
Transmitted by the VPSD Secretary
Inf. document No. VPSD-06-09
6th meeting of the GRPE Informal Working Group on VSPD
26 February 2015
09:30 - 12:30
Informal Document
teleconference (phone and web)
1. Introduction and documentation
VPSD-06-02_working document draft 2015-02-06
VPSD-06-03_Euromot_Engine definitions 2015-02-20
VPSD-06-04_Chair_Engine definitions
VPSD-06-05_Chair_Hybrid Vehicles definitions
VPSD-06-06_EC_working document draft 2015-02-06 v2
VPSD-06-07_audio-web connection details
VPSD-06-08_GFV_gaseous fuel vehicle definitions
The agenda was agreed upon as distributed under filename: “VPSD-06-01”.
2. Discussion on definition of ICE (vehicle versus NRMM)
Euromot made an important remark on scope.
For heavy duty on-highway emission regulations like R49 and Euro VI, although the
engine can be tested and approved as a separate technical unit, the scope of the
regulation is explicitly stated to be the VEHICLE. Consequently it is not so critical if
engine or engine system are used interchangeably, because both are in scope as
part of the vehicle.
For non-road emission regulations like R96 and 97/68/EC (and future stage V
regulation), the scope of the regulation is explicitly limited to the ENGINE. Anything
that is not the engine or part of the engine is out of scope. So if the definition of
engine excludes power sources used for purposes other than propulsion, or the
definition of engine excludes the after-treatment, then these definitions are not
reflecting the whole scope of the regulation.
The Euromot proposal VPSD-06-03, the Chair proposal VPSD-06-04 and the new
footnote in Part B of EC proposal VPSD-06-06 were revised.
 The EC footnote was agreed upon as follows: “For non-road mobile machinery,
the powertrain may have other purposes than propulsion only”.
 EC (Mr Gielen and Mr Troppmann) and the industry to elaborate a proposal by
the end of March, in order to remove inconsistencies in regulations.
3. Definition of Hybrid
The HDH approach without second energy converter and the Chair proposal VPSD06-05 were revised and discussed.
 Discussion to be continued until end of March.
 The HDH-paper on the agenda of March WP29 won’t be withdrawn. It will
however be necessary to amend it at a later stage
4. Revision of the VPSD draft working document for June GRPE
In the absence of GFV-experts, their proposal VPSD-06-08 has to be discussed
again. Such definitions will most likely be used in a second phase of VPSD activities.
The EC proposal VPSD-06-06 was revised and slightly modified.
 It will become the basis for the VPSD working document for June GRPE
 Figures needs to be reviewed – for informal document.
5. Next steps
1. Working document to be submitted for June GRPE, on the basis of VPSD-06-06
2. Members requested to send comments on the above issues (engines, hybrids,
GFV, EC proposal, figures of the main VPSD paper) by Friday 27.03.2015.
3. Comments will be collected, re-discussed and taken into account for an informal
document for June GRPE.
4. A new conference call will be convened if necessary.
5. Status report by Mr Albus at March WP29.
6. Presentation of working and informal document at June 2015 GRPE.
Christoph Albus
Kazuyuki Narusawa
Guido Gielen
Philipp Troppmann
Hans Holdik
Adrian Burrows
Bill Coleman
Klaus Richter
Paul Williams
Serge Dubuc
Ulli Beutke
Daniela Leveratto