Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in the UW-Superior success coach position for veterans and/or nontraditional students on campus. We are excited to be starting the selection process for Fall semester 2014. Please read the position description carefully before filling out the application. To apply for a success coach position, please complete and submit the following: The success coach application Typed responses to the questions on the application A current applicable resume Two references with contact information Application materials can be emailed or hand-delivered to the VNSC office located in Old Main room 118. If you have any questions at any point during the selection process, please contact the POC, Jessica Boettcher, at Completed applications are due Friday, August 1, 2014. Thank you again for your interest in the success coach position! Sincerely Jessica Boettcher Veteran & Nontraditional Student Advisor University of Wisconsin-Superior Success Coach Position Description Mission of the Veteran and Nontraditional Student Center To recruit students in transition & retain them in challenging academic programs all the way through graduation. Responsibilities Teach educational, leadership, social, and life skills to veterans and non-traditional students Support student success at UWS Attend all training sessions in preparation for becoming a success coach Respect and understand student-success coach confidentiality guidelines Be available 4-6 hours a week for approximately 15 weeks Qualifications “Team Player” mentality Responsible, motivated, and interested in supporting the success of veterans Patience, open-minded, and positive attitude is a must Excellent verbal and written communication skills Interest in collaborating with other campus resources Student must be in good academic standing Compensation – Work Study Available Other Expectations Success Coaches will be expected to represent UW-Superior in an appropriate and respectful manner in all communications and programs (Social Media), this includes abiding by all university policies and local/state laws. Benefits and Rewards of being a Veteran/Nontraditional Student Success Coach Have a positive impact on the success of a veteran or non-traditional student attending UWS Develop and enhance interpersonal and professional communication skills Gain valuable leadership experience Enhance resume and acquire references for future jobs or continuing education pursuits Create meaningful connections with students, peers, and community members UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-SUPERIOR SUCCESS COACH APPLICATION Please print clearly. Full Name: __________________________________ Student ID.#_____________________ Local Address: _______________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip E-mail Address: ______________________________ Phone # (cell): ____________________ CLASS STATUS FALL SEMESTER 2014 (Please check one that applies): Sophomore ____ Junior ____ Senior ____ Number of Credits Completed: _____ Number of credits: ________________ Expected Date of Graduation: _____________________ Major: _________________________ GPA Last Semester: _______ Cumulative GPA: _______ RESPONSE ITEMS Please respond to the following questions in a typed response. 1. Why do you want to be a success coach? 2. What steps would you take to build healthy relationships with the students? 3. In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that Veteran and Non-Traditional students face? How would you assist students in these challenges? 4. Do you have prior experience working with people or in a success coach role? What activities are you involved in at UW-Superior or in the community? REFERENCES Please list 2 professional references with updated contact information so we can learn more about you. References should include a faculty or staff member and an employer or supervisor. Reference 1: Name & Title Phone Number Email Address Phone Number Email Address Reference 2: Name & Title Return all materials to: Jessica Boettcher Veteran & Nontraditional Student Advisor Old Main 118A Or Email to: APPLICATION MATERIALS ARE DUE FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Completed Applications Include: ____ Application form ____ Typed responses to questions ____ Resume ____ Two professional references