BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-4-13 BAY COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION (TPO) December 4, 2013 MEETING MINUTES West Florida Regional Planning Council (Designated staff) Bay County Government Center 840 West 11th Street Panama City, Florida Members attending: Commissioner Rodney Friend, Chairman Commissioner Bill Dozier Commissioner Ralph Hollister Councilman Michael Miller Mayor Gayle Oberst Councilman John Reichard Mayor Walter Kelley Councilman John Gipson City of Lynn Haven Bay County City of Callaway City of Parker City of Panama City Beach City of Panama City Beach, Non-Voting City of Lynn Haven City of Springfield Others attending: The attendance sheet was not passed around in the audience. A. CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE/ INVOCATION Chairman Friend called the meeting to order. Commissioner Dozier led the invocation followed by the Pledge. B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (TPO Only) There was a request to add the authorization of Bay County utilizing and subleasing paratransit vehicles to the operator as an action item to the agenda. Commissioner Dozier moved to add the action item to the agenda. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Ms. Angela Bradley with Bay County informed the board that due to the fact that the paratransit vehicles belong to the TPO, there needs to be some sort of agreement for Bay County, the current Community Transportation Coordinator, to utilize and sublease the paratransit vehicles. Bay County has chosen Pensacola Bay to remain as an operator. Chairman Friend stated that the Bay County TPO had a similar agreement with Tri County Community Council. The idea is to have an interlocal agreement to lease the vehicles, renewable for a dollar a year to the operator to alleviate liability issues. This will allow the Bay County TPO to lease the vehicles to Bay County and for Bay County to sublease the vehicles to Pensacola Bay. The recommendation is for authorization of the Bay County TPO Chairman to sign an agreement, to be put in place January 1st. Mayor Kelley questioned the board authorizing this without there being an agreement for the board to review first. Ms. Bradley and Mr. Henry assured the board that the agreement will be very similar to the one with Tri-County Community Council. Mayor Kelley moved to approve the Chairman to sign an agreement for Bay County TPO to lease the paratransit vehicles to Bay County and allowing Bay County to sublease the vehicles to Pensacola Bay. Commissioner Hollister seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. C. PUBLIC FORUM BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-4-13 Mr. John Stanley of Santa Ynez Valley Transportation System spoke on the upcoming Request for Proposals. He informed the board that he felt it wasn’t right for Bay County TPO to authorize $13,000 of public transit funds to be used for Atkins and West Florida Regional Planning Council to do the procurement when First Transit Inc. and Bay County TPO signed a contract with all procurements being in the scope of services to be done by First Transit Inc. D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of November 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Dozier moved to approve the Consent Agenda containing the November 6, 2013 TPO meeting minutes. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. E. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-28 Amending the FY 2013-2017 and FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Programs to Update Project Number 4109817, New Road Construction on Gulf Coast Parkway from State Road 22 (Wewa Highway) to County Road 2315 (Star Avenue). Mr. Paulk explained that the Florida Department of Transportation is requesting Bay County TPO to amend the TIP to show design funds programmed in FY 2014 for the design of the above project. The idea is to commit the funds to prevent rescission. This item required a public hearing, for which there were no speakers. This item was recommended for approval by both advisory committees. Mayor Kelley moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-28 amending the FY 2013-2017 and FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Programs to Update Project Number 4109817, New Road Construction on Gulf Coast Parkway from State Road 22 (Wewa Highway) to County Road 2315 (Star Avenue). Commissioner Hollister seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-27 Amending the FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Program to Add Project Number 4352581, Sidewalks on Joan Avenue from County Road 303 (N. Lagoon Drive) to State Road 30 (Front Beach Road) Mr. Paulk explained that the Florida Department of Transportation District 3 is requesting that Bay County TPO add the design phase to the current year Work Program. This project, expected to add 5 foot sidewalks along Joan Avenue, was funded through safety funds. Mr. Paulk added that this project is fully funded through construction and is programmed in FY 2015 to be adopted as part of the normal Work Program process. This item required a public hearing, for which there were no speakers. This item was recommended for approval by both advisory committees. Commissioner Dozier moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-27 amending the FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Program to Add Project Number 4352581, Sidewalks on Joan Avenue from County Road 303 (N. Lagoon Drive) to State Road 30 (Front Beach Road). Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-26 Amending the FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Program to Add Project Number 4352561, Sidewalks on County Road 385 (Frankford Avenue) from 16th Street to State Road 368 (23rd Street) Mr. Paulk explained that this was funded as a safety project, with design funded in FY 2014 and construction in FY 2015. There will be minor drainage and pedestrian improvements in addition BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-4-13 to sidewalks. This item required a public hearing for which there were no speakers. This item was recommended for approval by both advisory committees. Commissioner Dozier moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-26 amending the FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Program to Add Project Number 4352561, Sidewalks on County Road 385 (Frankford Avenue) from 16th Street to State Road 368 (23rd Street). Mayor Oberst seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 4. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-23 Amending the FY 2013-2017 and FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Programs to Update Project Number 4109818, New Road Construction on Gulf Coast Parkway from County Road 2315 (Star Avenue) to State Road 30A (US 98) Mr. Paulk informed the board that this is just a correction to remove the inadvertent inclusion of the outer year programming. The outer year programming will only be removed from the TIP, but will be adopted as a part of the Work Program cycle. This item required a public hearing for which there were no speakers; both advisory committees recommended approval. Mayor Kelley moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-23 amending the FY2013-2017 and FY 2014-2018 Transportation Improvement Programs to Update Project Number 4109818, New Road Construction on Gulf Coast Parkway from County Road 2315 (Star Avenue) to State Road 30A (US 98). Commissioner Hollister seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by roll call vote. 5. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-24 Accepting the FY 2015-2019 Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Tentative Five-Year Work Program Florida Department of Transportation District 3 Secretary Barfield took this opportunity to praise the Bay County TPO for maintaining consistent Project Priorities. Maintaining the Project Priorities allowed FDOT District 3 to better compete for funding. He then turned the floor over to Ms. Regina Battles; who reviewed the FY 2015-2019 Tentative Five-Year Work Program in detail. Both advisory committees recommended approval of this item. Mayor Kelley moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-24 accepting the FY 2015-2019 Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Tentative Five-Year Work Program. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-25 Adopting the Revised Smooth Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Boundary Mr. Carl Mikyska introduced himself to the board explaining there was a rotation of responsibilities; therefore he is replacing Stacie Blizzard. He explained that due to changes in guidance from FHWA and FDOT the Smooth Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) boundaries have been slightly modified, due to the elimination of the 10 year growth projection. Both advisory committees recommended approval of this item. Commissioner Dozier moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-25 adopting the Revised Smooth Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Boundary. Mayor Oberst seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-29 Ranking Future Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Projects for Potential Funding by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Mr. Kramer explained that due to the current SIS projects being funded, staff looked at the Long Range Transportation Plan and ranked the recommended projects based on the evaluation criteria. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-4-13 It is recommended that when FDOT develops a new SIS Cost Feasible plan for 2040, they have guidance from the Bay County TPO on which SIS projects will be funded. The TCC and CAC recommended approval of the list with the removal of the project ranked # 2, to make S.R. 77 six lanes. Chairman Friend asked if leaving it on the list would hurt anything. Mr. Paulk explained that a project of this capacity along that corridor is not currently feasible and will likely have an adverse impact on the community. He added that even though the project will not be on the SIS list, it will still be eligible for interim or traffic operation types of improvements. Mayor Kelley moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-29 Ranking Future Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Projects for Potential Funding by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) with the removal of the # 2 ranked project. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 8. Consideration of Resolution BAY 13-30 Amending the Bay County TPO and Advisory Committees By-Laws Regarding Elections and Advisory Committee Membership Mr. Youpatoff explained that the changes being made to the bylaws are just for further clarification regarding the nomination committees, due to issues in the past with the nomination committees. There will also be language added stating that an elected official cannot be on an advisory committee as a member or an alternate. Commissioner Dozier asked why the nomination committee is needed; Chairman Friend felt it gives the board flexibility to have elections either way. Mayor Kelley moved to approve Resolution BAY 13-30 Amending the Bay County TPO and Advisory Committees By-Laws Regarding Elections and Advisory Committee Membership. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 9. Appointment of a TPO Member and Alternate to Serve on the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) for Calendar Year 2014 Mr. Youpatoff explained that Mayor Kelley is currently the TPO member seving on the MPOAC with Chairman Friend serving as the alternate. Mayor Kelley has gotten great reviews as the member. The MPOAC meets quarterly; travel arrangements are made by staff and reimbursed to the member. Mayor Oberst moved to have Mayor Kelley remain the Bay County TPO member to serve on the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) for Calendar Year 2014. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley moved to have Commissioner Friend remain the Alternate Bay County TPO member to serve on the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) for Calendar Year 2014. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 10. Appointment of a TPO Member to Attend Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Institute Workshop for Elected Officials Mr. Youpatoff explained that every year the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council Institute has a workshop for elected officials, and it is recommended to send a new board member or one that has not attended the workshop. Mayor Oberst moved to appoint Councilman John Reichard to attend the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Institute Workshop for Elected Officials. Mayor Kelley seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-4-13 F. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE Mr. Bryant Paulk, Florida Department of Transportation, informed the board that there was no new information to pass along. Commissioner Dozier complimented FDOT in working with the Bay County area. G. REVIEW / INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Draft Congestion Management Process Plan (CMPP) Minor Update Mr. Rockwell informed the board that the annual minor update of the Congestion Management Process Plan primarily entails updating traffic counts for the Level of Service Tables. He added that there have been some minor changes to the tables, factors and formulas. The most significant change is that miles per hour will be used instead of traffic signals for FDOT tables; this will slightly change some of the thresholds for roadways. The tables will be ready for review December 13th, 2013 and it is requested that all comments be received by February 12th, 2014. 2. Draft Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Prioritization Criteria Mr. Rockwell informed the board that the Transportation Alternatives Program will encompass the Transportation Enhancement, Recreational Trails, and Safe Routes to School programs; however the Safe Routes to School program will still have a separate application. Criteria to rank these types of projects have been developed based on federal guidance and past criteria; it is requested that this new criteria be reviewed and comments submitted by February 12th, 2014. 3. Scope of Services and Notice to Proceed for the Bay County TPO Bay Town Trolley Request for Proposals for Selection of One Entity to Manage and Operate the Bay Town Trolley System Mr. Youpatoff updated the board on the Request for Proposal for the Selection of one entity to manage and operate the Bay Town Trolley System stating that the notice to proceed was issued on November 22nd to Atkins to begin the process. There was no further discussion. 4. Disposal of Retired Revenue Vehicles Ms. Lohr presented the list of vehicles for disposal and the bid form for said vehicles. She explained that the vehicles are retired based on years of service and revenue miles and are available for purchase. She asked anyone interested in purchasing to contact her. 5. Bay County TPO Public Transportation Coordinator Items Ms. Lohr updated the board on service provided at Margaret K. Lewis School that started November 4th. She said the service is provided twice a day Monday through Friday. Ms. Lohr explained that a Trolley Post will be installed at the new stop, and in January 2014 there will be a press release regarding the new service. Mr. David Haight, from Atkins, reviewed in detail horizontal concepts for the County Yard and Douglass Road properties. There was general discussion regarding the impact on the surrounding community of this project and contamination on the County Yard property. Ms. Lohr also updated the board on the trash issues at the trolley stops stating that if there are currently any issues to contact her for them to be taken care of. She informed the board that she will be recommending that the trash duties be included in the upcoming Request for Proposals or as a separate Request for Proposal. Ms. Lohr also went over criteria for possible bus pull offs and revenue generator ideas, stating that she will go into further detail at the February meeting. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-4-13 H. INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentation Necessary) ENCLOSURE P Attached are the following items: TPO Meeting Schedule Advisory Committee Minutes The following informational items are available on the West Florida Regional Planning Council (WFRPC) website at Letter from George Stevenson to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Concerning Multi-Use Pathways Letter of Support for National Highway System (NHS) Intermodal Connector Three Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment Letters I. OTHER BUSINESS Mary Beth Washnock spoke on the 2nd Annual Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium to be held in May of 2014. She also recognized Councilman John Reichard, for his avid attendance even though he is not officially a Bay County TPO member yet. J. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. DATE: February 26, 2014 INITIALS: __________