Graduation Project - University of Human Development -E

University of Human Development
College of Science and technology
Department of Computer Science
This document outlines the aims and objectives of the final year project which will be undertaken by
final year computer science students. It also outlines marking procedures and mark distribution for the
Graduation Project
1. Course over view....................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Course objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Project selection procedures .................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Project criteria.................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2. Project proposal ................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Project time table...................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1. First viva ............................................................................................................................................. 5
4.2. Second Viva ........................................................................................................................................ 5
4.3. Final Viva ............................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Marking procedures .................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1. Mark distribution ............................................................................................................................... 6
6. Final report format.................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................................... 8
7. Meeting agenda form ............................................................................................................................... 9
Help references for students ...................................................................................................................... 13
Graduation Project
1. Course over view
Academic projects like all other projects are complex and need variety of different knowledge and skills
to complete. Through out the duration of a degree course, students have been taught many different
skills and their levels of knowledge about given subjects, have been increased.
This course is designed so that students can demonstrate their skills and manipulate their knowledge to
solve problems. Having said this it is important that the students rely on themselves totally to finish the
project. Supervisors are only guiders throughout the project; students should not expect practical help
from them.
2. Course objectives
1- To give students the opportunity to use their skills and knowledge to solve computer science related
2- To provide students with an environment to show and develop their creativity.
3- To help students build self-belief and confidence in completing the project with supervisors
guidance only.
4- To teach students the value of team work and sharing.
5- To strength the link between the University and outside businesses through providing solutions to
today’s business problems.
3. Project selection procedures
Students at their final year of a degree course will be asked to choose a project topic to work on and
complete through out the year. The selection procedures are as bellow:
1- List of topics will be announced by supervising lecturers at the beginning of the academic year.
2- Students will then choose a topic in consultation with the topic supervisor.
3- Students are allowed to suggest their own topic under the condition that a supervisor can be found
and the topic is approved by the supervisor.
4- Both students and supervisors will agree on a proposal.
5- Project proposals will then be assessed by the scientific committee of the department. The
committee can modify, accept and refuse titles after assessment. The assessment will be according
to the set of criterion specified in the next section.
3.1. Project criteria
For a project to be deemed as acceptable, it should possess the following features:
1. Should have a strong connection to the field of computer science
2. Should consist of a mixture of practical and theory. It can be just theory if the research is in an area
which is new and have the potential to be an invention.
3. The aims and objectives of the project are set out clearly in a proposal.
Graduation Project
4. The scientific content and the challenge to the student should both be in an acceptable level
suitable for BSc final year projects.
5. The project has at least a supervisor.
6. Project proposal should be signed by both supervisor and students.
7. The project can be completed within an academic year.
3.2. Project proposal
The project proposal should contain the following:
Project title.
A brief description of the background.
Problems to be addressed.
Aims, essential and recommended objectives.
Software and hardware that will be used to complete the project.
An outline plan of action and a time table.
4. Project time table
Topic announcement
Choosing topics
Project proposal
First viva
Second viva
Project hand in date
Final Viva
19/5 – 27/5 2012
List of topics is announced by the
By this date students should
have chosen their project topics
Students and supervisors agree
on a proposal.
Student presentations will be
scheduled in order to
demonstrate their progress.
Student presentations will be
scheduled in order to
demonstrate their progress.
Students should have finalised
their projects and have
submitted it by this date.
Students will give their final
Table 1: time table
Graduation Project
4.1. First viva
This is the first presentation by the students to demonstrate the following:
Their understanding of the topic
The references that they have viewed and collected for the project
Plan for the project
Basic introduction of the main objectives and aims of the project
4.2. Second Viva
This is the second presentation by the students to demonstrate the following:
1- Their progress on the project in general
2- A working prototype if software development is involved
3- Brief explanation of the projects contribution and achievements so far.
4- Brief explanation on the next stage of the project
4.3. Final Viva
This is the final presentation of the project and should show:
Achieved aims and objectives
An overview of the project methodology
Limiting factors such as difficulties and obstacles in achieving the main objectives of the project
Recommendations and future work.
5. Marking procedures
The department will appoint a committee which consists of three lectures or more. The committee will
schedule viva times according to table 1. The committee will mark students according to requirements
of each stage as specified. The supervisor will mark the student the same way as the committee.
Both marks will be added and divided by two to get an average. The final mark for each student in any
stage is the average explained in the next page.
Graduation Project
5.1. Mark distribution
First viva
Second Viva
Complete project and final viva 80%
The final 80% breakdown will divided over two main parts 30% for the final presentation and 50% for
the final project report and other deliverables such as developed software see table 2. The form that will
be used to assess students at each stage is as form 1, 2 and 3 on page 9, 10 and 11 of this document.
Assessment criterion
Report contents and deliverables
Committee+ Supervisor
Committee+ Supervisor
Supervisor mark
Table 2: final mark distribution
6. Final report format
The report should be between 25-40 pages maximum written in
 Calibri (Body) font with size 12.
 Heading 1 should be size 14, heading 2 size 13 and heading three size 12
 Margins all around should be 1 inch
The report should contain the following sections and chapters:
Title page
 The Title
 Your group Names
 Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the
BSc degree in Computer Science
 Date of the report
This is a short writing max 200 words to introduce and explain the content and findings in the report.
Table of content
This section should tell you what information can be found in what page for example;
Literature Review....................................................................3
List of Figures
Bar Chart of Answers to Question 1...................................8
Pie Chart of Socio-economic Status of the Respondents.....9
Graduation Project
I would like to thank my supervisor, Mr./Mrs. _______, for the valuable advice and support he/she has
given me in the writing of this report and completing this project. I would also like to thank…………..
Chapter 1
Brief overview of the chapter
This section is very important a reader should be able to understand
What the report is about
What method is used to get required data for the report
What results have been achieved
What conclusion can be drawn
How the report can contribute to the area of the study, which the report is written on.
Aims and objectives of the project
Students will specified all the aims and objectives of the project in this section
Project limitations
In this section students identify all the limitations on the project
Chapter 2
Brief overview of the chapter
Literature review (background)
This section is about background information on the topic e.g. works that others have done on the topic.
Brief overview of the chapter
This section should explain what method or approach has been used during the project to collect,
process and display results and why this method has been chosen.
Chapter 3
Brief overview of the chapter
This is where all the results and findings of the report and project is presented and organized in a way
that reader can understand.
Analysis and evaluation
In this section the findings and results are analyzed to point put weaknesses and strength of the project
and what could have been done to get better results.
Graduation Project
Chapter 4
Brief overview of the chapter
The conclusion is an important part of any report, it should summarize everything in the report fo
readers and tell them to what extend the objectives have been achieved. The limiting factors should be
outlined in this part as well so others can look out for should this project is repeated.
In this section tell the reader what are your recommendation that you can offer as a result of your
This section should list all the references that have been used during the project. The references should
be complete enough that one can find the stated information in the reference.
References can be books, websites, videos…. And so on.
IEEE referencing format should be used in for all references
This section is where all other related but not important details are put.
Graduation Project
7. Meeting agenda form
This form should be filled in every time a supervisor meets his/her students. A copy will be keep by both
students and supervisors for future references.
Meeting agenda form
Supervisor Name:
Student Names: S1:
Current meeting topics:
Plan of action:
Supervisor signature:
Student Signature: ............................................
Graduation Project
Graduation Project
Graduation Project
Graduation Project
Help references for students