THE PARISH OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, BARNSLEY ST MARY’S CHURCH ST PAUL’S CHURCH WELCOME TO THE SERVICES FOR Epiphany 2 SUNDAY 17 MASS, St Paul’s Church, 9.30am MASS, St Mary’s Church, 11am Monday 18 MASS & PRAYERS FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, St Mary’s Church, 12noon Tuesday 19 MASS, St Paul’s Church, 10am PRAYERS FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, St Mary’s Church, 12 noon Cafè, Coffee, Choir, St Paul’s Church, 1pm St Wulfstan Wednesday 20 PRAYERS FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, St Mary’s Church, 12 noon Mothers’ Union AGM and Refreshments, Parish Hall, 2pm MASS, St Mary’s Church, 7pm Parish Surgery, St Mary’s Church, 7.30pm St Fabian & St Sebastian Thursday 21 PRAYERS FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, St Mary’s Church, 12 noon St Agnes Friday 22 MASS, St Paul’s Church, 9.45pm Shoppers’ Morning Coffee, St Mary’s Church, 10 - 11.30am PRAYERS FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, St Mary’s Church, 12 noon St Vincent Saturday 23 NEXT SUNDAY IS Epiphany 3 INFORMATION AND FORTHCOMING EVENTS The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts tomorrow and ends on 25 January - please see above the times for prayer this week. On 24 January at 7pm there is also a special service for at the Emmanuel Church on Huddersfield Road - all welcome. The next St Paul’s Coffee Morning is on 29 January in the Parish Hall, 10 - 11.30am. Admission £1. The Parish Mass will be at St Paul’s Church on 31 January at 10am, when we will observe Candlemass. It will be followed by a Parish Lunch, which also gives us the opportunity to celebrate St Paul’s Patronal Festival. There is a list in each church to sign if you are stopping for lunch. If you have sponsored Fr Craig’s Decembeard Challenge in aid of Bowel Cancer UK please let him have your contribution before the end of this month. Over the last few weeks additional Advent and Christmas services and activities at our churches have resulted in collections and donations totalling £1,420! We have also sent a cheque to the Children’s Society for £239.25, which was collected during the very well attended Christingle Service. Please pray for those to be baptised or married, the sick and those who care for them, the recovered, the bereaved and the departed. The Sick: Sun-Tues Alan; Mary Allen; Marie Bingham; Don Booker; Brian & Carol Burgin; Betty Cawthorne; Peggy Childs; Alan Crossley; Kresha Crossley; Ellen; Patrick Goldie; Rose Haywood. Wed-Th Sylvia Hepworth; Sandra Holling; Brian Horner; Mary Hydes; Rose Jepson; Mary Lumb; John & Margaret Lumsden; Mary; Michael; David & Maureen Mollard; Sylvia Newton. Fri-Sat Beverley-Anne Oates; Oliver Race; Residents of Orchard Views & Saxondale; Doris Robbins; Kathleen Robinson; Sarah; Lisa Sanderson; Tina Shann; Susan; June Walker; Victoria Walker; Nicky Walsh; Linda Waulmsley; Ernest Whewall. The Recently Departed: Tony Mellor. This Week’s Year’s Mind: George Matthewson.