Young Digital Planet 2015 – Core Curriculum for English

Year 9
Lesson 3
Talent show
Talking about physical and emotional
opinions, experiences and feelings
Showing agreement with other people's
Learning goals:
Grammar and
agree, both, fan, final, guitar, identical,
judge, neither, nor, show, so, talent
show, win, winner
Using: So do I, Nor/Neither do I, So have
I, Nor/Neither have I
Language Analysis
agree /əˈɡriː/
both /bəʊθ/
fan /fæn/
final /ˈfaɪn(ə)l/
guitar /ɡɪˈtɑː(r)/
identical /aɪˈdentɪk(ə)l/
judge /dʒʌdʒ/
neither: please note there are two ways of pronouncing the word: /ˈniːðə(r)/ or /ˈnaɪðə(r)/
nor /nɔː(r)/
show /ʃəʊ/
so /səʊ/
talent show /ˈtælənt ʃəʊ/
twin /twɪn/
winner /ˈwɪnə(r)/
Talking about physical and emotional opinions, experiences and feelings
I think / I don’t think…
I enjoyed…
I love…
I want…
I can't wait to...
I like / don’t like
I agreed / I didn’t agree
How did you feel when…
Showing agreement with other people's statements: So do I, Nor/Neither do I, So have I, Nor/Neither
have I
We use so + auxiliary/modal verb + pronoun to agree with a positive statement e.g.
Lucy : 'I love singing and playing the guitar.'
© Young Digital Planet 2015 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Rachel: 'So do I.'
We use nor/neither + auxiliary/modal verb + pronoun to agree with a negative statement e.g.
Lucy: 'I didn't think it was a good idea at first.'
Rachel: 'Nor do I.'
Please note: Nor = Neither
© Young Digital Planet 2015 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Lucy: Hi, I’m Lucy and this is a photo of me with
my twin sister with our guitars. I’m the one at the
front. We’re identical twins. That means we were
both born on the same day and we look the same.
I’ve got blonde hair and brown eyes and so has
my sister Rachel.
Rachel: Hi, I’m Rachel. Yes, we’re identical twins
so we look the same. I’m the one at the back. We
love being identical twins. We get on very well
together. We like the same things and we’ve also
got the same hobbies. As you can see, we both
love our guitars. I have a pink one.
Lucy: And so have I. Yes, I love playing the guitar
and so does Rachel. We call ourselves The Pink
Guitar Twins. We were very lucky to be in the
young talent show final playing our guitars.
Ask students to look at the photo and describe
what they see. Then students listen and choose
True or False.
Extension: Ask students if they watch any talent
show, if they have any favourite shows, favourite
artists etc. If possible, refer to famous and popular
British talent shows e.g. Britain’s got talent, show
it on youtube etc.
© Young Digital Planet 2015 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Main input
Interviewer: So here we have Lucy and Rachel,
The Pink Guitar Twins. The singing and guitar
twins who won last night’s young talent show
final. Hi Lucy, hi Rachel. Congratulations and
welcome to the young talent winners’ show.
Lucy: Hi Mark, thanks for inviting us onto your
show. I’m very pleased to be here.
Rachel: And so am I.
Interviewer: So, tell us all about it. How did you
end up going on to the talent show?
Lucy: Well, I love singing and playing the guitar.
Rachel: So, do I. We’re always late for school
because we want to sing and play the guitar
before school.
Lucy: Yes, we are. Then one day our mum said
we should enter for the young talent competition. I
didn’t think it was a good idea at first.
Rachel: Nor, did I at first. But then we decided to
have a go and enter.
Lucy: So we did. And it was fantastic.
Interviewer: Tell us Rachel, how did you feel
when you saw the judges for the first time?
Rachel: I felt very nervous.
Lucy: Yes, so did I. But it was fine when we
started playing, wasn’t it?
Rachel: Yes, it was. We loved it!
Interviewer: And so did we. The judges said that
you were fantastic! They agreed you had a great
future in front of you! Now let’s hear your song.
1 won the talent show playing their guitars.
2 So is Lucy.
3 didn't think it was a good idea to enter the
Ask students to listen and choose the best
Focus students’ attention on the grammar box at
the bottom of the screen.
Students need to know that the verb in the
statement needs to agree with the verb tense in
the response:
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4 Rachel and Lucy felt nervous when they saw
the judges for the first time.
‘I am excited about the holiday.’
5 loved the song.
Give out Handouts. Ask students to write
sentences with so and nor respectively.
‘So am I.’
1 So did 2 So does 3 So was 4 So did
5 So does 6 So do 7 So does 8 So did
9 Nor is 10 So did
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Practice 1
1 So has 2 Nor does 3 So does 4 So was
5 So did 6 So does
Ask students to choose the best answers.
Extension: Ask students to say how much they
remember from the listening about Rachel and
Are they sisters? Yes, they’re twins.
Why are they often late for school? Because they
practise before school.
Who suggested they should enter the
competition? Their mum.
How did they feel they first saw the judges?
Did the judges like their show? Yes.
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Practice 2
1 a ‘So do I.’
2 b ‘So did I.’
3 c ‘So am I.’
4 c ‘So do I.’
5 a ‘So do I.’
6 b So have I.’
Tell students that Lucy always agrees with the
positive things Rachel says. Ask students to
choose the best replies.
Extension: Play a game with students. Reverse
the activity from the screen. Ask students to work
in pairs or small groups. One of them says: So …
or Nor… in any of the tenses. The other student
has to come up with the initial sentence.
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Practice 3
1 Neither do I.
2 Neither can I.
3 Nor, have I.
4 Neither did I.
5 Neither do I.
Tell students Rachel always agrees with Lucy’s
negative opinions. Ask students to choose the
correct replies.
Students should know ‘nor’ could be used in
place of ‘neither’ in these contexts.
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Practice 4
Emma: Hello. We reserved a tent by telephone.
Camp site assistant: Okay. What’s your name,
Emma: My name’s Emma. But my mum paid the
deposit. She sent a cheque about a month ago.
Camp site assistant: Okay…Yes, here we are.
For three days.
Emma: Yes.
Camp site assistant: How will you pay for the
tent hire?
Emma: We will pay in cash. Here it is.
Camp site assistant: Thank you. Do you need
anything else? A map of the area?
Emma: No thanks. We have these new ones my
mum bought from an online bookstore.
Camp site assistant: Okay. Well here’s your tent
and enjoy your trip!
1 so am I 2 So do I 3 Yes, we are 4 Nor did I
5 So we did 6 Yes, so did I 7 We loved it
8 so did we
Ask students to complete the interview. Then
listen and check.
Extension: Put students in pairs and ask to act
out the dialogue.
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English to take away
Students’ own answers.
Ask students to work in pairs. This is a free
practice stage and the aim is personalisation.
Give students the following instructions:
Take it in turns to be judges A and B in the young
talent show. Give your opinion. You always agree
with each other!
Extension: In weaker groups first make sure
students can make proper sentences out of the
prompts on the screen.
– I do not like the guitar.
– I do not like the song.
– I do not like singing.
– I do not think they should win.
– I like pink guitar playing.
– like the song.
– like singing.
– I think they should win.
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Mike bought a car last year.
________________________________________________ Lucy.
Lucy wants to become a singer.
________________________________________________ Rachel.
Lucy was late for school.
________________________________________________ Rachel.
Rachel felt nervous in the talent show.
________________________________________________ Lucy.
Lucy has a lot of fans now.
________________________________________________ Rachel.
I think the interviewer is very good-looking
________________________________________________ I.
Their house has ten windows.
________________________________________________ our house.
Tom went for a walk.
________________________________________________ Adam.
Lucy is not going to France on holidays this year.
________________________________________________ Emma.
10 Sarah painted her house brown.
________________________________________________ Tom.
© Young Digital Planet 2015 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide