Atomic Structure - a New Vision

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Atomic Structure: a New Vision
Subject Area(s) Physical Science – Science and Technology
Associated Unit Atoms, Atomic Structure
Lesson Title Atomic Structure: a New Vision
Image 1
Image file: _1__?
ADA Description: The Picture shows a microscope. On the left of the
instrument there is a computer monitor displaying an image of magnified
red blood cells. Close to the monitor, a 3D atomic model.
Source/Rights: Pictures/ (Public Domain)
Caption: New and more powerful models of microscopes are rapidly
replacing the traditional ones making atomic manipulation possible.
Grade Level
Lesson #
_1_ of _1_
Lesson Dependency
Time Required
240 minutes
Students use ping-pong balls and toothpicks to build atomic models of particular
elements underlining the different behavior they undergo at nanoscale level.
Engineering Connection
The manipulation of the atomic structure of an element is considered one of the most important
achievements of the last decade. Thanks to these innovative processes, new horizons have
appeared related to the creation of new materials and substances. These scientific approaches are
literally modifying almost all the fields of engineering including construction, energy, and
biomedical. Every aspect of an engineer’s work is moving towards challenging dimensions and
discoveries. Like engineers, students must be aware of these significant changes, and also need
to understand, identify, and apply (at basic level) some knowledge about these already present
Engineering Category =
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1. Relating science and/or math concept(s) to engineering
Atom, Bond, Covalent, Element, Ionic, Nanoscale, nanotechnology, Reynman
Educational Standards (List 2-4)
MS-PS1-1. Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended
NGSS Standard
Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments,
taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a
text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a
flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also known as atomic theory) by
using models to explain the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and
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Recognize that matter is composed of discrete units called atoms
and atoms are composed of sub-atomic particles called protons,
neutrons, and electrons. Solid is the state in which intermolecular
attractions keep the molecules in fixed spatial relationships. Liquid
is the state in which intermolecular attractions keep molecules in
proximity, but not in fixed relationships. Gas is the state in which
molecules are comparatively separated and intermolecular
attractions have relatively little effect on their respective motions.
Florida Standards Connections: MAFS.K12.MP.4: Model with
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students should be able to:
 Calculate the number of electrons present in each energy level of a specific atom of an element
(given a simple mathematical formula).
Describe and recognize physical and chemical changes.
Distinguish between covalent and ionic bonds
Define an electron’s properties and behavior.
Make quantitative comparisons among different measurement scales (e.g., between micro and
Introduction / Motivation
As soon as the class settles, the teacher will briefly explain the topics that will be presented
during the lesson. Next, the teacher will expose the students to a video related to the
demonstration of newly engineered materials obtained through the manipulation of subatomic
particles of specific elements treated at the nanoscale level.
Teachers can find the video at the following electronic address:
First: Type in the search box: nanotech material
Next: Pick the video titled: Ever Dry Product Video Super hydrophobic and oleo phobic coating
The video will certainly grab the attention and the curiosity of the students.
After the video, the teacher will be ready to answer any possible question coming from the
audience such as:
“How it is possible that one of the gloves immersed in the water didn’t get wet like it
“How come the ink on the paper did not stain and slipped away in little blue bubbles?”
Or maybe
“The slice of bread did not retain the mustard at all. How could that be possible?”
Well, the answer to all these questions could be just one:
“Because that glove, that paper, and that slice of bread have been manipulated at atomic level.
The material of which these objects are usually made, have been engineered in a different way
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from the traditional. Yes, the shape is the same but something has been radically changed in their
atomic and molecular structures. So, they react differently when combined with other substances
(in this case the water with the glove, the ink on the paper, the bread with the mustard).”
Then, the teacher will guide the class through a brief review of the basics of Physical science.
He will remind the students of the difference between an element and compound. He will also
provide an in depth explanation of covalent and ionic bonds. The teacher will continue by
describing the structure of an atom and providing a simple mathematical formula. This formula
is useful to calculate the number of electrons resident on every energy level: 2(N) ^2.
Energy level
2(1) ^2=2
2(2) ^2=8
2(3) ^2=18
2(4) ^2=32
2(5) ^2=50
2(6) ^2=72
2(7) ^2=98
** Notice that the application of the formula is partially theoretical. In practice, no known atoms have electrons in
the g or h subshells, but the quantum mechanical model predicts their existence.
The subshells are as follows:
The s subshell has one orbital for a total of 2 electrons
The p subshell has three orbitals for a total of 6 electrons
The d subshell has five orbitals for a total of 10 electrons
The f subshell has seven orbitals for a total of 14 electrons
The g subshell has nine orbitals for a total of 18 electrons
The h subshell has eleven orbitals for a total of 22 electrons
The teacher will then address the attention of the students to the periodic table. He will explain
how to read and interpret the displayed symbols and numbers.
Lesson Background & Concepts for Teachers
In 1959, Richard Feynman, a brilliant scientist from Caltech University, wrote a scientific paper
that would literally change the way to approach every scientific field. The paper was titled
“There is plenty of room at the bottom”, and the geniality of its content has guided the scientific
world in the exploration of unknown territories related to the atomic structure, material creation,
and more.
The contribution of nanotechnology to the development of renovated scientific procedures, has
been and it will be of extreme relevance to the today’s and future research. Every scientific
domain presents a side of possible nanotechnology applications. Let’s think for example, to what
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is already called Nano medicine. Amino acids, proteins, DNA, lipids etc., operate all at
nanoscale level. Ribosome are 25 nm in size. Viruses are 400 micrometer or 2 nm.
Definitely, biomolecules structures and functions can be better understood observing them with
nanotech tools (Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope). Furthermore,
scientists discovered that attaching gold nanoparticles to the DNA molecules would facilitate the
detection of genetic mutations which are very important for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and
other maladies. Nanotechnology is assuming an incomparable growth.
On one hand, endoscopy is taking advantage of Nano video cameras which can be easily
introduced in the human body. On the other hand, this revolutionary technology is also behind
the latest drugs delivery innovations wherein engineered containers made of foldable,
biodegradable layers of carbon products (e.g., graphene), are used to package medications.
The extensions of nanotechnology to other scientific fields are rapidly escalating. Nano
structured materials are the core of significant improvements in the photovoltaic cells
production. Several problems related to light absorption and conversion in electrical energy,
seem to have found a solution thanks to the implementation of nanoparticles accurately
controlled and driven to accomplish specific pre-engineered functions. Hence, all this is now
possible because of a stronger acquired knowledge about the atomic structure.
Figure 2
Image file: _2_
ADA Description: Photo shows a woman with
futuristic glasses and sensors.
Source/Rights: Public Domain Images; Syda
Caption: Nanotechnology is drastically empowering
computers engineering.
Associated Activities
“Let’s now build a model of an atom”
The class will be divided in three groups of five students each.
The teacher will assign to each group an element.
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Group A.
Group B.
Group C.
Each group will build an atomic model of the assigned element after collecting specific
information about it. This step would be possible by allowing the students to access any available
source like class computer stations, books, scientific journals or magazines.
Element: Silicon [from Latin silex, flint]
Symbol: Si
Atomic number: 14
Atomic weight: 28.06
Melting point: 2400 degrees Celsius
Valence: 4
It is not found free but in combination with other elements. Silicon is a non-metallic element.
It was first prepared by Berzelius in 1823.
Materials needed to build a 3D model of a Silicon atom:
Goggles for eye protection
Styrofoam balls
3 colors of paint
Hot glue
Hot glue gun
Floral wire
Wire ring
1. Place a toothpick into each Styrofoam ball.
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2. Paint 42 balls with a pre-selected color. Different colors will represent protons, neutrons, and
electrons. For example, red for protons, blue for electrons, and white for neutrons. Recall that
Silicon’s atomic number is 14, which means that it has fourteen protons in the nucleus.
Fourteen Styrofoam balls will be painted red. There are the same number of electrons as
protons in the element. Therefore, 14 electrons will be painted blue. The Silicon atom also has
14 neutrons. As assumed, 14 balls will be painted white. After painting all the necessary balls,
they will be set to dry.
3. With teacher’s supervision, students will use the hot glue gun, to glue the 14 protons and 14
neutrons together to build the nucleus of the atom.
4. Silicon has 3 electron shells (or energy levels). Create the electron shells out of floral wire.
The first shell holds 2 electrons. The second shell holds 8 electrons and the outer shell, called
the valence electrons, holds the remaining 4 electrons. Pass the floral wire through the balls
and wrap the ends of the wire together.
5. The students will gather a total of six wooden sticks. The sticks should be in three different
sizes: small, medium, and large. The students would then insert two of each length of stick
into the “nucleus” (this can be done by perforating the Styrofoam).
6. Attach the first shell (made in step 2) to the smallest set of sticks. The second shell to the
medium set of sticks, and the valence to the larger set of sticks.
*Note: However, pull out your engineering skills; maybe you can find a different and more
functional way to build the model.
Moving a little bit farther…
The review and the activities will surely benefit the acquisition of the basic concepts concerning
atomic structure, subatomic particles and so on. Now, all this information should flow toward the
comprehension of the recently discovered atomic frontier. What really happens when scientists,
using nanotechnology, manipulate the atomic or molecular structure of an element? The first
thing to keep in account, is that we cannot modify or work on something we can’t see.
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That’s why in the 80’s, three eminent engineers invented a new model of microscope (STM,
Scanning Tunneling Microscope). This microscope was able to give clear images of
infinitesimally small particles never seen before such as atoms, molecules, electron clouds, and
more. The vision of Richard Feynman, considered the father of the nanotechnology, was now a
reality. Not only are we able to see the invisible world of the atoms, but we can also interact with
them and their structures. Let’s now examine the basic techniques that allow radical changes at
the atomic and subatomic level.
Overview of Basic Manipulation Processes that Can Be Induced with an STM (Scanning
Tunneling Microscope):
Lateral manipulation: The transfer of atoms/molecules along the surface employing for
example attractive/repulsive forces between the tip (of the microscope) and the absorbate
(a material capable of being absorbed).
Vertical manipulation: The reversible transfer of atoms/molecules between the surface
and the STM tip employing additionally electronic/vibrational excitation of the absorbate.
Desorption: Similar to vertical manipulation, but desorption of individual absorbates
directly into the surrounding gas phase.
Dissociation: Selective bond breaking within a molecule.
Synthesis: Selective bond formation between two molecular units employing lateral
manipulation followed by electronic/vibrational excitation.
Image 3
Version: August 2013
ADA Description: Photo shows a diagram of basic atomic manipulation processes.
Sources/Rights: Copyright IBM/Google image. (PublicDomain)
In brief, applying the above descripted procedures, and with the unreplaceable help of the
Scanning Tunneling Microscope, materials can be literally converted in other substances
showing sometimes unexpected properties. Definitely, in a very close future, the unlimited
possibilities created by this extraordinary technology will go indeed far beyond all our thoughts,
and our imagination. Let’s be ready!
Pre-Lesson Assessment
Atomic structure and Manipulation
Teacher opens a discussion about matter, atoms, and the possibility to radically transform the chemistry
of a material. Teacher ask questions to verify the students’ level of knowledge related to the atomic
structure, phases of matter etc.
Post-Introduction Assessment
Atomic structure and manipulation
Copy, Print, and Distribute post-test handouts.
(Collect the class work after 35 minutes.)
Atomic Structure and Manipulation
Directions: Answer the questions at the best of your Knowledge.
1. What is the difference between an element and a compound?
2. List the four states of matter.
3. How protons can stay tighten together in the nucleus having the same positive electrical charge?
4. How many electrons can occupy the fourth energy level?
5. How do you call the horizontal lines in the Periodic Table?
6. What main characteristics do elements belonging to the same group share?
7. Describe the difference between covalent and ionic bonds.
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8. What is a nanometer?
9. What does STM stand for?
10. Why the advent of the electron microscope was so important?
11. Based on the last scientific achievements, we can modify the atomic structure of an element and
obtain a new substance with completely different properties. List and explain the five stages of
atomic manipulation.
12. What do you think will be the results of nanotechnology applications in the future?
(Briefly talk about the positive and the possible negative effects of these new technologies underlining the
benefits, and the risks.)
Lesson Summary Assessment
Did you get it?
Teacher asks probing questions about the topics presented during the lesson.
He will provide further explanations and will answer questions coming from the students clarifying
concepts and passages where needed. A good practice should be based on the students’ post-test
Scientific Writing
Task: Research a non-conventional material which has been Nano-engineered. Report its features,
applications, and possibly its chemical composition. On a separate paper, list your sources (references).
Atkins, Peter William, Molecules, New York, NY: Scientific American Library, 1987.
Binning, G and H. Rohrer. “Scanning tunneling Microscopy.” Physica. Elsever Science. 1984
Bonsor, Kevin, Jonathan Strickland. How Nanotechnology Works. Revised Date: 2007 HowStuffWorks.
Retrieved on July 18th, 2015.
Hodgman, Charles D., Norbert A. Lange. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Cleveland, OH; Chemical
Rubber Publishing CO. 1931.
Toumey, Chrisopher. Reading Feynman Into Nanotechnology: A text for a New Science. Scientific paper.
University of South Carolina. Techne 12:3 Fall 2008.
IBM Research-Zurich, Atomic manipulation, Science & Technology, Nanoscale science.
Retrieved on July 19th, 2015.
Mr. Francesco Boccuzzi, Ms. Kerlyn Prada (Miami Dade County Public Schools),
Supporting Program
Research Experience for Teachers. College of Engineering and Computing
Version: August 2013
Florida International University.
Special thanks to:
Dr. Masoud Milani (Florida International University), Dr. Arif Sarwat (Florida International
University), Dr. Patrick Roman (Florida International University), Dr. Nezih Pala (Florida
International University).
I would like to also express my gratitude to Ms. Stephany Strange for her continuous help and
Classroom Testing Information
This lesson plan is designed for a middle school science course, specifically eight grade.
However, if accordingly simplified, it could be adapted to six and seven grades as well.
Actually, this lesson plan has been already partially implemented at 6th grade level. For a better
understanding and assimilation of the subject it was also thought to spend more time in the
delivery of the most complex concepts. Videos and further Nano-tech material has been and is
continuously submitted to the attention of the students stimulating their interest and building
knowledge about this new topic.
The final assessment will be administered at the end of the lessons and related activities.
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