Medical Terminology Final Review - Module #1 o Word Root: the root word is the foundation of the word and it can stand alone, be used with a prefix or suffix or combines with other root words o Suffix: The suffix is the word ending. It modifies the root word and makes it more specific. It can stand alone or be used with a root word. o Prefix: The prefix is the word beginning. It modifies the root word and makes it more specific. It cannot stand alone. o Combining Vowel: A vowel which is usually “o” linking the root to the suffix or to another root. Sometimes “I” and “u” are used. o Combining Form: The combination of a root word with the combining vowel. o Common Root Words with Suffixes: Arthr means joint as in arthritis, inflammation of the joints Carcin mean cancer as in carcinoma, a cancerous tumor Hepat means liver as in hepatitis, inflammation of the liver Path means disease as in pathology, the study of disease Oste means bone as in osteoma, a bone tumor Hemat means blood as in hematology, the study of blood Ped means child as in pediatrics, pertaining to children Neur means nerve as in neurology, the study of nerves Rhin means nose as in rhinitis, inflammation of the nose Radi means x-rays as in radiology, the study of x-rays - Module #2 o Epithelial means skin o Lymphocyte means white blood cell o Tissue- group of similar cells working together to do a specific job Epithelial, connective, skeletal, muscular, glandular, an nervous o Histologist- scientist who specializes in the study of tissue o Abdominal Viscera- organs located in the abdomen; liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder o Systems- groups of organs working together to perform complex functions Digestive- (mouth, pharynx (throat), esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.) comprised of all the organs and glands associated with ingestion and digestion of food as it travels from the mouth to the anus. Urinary or Excretory- (two kidneys, two ureters, bladder, and the urethra) contains the structures or organs that are concerned with the secretion and excretion of urinary products. Respiratory- (nose, pharynx, larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe), bronchi, and lungs) organs that are involved in the interchange gases between an organism and the atmosphere. Reproductive- (Female: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and mammary glands. Male- testes, urethra, penis, and prostate gland.) organs concerned with reproduction or creating offspring. Endocrine- (thyroid gland: in the neck, pituitary gland: at the base of the brain, sex glands: overies and testes, adrenal glands, pancreas, parathyroid glands, pineal gland, and thymus gland) glands that produce secretions that are discharged into the blood or lymph and circulated to all parts of the body. Nervous- (Central Nervous System: brain and spinal cord, Peripheral Nervous System: all the other neural elements) regulates and coordinates body activities and brings about responses b which the body adjusts to changes in the environment. Circulatory (Cardiovascular)- (heart, blood vessels, lymphatic system) responsible for moving blood through the body which contains oxygen and nutrients. Muscular Skeletalo Cavities Cranial- consists of the head or skull and contains the brain and pituitary gland. Thoracic- which is the chest region contains the lungs, heart, esophagus, trachea, bronchial tubes, thymus gland and the aorta which is the largest artery in the body. Abdominal- located in the belly area and includes the stomach, small and large intestines, spleen, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Peritoneum- double folded membrane surrounding the abdominal cavity. The kidneys are situated in the back of the abdominal cavity behind the peritoneum (retroperitoneal). Pelvic- lower abdominal area and includes the urinary bladder, urethra, ureters, and vagina. Spinal- located behind the spine and contains the nerves of the spinal cord. - Module #3 o Suffixes are added to root words to modify or clarify the meaning of a medical term. There are noun suffixes that will denote a person, place, or thing and there are adjective suffixes that will describe the root word and limit its meaning. o Combining Forms abdomin/o- abdomen acr/o- extremities aden/o- gland angi/o- vessels ateri/o- artery arthr/o- joint carcin/o- cancer col/o- colon or large intestine cyst/o- urinary bladder hydr/o- water or fluid lapar/o- abdomen or abdominal wall mamm/o and mast/o- breast myel/o- spinal cord or bone marrow my/o- muscle nephr/o- kidney opthalm/o- eye oste/o- bone path/o- disease pulmon/o and pneumon/o- lungs thorac/o- chest ven/o- vein viscer/o- internal organs o Noun Suffixes Algia- pain Cele- hernia Centesis- surgical puncture to remove fluid for analysis Dynia- pain Ectomy- excision, removal or resection Genesis- condition of producing or forming Gram- record Graphy- process of recording itis- inflammation logy- the study of malacia- softening megaly- enlargement oma- tumor mass or collection opsy- to view osis- condition with is usually abnormal pathy- disease penia- deficiency sclerosis- hardening scopy- process of visual examination stomy- opening to form a mouth or stoma o Short Noun Suffixes Er- one who Ia- condition Ist- specialist Y- condition or process o Adjective Suffixes Ac, iac- as in cardiac, pertaining to the heart Al- as is renal which is pertaining to the kidney or renal pelvis Ar- as in tonsillar Ary- as in pulmonary Eal- as in laryngeal Ic, ical- as in chronic Ous- as in mucous Ose- as in adipose Tic- as in necrotic - Module #4: o Prefixes are added to root words to clarify all alter the meaning of the word. cost/o- rib dactyl/o- fingers or toes gloss/o- tongue glyc/o- sugar immun/o- protection seps/o- infection the/o- put, place trache/o- windpipe, trachea urethr/o- urethra ox/o- oxygen norm/o- rule, order a, an- not, without ab- away from ad- toward ante- before, forward anti- against auto- self, own bi- two brady- slow con- with, together contra- against. Opposite dia- through, complete dys- bad, difficult, painful ec, ecto- out, outside en, endo- in, within epi- upon, on or above ex- out, away from hemi- half hyper- excessive, above hypo- deficient infra- beneath inter- between intra- in, within macro- large mal- bad micro- small pan- all para- near, beside, abnormal, apart from per- surrounding poly- many, much post- after, behind pre- before, in front of pro- before, forward retro- behind, backward sub- under supra- above, upper tachy- fast trans- across, through uni- one o Examples Antepartum- before birth Bradycardia- slow heartbeat Adrenal- gland located near or above each kidney Apnea- not breathing Contralateral- pertaining to the opposite side Antisepsis- against infection Bilateral- pertaining to two or both sides Unilateral- pertaining to one side Anoxia- condition of no oxygen in tissues Congenital anomaly- an irregularity that is present at birth Contraindication- reason that a doctor would advise against taking a specific medication - Module #5 o Suffix Terms Ectasis- stretching or dilation Emesis- vomiting Lysis- destruction, breakdown, or separation Pepsia- digestion Phagia- eating or swallowing Plasty- surgical repair Ptysis- spitting Rrhagia- or rrhage- bursting forth of blood Spasm- sudden, involuntary contraction of muscles Tripsy- to crush o Related to the Digestive System Bucc/o- cheek Cheil- lips Ptosis- falling Sial- salivary gland Enter- small intestine Lith- stones Stenosis- narrowing Hepat- liver Deglutition- swallowing Mastication- chewing Cholecyst- gallbladder - Module #6 o Terms Associated with Digestive System Mennorrhea- menstrual flow Lithotripsy- crushing of a stone Herniorrhaphy- suture of a hernia Nephroptosis- prolapse of the kidney Hemoptysis- spitting up blood from the respiratory tract Hematemesis- vomiting blood from the digestive system Bronchiesctasis- dilation of tubes leading from the windpipe to lungs Pyorrhea- discharge of pus Hemostasis- stopping blood flow Rhinoplasty- surgical repair of the nose Hemolysis- destruction of red blood cells Pylorospasm- sudden involuntary contraction of muscles at the distal region of the stomach Menorrhagia- excessive bleeding during menstruation Bronchospasm- sudden involuntary contraction of muscles within the bronchial tubes Cholecystectomy- removal of the gallbladder Celectomy- large bowel resection Enterorrhaphy- suture of the small intestine Cheilostomatoplasty- surgical repair of the lip and mouth Glossotomy- incision of the tongue Gingicectomy- removal of gums Abdominocentesis or Paracentecisis- surgical puncture of the abdomen for withdrawal of fluid o Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures Serum bilirubin- measurement of bile pigment in the blood Oral Cholecystography- contrast given orally and xray are taken of the gallbladder Stool Culture- feces or stool are placed in a growth medium for bacterial analysis Barium Enema- xray examination of the lower intestinal tract where a contrast medium is administered through an enema Barium- type of contrast media that is used for this examination Abdominal Ultrasound- diagnostic medical sonographers utilize sound waves to image abdominal organs Stool Guaiac- laboratory test used to reveal occult blood Upper Gastrointestinal Series or UGI- when contrast media is given to a patient to drink orally in order to take xrays of the stomach Excretory Urography- an iodinated concentration is injected into a vein and xrays are taken of the urinary system Nasogastric Intubation- tube is inserted through the nose into the stomach Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography- when contrast media is injected through an endoscopy and xrays are taken of the pancreas and bile ducts. Liver Biopsy- percutaneous removal of liver tissue followed by a microscopic examination Liver Scan- a radioactive materialis injected intravenously and an image is made of the material as it is taken up by liver cells - Module #7 o Calcium- one of the mineral constituents of bone o Cartilage Tissue- flexible, rubbery connective tissue found on joint surfaces and in the embryonic skeleton o Condyle- knuckle like process at the end of a bone near the joint o Cranial Bones- skull bones and are identifies with the proper terms of frontal, ethmoid, parietal, sphenoid, temporal, and occipital o Diaphysis- shaft or mid-portion of a long bone o Disk or Disc- flat, round plate-like structure o Intervertebral Disk- fibrocartilaginous substance between the vertebrae o Epiphyseal Plate- cartilaginous area at the end of long bones where lengthwise growth takes place o Epophysis- end of a long bone o Facial Bones- bones of the face and their proper terms are lacrimal, mandible, maxillae, nasal, vomer, and zygomatic o False Ribs- ribs are 8-10 in the paired 12 that are within the body o Fissure- narrow, slit-like opening between bones o Floating ribs- are ribs numbered 11 and 12 o Foramen- is an opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave. o Fossa- shallow cavity in a bone o Malleolus- round process found on both sides of the ankle joint o Olecranon- large process forming the elbow o Ossification- process of bone formation o Ostoblast- bone cell that helps form bone tissue o o o o o o o o Ostoclast- bone cell that absorbs and removes unwanted bone tissue Periosteum- membrane surrounding bones Pubic Symphysis- area of fusion of the two pubic bones Homepoiesis- it is a site, red bone marrow is found in bone Paranasal Sinus- sinus is a cavity within a bone Tubercle- small rounded process on a bone Tuberosity- large, rounded process on a bone Vertebra- back bone is divided into the Cervical, neck, Thoracic, upper back, Lumbar, lower back o Diaphysis of Long Bones- location of where yellow bone marrow, fatty tissue, is found o Combining Forms and Suffixes Kyph/o- humpback or a posterior curvature in the thoracic region Lord/o- curve or swayback or an anterior curvature in the lumbar region Lumb/o- loins or lower back as in lumbar Myel/o- bone marrow Orth/o- straight Oste/o- bone Scoli/o- crooked, bent or a lateral curvature of the spine Lithiasis- slipping Malacia- softening Physis- grow Porosis- pore or passage o Terms Related to Specific Bones Calcane/o- calcaneus, heel bone Carp/o- carpals which are the bones of the wrist Clavicul/o- clavicle which is the collar bone Cost/o- rib Femor/o- femur, largest bone in body Fibul/o- fibula, smaller leg bone Humer/o- humerus, upper arm bone Malleol/o- malleolus, processes on each side of the ankle Maxill/o- maxilla, upper jaw Metacarp/o- metacarpals, hand bones Meta- beyond and carpals, wrist bones Metatars/o- metatarsals, foot bones Patell/a- patella, kneecap Pelv/i- pelvis, hip bones Radi/o- radius, lower arm bone Uln/o- ulna, other bone that makes forearm Scapula/o- scapula, shoulder bone on your upper back Stern/o- sternum, breast bone Tars/o- tarsals, bones of the ankle Tibi/o- tibia, larger lower leg bone - Module #8 o o o o o o o o o o o Facture- sudden breaking of a bone due to trauma Simple Fracture- the bone is broke but there is no open wound Compound Fracture- bone is broken with an open wound Comminuted Fractured- when the bone is splintered or crushed Compression Fracture- bone is compressed Ewings Sarcoma- malignant bone tumor Osteomyelitis- inflammation of the bone and bone marrow and it is caused by bacterial infection Osteomalacia- softening of the bone that is caused by inadequate amounts of mineral or calcium in the bone Osteoporosis- decrease in bone density which results in a thinning and weakening of the bone Joint Terms Arthr/o- joint Articulation- joint Articulate- joining or meeting of Ligament- connective tissue binding bone to other bones that support and strengthen the joint Synovial Joint- freely movement joint Tendon- connective tissue that binds muscles to bones Chondr/o- cartilage Rheumat/o- watery flow Laboratory Test and Clinical Procedures Serum calcium (CA)- measurement of the amount of calcium in blood Serum Phosphorus- measurement of the amount of phosphorus in a sample of serum Arthrocentesis- surgical puncture of the joint space with a needle. Arthrography- xray examination of a joint after contrast media has been injected into the joint Arthroscopy- visual examination of the inside of a joint with an endoscope. Bone Scan- nuclear medicine study where a radioactive phosphate substance is injecte intravenously and the substance is absorbed by bone which is scanned for tumors, infection and inflammation Electromyography- examination where the strength of muscle contraction as a result of electrical stimulation is measured - Module #9 o Kidneys- two bean shaped organs that remove waste products from the blood o Ureters- long tubes that pass urine from the kidneys to the bladder o Bladder- reservoir for urine o Urethra- tube like structure that passages urine from the bladder to the outside o Suprarenal Glands (Adrenal Glands)- sit on top of the kidney but they are not part of the urinary system. They furnish epinephrine and hormones to the body o Related Terms Micturition- urination or the act of voiding Voiding- expel urine Nitrogenous Wastes- substances containing nitrogen and are excreted in urine Reabsorption- process of accepting again or taking back Renal Artery- structure that carries blood to the kidney and the renal vein is the structure that carries blood away from the kiney Renal Pyramid, Minor Calyx, Major Calyx, Renal Pelvis- internal structures of the kidney Nephron- microscopic component of the kidney Cali/o or Calic/o- calyces Cyst/o- urinary bladder Nephro/o or Ren/o- kidneys Pyel/o- the renal pelvis of the kidney which is an internal structure Urethr/o- urethra Urin/o- urine Uria- urination Nephrolithiasis- condition of kidney stones or renal calculi Phelonephritis- inflammation of the renal pelvis Renal Cell Carcinoma- cancerous tumor of the kidney Renal Failure- failure of the kidney to excrete urine Renal Hypertension- high blood pressure resulting from kidney disease Wilms Tumor- malignant tumor of the kidney occurring in childhood Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)- measures the amount of urea in the body Creatinine Clearance Test- measures the ability of the kidney to remove creatinine from the blood Renal Angiogram- radiologic exam where contrast media is injected into the arteries of the kidney KUB- xray exam where a single image visualizes the kidneys, ureters, and bladder Excretory Urography Exam or Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)- radiological examination where contrast media is injected into a vein and the urinary system is demonstrated Cystourethrogram- radiological study where the contrast media is placed in the urinary bladder and the patient voids in order to demonstrate the urethra Retrograde Pyelogram- radiological study where contrast media is introduced directly into the bladder and ureters through a cystoscope Cystoscopy- visual examination of the urinary bladder by means of a cystoscope Lithotripsy- crushing of stones with shock waves that can be performed on the kidneys Dialysis- when waste materials are separted from the bloodstream when the kidneys can no longer function Renal Transplant- kidney is transplanted into a patient with renal failure from an identical twin or other individual - Module #10 o Cardiovascular System- assures that food and oxygen is delivered to all cells through the blood. Arteries- large blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart Arterioles- smaller branches of arteries Veins- vessels that carry blood back to the heart Venules- smaller branches of veins Heart has 4 Chambers- right and left atrium, right and left ventricle o Vocabulary Aorta- largest artery in the body Capillary- smallest vessel; materials pass to and from the bloodstream through the thin capillary walls Carbon Dioxide- waste gas that is released by body cells to and from the bloodstream through the thin capillary walls Coronary Arteries- blood vessels the branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle Deoxygenated Blood- blood that is low in oxygen Diastole- relaxation phase of the heartbeat Systole- contraction phase of the heartbeat Endocardium- inner lining of the heart Pericardium- sac like membrane surrounding the heart Myocardium- muscle layer of the heart Septum- partition between the right and left sides of the heart Sphygmomanometer- instrument used to measure blood pressure Valve- structure in veins or the heart that opens and closes so the blood will flow in only one direction Vena Cava- largest vein in the body o Terms Angi/o- vessel Aort/o- aorta Arteri/o- artery Ather/o- fatty substance made of yellowish plaque Brachi/o- arm Cardi/o- heart Coron/o- heart Cyan/o- blue Phleb/o- vein Steth/o- chest o Conditions Arrhythmias- abnormal heart rhythms Flutter- rapid but regular contraction of atria or ventricles Fibrillation- random irregular and very rapid contractions of the heart Defibrillator- electrical device Congenital Heart Disease- abnormalities in the heart at birth Congestive Heart Disease- when the heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood Pulmonary Edema- when blood accumulates in the lungs Coronary Artery Disease- disease of the arteries surrounding the heart Hypertensive Heart Disease- when high blood pressure is affecting the heart Murmur- extra heart sound that is heard between normal beats Pericarditis- inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart Aneurysm- ballooning out of a small area of an artery caused by weakness Varicose Veins- abnormally swollen and twisted veins that usually occur in the legs - Module #11 o Respiratory System Vocab Adenoids- collection of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx (tonsils) Apex of the Lung- uppermost portion of lung Apical- pertaining to the apex Base of the Lung- lower portion of the lung Bronchioles- smallest branches of the bronchi Bronchus or Bronchi- branch from the trachea and are the air tubes that go into the lung. They act as a passageway into the air spaces of the lung Diaphragm- muscle separating the chest and the abdomen Epiglottis- lid like piece of cartilage that covers the larynx Inhalation is breathing in Exhalation is breathing out Larynx- voice box Lobes of the Lungs- divisions of the lungs Mediastinum- region between the lungs in the chest cavity. It contains the trachea, heart, aorta, esophagus, and bronchial tubes Paranasal Sinuses- air containing cavities in the bones near the nose Trachea is the windpipe o Terms Associated Lob/o- lobe of the lung Nas/o- nose Phon/o- voice Phren/o-diaphragm Pneum/o- air or lung Pulmon/o- lung o Conditions Croup- acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants Epistaxis- nosebleed Pertussis- whopping cough Asthma- bronchial airway obstruction due to spasm of bronchi Chronic Bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchi persisting for a long time Atelectasis- incomplete expansion of the air sacs or collapsed functionless airless lung or portion of a lung Emphysema- over inflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls Pneumonia- acute inflammation and infection of alveoli which fills with pus Tuberculosis- infectious disease caused by a bacteria o Procedures Chest Xray- xrays of chest Pulmonary Angiography- when contrast media is injected into a blood vessel and images are taken of the arteries or veins in the lung Bronchoscopy- visual examination of the bronchial tubes Endotracheal Intubation- when a tube is placed through the nose or mouth through the pharynx and larynx and into the trachea to establish an airway Tracheostomy- creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck and insertion of a tube to facilitate passage of air or removal of secretions. - Module #12 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Bilateral Unilateral Lumbar Calcaneus Clavicle Comminuted Fracture Calcaneus Compound Fracture Compression Fracture Lumbar Vertebrae Reduction Calcaneoplasty Spinal Fusion Aspiration Percutaneous Diskectomy General Endotracheal Tachycardia Dyspnea Thorax o o o o o o o o o Dysphagia Dyspnea Hematuria Excretory Urography Lithiasis Lithotripsy Cholecystectomy Hematemesis Micturating - Module #13 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Excision, distal end right clavicle, with probable acromioplasty Arthrodesis, second digit, distal interphalangeal joint Excision, osteosarcoma, right femur Artroscopy, right knee Excision, bone tumor, left distal fibula, with iliac bone graft Lumbar discectomy Open reduction, comminuted fracture, right lateral malleolus Aortic valve replacement, coronary artery bypass Left carotid endarterectomy Varicose vein bilateral ligament and stripping Aneurysm resection Pericardectomy Cholecystectomy Colostomy Retrograde urogram Laparoscopy Thyroidectomy Pyeloplasty Gastroplasty Colonoscopy Bronchoscopy Enterorrhaphy Cheilostomatoplasty Glossotomy Colectomy Aspiration of hemothorax Tube insertion for pneumothorax Adenoidectomy Tonsillectomy Tracheostomy - Module #14 o Gastralgia o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ophthalmologist Root word Suffix Itis Ic Prefix Epi Trans Mamm Gram Cardi Dermatitis Arthr Carcin Carcinoma Hepat Hepatitis Path Pathology Oste Osteoma Hemat Hematology Ped Pediatrics Neur Neurology Rhin Rhinitis Radi Radiology - Module #15 o o o o o o o o o o o Chondr/oPyelo/oNephr/oLith/oCyst/oPlast/oArteri/oAngi/oAther/oCyan/oBrachi/o- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Phleb/oScler/oGloss/oGlyc/oPhag/oPeps/oBrady Tachy Hyper Hypo Supra Pro Megaly Malacia Osis Iasis Scopy Ectasis Algia Lysis Penia Dynia Ia Ist Logy Iac