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Name: Lacie Dulaney

Due Date: 10/25/14

Practicum Teacher: Mrs. Marcum

EDEL 350: Section 2

Teach Date: 11/12/14

Grade Level: K

Lesson Topic: Countries Around The World


Phone: (765) 722-0804

Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.4

Subject: Social Studies

Small Group: 20 minutes

Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.

IN State Standard(s): Standard 1 History: Students examine the connections of their own environment with the past. They begin to distinguish between events and people of the past and the present, and use a sense of time in classroom planning and participation.

State Indicator(s): K.1.2 Identify people, celebrations, commemorations, and holidays as a way of honoring people, heritage, and events.

Lesson Objective: The students will formulate a better understanding of different countries around the world.


 Map of Japan

 Pictures of Japanese culture for assessment

 Glue sticks

 Japanese flag

 PowerPoint with pictures of Japanese culture for motivation

 Youtube video for Japanese dance

Motivation: We will look at a slide show on my PowerPoint that are in Japanese culture. I will not tell the students what is in any of the pictures and I will scroll through them slowly until we reach the end of the presentation.

Goal for Learner: “Boys and Girls today we are going to be learning about the country of Japan.”


New Information: I will show the students the slides on my PowerPoint a lot slower this time and we will stop to talk about each picture and how it fits into

Japanese culture so well. The first slide will be a picture of the Japanese flag. The next slide will be pictures of Japanese clothes and you typical see men and women wear in that culture. The next slide is pictures of common Japanese meals that they eat in that culture. Next slide has a picture of a Soroban. This is what the Japanese culture use for math. The next slide will contain a picture of

Disney World in Japan. The next slide will show some cars that are made and

manufactured in Japan. The last slide will show a picture of artwork that was made in Japan. These slides are to show the students what is in Japanese culture and what it looks like.

Modeling/New Information: We will now talk about the slides on the

PowerPoint together, and I will show the students the Soroban app on my iPad.

We will look at this app and take a look at how the Soroban is used to perform math skills in the Japanese culture. We will look at how the Japanese culture is different and similar to our culture through the slides as well. I will do this by asking the students questions like “Do we wear any of these clothes?” or “Do we have any restaurants here that serve this kind of food? Or is there anywhere where you can get this type of food?” “How do you know that this is the Japanese flag and not the U.S. flag?” This is an example of Identifying similarities and


Guided Practice: The students will now do a kinesthetic Non-linguistic activity on the dancing styles in Japan. I will play the YouTube video and ask the students to get up and free dance along with the video. They can try and copy the

Japanese dancers on the screen or they can just freestyle and dance however they want to. This video allows the children to get a good look at both dance and music in the Japanese culture.

Check for Understanding: I will check for understanding by observing the students during their non-linguistic activity. The students should hopefully be copying the Japanese dancers on the screen or somewhat dancing like they do in their culture. When they are done dancing I will check for understanding by asking them Questions like: “How do you think this style of dance is different from how we dance here?” or “How is this traditional music that these dancers are dancing to different from what we see in the U.S.?” The students will also be

identifying similarities and differences by answering the questions during this activity.

Practice/Application: The students will be deciding what pictures belong in

Japan and placing those picture on a map of the country.

Assessment: The students will all receive a series of pictures (already cut out to save time). Some of the pictures will be of things in the Japanese culture that we have talked about today and some of them will be things from our culture here in the U.S. or other places around the world. The students will have a map of the country of Japan in front of them. I will ask the students to find the pictures that they think belong in Japan based on what we learned from today and ask them to glue them in the country of Japan.

Accommodations: Higher achieving students will be able to get their iPads and look up more pictures of Japanese culture. Once they find a picture that they like

they must describe how that picture fits into the culture and why they think it is important. Lower achieving students will be asked to try and label the pictures that they glued onto their map for assessment. For example, they will try to write the word flag under the picture of the Japanese flag glued onto their country.

Closure: I will wrap up the lesson by reminding the students what we learned about today. I will ask the student’s questions like “Now that we have learned a little bit more about Japanese culture who can tell me one difference that they learned about from our U.S. culture, today? Can anyone tell me one similarity that they recognized?” The students will summarize what they learned from the lesson by answering these questions.

Evaluation of Student Learning: The teacher will assess the work in the students practice application to determine mastery. The teacher will use this rubric to identify; which students have reached mastery, which students are emerging, and which students need more help. The teacher will write the students’ names on the rubric and give the information to the classroom teacher.


The students will place all the correct pictures of

Japanese culture on the map of


Needs Help

The students placed 0-1 correct pictures.


The students placed 2-4 correct pictures.


The students placed all 5 correct pictures.

Lesson Extension: If more time allows the students will be able to watch a short clip of a Japanese cartoon. The cartoon will have English subtitles and will show the students what their cartoons look like in Japan. After we watch a little bit we will identify similarities and differences of cartoons in Japan vs. what cartoons we watch here.

Annotated Bibliography:

 Informational

 Japanese Culture. (2014, January 1). Retrieved October 24, 2014.

o I found this website searching Google for Japanese culture o This website helped show me what clothing they wear in Japan as well as what food they consume o This website also showed me what places you can go visit in Japan and helped to teach me about their culture.

 (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2014.

o I found this website while looking through the sources of a school website in Japan. o A class in Japan were producing websites to get out information on

Japan and this website was one of their sources o I used it in my lesson for information on Japanese culture o This website was very helpful in telling me about Japanese websites for children to visit

o If I had more time in my lesson I would access this website to teach my children some Japanese language.

 Instructional

 Happy Butterfly - Japanese Dance at Black Rock Center for the Arts.

(n.d.).Retrieved October 24, 2014.

o This YouTube video focuses on traditional Japanese dance o I found it by searching YouTube for “traditional dances in Japan.” o This video shows the students how they dance in Japan o It is used in my lesson in an activity that I think the students will enjoy.

 Culture of Japan. (2014, October 20). Retrieved October 24, 2014.

o This website is where I got most of my pictures for my PowerPoint presentation. o These are pictures of Japanese culture o I found them by Googling Japanese culture. o There pictures are also going to be what I used in my assessment o This website had a lot of pictures to choose from to demonstrate

Japanese culture.
