Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards You have been given this leaflet because your situation may be, or is, a Deprivation of your Liberty You may need someone to support you when you look at this leaflet Deprivation of Liberty and you When people can’t make a decision for themselves, it is called lacking capacity to make that decision. The Mental Capacity Act sets out a 2 stage test to identify if a person can make a decision for themselves. The Act also tells people what to do if someone can’t make a decision for themselves. You may have capacity to make many decisions about your life for example, what you want to eat, or what time you go to bed. However, an assessment has concluded that you do not have capacity to decide how and where your care and treatment should be delivered. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards only apply to people who do not have capacity to decide about their own care and treatment. Because of this people must make decisions about your care and treatment that are in your best interests and involve you as much as possible. This means people will have to think very carefully to make sure that any decisions made are good for you. You should be treated or cared for in a way that means you are safe and are free to do the things you want to do, however certain restrictions may be needed to keep you safe and well. Because you are being stopped from doing the things you want to all the time to keep you safe and well, this is called depriving you of your liberty. The care home or hospital where you are living/ staying has asked Sheffield City Council to assess your situation. A Best Interest Assessor and a Mental Health Assessor will come and talk to you. They will look at how the Care home or Hospital is looking after you and check whether or not it is in your best interests. . What is a deprivation of liberty? There is no list, but it includes things like: • You not being able to leave the hospital or care home on your own • Your family and friends not being able to visit you • Staff having control over all of the decisions in your life • You not being allowed to return home to live. Deprivation of liberty safeguards are about ensuring your human rights and giving you as much freedom as possible. It also means there are some restrictions that are considered to be in your best interests to protect you from harm Having the safeguards in place also gives you a legal right and a formal process to challenge decisions made for you. What to expect from your Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards You will have a representative, who is someone who is not paid to care for you. If you are able, you can choose the representative yourself. It could be a relative or friend or a new person who you have not met before. They will visit you regularly and check you are looked after in a way that means you are safe. If you or anyone else is unhappy about you being deprived of your liberty, they can ask Sheffield City Council to check that you are being cared for in the right way. This is called a Review. If there is still disagreement the Court of Protection may be asked to decide if you should be deprived of your liberty or not. Explanation of terms you may hear: Mental Capacity Assessment 2 stage test: To determine if a person lacks capacity to make a decision. 1) Is there an impairment of, or disturbance in the functioning of the person’s mind or brain? 2) Is the impairment or disturbance sufficient to cause the person to be unable to make that particular decision at the relevant time? The assessment of capacity determines if the person is unable to make that particular decision at the relevant time by establishing if a person can: a. understand the information? b. retain information related to the decision? c. use or weigh up the information while considering the decision? d. communicate the decision by any means? If the answer to any of the above is ‘no’, the person lacks capacity to make a specific decision at the time it needs to be made. Sheffield City Council – Supervisory Body The care home where you are residing or the hospital you are being treated in – Managing Authority.