BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 9-24-14 BAY COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION (TPO) September 24, 2014 MEETING MINUTES West Florida Regional Planning Council (Designated staff) Bay County Government Center 840 West 11th Street Panama City, Florida Members attending: Commissioner Rodney Friend, Chairman Commissioner Bill Dozier Commissioner Mike Nelson Commissioner Guy Tunnell Commissioner Mike Thomas Commissioner Pamn Henderson Mayor Walter Kelley Mayor Gayle Oberst Councilman John Reichard City of Lynn Haven Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay County City of Callaway City of Lynn Haven City of Panama City Beach City of Panama City Beach Others attending: David Haight Wiley Page John Fielding Philip LeGrand Angela Bradley Sandy Culbreth Ken Schnell Keith Bryant Ed Smith Lynn Cherry John D. Lincoln Neil Fravel John Alaghemand Bryant Paulk Starsky Harrell Jared Perdue Gene Keen W.C. Henry Terry Joseph Brittany Ellers Jill Lavender Mary Beth Washnock Brandi Whitehurst Brian Youpatoff Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay County Carpe Diem CAC City of Panama City City of Panama City Beach FDOT FDOT FDOT First Transit Inc. TPO Attorney WFRPC TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff A. CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE/ INVOCATION Chairman Friend called the meeting to order. Commissioner Dozier led the invocation BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 9-24-14 B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The board was informed that Mayor Oberst requested to add an item for discussion in regards to additional trolley service for upcoming events in Panama City Beach. Mayor Kelley moved to approve the agenda with the addition of Mayor Oberst's item for discussion. Commissioner Nelson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. C. D. PUBLIC FORUM There were no speakers. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Approval of August 27, 2014 TPO Meeting Minutes Commissioner Tunnel moved to approve the August 27, 2014 meeting minutes. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. E. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-25 Adopting the Bay County TPO FY 2016 - FY 2020 Project Priorities Mr. Kramer presented this item to the board. This item, also reviewed at the August TPO meetings, is to authorize a list of projects to be sent for funding to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Chairman Friend called for any speakers from the public on this item; there were no speakers. Both advisory committees recommended addition of Panama City Beach Parkway and S.R. 79 intersection improvements and signal cabinet modifications on Back Beach Road to the Project Priorities. Commissioner Dozier moved to authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution BAY 14-25 adopting the Bay County TPO FY 2016 - FY 2020 Project Priorities with the addition of the intersection improvements at the intersection of Panama City Beach Parkway and S.R. 79 and signal cabinet modification to the lights on Back Beach Road. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-30 Adopting the Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Public Involvement Plan Ms. Brandi Whitehurst presented this item to the board. She explained that there were two suggested changes made, the first was to add Disabilities Resource Center to the underserved outreach and the second to replace "handicapped" with "persons with disabilities". Both committees recommended approval of this item. Commissioner Henderson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution BAY 14-30 adopting the Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Public Involvement Plan. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of Adoption of the Draft Advertisement for Letters of Interest and Draft Scope of Services for the Selection of a General Planning Consultant (GPC) Ms. Jill Lavender presented this item to the committee. She explained that the Okaloosa-Walton and Florida-Alabama TPOs removed the first sentence of section A for further clarification. Both advisory committees recommended approval of this item with the changes made by FloridaAlabama and Okaloosa-Walton TPOs. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 9-24-14 Mayor Kelley moved to adopt the Draft Advertisement for Letters of Interest and Draft Scope of Services for the Selection of a General Planning Consultant (GPC). Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of Motion Authorizing the Bay County TPO Chairman to Sign a Bay Town Trolley Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Change Order Mr. Phil LeGrande presented this item to the board. He explained that during the ADA remediation process a request was received from the operator and staff to add a relocation of the stop at the corner of 15th Street and Foster Avenue. The stop would be relocated to be in front of the Department of Children and Family Services building and will include a new bench and larger pad. Commissioner Dozier moved to authorize the Bay County TPO Chairman to sign a Bay Town Trolley Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Change Order. Councilman Reichard seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-31 Approving Bay Town Trolley Seasonal Route on December 5, 12, and 19, 2014 Ms. Angela Bradley presented this item to the board. She informed the board that this item is at the request of the Dickens of Christmas. This additional route was discussed as information at the August meeting and was brought forward for action with further financial information. Ms. Bradley asked that the board consider approval given the trolleys that will be used for the additional route are not taken from existing routes. There was very brief general discussion for further clarification. Councilman Reichard moved to approve the Chairman to sign Resolution BAY 14-31 approving a Bay Town Trolley Seasonal Route on December 5, 12, and 19, 2014. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-32 Approving Bay Town Trolley Participation in the Annual Salvation Army Harvest Trolley Food Drive During the Period of October 6, 2014 through November 1, 2014 Ms. Bradley also presented this item to the board. She explained that the Trolley has participated in this event in the past and updated the board on the financials of the Trolley's participation. There was brief general discussion for further clarification. Mayor Kelley moved to approve the Chairman to sign Resolution BAY 14-32 approving Bay Town Trolley participation in the Annual Salvation Army Harvest Trolley Food Drive during the period of October 6, 2014 through November 1, 2014. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion and it was passed with one opposed. 7. Kick-off and Appointment of Steering Committee Members for the 2040 Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Mr. Wiley Page presented this item to the committee. He informed that the CAC and TCC were requested to have 4 to 5 volunteers to participate on the Steering Committee for the 2040 Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Mr. John Lincoln, Mr. Ali Frohlich, Mr. Dr. Guy York, Mr. Jim Pretlow, and Ms. Kirkland were nominated as the CAC representatives. Keith Bryant, Mr. John Alaghemand, Mr. Charles Lewis, Mr. Arthur Hooks, and Mr. Neil Fravel were nominated as the TCC representatives. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 9-24-14 Commissioner Dozier moved to approve the recommended TCC and CAC representatives to serve on the steering committee for the 2040 Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Mayor Kelley seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. F. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE Mr. Paulk explained that the Florida Department of Transportation is asking for TPO support of removing the National Highway System (NHS) designation of the portion of Lisenby Avenue from U.S. 98 to the airport. The designation will be moved to the portion of S.R. 388 from S.R. 79 to the new airport entrance. This re-designation would allow for the pursuit of right of way and construction funding and support the SIS designation from S.R. 77 west to the airport. Both the TCC and CAC were in support of this item. Commissioner Thomas moved to support the removal of National Highway System (NHS) designation on Lisenby Avenue and adding NHS designation to State Road 388, from State Road 79 to the airport entrance Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. G. REVIEW / INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Add On Item: Negotiations for additional trolley service for Panama City Beach routes. Mayor Oberst presented this item to the board. She explained that during the month of March Panama City Beach trolley routes are overwhelmed by ridership. There are employees unable to make it to work. Additional routes would alleviate some traffic issues and allow more people that are currently not served. There was lengthy discussion. Commissioner Thomas and Mayor Kelley had some reservations in regards to additional trolleys on the roadways. The general discussion also involved advertisement on the trolleys. Ms. Angela Bradley and Commissioner Friend both agreed to follow up with the operator. Mayor Oberst agreed to look into using private shuttle systems, however with no strong objections of the board, she would like to discuss with the operator. 2. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Consideration of a Roadway Transfer from the County System to the State System for County Road (CR) 390 from State Road (SR) 77 to US 231 Mr. Paulk gave a brief update on the roadway transfer from the county system to the state system for County Road (CR) 390 from State Road (SR) 77 to US 231. There was brief general discussion in regards to other municipalities taking on roadways. 3. Update on Bay County TPO Bay Town Trolley Operations and Maintenance Complex Mr. Phil LeGrande presented this item to the board. He explained that demolition has begun at the site and estimated that it is about half complete. They are working toward having a contract price below bid and full construction should be underway in October. There will be a full report at the December TPO and advisory committee meetings. 4. Discussion on Proposed Transit Program Budget and Monthly Financial Report Ms. Angela Bradley presented this item to the board. She briefly explained the grants and funding used for the transit program as well as the budget plans. Ms. Bradley thanked the partners that do contribute to the transit system for Bay County. Chairman Friend complimented the work of Ms. Angela Bradley, Ms. Sandy Culbreth and Bay County. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 9-24-14 H. INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentation Necessary) Attached were the following items: TPO Meeting Schedule Advisory Committee Minutes I. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. J. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m. Approved by TPO DATE: December 3, 2014 INITIALS: ____________