
Test #1
Seasons, Holidays, and Weather
1. In the Winter, what kind of weather is the most common?:
a) snow
b) rain
c) sunshine
2. Another word used for Fall is:
a) Spring
b) Autumn
c) Summer
3. Christmas is celebrated in which season?:
a) Summer
b) Fall
c) Winter
4. In which season do we mostly swim outside?:
a) Spring
b) Summer
c) Fall
5. How many seasons are there in a year?:
a) three
b) four
c) two
6. In the winter, the trees lose their leaves. What happens in the spring time to all the
a) The leaves reappear on the trees
b) They will not grow back
c) The leaves are changing colors
7. What happens to rain when it freezes?
a) It turns to ice
b) It melts
c) It does not change
8. Why is it important to wear warm clothing in the Winter?
a) To prevent ourselves from getting sick.
b) To look stylish.
c) To keep dangerous animals away from us.
9. Spring is important for crops because it:
a) Prevents them from growing.
b) Helps them grow with all the rain that falls.
c) Gives animals something to eat.
10. A new year begins every January. What season is occurring at this time?
a) Summer
b) Spring
c) Winter
11. Animals go into hibernation in the winter time.
a) True
b) False
12. Thanksgiving takes place in the spring.
a) True
b) False
13. Flowers bloom in the winter.
a) True
b) False
14. Summer is a time when students take a break from school work.
a) True
b) False
15. In the fall, leaves turn red, yellow, and orange in color.
a) True
b) False
16. Match the correct picture with its season. Draw a line from the picture to the season.
a) Spring
b) Summer
c) Fall
d) Winter
17. Corn is one of the crops that is harvested in the Fall. The state of Iowa is famous for
their corn crop.
The state of Iowa is famous for the crop named ____corn_________________.
18. In nature, the spring season is a time of renewal. Rainy days help the growth of
flowers, trees, and grass.
The spring seasons rain helps the growth of ___flowers_________, __trees___________,
and __grass___________.
19. In the winter, cold weather and snow can be a lot of fun for people who enjoy the
outdoors. They may enjoy activities such as, making snowmen, snow angels,
sledding, and ice-skating.
During the winter, people may enjoy outdoor activities such as, making
___snowmen___________, ____snow angels_______, _____sledding___________, and
20. Match the picture of each holiday with its name.
a) Fourth of July
b) Easter
c) Halloween
d) Christmas
For the next 5 questions, fill in the blank using words provided in the word-bank below.
St. Patricks Day
Valentine's Day
Fourth of July
21. The Earth travels around the sun, called a(n) ___orbit___, once a year or every 365
22. Spring occurs after ____Winter__________.
23. Animals grow in the ____Summer_________ when more sunlight is available.
24. The holiday of___Halloween_______ takes place in the Fall, when pumpkins are used
as decorations, kids wear costumes, and collect buckets filled with candy.
25. "April shower's bring May ___flowers________."
Answer the questions below to the best of your ability. You may use bullet points.
26. Choose your favorite holiday. Write three facts about this holiday:
27. List the two events that take place that causes the four different seasons to occur.
28. When do the seasons change throughout the year? Specify the certain date and each
four of the months.
Using what you know about seasons, weather and holidays, you will create a poster
including information on one season of your choice. You will be provided a worksheet with
an outline of a person in which you will decorate their outfit according to the
season/holiday you chose and will place it creatively on your poster. You can arrange this
poster in any way you choose. Also, be sure to add color to your poster. You will have the
opportunity to give a short presentation on what you included on your poster. Specific
guidelines can be found on the rubric you will receive. After our presentations, we will
hang the posters up around the room when they are all completed. Your poster is due
On your poster you will include:
A creative title.
At least 5 facts on your season. You may include: weather, animals, etc.
At least 5 facts on a holiday that takes place during the season you chose.
At least 5 pictures/drawings that represent your season/holiday and its weather.
10 words that describe your season and its corresponding holiday.
Your character outline drawing.
Poster Grading Rubric
Can be read from
6 ft. away and is
quite creative.
Can be read
from 6 ft. away
and describes
content well.
Can be read
from 4 ft. away
and describes
content well.
At least 10
accurate facts are
displayed on the
All graphics are
related to the
topic and make it
easier to
The poster is very
in terms of design,
layout, and
7-9 accurate
facts are
displayed on
the poster.
All graphics are
related to the
topic and most
make it easier
to understand.
The poster is
attractive in
terms of
design, layout,
and neatness.
4-6 accurate
facts are
displayed on
the poster.
All graphics
relate to the
topic but make
it harder to
The poster is
although it may
be a bit messy.
Is too small
and/or does
not describe
the content of
the poster well.
Less than 3
accurate facts
are displayed
on the poster.
Graphics do not
relate to the
The poster is
messy or