
St Anne’s London ASM Spring Outing to
the Dickens Museum
May 17th 2014 followed by lunch at the nearby Lady Ottoline
Welcome to the Charles Dickens Museum, the only remaining London home of the renowned
writer and one of the most important collections of his artefacts in the world.
Charles Dickens lived in this house from 1837 until 1839 and wrote Oliver Twist and Nicholas
Nickleby whilst living here. Manuscripts, rare editions, personal items, paintings and other
visual sources as well as a research library are among the highlights of the Museum’s
holdings. The Museum is based at 48 Doughty Street in the heart of Bloomsbury, and has been
recently renovated. We offer visitors the chance to experience what Dickens’s home would
have been like when he lived here as well as learn more about the life and works of the great
novelist and social commentator
We shall enjoy a costumed tour…
Step back in time to 1839…
Dickens and his young family are preparing to leave
for a journey to their ‘home from home’ – a relaxing
holiday in Broadstairs is just the ticket. But during
their absence, the housemaid is up to no good. Whilst
they are enjoying the fresh Kentish air, she takes a
break from her many duties and invites you to step
through the original door of 48 Doughty Street and
discover the secrets of the esteemed young writer and his growing family. Walk in the footsteps of the
celebrated young author as you enjoy an exclusive tour of Dickens’s ‘house in town’, his only surviving
London residence.
Charles Dickens Museum
48 Doughty Street,
London, WC1N 2LX
Transport details
By bus: 7, 17, 19, 38, 45, 46, 55, 243
Underground: Russell Square
(Piccadilly Line), Chancery Lane
or Holborn (Central Line)
or Kings Cross St Pancras
Contact details
7405 The
2127visit starts
The tours are held at 10:45 and 11:30 on Saturday May 17 and the maximumTelephone:
on each is 14
with a film, followed by the costumed tour. For those who are waiting we would recommend a visit to The Foundling
Email: info@dickensmuseum.com
Museum, a short distance away at 40 Brunswick Square WC1N 1AZ (www.foundlingmuseum.org.uk)
(020.7841.3600), or a relaxing coffee with your friends at The Lady Ottoline Pub. We have reserved two long tables
there for lunch. If you fill in the flyer at the Museum and keep your entry ticket you will be entitled to 20% reduction
when you produce them at the pub. Lunch will be at 12:45 and is only 5 minutes from the Museum at 11 a
Northington Street, London WC1N 2JF (www.theladyottoline.com).
The entry cost is £15.00 and cheques should be sent during March to Isobel Carter, 9 Smith Street, London SW3 4EE
or by BACS to Incarter International Limited A/c No:45654748 Sort Code : 16 57 10. (Isobel@in-carter.com) After
April 1, cheques please to Leila Spinks, 1 Ormiston Grove, London W12 0JR (Tel: 020.8749.532)
Leila.wallis@gmail.com. Friends are welcome, but all bookings must be made by May 9.
Name, telephone and e-mail:
Year of Matriculation or name of St Anne’s friend:
All information provided is subject to the Data Protection Act (1998). In the interests of Health & safety, guests are
reminded to take care at all times during their visit.