering from the effects of the Great
Depression, such as change in leadership, Economic benefits and Gaining help from other
Question 7: Explain how one country of the region changed its policy on the role the government should play in the
economy as a result of the Great Depression.
Thesis: The United States, during the term of Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed its role of the government on the economy
by establishing policies through the New Deal that resulted in recovery and relief of the economy caused by the Great
Context: The U.S. joined forces with Britain, France, and Russia in 1917 to fight against Germany in World War 1. When
Germany declared war on France Hoover had 120,000 tourist return to the United States. Herbert Hoover easily won the
election in 1928 becoming our 31st president. 8 months after being in office the Wall Street crash of 1929 came and
Hoover didn’t do much about it. He believed that doing nothing about the economy would help. That it would pick itself
up. In the 1932 election Herbert Hoover was defeated in the 1932 election by Frederick D. Roosevelt. When FDR stepped
into office he created the New Deal in 1933 it was created to focus on what historians call the “3 R’s” Relief, Recovery,
and Reform. Relief for the unemployed and poor, Recovery of the economy to normal levels, and Reform of the financial
system to prevent a repeat depression. The outcome of the New Deal was successful in the end. It provided jobs, FDR’s
new laws about social security/ minimum wage, and labor relations and trade unions survived and protected ordinary
people’s right and conditions.
Historian’s perspective: Arthur M. Schelsinger Jr. in the three volumes of The Age of Roosevelt(1957-1960) argued that
the new deal resulted in a system of reformed capitalism, more protection of workers, farmers and consumers.
Body Paragraph 1: Recovery
Policies 3, 4, and 23 helped recover the economy because each played their part in the recovery. Policy 3 was the
emergency bank act, was when FDR shut down all banks until they would pass this act. It was so that the government
could check on the banks and keep up with the health of the banks it was so that the people could put their trust back
into banks. This helped the recovery of the country because it would help put the economy back on track by making sure
banks weren’t lending more money than they should. Policy 4 was the Fair labor standard act of 1938, it eliminated child
labor and set a minimum wage, also a set certain amount of work hours each week being up to 40. It helped the country
because it helped the people put trust in their government since they were eliminating their kids work. It also helped
because setting a minimum wage helped be no get under paid or over paid. Policy 23 was the Civil Works Administration
act it was a public program funding jobs. This helped the country because it helped start a cycle going on the money
system. Providing more jobs and creating more money.
Body Paragraph 2: Relief
1) The Agriculture Adjustment Administration(AAA)
2) The Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC)
3) The Public Works Administration(PWA)
Created the effect of relief of workers because it provided jobs and increasing the amount of consumers thus
relieving the economy
Outline 10
Question: Analyze the social and economic effects of the Second World War on one country of the region.
Social and economic effects of the Second World War on America were role of the women had changed and increase in
immigration in society, and economically, it ended the great depressions, and created more jobs in America.
Historians Perspectives:
Historical Context:
Great Immigration
US attack to Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Women began to work for the government
Roosevelt dies Truman becomes president
Body Paragraph 1:
Role of women in society
"Rosie the Riverte"
Native Americans
Indians got close to white society
Mexican -American War Workers
Hispanic workers immigrated to U.S. for jobs
Body Paragraph 2:
Ending the Great Depression
"World War II had its most profound impact on American domestic life by at last ending the Great
Created more jobs
Civilian work force increased by almost 20 percent during the war.
Increased industrial production immensely because all the factories were being used to
create war materials
Going into World War II, the US was in one of the worst economic downturns of the country's history.
Money was allocated for the wartime effort and some of the "New Deal" promises were dropped. As the
US entered the war, job demand began to increase on the home front as people were needed to
manufacture war supplies, Hispanic workers immigrated to united States because of increase in jobs,
many Native Americans joined the military got close to white society, and women in United States they
began to do all the jobs that men did.