U1L20 – MECHANICS AND ENERGETICS OF CONTRACTION TWITCHES AND TETANI A single action potential produces a twitch contraction. However we don’t usually move our muscles in little twitches and jerks, we do it in low, smooth contractions – tetani. FORCE – FREQUENCY RELATION EXPERIMENT – Abductor pollicis (supplied by ulna nerve) * Put electrodes on arm * Stimulate ulna nerve *Get abductor to contract * Measure force with force transducer * Hand in clamp – clench hand as hard as can for a short amount of time = maximum voluntary contraction (with the brain driving the muscle) Can use a stimulator to drive the muscle: Brief pulses trigger just one action potential – tetani o Stimulating infrequently (1/sec) separate little twitches are seen; brief contractions, turning on in 50ms, turning off in 100ms Turning up to 10Hz – unfused tetanus o APs are travelling down at a rate of 10/s see little blips each time an AP hits the muscle, gives a lot more force and doesn’t relax completely. Can see a ripple at the same frequency you’re stimulating but it’s not relaxing completely Turn up to 40Hz – fused tetanus o Much larger contraction, no ripples on top at all. This is the way we normally contract our muscles. When we lift a heavy weight, we don’t see any oscillations in the muscle, you just get a smooth force like this. 100 Hz, makes essentially no difference to the force, saturated something in the muscle. Presumably now all the cross bridges are doing their thing and you can’t get any more force out of the muscle. This is an important characteristic of any muscle that tells you something about how it responds to action potentials coming from the brain. Conclusions about tetani: Maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) is very similar/almost identical to the maximum stimulated contraction o There are only a finite number of muscle fibres and cross-bridges in a muscle, and it’s not really surprising that you could stimulate them all. If the brain couldn’t activate them all, then what would be the point in having them? Maximum force occurs at about 40 Hz using an external stimulator. If one measures the rate of APs produced by the brain during an MVC it is similar o The brain doesn’t waste AP’s, it only sends the optimal number down to get maximal force The brain has two main mechanisms for regulating force; o Fraction of total number of motor units activated Can go from smallest motor unit up to all, including the biggest o Firing rate of motor neurons At maximal activation all muscles produce roughly similar forces per cross-sectional area (2 – 4 kg/cm2) o Men and women and babies and adults are just as strong as each other. The only difference is the cross-sectional area of the muscle. Bigger area = greater force. Evolution has packed roughly the same number of cross-bridges into the same unit area, and therefore per unit area all muscles give roughly the same force (there are minor variations, but they are not important at this stage) LENGTH – TENSION RELATION For intact muscle – Experiment is often done on a muscle taken out of a frog and isolated. Tendon at one held is fixed, and the other is moveable (i.e. can be stretched). Can get tetani from this isolated muscle. The muscle can be stretched by moving one end. When you do that, in general the resting tension goes up a little, and the developed tension when stimulated goes up a lot more muscles care about what length they’re at. At the fourth tension, the developed force is actually smaller than previously. When we stimulate again, we can see a time dependant component to the resting force – it is very stiff immediately, but then slowly relaxes and the developed force gets smaller still. This information can be plotted 3 ways and they all tell us something different about muscle properties Force of resting tension – goes smoothly up and steeper and steeper as you stretch more and more. This is to protect muscles. You don’t want them getting ripped apart, so they have lots of connective tissue in them which protects them from big stretches. Resting force comes from the external connective tissue surrounding the muscle, and titin (elastic protein inside the muscle) Total force has a complex shape Subtracting resting from peak – get just the developed – very characteristic and interesting shape (goes up to max then falls all the way down to zero). This is observed because contraction force depends on thick and thin filaments and cross-bridge In skeletal muscle – The dimensions of elements contributing to sarcomere length: We already know that force is only produced where thin and thick filaments overlap, and the crossbridges can attach. It stands to reason that if you stretch a muscle out to the point where there is no overlap between thin and thick filaments - which would happen at 3.6microns - you would expect to see no force whatsoever. As you make the overlap more and more and more, the force increases until there is perfect overlap between the thin and thick filaments, ignoring the bare zone. It goes up uniformly until 2.3microns. It stops rising at exactly 2.3 and plateaus, because even though we’re getting more and more overlap, the ends of the thin filaments are in the bare zone, so it makes no difference. Force is proportional to the area of interaction between cross bridges and thin filaments (i.e. overlap) At 1.6microns the thick filaments bump into the Z line – there is a linear decline from there down. The intermediate region does not correspond perfectly to any degree of overlap. The range in muscle length is 4 fold, but your muscles only change two fold at the very most, possibly even only 1.5. Evolution has arranged so that muscles constantly work at or near the peak of their length-tension curve – there’s no point having all these cross-bridges if they’re not going to be used. FORCE – VELOCITY RELATION Muscles can contract – Isometrically (at constant length) - Producing as much as force as possible in those conditions, but muscle staying at same length o Trying to lift something up that’s unmoveable – bicep is contracting but cannot shorten, because bone is attached to muscle Isotonically (at constant force and shortening at a constant velocity) o Try and pick up a light force, can lift it up very quickly. Heavier, lift slower. Eccentrically (when a contracting muscle is stretched by a force greater than it can resist) – o If the muscle was contracting isometrically, then suddenly had a 100kg weight applied; the muscle would be stretched, even though trying to resist it. This is what happens when walking down a mountain – you use your muscles to decelerate yourself, so stretching contracting muscles When v = 0, it is an isometric contraction, usually called P0. As you start shortening the muscle, force goes down in this characteristic curved way When F=0 (lightest load) get very fastest velocity – typically about 6 times the length of the muscle per second You can apply a weight to the muscle so great that it is stretched, so as well as having velocity in the shortening direction it also has velocity in the stretching direction. Very high forces are developed when you stretch muscles. Power = work/time = force x velocity * Note that this is zero at both Vmax (because P=0) and P0 (because V = 0) Power output peaks at intermediate force. When muscles are going too fast or too slow there is virtually no power. To actually do any work, muscles need to not just produce force, but use it. It’s the way the cross-bridges work that underlies the force-velocity relationship Attached – no force Power stroke – powered by ATP hydrolysis, where head twists round, stretches spring in arm and produces force Detached – been through power stroke and waiting for another suitable actin site to appear within its range of motion * Only power stroke actually produces force When a muscle is isometric most of the cross-bridges are attached. 4/7 in power stroke – 4/7ths of maximum (though it’s not actually feasible for all of the crossbridges to be attached at any one time) Pretty realistic of a tetanus – about 50% of cross bridges are in the right section, therefore in power stroke & contributing to force. At Vmax, because thick and thin filaments are moving so fast, most have had to detach, and are having to wait for another site to come by to which they can attach Because things are rushing past, quite a lot are in that intermediate state where they’re detached. Shortening velocity will be fast because each can immediately do a power stroke and move shortening on a bit Going to be very little force, because only 1 is in power stroke, in contrast to 4 In very fast movement, only a few cross bridges attached and only a little force is produced. THE WAY MUSCLES CONSUME ATP ATP is the ultimate source of energy in all cells. It is consumed by a number of reactions. Most important are – Cross bridge cycle - Actin/myosin ATPase o 1 ATP/CROSSBRIDGE cycle SR Ca2+ pump, once the Ca2+ has been released into the myoplasm to start contraction, pumps it back into SR to start relaxation o 1 ATP/2 Ca2+ pumped + Na pump (Na/K ATPase); keeps all the ions right after action potentials o 1 ATP/3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in Resting ATP consumption is very low and mainly due to the Na+ pump. During maximal contraction ATP consumption increases roughly 50-fold – Cross bridge cycling consumes roughly 2/3 of the additional consumption SR Ca2+ pump consumes roughly 1/3 of the additional consumption This is why we get hot and have a huge increases in blood flow when we exercise, because everything has to be geared up to meet this enormous increase in the metabolic rate of muscles. HOW MUSCLES RE-SYNTHESISE ATP The ATP concentration in muscle cells isn’t very high – only 6mM. The maximum rate of ATP consumption is 2mM/s (when cross bridges and SR Ca pump are working at maximal rate). Therefore, if not replenished, all ATP would be consumed in 3s (and the muscle would go into rigor) – need ATP for cross-bridges to detach, and if they don’t detach muscles will rip themselves apart. This does not happen because there are various sources of ATP – Phosphocreatine rephosphorylates ADP. Each produces an ATP. * Raises the activity time to 18 seconds Glycogen is a store of carbohydrates inside muscles. The very important thing is that it can broken down in two quite different ways. When muscles contract maximally, they get very hard, and so stiff they stop blood supply – at the very moment when it needs the most, it can get no blood or oxygen supply. Muscles have been designed with pathways for energy that don’t require oxygen. Glycogen can be broken down without oxygen, producing lactic acid, and 3 ATP. There is enough glycogen in a typical muscle to last 2 -3 minutes – total of 2.18 to 3.18 without oxygen (all the anaerobic pathways). If you put a cuff on your arm so there is no blood supply, your arm will last a few minutes before it runs out of all energy, and it will get very sore, and you will stop the experiment long before rigor happens. This is the most important. Glycogen can be broken down WITH oxygen present (like with running – muscles contract, no blood supply; relax – big rush of blood supply; get oxygen when muscles relax). It is much, much more efficient to use glycogen aerobically (39ATP instead of 3). This produces enough energy even when the muscles are working maximally for a couple of hours. Understanding fuel usage is central to understanding why muscles fatigue, and particularly why muscles get weaker when you use them intensively.